darTZeel Audio CTH-8550 User Manual

CTH-8550 Integrated Amplifier
User Manual
Table of contents
1. Preliminary notes _______________________________________________________ 5
2. Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 5
3. Brief description ________________________________________________________ 5
4. Warranty ______________________________________________________________ 6
5. Installation ____________________________________________________________ 6
6. The CTH-8550 in detail __________________________________________________ 7
7. Activation key procedure _________________________________________________ 9
8. User parameters ________________________________________________________ 9
9. How to set everything ____________________________________________________ 9
10. Full configuration and settings ___________________________________________ 10
11. Some advice and tips ___________________________________________________ 14
12. Assistance ____________________________________________________________ 14
13. Technical data ________________________________________________________ 15
darTZeel CTH-8550 User Manual, version 1.0 Page 3 of 15
darTZeel CTH-8550 integrated amplifier
User Manual
1. Preliminary notes
Your CTH-8550 comes with a USB activation key to provide the required identification data to your CTH-8550‘s internal CPU.
You must use the USB activation key to “unlock” your CTH-8550 the first time you operate it.
Until you complete its registration, your CTH-8550 will operate only for the 15 minutes following each new powering on.
As part of the registration process, your dealer will send to you the appropriate data file by e-mail.
Please refer to chapter 7, “Activation key procedure” (page 9), for how to obtain your USB activation-key data file.
Please read this user manual in its entirety.
We did our best to avoid making you fall asleep. We
hope to be successful in that regard… .
The CTH-8550 requires about 170 hours of playing time before it approaches its full potential.
2. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of a darTZeel CTH-8550.
The darTZeel CTH-8550 is the most advanced analogue integrated amplifier yet designed.
This new musical component directly benefits from our past experience in audio; yet, it has plenty of innovative features, as you will discover while reading this (we hope entertaining) user manual.
Designed for user-friendly operation, the CTH-8550 will provide you many years of absorbing pleasure, as you listen to your favorite music.
The new fluorescent display’s comprehensive menus greatly simplify setup and operation.
The CTH-8550‘s intuitive menu structure has allowed us to keep this user manual comparatively brief.
3. Brief description
Your CTH-8550 represents the culmination of all the research and development we have brought to the audio industry over the past decades.
Our passion and love for music and its reproduction have been embodied in the CTH-8550.
The challenging goals we set for ourselves were to design and then build a “no compromise, all-in-one music machine.”
You will experience the result very soon, when you listen to your favorite records.
With no fewer than nine inputs–including optional phono inputs–and two preamp outputs, the darTZeel CTH-8550 is the ideal modern integrated amplifier to fit into any high-end audio system.
Thanks to its newly-developed output stages, driving any real-world loudspeaker load will be just another day at the office for the CTH-8550.
With the CTH-8550’s more than 200 watts into 8 ohms, and close to 350 watts into 4 ohms, even low­sensitivity speakers will put out plenty of volume during your most demanding—dynamically speaking—listening sessions.
The new power circuits use only three junctions in the signal path, offering truly musical, fast, transparent reproduction.
Furthermore, in those “green” days, we are proud to say the CTH-8550 runs very cool, saving on your electrical bill.
This integrated amplifier actually marks a new milestone in darTZeel history, by introducing features you will not find elsewhere.
Hey, this is a darTZeel machine, isn’t it?
From the technical point of view, there is no doubt
that the CTH-8550 is a very special machine.
As for the most important thing you can ask for, and we obviously mean the music, you will simply find it… Enthralling.
Sometimes it is possible to deliver high technology,
while at the same time saving some trees... .
darTZeel CTH-8550 User Manual, version 1.0 Page 5 of 15
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