Highlite International B.V. – Vestastraat 2 – 6468 EX – Kerkrade – the Netherlands

Table of contents
Warning ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Safety Instructions ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
Operating Determinations ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Connection with the mains ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Return Procedure ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Claims .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Description of the device ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Features ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Frontside ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Backside ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Microphone ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Set Up and Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Insert i ng / re placing t he bat t e ry .............................................................................................................................. 9
Adjusting the squelch threshold ............................................................................................................................. 9
Tips for achieving maximum performance .......................................................................................................... 9
Connection Cables .........................................................................................................................................................10
Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................................11
Product Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................12
Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................................13

Unpacking Instructions
Immediately upon receiving this product, carefully unpack the carton and check the contents to ensure
that all part s are prese nt , and have been received in good condition. Notify the dealer immediately and
retain pac k i ng m at e rial for inspecti on if any part s a p pe ar damag e d f rom shipping or the ca rton itse l f
shows signs of mishandling. Save the carton and all packing materials. In the event that a device must be
returne d to the factory, it is im p ortant th at t he device is ret u rned in the original fac tory box an d p ac king.
• DC power adapter 15V 300mA
• 2 antennas
• 2 microphones
Safety Instructions
Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this system has to:
• be qualified
• follow the instruction s of this manual
Before the initial start-up, please ma k e su re that there is no damage cau s e d by transpo rtation. Should
there be any, consult your dealer and do not use the system.
To maintain perfect condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolut ely necessary for th e user to
follo w t he safety instruct io ns and warning notes writ t e n in this manual.
Please consider that damages caused by manual modifications to the system are not subj ect to
This system contains no user-servi ceabl e parts. Refer servicing to qualified technicians only.

The manufacturer will not accept liability for any resulting damages caused by the non-observance of
this manual or any unauthorized modification to the device.
• Never remove warning or informative labels from the unit.
• Never leave any c ab les lying aroun d.
• Do not open the device and do not modify the device.
• Do not connect this device to a dimmerpack .
• Do not switch the system on and off in short intervals, as this would reduce the system’s li fe.
• Only use device indoor, avoid contac t with water or other liquids.
• Avoid flames and do not put close to flammable liquids or gases.
• Always disconnect power from the mains, when device is not used or before cleaning! Only handle
the power-cord by t he plug. Nev er pull out th e pl ug by tugging the power-cord.
• Make sure you do not use the wrong kind of cables or defective cables.
• Make sure to use the supplied AC adaptor only.
• Make sure that the power-cord is never crimped or damaged. Check the system and the power-
cord from time to time.
• If system is dropped or struck, disconnect the power supply immediately. Have a qualified engineer
inspect for safety before operatin g.
• If the system has been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. after transportation), do not
switch it on immediately. The arising condensation water might damage your syst em. Leave the
system switched off until it has reached room temperature.
• If your Dap Audio device fails to work properly, discon tinu e use immediately . Pack the unit secur ely
(pref e rably in th e or iginal pa cking material), and return it to your Dap Audio dealer for s e rv ice.
• Repairs, servi cing and electric conn ection must be carried out by a qualified technician.
• WARRANTY: Till one year after date of purchase.
Operating Determinations
• This device is not designed for permanent operation. Consisten t operation br eaks will ensure tha t the
device will serve you for a long time without defects.
• The maximum ambient temperature t
• The relative humidity must not exceed 50 % with an ambient temperature of 40° C.
• If this device i s operated in any other way , th an the one described in this manual, the produ c t may
suffer damages and the warranty becomes void.
• Any other operation may le ad to dange rs like sho rt-circuit , burns, electric shock, cras h, etc.
= 40°C must never be exceeded.
You endanger your own safety and the safety of others!
Connection with the mains
Connect the device to the mains with the power-plug.
Always pay attention, that the right color cable is connected to the right place.
Make sure that the device is always connected properly to the earth!
Improper installation can cause serious damage to people and property!

Returned merchandise must be sent prepaid and in the original packing, call tags will not be issued.
Package must be clearly labeled with a Return Authorization Number (RMA number). Products returned
without an RMA number will be refused. Highlite will not accept the returned goods or any responsibility.
Call Highlite 0031-455667723 or mail aftersales@highlite.nl
Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number and a brief description of the cause for the
retu rn. Be sure to properly pac k fixture, any shippi ng damage resu lting fro m inadequat e packagin g i s the
customer’s responsibility. Highlite reserves the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace
produ c t ( s ). As a sugges t i on, prope r UPS packin g or double-boxing is always a safe method to use.
Note: If you are given an RMA number, please include the following information on a piece of paper
inside the box:
01) Your na me
02) Your address
03) Your pho ne number
04) A brief description of the symptoms
and reque s t an RMA prior to shi pping the fixture.
The client has the obligation to check the delivered goods immedia tely upon delivery for any shortcomings and/or visible defects, or perform this check after our announcement that the goods are at their
disposal. Damage incurred in shipping is the responsibility of the shipper; therefore the damage must be
reported to the carrier upon receipt of merchandise.
It is the customer's responsibili ty to no tify and submit clai ms with the shipp er in the event that a fixture i s
dama g ed due to shipping. Transportation damage has to be reported to us within one day after receipt
of the d elivery.
Any return shipment has to be made post-paid at all times. Return shipments must be accompanied with
a letter de f i ning the re ason for ret urn shipment. N o n-prepaid return shipments will be refused, unless
otherwise agreed in writing.
Complaints against us must be made known in writing or by fax within 10 working days after receipt of the
invoice. After this period complaint s will no t be handled anymore.
Complaints will only then be considered if the client has so far complied with all parts of the agreement,
regardless of the agreement of which the obligation is resulting.