An Unpublished Work - All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this documentation
or the procedures described therein may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means without prior written permission of Datalogic USA Inc. or its subsidiaries or
affiliates (“Datalogic” or “Datalogic USA”).
Owners of Datalogic products are hereby granted a non-exclusive, revocable license to
reproduce and transmit this documentation for the purchaser's own internal business
purposes. Purchaser shall not remove or alter any proprietary notices, including copyright
notices, contained in this documentation and shall ensure that all notices appear on any
reproductions of the documentation.
Should future revisions of this manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by
contacting your Datalogic representative. Electronic versions may either be downloadable
from the Datalogic website
( or provided on appropriate media. If you
visit our website and would like to make comments or suggestions about this or other
Datalogic publications, please let us know via the "Contact Datalogic" page.
Datalogic has taken reasonable measures to provide information in this manual that is
complete and accurate, however, Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification
at any time without prior notice.
Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many
countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.
RIDA and Datalogic Aladdin are trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such
marks by Datalogic Group companies is under license. All other brand and product names
may be trademarks of their respective owners.
About the Scanner .............................................................................................................................................................1
Using the RIDA DBT6400 ..........................................................................................................................................1
About this Manual .............................................................................................................................................................3
Technical Support ..............................................................................................................................................................4
Datalogic Website Support ......................................................................................................................................4
Reseller Technical Support ......................................................................................................................................4
Telephone Technical Support ..................................................................................................................................4
Setting Up the Reader .......................................................................................................................................................5
Configuring the BC6020 Base Station ....................................................................................................................5
Using the BC6020 Base Station ..............................................................................................................................6
Charging the Batteries .............................................................................................................................................7
Replacing the Battery Pack ......................................................................................................................................8
Linking to a Host ................................................................................................................................................................9
Linking to a Base Station ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Base Station Interface Selection ................................................................................................................................... 12
Configuring the Interface ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Using the Programming Bar Codes ..................................................................................................................... 13
Configuring Other Features .................................................................................................................................. 14
Software Version Transmission ........................................................................................................................... 14
Global Interface Features .............................................................................................................................................. 21
USB Suspend Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Standard Factory Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Beep On ASCII BEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Beep On Not on File ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
ACK Character ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
NAK Character ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
ACK NAK Timeout Value ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Disable Character ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
Enable Character ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Country Mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Setup on PC to use ALT Universal ........................................................................................................................ 34
Product Reference Guidei
Setting Country Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Setting Encoding Type ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Setting ALT output type ........................................................................................................................................ 56
Caps Lock State ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
USB Keyboard Speed ...................................................................................................................................................... 61
Standard Factory Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 63
Global Prefix/Suffix ........................................................................................................................................................ 66
Global AIM ID ................................................................................................................................................................... 67
GS1-128 AIM ID ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
Label ID ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Label ID: Set Individually Per Symbology ............................................................................................................. 69
Label ID Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 69
Label ID Symbology Selection ............................................................................................................................... 70
Case Conversion .............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Character Conversion ..................................................................................................................................................... 76
LED and Speaker Indicators ........................................................................................................................................... 80
Power On Alert ....................................................................................................................................................... 80
Select Audio Jingle for Power-up Event .............................................................................................................. 83
Select Audio Jingle for Good Read Event ............................................................................................................. 84
Select Audio Jingle for Enter Base Station .......................................................................................................... 85
Select Audio Jingle for Exit Base Station ............................................................................................................. 86
Select Audio Jingle for Transmit Error Sound ..................................................................................................... 87
Good Read: When to Indicate ............................................................................................................................... 88
Good Read Beep Type ............................................................................................................................................ 89
Good Read Beep Frequency .................................................................................................................................. 89
Good Read Speaker Volume ................................................................................................................................. 90
Good Read Beep Length ........................................................................................................................................ 91
RGB LED Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 93
Enable/Disable Good Read Indicator ................................................................................................................... 94
Good Read LED Color ............................................................................................................................................. 94
Enable/Disable Body Illumination ....................................................................................................................... 95
Scanner Idle LED Color .......................................................................................................................................... 96
RGB Good Read Raising Time ............................................................................................................................... 97
RGB Good Read Falling Time ................................................................................................................................ 98
RGB Good Read Holding Time .............................................................................................................................. 99
RGB Auto Delay .................................................................................................................................................... 100
Scanning Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 102
Scanning Active Time .......................................................................................................................................... 103
Standard Factory Settings for Symbologies .............................................................................................................. 105
Disable All Symbologies ............................................................................................................................................... 106
Coupon Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
EAN 13 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................................. 112
EAN-13 Flag 1 Character ..................................................................................................................................... 113
EAN-13 ISBN Conversion .................................................................................................................................... 113
UPC/EAN Global Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 117
Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) ........................................................................................................................................... 142
I 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ........................................................................................................................................ 142
I 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................................... 143
I 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission .............................................................................................................. 144
I 2 of 5 Length Control ......................................................................................................................................... 145
I 2 of 5 Set Length 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 146
I 2 of 5 Set Length 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 147
Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR ............................................................................................................................................. 148
Interleaved 2 of 5 CIP HR Enable/Disable ......................................................................................................... 148
Datalogic 2 of 5 ............................................................................................................................................................. 149
Datalogic 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ......................................................................................................................... 149
Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................... 149
Datalogic 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................... 150
Datalogic 2 of 5 Length Control .......................................................................................................................... 150
Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 1 .............................................................................................................................. 151
Datalogic 2 of 5 Set Length 2 .............................................................................................................................. 152
Codabar Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................................ 153
Codabar Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................................ 154
Codabar Start/Stop Character Transmission ................................................................................................... 154
Codabar Start/Stop Character Set ..................................................................................................................... 155
Codabar Start/Stop Character Match ................................................................................................................ 155
Codabar Quiet Zones ........................................................................................................................................... 156
Codabar Length Control ...................................................................................................................................... 157
Codabar Set Length 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 158
Codabar Set Length 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 159
Code 11 Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................................ 163
Code 11 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................................ 163
Code 11 Length Control ....................................................................................................................................... 164
Code 11 Set Length 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 164
Code 11 Set Length 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 165
Standard 2 of 5 .............................................................................................................................................................. 166
Standard 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ......................................................................................................................... 166
Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation .................................................................................................... 166
Standard 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................... 167
Standard 2 of 5 Length Control .......................................................................................................................... 167
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 1 .............................................................................................................................. 168
Standard 2 of 5 Set Length 2 .............................................................................................................................. 169
Industrial 2 of 5 ............................................................................................................................................................. 170
Industrial 2 of 5 Enable/Disable ........................................................................................................................ 170
Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................... 170
Industrial 2 of 5 Check Character Transmission ............................................................................................... 171
Industrial 2 of 5 Length Control ......................................................................................................................... 171
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 1 ............................................................................................................................. 172
Industrial 2 of 5 Set Length 2 ............................................................................................................................. 173
MSI Check Character Calculation ........................................................................................................................ 178
MSI Check Character Transmission ................................................................................................................... 179
MSI Length Control .............................................................................................................................................. 179
MSI Set Length 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 180
MSI Set Length 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 181
BC412 Check Character Calculation ................................................................................................................... 189
BC412 Length Control .......................................................................................................................................... 189
BC412 Set Length 1 ............................................................................................................................................. 190
BC412 Set Length 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 191
2D Global Features ....................................................................................................................................................... 193
2D Maximum Decoding Time .............................................................................................................................. 194
2D Normal/Inverse Symbol Control ................................................................................................................... 195
Aztec Code Length Control ................................................................................................................................. 196
China Sensible Code ..................................................................................................................................................... 199
China Sensible Code Enable / Disable ............................................................................................................... 199
China Sensible Code Length Control .................................................................................................................. 199
Data Matrix .................................................................................................................................................................... 202
Data Matrix Enable / Disable ............................................................................................................................. 202
Data Matrix Square/Rectangular Style ............................................................................................................. 202
Data Matrix Length Control ................................................................................................................................ 203
Maxicode Length Control .................................................................................................................................... 206
PDF417 Length Control ....................................................................................................................................... 208
Micro PDF417 Length Control ............................................................................................................................ 212
QR Code .......................................................................................................................................................................... 214
QR Code Enable / Disable ................................................................................................................................... 214
QR Code Length Control ...................................................................................................................................... 214
Micro QR Code ............................................................................................................................................................... 217
Micro QR Code Enable/Disable .......................................................................................................................... 217
Micro QR Code Length Control ........................................................................................................................... 217
Postal Code Selection ................................................................................................................................................... 222
Postnet BB Control .............................................................................................................................................. 223
Serial Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 225
USB COM Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 225
Data Format .................................................................................................................................................................. 235
Data Editing .......................................................................................................................................................... 235
Global Prefix/Suffix ............................................................................................................................................. 236
Global AIM ID ........................................................................................................................................................ 237
Label ID ................................................................................................................................................................. 238
Character Conversion .......................................................................................................................................... 242
RGB LED Features ............................................................................................................................................... 243
Scanning Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 246
Scanning Active Time .......................................................................................................................................... 246
Set Length ............................................................................................................................................................ 248
LED and Beeper Indications ........................................................................................................................................ 275
Base Station Indications .............................................................................................................................................. 277
STANDARD DEFAULTS....................................................................................................................................... 279
SAMPLE BAR CODES ......................................................................................................................................... 291
Control Character Emulation ....................................................................................................................................... 297
Single Press and Release Keys .......................................................................................................................... 297
Interface Type PC AT PS/2 or USB-Keyboard ............................................................................................................ 298
Interface Type PC AT PS/2 Alt Mode or USB-Keyboard Alt Mode ........................................................................... 300
Microsoft Windows Codepage 1252 ........................................................................................................................... 302
Index ............................................................................................................................................................ 301
viRIDA™ DBT6400
About the Scanner
The RIDA DBT6400 by Datalogic is a Bluetooth Companion reader (2D Imager)
that enables real-time barcode scanning into any Bluetooth ready device
including Android, iOS and Windows.
Thanks to its extremely reduced size, the DBT6400 fits easily into a pocket and
is the ideal choice for applications like field sales and service, inventory man
agement, retail point-of-sale (POS), Healthcare and many more.
The attractive design and the light weight that characterize the DBT6400 allow
the scanner to be easily worn around the user’s neck with the lanyard supplied
or clipped in a pocket.
Datalogic’s exclusive patented ‘Green Spot’ for good read feedback helps to
improve productivity in noisy environments or in situations where silence is
The RIDA DBT6400 has several customizable features:
•the reader's attractive illumination changes color to indicate its status and
can be personalized by the user.
•the option to use personal jingles (a short userdefined tune uploaded via
Datalogic Aladdin™ configuration software) instead of the normal beep
The RIDA DBT6400 can be used with his Bluetooth base station BC6020. The
base station can be used for placement of the DBT6400 allowing for charging
and Host wired connection.
Chapter 1
Using the RIDA DBT6400
The RIDA DBT6400 normally functions by capturing and decoding codes. The
aiming system is activated on trigger pull and indicates the center of the field of
view which should be positioned over the bar code:
Aiming System
Product Reference Guide1
Linear bar code
2D Matrix symbol
Relative Size and Location of Aiming System Pattern
A beam illuminates the label. The projected pattern of the aiming system will be
smaller when the reader is closer to the bar code and larger when it is farther
from the code. Symbologies with smaller bars or elements (mil size) should be
read closer to the unit. Symbologies with larger bars or elements (mil size)
should be read farther from the unit.
If the aiming system is centered you will get a good read. Successful reading is
signaled by an audible tone plus a good read green spot LED indicator.
Relative Size and Location of Green Spot
2RIDA™ DBT6400
About this Manual
This Product Reference Guide (PRG) is provided for users seeking advanced
technical information, including connection, programming, maintenance and
specifications. The Quick Reference Guide (QRG) and other publications associated with this product are downloadable free of charge from the website listed
the back cover of this manual.
Typically, units are factory-programmed for the most common terminal and
ommunications settings. If you need to modify any programmable settings,
custom configuration can be accomplished by scanning the programming bar
codes within this guide.
Programming can alternatively be perfor
Configuration application, which is available from the Datalogic website listed
on the back cover of this manual. This multi-platform utility program allows
device configuration using a PC. It communicates to the device using a serial or
USB cable and can also create configuration bar codes to print.
About this Manual
med using the Datalogic Aladdin™
Chapter 1, Introduction
cable connection information.
Chapter 2, Setup
ner, and interface configuration
Chapter 3, Configuration Using Bar Codes
for customizing your scanner. There are different sections for interface types,
eral features, data formatting, and symbology-specific features.
Chapter 4, References
Appendix A, Technical Specifications
as well as environmental and regulatory specifications. It also provides standard cable pin-outs and descri
scanner’s LED and Speaker indicators.
Appendix B, Standard Defaults
scanner features and options.
Appendix C, Sample Bar Codes
Appendix D, Keypad
parameter settings.
Appendix E, Scancode Tables
Wedge and USB Keyboard interfaces.
presents information about unpacking and setting up the scan-
provides a product overview, unpacking instructions, and
includes numeric bar codes to be scanned for certain
lists control character emulation information for
Manual Conventions
The symbols listed below are used in this manual to notify the reader of key
issues or procedures that must be observed when using the scanner:
Notes contain information necessary for
and operating the scanner.
Product Reference Guide
properly diagnosing, repairing
The CAUTION symbol advises you of actions th
ment or property.
Technical Support
Datalogic Website Support
The Datalogic website (
support and informatio
port, warranty information, product manuals, product tech notes, software
updates, demos
Reseller Technical Support
An excellent source for technical assistance and information is an authorized
Datalogic reseller. A reseller is acquainted with specific types of businesses,
application software, and computer systems and can provide individualized
, and instructions for returning products for repair.
at could damage equip-
n for Datalogic products. The site offers product sup-
) is the complete source for technical
Telephone Technical Support
If you do not have internet or email access, you may contact Datalogic technical
support at (541) 349-8283 or check the back cover of your manual for more
contact information.
Current versions of the Product Reference Guide (PRG), Quick Reference Guide
(QRG), the Datalogic Aladdin™ Configuration application, software/firmware and
any additional manuals, instruction sheets and utilities for this product can be
downloaded from the website listed on the back cover of this manual.
Alternatively, printed copies or product support CDs may be purchased through
your Datalogic reseller.
4RIDA™ DBT6400
Check carefully to ensure the scanner and any cables or accessories ordered are
present and undamaged. If any damage occurred during shipment, contact
Technical Support on page 4.
KEEP THE PACKAGING. Should the unit ever require service, it should be
turned in its original shipping container.
Setting Up the Reader
Follow the steps below to connect and get your reader up and communicating
with its Host.
1. Configure the Base Station (if available)
2. Charge the Batteries (see " Charging the Batteries" on page 7).
3. Link to a Host (see " Linking to a Host" on page 9) or to the Base Station (if
available - see " Linking to a Base Station" on page 11).
Chapter 2
4. Select the Interface Type for Base Station.
5. Configure the Reader (optional, depends on settings needed).
Configuring the BC6020 Base Station
Place the RIDA scanner on the Base Station as shown in the figure below.
Product Reference Guide5
Power On/
Data LED
Charging LED
Micro USB Cable
External Power
The Base Station can be powered up by an external power supply or by a Host
via the micro USB Cable. Both the power cable and the micro USB cable can be
connected at the same time on the Base; in this case, USB connection is used for
data exchange with the Host, while power is supplied from external power supply.
The figure below shows how to connect the Base Station to a terminal PC or to
another Host device.
Using the BC6020 Base Station
LEDs on BC6020 Base Station provide information about the Base as well as the
battery charging status, as shown in the figure below.
The behaviour and meaning of the LEDs are summarized in Table 1:
Table 1. Radio Base LEDs
Yellow On = base is powered.
Power On/ Data
Yellow Blinking = base receives data and commands from the Host
or the reade
ChargingGreen Blinking = battery is charging.
6RIDA™ DBT6400
Setting Up the Reader
Charge Completed
Charging the Batteries
Before using the DBT6400 for the first time, it is necessary to charge the battery.
The battery can be charged by
the micro-USB connector. You can use the provided USB cable for this purpose.
Alternatively, the battery can be charged using:
Green On = the battery is completely charged.
connecting the reader directly to a Host through
1. the Base Station BC6020.
2. the charging-only cradle CHR-DBT60, available as an optional.
To charge the battery with the Base Station, insert the reader into the base.
When the scanner detects the base it will sound to indicate the correct placement.
When in charge, the side LEDs on the reade
r indicate the status of the battery.
If the battery is very depleted, the reader could stay in a precharge phase with
the top led blinking red. This phase automatically ends when the battery charge
is enough to power up the reader, in case the battery charging is not completed.
Before using the Battery, read “Battery Safety” in the Safety and Regulatory
Addendum. Datalogic recommends annual replacement of rechargeable battery
packs to ensure maximum performance.
Product Reference Guide
Battery Connector
Replacing the Battery Pack
Before proceeding, read “Battery Safety” in the Safety and Regulatory Addendum. Datalogic recommends annual replace
to ensure maximum performance.
1. Use a T5 type screwdriver to unscrew the cover of the battery pack until it
is disengaged.
ment of rechargeable battery packs
2. Pull up the battery pack and disconnect the cable from the battery connector. For this operation you can use a plastic nipper. If under the battery
ere is any label that covers the battery connector, remove it.
To mount the new battery pack reverse the process. Restore the label under the
battery if it was present. Use the new one included in battery spare part.
8RIDA™ DBT6400
Linking to a Host
Link to Host in SPP mode
Link to Host in HID mode
The RIDA DBT6400 is equipped with Bluetooth® Wireless Technology. To set up
the scanner for communication with a Host the user shall select the Profile
The available Profile Mode for standard Bluetooth are:
•Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP)
•Bluetooth HID Profile (default)
Scan one of the following barcodes to select the desired Profile Mode:
Linking to a Host
After reading one of the above profile label, the scanner, if already connected to
a Host, will unlink.
If the profile label is read when the rea
der is already connected to a Host, the
scanner will first unlink and then apply the new profile.
After reading the profile label t
he scanner will become discoverable by the Host.
Bluetooth Pairing
To pair with a Bluetooth enabled Host:
1. Press the scan button to wake up the reader.
2. Press the Link button. The blue LED blin
discoverable by the Host. Alternatively, you can read one of the profile
labels (see " Linking to a Host" on page 9) and the reader will become automatically discoverable by the Host.
3. On the Host, use the dedicated Blueto
devices. Select the RIDA scanner from the list of available devices. If you
receive an error message, it may be necessary to disable security on the
king indicate that the scanner is
oth application to search for new
Product Reference Guide
4. When the scanner ends the pairing with the Host the blue LED remains on.
nding on the Bluetooth profile, you can check the connection:
A.For SPP: use an RS-232 terminal program to see incoming data on the
port designated by
the Host Bluetooth application (Bluetooth outgoing
COM port).
B.For HID: use a text editor to see incoming data on the Host.
Passkey END
The DBT6400 reader can be set up to requi
re a PIN code when connecting. If you
want to set up a PIN, or add new equipment to a system that uses a custom
security PIN, please see " BT Security Features" on page 262.
Bluetooth Unpairing
To unpair the reader and the Host, press and hold the Link button until the blue
LED turns off.
Alternatively, read the following unlink label.
Before pairing to another Host, the reader mu
st be unpaired from the previous.
Bluetooth Passkey Request
During the pairing process, based on Host and Reader security settings, you
may need to enter a passkey.
If you let the Host generate the passkey, simply enter the required code by
nning the corresponding bar codes for alphanumeric entry. Complete by
scanning the End label. To restart the entering of the passkey, read the Restart
If, alternatively, you choose to enter on the Host the passkey proposed by the
ader, enter 1234.
Passkey Restart
HID Country Mode
When the Reader is connected with a Bluetooth Application in HID mode, you
may want to set the country for which your Host is localized. Go to "HID Country Mode" on page 266” and read one of the configuration command labels.
10RIDA™ DBT6400
Linking to a Base Station
Linking to a Host in Initiator Mode
The reader can optionally be linked to a host as initiator (also called Client
Mode or Master Mode). This kind of link can be done in all the available profiles.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the host is powered and has the Bluetooth feature enable.
2. Identify the Bluetooth address i
n the Host/adapter device.
3. Create a Link label that contains the address of the Host/adapter. The link
abel is a Code 128 function 3 label having the following format for SPP
<FN3 char>LnkB<12 character Bluetooth address>
And the following format for HID connection:
<FN3 char>LnkHid<12 character Bluetooth address>
4. Scan the link label you created in step 3.
5. Complete the procedure to establish the connection. For the SPP mode you
eed to open the associated incoming COM port.
Example: if you want to connect to a tablet wi
th BT Address 00:1A:7D:DA:71:13
the label content in order to connect in SPP profile is:
<FN3 char>LnkB001A7DDA7113
To connect in HID profile:
<FN3 char>LnkHid001A7DDA7113.
To easily switch between different Host is suggested to keep default security level.
Note: Some Host cannot accept connection using HID profile in initiator
Linking to a Base Station
The RIDA DBT6400 can be used paired with its Base Station. The data received
over the RF link will be exchanged with the Host using the USB interface of the
Base Station. In this case, before configuring the interface, it is necessary to link
the scanner to the Base Station.
To link the handheld and the base, press the Scan button to wake up the reader
d then insert the reader into the Base station. A beep will indicate the suc-
cessful pairing.
If the reader was previously linked to another base, you must first scan the
Unlink bar
Product Reference Guide
code before linking to the new base.
Base Station Interface Selection
Upon completing the physical connection between the base and its host, proceed directly to Interface Selection to select the kind of USB interface type the
e is connected to; scan the appropriate bar code for your system’s interface
The base will support the foll
•USB COM to simulate RS-232 standard interface
•USB-OEM (can be used for OPOS/UPOS/JavaPOS)
•USB Keyboard
•USB Composite (KEYBOARD + COM)
For defaults and additi
to the corresponding chapter in the Product Reference Guide.
Configuring the Interface
Scan the programming bar code which selects the appropriate interface type for
the system the reader will be connected to.
Unlike some other programming features and options, interface selections
require that you scan only one programming bar code label. DO NOT scan an
ENTER/EXIT bar code prior to scanning an interface selection bar code.
onal information associated with each interface, proceed
owing USB host interfaces:
USB COM to simulate RS-232 standard interface
(can be used for OPOS/UPOS/JavaPOS)
Select USB-OEM
USB Keyboard
Select USB Keyboard
USB Composite
Select USB Composite
a. Download the correct USB COM driver from
12RIDA™ DBT6400
Customizing Configuration Settings
Using the Programming Bar Codes
This manual contains feature descriptions and bar codes which allow you to
reconfigure your scanner. Some programming bar code labels, like
Product Configuration to Defaults"
label to enact the change. M
ever, require the scanner to be placed
them. Scan an ENTER/EXIT bar code once to enter Programming Mode. Once
the scanner is in Programming Mode, you can scan a number of parameter settings before scanning the ENTER/EXIT bar code a second time, which will then
cept your changes, exit Programming Mode and return the scanner to normal
on page 15, require only the scan of that single
ost of the programming labels in this manual, how-
Customizing Configuration Settings
"Resetting the
in Programming Mode prior to scanning
There are some exceptions to the typ
described above. Please read the description and setting instructions
carefully when configuring each given programmable feature.
ical programming sequence
Datalogic Aladdin™ Utility
Programming can alternatively be performed using the Datalogic Aladdin™
Configuration application which is available for free download from the Datalogic website listed on the back cover of this manual. This multi-platform utility
ogram allows device configuration using a PC. It communicates to the device
using a serial or USB cable and can also create configuration bar codes to print.
Datalogic Aladdin™ is a multi-platform utility program providing a quick and
r-friendly configuration method via the RS-232/USB-COM interface. The
Aladdin utility is available on the Datalogic website. Aladdin allows you to program the scanner by selecting configuration commands through a user-friendly
phical interface running on a PC. These commands are sent to the scanner
over the selected communication interface, or they can be printed as bar codes
to be scanned.
Aladdin also provides the ability to perform a software upgrade for the connected device (see the Datalogic Aladdin™ Help On-Line for more details).
Product Reference Guide
Transmit Software Version
Interface Settings
The scanner and the base station (if available) are typically factory-configured
with a set of default features standard to the interface type you ordered. See
"Base Station Interface Selection"
Global Interface Features, starting on page 21
base station interface types. If your installation requires you to further customize your scanner, you can select other options through use of the instructions
and prog
ramming bar codes available in the appropriate section for your inter-
USB-COM Interfaces, starting on page 23
Keyboard Interface, starting on page 33
USB-OEM Interface, starting on page 63
Configuring Other Features
If your installation requires different programming than the standard factory
default settings, the following sections of this manual allow configuration of
non-interface-specific settings you might require:
Configuration Using Bar Codes: General Features includes programming for scan-
ning, speaker and LED indicators and other such universal settings.
on page 12.
provides settings configurable by all
Reading Parameters: Reading Parameters include programming for scanning,
speaker and LED indicators and other universal settings.
1D Symbologies: Includes options concerning the bar code label types (symbolo-
gies). These settings allow you to enable/disable symbologies, set label
ngths, require check digit, etc.
Software Version Transmission
The software version of the device can be transmitted over the wireless BT
Scanner Profile interfaces or the USB Base Station interfaces by scanning the
following label.
14RIDA™ DBT6400
Customizing Configuration Settings
Restore Custom Default Configuration
Restore USA Factory Configuration
Restore EU Factory Configuration
Resetting the Product Configuration to Defaults
If you aren't sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you've
changed some options and want to restore the Custom Default Configuration
that may have been saved in the scanner, scan the
rently active interface.
bar code below. This will restore the custom configuration for the cur-
Custom defaults are based on the interface type. Configure the scanner for
the correct interface before scanning this label.
If you aren't sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you've
changed some options and want to restore the Factory Configuration, you have
two options. You can scan the
Restore EU Factory Configuration
configuration to the factory settings including the interface type. The USA label
stores Label IDs to those historically used in the USA. The EU label restores
Label IDs to those historically used in Europe. The Label ID sets for USA and EU
are shown in the Label ID section of this manual.
Restore USA Factory Configuration
bar code below. Both labels restore the scanner
Restore Custom Default Config-
bar code or the
Scanning either of the “Restore Factory Configuration” commands below
will result in the loss of any custom configuration settings for your device.
The programming section on the following pages lists the factory default settings for each of the menu commands (indicated by shaded blocks and bold
Product Reference Guide
Supported BT Specification
The Rida Bluetooth radio is fully compatible with the following Bluetooth specifications:
•Bluetooth v2.1 + EDR
•Bluetooth v3.0 + HS
•Bluetooth v4.0
•Bluetooth v4.1
For more details on connection with devices compliant with older BT specifications, please refer to the PRG.
Device and operative system supported
In general, the Rida supports connection with devices and Bluetooth radio
stacks compliant with the above specifications (see
on page 16) that are able to support HID Host and/or SPP profile.
This is a non-exhaustive list of supported operating systems:
•Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10)
•Windows XP (Microsoft, Broadcom, and other commonly available Bluetooth stacks)
•Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 (only for HID profile)
•Windows 10 Mobile
•Mac OS X 10.11
Note that:
•Windows XP Service Pack 2 and SP3 releases work natively with Bluetooth
v1.1, v2.0 and v2.0+EDR. To connect with Rida, the Windows XP stack
must be replaced by a third party stack that supports newer Bluetooth ver
•Windows 7 works with Bluetooth v2.1+EDR. Bluetooth stack supports vendor-supplied additional profiles without requiring that the Microsoft stack
be replaced. Due to the driver stack, used passkey could be required
during pairing process.
" Supported BT Specification"
16RIDA™ DBT6400
Tested Devices
This is a non-exhaustive list of tested devices:
Tablet and
For an updated list, please refer to the company website.
HP EliteBook 8460p
HP EliteBook 8460pWindows 7, native BT Software Stack
MacBook Air 2015Mac OS X 10.11, built in BT radio
Dell Latitude E7450Windows 7, built in BT radio
iPad Mini 4iOS9
iPhone 3GsiOS 6
Motorola Nexus 6Android 6.0
Samsung Galaxy Tab S SMT805Android 5.0
Huawei Honor 4CAndroid KitKat
NOKIA LUMIA 640 XLWindows Phone 8.1 Update 2
Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F)Android 6.0.1
Sitecom Usb Adapter Bluetooth 4.0
Sitecom Usb Adapter Bluetooth 4.0Windows 7 native BT Software Stack
Windows 7, built in BT radio (WIDCOMM BT Stack)
CSR Harmony Wireless Software
Stack on W
indows 7
Product Reference Guide
18RIDA™ DBT6400
Chapter 3
Configuration Using Bar Codes
This and following sections provide programming bar codes to configure your
scanner by changing the default settings. For details about additional methods
of programming, see "
Customizing Configuration Settings" on page 13
You must first enable your scanner to rea
use this section. If you have not done this, go to
page 5
Configuration Parameters
Once the scanner is set up, you can change the default parameters to meet your
application needs. Refer to "
for initial configuration in order to set the default values and select the
interface for your application.
The following configuration parameters are divided into logical groups, making
easy to find the desired function based on its reference group.
Interface Configuration:
•"USB-COM Interfaces" on page 23
•"Keyboard Interface" on page 33
•"USB-OEM Interface" on page 63
Parameters common to all interface applications:
Global Prefix/Suffix" on page 66
Data Format" on page 65
ization of scanned data output.
Reading Parameters" on page 77
cators status functioning.
d bar codes in order to
Setup, starting on
and complete the appropriate procedure.
Resetting the Product Configuration to Defaults" on page
offers advanced configuration options for custom-
control various operating modes and indi-
Symbology-specific parameters:
"1D Symbologies" on page 105
the programming bar codes necessary for configuring these features.
You must first enable your scanner to read bar codes in order to
use this section. If you have not done this, go to
page 5
defines options for all symbologies and provides
Setup, starting on
and complete the appropriate procedure.
Product Reference Guide19
Enter/Exit Programming Mode
To program features:
1. Scan the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING bar code, available at the top of each
programming page, when applicable.
2. Scan the bar code to set the desire
to cover unused bar codes on the page, and possibly the facing page, to
ensure that the scanner reads only the bar code you intend to scan.
3. If additional input parameters ar
scan the appropriate characters from the keypad.
d programming feature. You may need
e needed, go to
Appendix D, Keypad
, and
Additional information about many features can be found in the “References” chapter.
If you make a mistake before the last character, scan the CANCEL bar
code to ab
ort and not save the entry string. You can then start again at
the beginning.
4. Complete the programming sequence by scanning the ENTER/EXIT PROGRAMMING bar code to ex
For more detailed descriptions, programming information an
setting selected configuration items, see
it Programming Mode.
References, starting on page 235
d examples for
20RIDA™ DBT6400
Global Interface Features
The following interface features are configurable by all interface types. To set
features specific to your interface, turn to that section of this manual.
Enter/Exit Programming Mode
on page 22
Host Commands — Obey/Ignore
This option specifies whether the scanner will obey or ignore host commands.
When set to ignore, the scanner will ignore all host commands except for those
necessary for:
•service mode
•flash programming mode
•keeping the inte
•transmission of labels.
rface active
on page 21
Host Commands = Obey
Host Commands = Ignore
Product Reference Guide
Enter/Exit Programming Mode
USB Suspend Mode
This setting enables/disables the ability of the USB interface to enter suspend
USB Suspend Mode = Enable
USB Suspend Mode = Disable
22RIDA™ DBT6400
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