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Important Information
The VXI-SC-1102 is warranted agai nst defects in mater ials and workm anshi p fo r a period of one year from the date
of shipment, as evidenced by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace
equipment that proves to be defective during the warranty per iod. This warrant y includes par ts and labor .
The media on which you receive National Instru ments software ar e warranted not to fail to execute pro grammi ng
instructions, due to defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of 90 days from date of shipment, as evidenced
by receipts or other documentation. National Instruments will, at its option, repair or replace software media that do
not execute programming instructions if National Instruments receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period. National Instruments does not warr ant that t he operatio n of the softwar e shall be uni nte rrupt ed or erro r free.
A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be obtained from the factory and clearly marked on the outside
of the package before any equipment will be accepted for warranty work. Natio nal Instrum ents wil l pay the shippin g
costs of returning to the owner par ts whi ch are cov ered by w arranty .
National Instruments believes that the information in this manual is accurate. The document has been carefully
reviewed for technical accuracy. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, National Instruments reserves
the right to make changes to subsequent editi ons of this document without prior notice to holders of this edition. The
reader should consult National Instruments if errors are suspected. In no event shall National Instruments be liable for
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Instruments will apply regardless of the form of action, whether in contract or tort, including negligence. Any action
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, N
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LabVIEW®, NI-DAQ®, RTSI®, ComponentWorks™, CVI™, Measure™, SCXI™, and VirtualBench™ are
trademarks of Nationa l Ins trumen ts C orpor atio n.
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
National Instruments products are not design ed with comp onents and testing in tend ed to ensure a level o f reliabi lity
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products are NOT intended to be a substitute f or any for m of establ ished pr ocess, proce dure, or equi pmen t used to
monitor or safegua rd huma n he alth and sa fety in med ical or clin ical t reat ment .
About This Manual
Organization of This Manual................................................ ...... ..... .............................ix
Conventions Used in This Manual................................................................................x
National Instruments Documentation.............................. ..... .................................. ......xi
This manual des cribe s the el ectri cal an d mech an ical a spect s of the
VXI-SC-1102 and contains informat io n concerning its installation and
operation. The VXI-SC-1102 is a signal conditioning submodule in the
VXI-data acquisition (VXI-DAQ) line of National Instruments
products. The VXI-SC-1102 is designed for signa l conditionin g of
thermocouples, volt and m illivolt sour c es, and 4 to 2 0 mA source s o r
0 to 20 mA pr ocess- c urren t sou rc es. T he V XI- SC-1 102 has 32
differential analog input channels and one cold-junction sensor channel.
Organization of This Manual
The VXI-SC-1102 U se r Ma nual is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1, Introduction, d escribe s th e V XI-SC -11 02, lists wha t
you need to get started, optional software and optional e quipment,
and explains how to u npac k th e V XI-SC- 110 2.
•Chapter 2, Installation, describes how to install cu rrent- loop
receivers on your VXI-SC-1102 and gives inform ation about
installing your VXI-SC-1102 submodule into the VXI -SC-1000
carrier module.
•Chapter 3, Signal Connections, de scribes the input signal
connections to the VXI-S C-1102 sub module via the front
•Chapter 4, Theory of Operation, contains a functional overview of
the VXI-SC-1102 and e xpl ains the op era tion o f each func tional
•Chapter 5, Calibration, discusses the ca libration procedures for the
•Appendix A, Specifications, lists the specifications for the
•Appendix B, Customer Communication, co ntains form s y ou ca n
use to request help from National Instruments or to comment on our
National Instruments CorporationixVXI-SC-1102 User Manual
About This Manual
•The Glossary contains an alphabetical list and description of terms
used in this manual, including abbreviations, acronym s, metric
prefixes, mnemonics, symbols, an d general data acqu isition terms.
•The Index contains a n alpha betica l list o f ke y term s and topic s in
this manual, including the page whe re you can fin d ea ch on e.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual.
< >Angle brackets containing numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a
range of values assoc iated wit h a port, bit, or signal nam e (for exam ple,
ACH<0..7> stands for the signals ACH0 through ACH7).
bold italicBold italic text denotes a note, caution, or warning.
italicItalic text denotes emphasis, a cross reference, or an introduction to a
key concept.
monospaceDenotes text or characters that are to be literally input from the
keyboard, sections of c ode, p rogra mmin g exa m ples, a nd synt ax
examples. This fo nt is also use d for the prope r n ame s of d isk d rive s,
paths, directories, pro gra ms , subp rog rams, su bro utines, de vice n ames ,
functions, variables, filenames, and extensions, and for statements and
comments taken from program code.
PCRefers to the IBM PC/XT, the IBM PC AT, and compatible computers.
VXI-MIO moduleRefers to any of the N ationa l Instrum ents V XI- MIO Se ries of p lug-in
data acquisition boards.
carrier moduleRefers to the VXI-SC-1000, which plugs directly into a VXI slot and on
which VXI-SC submodules are installed.
VXI-SC submoduleRefers to VXI signal conditioning hardware that installs onto the carrier
Abbreviations, acronyms, me tric prefixes, mnemonics, symbols, an d
The VXI-SC-1102 U se r Ma nual is one piece of the documenta tion set
for your VXI-DAQ s ystem . You co uld have any of seve ral type s of
documents, depending on the h ardw are and sof tware in yo ur syste m.
Use the different types of docu me nts you ha ve a s follow s:
•Your VXI-DAQ hardware user manuals—These manuals have
detailed information about the VXI-DAQ hardware that plugs into
or is connected to yo ur V XIbu s c hassis. Us e thes e ma nuals f or
hardware installation and configuration instructions, specification
information about your VXI-DAQ hardware, and application hints.
•Software documentation—You may have both application software
and driver software documentation. National Instruments
application software incl udes Com ponen tW ork s, LabV IEW,
Instruments driver software includes NI-DAQ and VXIplug&play
instrument drivers. After you set up y our ha rdw are system, use
either your application or driver softw are docume ntation to help
you write your application. I f you ha ve a lar ge, c omplica te d
system, it is worthwhile to look thr ough the software
documentation befo re yo u co nfigu re y our hard w are.
•Accessory installation guides or manuals—I f you are using
accessory products, read the terminal block and cable assembly
installation guides or accessory board user manuals. They explain
how to physically co nnec t the releva nt p ieces of the s ystem .
Consult these guides when you are mak ing your c onne ctions.
/CVI, Measure, and VirtualBench. National
About This Manual
Customer Communication
National Instruments wants to rece ive you r com ments o n ou r prod ucts
and manuals. We are interested in the applications you develop with our
products, and we want to help if you have problems with them. To make
it easy for you to contact us, this manual contains comment and
configuration forms for you to complete. These for ms are in
Appendix B, Customer Communication, at the end of this manual.
National Instruments CorporationxiVXI-SC-1102 User Manual
This chapter describe s the VX I-SC -1102, lists wha t y ou need to get
started, optional soft w are and option al eq ui p m en t , an d explains ho w to
unpack the VXI-SC-1102.
The VXI-SC-1102 is part of the VXI signal conditioning system, which
consists of a carrier m odu le and o ne or m ore V XI sign al con ditioning
submodules or filler panels as shown in Figure 1-1.
The VXI-SC-1000 is a carrier module that installs into a slot in a
VXIbus chassis and is po pulated w ith one or tw o submod ules. T he
VXI-SC-1102 is a submodule that installs into VXI-SC subslots on a
VXI-SC-1000 carrier module.
Your VXI-SC-1000 ca rrier modu le is shipp ed w ith a filler pane l
installed in one of the submodule sites. This filler panel is necessary for
the attachment of the front panel, so you should leave it in place until
you are ready to install a VXI-SC submodule.
About the VXI-SC-1102
The VXI-SC-1102 is a submodule for the signal conditio ning of
thermocouples, low-bandwidth volt and millivolt sources, 4 to 20 mA
current sources, a nd 0 to 2 0 mA p roce ss-curr en t sourc es . The
VXI-SC-1102 has 32 diffe rential analog inp ut cha nnels a nd o ne
cold-junction sensor channel. On each channel, the VXI-SC-1102 has a
three-pole lowpass filter with a 2 Hz cutoff frequency to reject 60 Hz
noise. Each channel also has an amplifier with a selectable gain of 1 or
100. You can multiplex the VXI-SC-1102 inputs to a single output,
which drives a single V XI-MIO boa rd c hanne l.
The VXI-SC-1102 operates with full functionality with National
Instruments VXI-MIO modules. You can multiplex several
VXI-SC-1102 submodules an d oth er VX I signa l con ditioning
submodules into a single channel on the VXI-MIO module, greatly
increasing the number of analog input signals that you can digitize.
You can also use National Instruments terminal blocks, which have
screw terminals to which you attach the input signals for the
VXI-SC-1102. In addition, some of these terminal blocks have a
temperature sensor for thermocouple cold-junction compensation
(CJC). The VXI-SC-1102 multiplexes this cold-junction sensor with the
32 input channels during a h ardw are sc an . A N ational Instr uments
isothermal terminal block is recommende d for thermoc ouple
Detailed specifications of the VXI-SC-1102 ar e listed in Appendix A,
To set up and use y our VXI- SC-1 102 , you w ill need the follow ing
❑ VXI-SC-1102 submodule
VXI-SC-1102 User Ma nua l
❑ VXI-SC-1000 carrier module and documentation
❑ VXI-MIO module and documentation
❑ One of the following software packages and documentation:
LabVIEW for Windows
LabWindows/CVI fo r W indo ws
NI-DAQ for PC compatibles
VirtualBen ch
VXIplug&play instrumen t dr iver
Chapter 1Introduction
❑ Your VXIbus system
Software Programming Choices
There are several op tions to choo se from whe n programm ing your
National Instruments VXI-DAQ hardw are. You c an use LabVIE W,
LabWindows/CVI, Comp one ntWorks, V irtu alBench, or o ther
application development enviro nments with eith er NI-DAQ or the
VXIplug&play instrument driver. Both NI-DAQ and the
VXIplug&play instrument driver access the VXI-DAQ hardware
through the VISA driver software.
National Instruments Application Software
LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and a po werf ul g raphic al progr am ming langua ge. The
LabVIEW Data Acquisition VI L ibra r y, a se ries of V Is fo r using
LabVIEW with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is included with
LabVIEW. The LabVIEW D ata A cquisitio n VI Libr ar y is functiona lly
equivalent to the NI-DAQ software.
National Instruments Corporation1-15VXI-SC-1102 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
LabWindows/CVI features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art user
interface, and uses th e ANSI standa rd C pr ogr am ming la nguage . The
LabWindows/CVI Data Ac quisition Lib rary, a se ries of fun ctions f or
using LabWindows/CVI with National Instruments DAQ hardware, is
included with the NI-DAQ software kit. The LabWindow s/CVI Data
Acquisition Library is functionally equivalent to the NI-D AQ sof twar e.
ComponentWorks con tains tools for data acq uisition and instr ument
control built on NI-DAQ driver softw are. Component Works provide s a
higher-level programming interface for building virtual instruments
through standard OLE controls and DLLs. With ComponentWorks, you
can use all of the configuration tools, resource management utilities,
and interactive control utilities included with NI-DAQ.
VirtualBench features VIs that combine DAQ products, software, and
your computer to create a standalone instrument with the added benefit
of the processing, display, and storage capabilities of your computer.
VirtualBench instruments lo ad and sa ve wav efor m data to disk in the
same forms that can be us ed in po pular sp readsh eet pr ogram s and wor d
Using LabVIEW, Lab Windo ws/C VI , Compon en tW ork s, or
VirtualBench software will greatly reduce the development time for
your data acquisition and control application.
NI-DAQ Driver Software
The NI-DAQ driver sof tware is included at no ch ar ge with all National
Instruments DAQ hardware. NI-DAQ is not packaged with accessory
products. NI-DAQ has an extensive library of functions that you can
call from your application progr amming environment. The s e functions
include routines for analog input (A/D conversion), buffered data
acquisition (high-speed A/ D c onver sion) , analog ou tput ( D/A
conversion), waveform generation, digital I/O, counter/timer
operations, SCXI, RTSI, self-calibration, messaging, and acquiring
data to extended memory.
NI-DAQ has both high-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum ease of
use and low-level DAQ I/O functions for maximum flexibility and
performance. Ex am ples of h igh- leve l func tions are stre aming data to
disk or acquiring a certain number of data po ints. An examp le of a
low-level function is writing directly to registers on the DAQ device.
NI-DAQ does not sacrifice the performance of National Instruments
DAQ devices because it lets multiple devices operate at their peak
NI-DAQ maintains a consistent software interface among its different
versions so that you can cha nge p latfo rms w ith minimal mo dific ations
to your code.
Instrument Driver
National Instruments distributes VXIplug&play instrument drivers free
of charge. VXIplug&play instrument drivers are one leve l above the
NI-DAQ device driver and contain high-lev el software function s whose
architecture is specified by the VXIplug&play Systems Alliance. The
VXIplug&play standards increase interoperability with other vendors,
and ensure that drivers are designed and presented in a consistent
fashion that facilitates ease of use. Refer to Figure 1-2 to see the
relationship between your software components.
LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI,
or VirtualBench
Figure 1-2.
The Relationship between the Programming Environment, Your
National Instruments Corporation1-17VXI-SC-1102 User Manual
Chapter 1Introduction
Optional Equipment
National Instruments offers a v ari ety of pr oducts to u se with your
VXI-SC-1102 module, as follows:
•Terminal blocks and 96-pin cables that allow you to attach input
signals to your submodule
•SCXI Process Current Resistor Kit
For more specific information about these products, refer to your
National Instruments catalogue or c all the of fice near est you .
Your VXI-SC-1102 subm odule is sh ippe d in a n antistatic p acka ge to
prevent electrostatic damage to the submodule. Electrostatic discharge
can damage severa l com pon ents on the su bm odu le. To a vo id su ch
damage in handling the submodule, take the following prec autions.
•Ground yourself via a ground ing strap or by holdin g a grounded
•Touch the antistatic package to a me tal part of your VXIbus chassis
before removing the su bmo dule from th e pa ck ag e.
•Remove the submodule from the package and inspect the
submodule for loose components or any othe r sign of damage .
Notify National Instruments if the module appears damaged in any
way. Do not install a damaged submodule into your VXIbus
This chapter describes how to install current-loop receivers on your
VXI-SC-1102 and gives information abou t installing your
VXI-SC-1102 submodu le into the VXI -SC-1000 c arrie r mod ule .
Refer to Figu re 2-1, VXI -SC-11 02 Parts Locator Di agram, for
information as you read the instructions in this chapter.