Datalogic SG4 Instruction Manual

SG4 Dongle
Ethernet Adaptor for SG4 Extended Light Curtain Series
SG4E: Safety Light Curtain of SG4 Extended series. SG Extended GUI: Graphic User Interface for personal computer for SG4E
Series Light Curtains.
SG-Dongle can download SG4E ACM configuration from SG4E then
upload it to other Light Curtains with same product code. That’s for backup purposes in case of Light Curtain substitution after damage or series
configuration of several ESPEs with the same final function.
Step 1: Configuration Backup
Connect SG4-Dongle to source Sg4E as shown in Connection section of this manual.
button till indication appears on display.
Backup is done when DL led stops blinking (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 Configuration download procedure
Step 2: Configuration Restore
Connect SG4-Dongle to destination Sg4E as shown in Connection section of this manual. Important: destination Sg4E must have the same product code of source one.
button till indication appears on display.
Restore is done when UL led stops blinking (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2 Configuration Download procedure
After a successful upload SG4-Dongle stores a configuration report and shows the number of saved report. A maximum of ten consecutive upload are allowed, then user must download configuration reports by means of SG Extended User Interface.
After upload, configuration remains stored in SG4 Dongle: it’s possible to upload the same configuration to other light curtains (a new report is generated for each upload).
Step 3: Download report and check Light Curtain
Connect SG4-Dongle to Ethernet and Power as shown in Connection section of this manual (cfr. SG4 Dongle Standalone Connection). In SG Extended GUI Download all reports stored in SG4-Dongle
Each configuration reports shows the Light Curtain Serial Number which the corresponding configuration has been uploaded to and all the configuration parameters.
Carefully check all the configured Light Curtains are operating according to downloaded reports before restoring normal plant operation.
To erase not relevant or already downloaded Safery Reports hold button till
indication appears on display.
SG-Dongle can store SG4E ACM configuration from SG Extended GUI
then upload it to one or more SG4E Light Curtains compatibles with configuration parameters. That’s useful for configuration of one or more SG4E Light Curtains when no Ethernet connection is available on controlled machinery.
Step 1: Store ACM configuration on SG4-Dongle
Connect SG4-Dongle to Ethernet and Power as shown in Connection section of this manual (cfr. SG4 Dongle Standalone Connection). In SG Extended GUI Choose “Safety System Configuration” to begin off-line configuration.
Compose an SG4E System by dragging devices from catalogue with the proper product code. (up to a 3 unit cascade configuration can be stored on Sg4-Dongle)
Important: be sure to select the right SG4E product code according to the device the configuration is going to. A wrong selection will lead to a failure in device upload.
Step 2: Upload configuration to SG4E
Connect SG4-Dongle to destination Sg4E as shown in Connection section of this manual.
button till indication appears on display.
After a successful upload SG4-Dongle stores a configuration report. A maximum of ten consecutive upload are allowed, then user must download configuration reports by means of SG Extended GUI.
After upload, configuration remains stored in SG4 Dongle: it’s possible to upload the same configuration to other light curtains (a new report is generated for each upload).
Step 3: Download report and check Light Curtain
Connect SG4-Dongle to Ethernet and Power as shown in Connection section of this manual (cfr. SG4 Dongle Standalone Connection) In SG4 UI Download all reports stored in SG4-Dongle
Each configuration reports shows the Light Curtain Serial Number which the corresponding configuration has been uploaded to and all the configuration parameters.
Carefully check all the configured Light Curtains are operating according to downloaded reports before restoring normal plant operation.
When connected to an SG4E System, SG4 Dongle can log light curtain errors: detailed error information is saved on SG4 Dongle memory that can be retrieved with the help of SG Extended GUI. That’s useful for diagnostic purposes on randomic light curtains lockout. Only ACM configured SG4E Systems can be logged. SG4 Dongle saves one log item each time the connected SG4E System locks into a noncritical Failure Lockout. Maximum number of Log items depends from cascade topology: 7 items for 3 unit cascades, 11 items for 2 unit cascades, 23 items for single unit cascade. When SG4E Dongle is moved from one SG4E System to a different one actual log is erased and a new log initialized. Same happens after a change of SG4E System configuration. Connect SG4-Dongle to Ethernet and Power as shown in Connection section of this manual (cfr. SG4 Dongle Standalone Connection). In SG4 UI Choose “Open Safety System Log form Device” to download and visualize all Logs stored in SG4 Dongle.
Select SG Dongle device to visualize the contained “Safety system log”. A Safety system log contains
A Safety system report with detailed configuration of loggeg SG4E System One or more log item with detailed error information.
When connected to an SG4E Light Curtain in operations, SG4-Dongle shows detailed light curtain status information on 7-seg display. See “Diagnostics” Chapter of SG4E Manual for more details about UI messages.
Failure on OSSDs Failure on Microprocessors Failure on Optics Failure on EDM Failure on Restart Communication Failure Failure on BCM configuration Failure on ACM configuration Failure on Muting Lamp
Light curtain in Alignment Mode, Correct Alignment Light curtain in Alignment Mode, Not Aligned Light curtain in Alignment Mode, last beam not aligned Light curtain in Alignment Mode, first beam not aligned Light curtain in Alignment Mode, intermediate beam not
aligned Light curtain in Interlock, activate RESTART line Advanced Configuration from SG Extended GUI
running Muting function active Light curtain is ready to accept override request Override function active Wrong input signal sequence on override request Blanking zone constraints not respected Blanking function active
When connected to both SG4E Light Curtain in operations and Ethernet network, SG4-Dongle allows SG4 UI to directly connect SG4E Light Curtains. Both single unit and cascade Sg4E systems can be monitored and configured over Ethernet. See Connection section of this manual for correct connection of SG4-Dongle and SG4E Light Curtain.
In SG4E UI Choose “Monitor Safety System” to begin monitoring an SG4E System with an SG-Dongle connected.
In monitoring section of SG4E UI user can obtain updated information about:
Connected cascade topology All beam status Alignment level OSSDs status SG4E Inputs status SG4E Outputs status SG4E Working Mode (with detailed error information) SG Dongle Status
Monitoring is particularly useful for diagnosis and resolution of Light Curtain problems.
In SG4E UI Choose “Safety System Configuration” to begin on-line configuration of connected SG4E.
After device selection follow guided “1-2-3” Configuration Steps to:
1) Select all configuration parameters
2) Write new configuration on Light Curtain and obtain the “Safety System
Configuration Report” required to test new configuration on Light Curtain.
3) Monitor Light Curtain operation before and after configuration.
Refer to Sg4E User Manual and Sg4E UI contextual help for further details about configuration procedure and parameters selection.
Refer to Sg4E User Manual for all safety information and detailed on-line light curtain configuration procedure.
Connection on Light Curtain Head
(Advanced user interface, cloning online monitoring and configuration)
Fig. 3 Connection on Light Curtain Head
SG4-Dongle can be connected to Light Curtain Head Main connettor:
Remove white plastic protective cap from SG4E main connector Insert SG4-Dongle as shown in Fig. 3 Fasten SG4-Dongle screws Connect M12 12 Pole cable to SG4-Dongle Connect M12 5 Pole muting cable to SG4-Dongle if muting is used Connect 4 pole Ethernet cable if SG Extended GUI connection is used  Leave black caps on all unused connectors and assure they’re tightly
Connector Pin (color) Muting Blanking
1 (brown) 24V 24V 2 (blue) 0V 0V 3 (white) RESET/RESTART RESET/RESTART 4 (green) OVERRIDE 1 TOLERANCE 5 (pink) OSSD2 OSSD2 6 (yellow) EDM EDM 7 (black) MUTING DISABLE TEACH IN 8 (grey) OSSD1 OSSD1 9 (red) OVERRIDE 2 N.C. 10 (violet) MUTING LAMP BLANKING LAMP 11 (grey-pink) OVERRIDE STATUS N.C. 12 (red-blue) EARTH EARTH 1 (brown) 24V – Out 2 (white) MUTING2 3 (blue) 0V – Out 4 (black) MUTING1 5 (grey) N.C.
Not used – leave black
cap on!
Ethernet Connector
Use Standard M12 D-coded Ethernet cable
Leave black cap on when not used.
Connection on Light Curtain Tail
(Advanced user interface, cloning online monitoring and configuration)
SG4-Dongle can be connected to Light Curtain tail back connettor:
Remove (unscrew) black terminator cap from SG4E back connector. Insert SG4-Dongle as shown in Fig. 4 Fasten SG4-Dongle screws Connect 4 pole Ethernet cable if SG4 UI connection is used  Leave black caps on all unused connectors and assure they’re tightly
Fig. 4 Connection on Light Curtain Tail
Connection on Cascade System
On SG4E Cascade systems SG4-Dongle can be connected either on Master light curtain head (as in Fig. 3) or on last slave unit tail (as in Fig. 4)
Stand-alone SG4 Dongle Connection
(offline configuration, report download, log download)
Connect M12 12 Pole cable to SG4-Dongle Connect 4 pole Ethernet cable if SG Extended GUI connection is used  Standalone SG4 Dongle is not IP 65 compliant
Fig. 5 Stand-alone connection
SG4 Dongle has DHCP client enabled by default. Then it’s usually sufficient to connect SG4 Dongle to the plant network for SG Extended GUI to be able to connect. If connecting to a single PC outside a network configure the TCP/IP parameters of the pc to match the following:
IP: Netmask:
If necessary it’s possible to change SG4 Dongle Network Configuration from SG Extended GUI in menu Device -> Setting after connecting SG4 Dongle.
SG4 Dongle connected to Ethernet
Ethernet connection not available SG4 Dongle connected to SG Extended
SG Extended GUI not connected No report in SG4 Dongle memory
Configuration Upload to Light Curtain in progress
One or more Safety Report stored in SG4 Dongle. No downloaded configuration in SG4 Dongle memory Configuration Download from Light Curtain in progress
Downloaded configuration stored in SG4 Dongle memory, ready for Upload.
Press for more than 1.5s (
appears ) to upload configuration stored in SG4 Dongle.
Press for more than 4s ( appears) to erase Safety Reports in SG4 Dongle memory.
Press for more than 1.5s (
appears) to download configuration from Light Curtain to SG4 Dongle.
Light Curtain Configuration Backup Failure Light Curtain Configuration Restore Failure, check
configuration on SG4 Dongle is compatible with connected SG4E System. Light Curtain Configuration Backup Failure on Log Initalization Report Repository Full, download reports in SG Extended GUI. Failure on SG4 Dongle Factory Setting, contact Datalogic Automation
Failure on TCP/IP Configuration, default restored Failure on Light Curtain Backup Repository,
default restored. Failure on Report Repository, default restored.
Failure on Log Repository, default restored
Power supply (Vdd): 24 Vdc ± 20% Unit current draw 0.1 A Max distributed current 1.7A Connections: M12 12 pole
M12 5 pole M12 ETH 4 pole
18 (2x9) pole connector to Light Curtain
Cables length (for power supply): 50 m. max
Operating temperature: -0…+ 55 °C Storage temperature: - 25…+ 70 °C Humidity: 15…95 % (no condensation) Mechanical protection: IP 65 (EN 60529) Vibrations: Width 0.35 mm
Frequency 10 … 55 Hz 20 sweep per axis, 1octave/min (EN 60068-2-6)
Shock resistance: 16 ms (10 G) 1,000 shocks per
axis (EN 60068-2-29)
Housing material: NANYA PBT 1400 G3
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