AK-CC—Case Controllers
All of the controls below control anti-sweat heaters, fan operation, lighting door alarms,
case cleaning, dual temperature control, and provide alarm notification.
Danfoss Type AK-CC 210 AK-CC 550A AK-CC 750
No. of evaporators Single Single Multiple
Valve Control On/off—Typically solenoid valve with TXV EEV AKV or Solenoid
Mounting Panel mount DIN rail or wall DIN rail or wall
Display On front On front Connection for 1–4 displays
Temp. control Yes Yes Yes
Defrost Yes with connections Yes, adaptive with skip and coordination
No. of compressors 1 or 2 1 or 2 1
No. of outputs 4 5 × AKV 8, max. 4 AKV
No. sensors 3 6 11
No. DI 2 3 11
Communication Opt. LON RS 485 or MODBUS MODBUS + opt. LON RS 485 LON RS 485 or LON TP 78
Danfoss Type Supply Voltage (V) Notes Danfoss Code No.
AK-CC 210 115 084B8534
AK-CC 210 220 084B8520
AK-CC 550A 115 084B8036
AK-CC 550A 230 084B8030
AK-CC 750 24 AC/DC LON TP78 080Z0130
AK-CC 750 24 AC/DC LON RS485 080Z0139
Single evaportator on/off (typically solenoid valve) control.
May be used on self-contained cases or rack systems.
May be stand alone or tied into front end controller.
550A Single evaporator control which controls
Danfoss AKV based on superheat. May be
stand alone or tied into front end controller.
750 Multi-evaporator control (up
to 4) which controls Danfoss AKV
based on superheat or temperature.
Yes, adaptive with skip and
Displays and Display Accessories for AK2 Sis
Danfoss Type Description Notes Danfoss Code No.
EKA 163A
EKA 163B With plug connector 084B8574
EKA 164A
EKA 164B With plug connector 084B8575
EKC 202D2 Walmart temperature Display EKA Remote Display (Green Display) 084B8670
EKC 202D2 Walmart temperature controller Stand Alone Display Unit 110V (Green Display) & LON 485 communication card 084B8693
Display unit withoperation buttons
Display unit
Cable with plugs for display unit 6.5 ft. 084B7298
Cable with plugs for display unit 19.5 ft. 084B7299
Other Accessories for AK2 Case/Rack Controllers
Danfoss Type Description Applicable Product Danfoss Code No.
EKA 173 LON FTT10 card EKC 316 084B7092
EKA 175 LON RS485 card Top of form EKC 3XX, AK-CC 450/550/550A 084B8579
EKA 178 AK-CC 210 MODBUS card Top of form EKC 202/210 Bottom of form 084B8564
EKA 179 AK-CC 210 LON RS485 card Top of form EKC 202/210 Bottom of form 084B8565
EKA 183A Progamming Key
EKA mounting flange kit EKA 163, 164 084B8584
Metal EKC Bracket Any standard 71mm × 29mm panel mount display or controller 60-274
Food Retail Service Parts Catalog
Screw terminals 084B8562
Screw terminals 084B8563
EKC 102, 202, 204, 3XX (excl. EKC 301), 4XX and 5XX, AK-CC 210 and 550,
AK-CT, ERC 211, 213, and 214