Danfoss XGM050 Data sheet

Data sheet
Plate Heat Exchanger
Micro Plate Heat Exchangers - a revolutionary technology from Danfoss. Characterized by their unique plate pattern, MPHEs enable heat to be transferred more efficient than any previous model of heat exchangers.
• Energy and cost savings
• Better heat transfer
• Lower pressure loss
• Longer life time more on: MPHE.danfoss.com
XGM050 is a gasketed plate heat exchanger, which will be available in plate corrugation H, M and L. It will be available in 1-pass (with 4 connections) and 2-pass version (with 6 connections). Heat exchangers can be dimensioned in Danfoss calculation software “Hexact” which can be downloaded from MPHE.danfoss.com.
Main data:
• Min. temperature −10 °C
• Max. temperature 150 °C
• Max. working pressure 16 bar (10&25 bar on request)
• Circulation water / glycolic water up to 50 %
• Connection size G 2A or DN 50
• Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
• GOST/Russia
XGM 050 H – 1 – 10
Number of plates Number of Passes (1 = 1-pass)
Channel type (L-M-H)
Connection size (DN 50)
Micro plate™ plates
Gasketed heat exchanger
Tailor made ordering
1-pass/2-pass gasketed heat exchanger type XGM050
• The heat exchanger shall be ordered at a Danfoss sales company or at Danfoss Kamnik.
• Tailor Made orders: the code will created when contacting Danfoss Kamnik.
• With the order please attach the Hexact Datasheet, Punchlist, Plate Arrangement Drawing and BOM.
For further details please contact Danfoss sales representative.
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Data sheet XGM050
Ordering (continuous) 1-pass gasketed heat exchanger XGM050
Note: brackets has to be o rdered separately
1-pass gasketed heat exchanger XGM050
Note: brackets has to be o rdered separately, linings are no t included, counter flang e is included.
No of plates
30 079B00 51 079B0070 079B0089
40 079B0052 079B0071 079B0090
50 079B0053 079B0072 079 B0091
60 079B0054 079B0073 079 B0092
70 079B0055 079B0 074 079B0 093
80 079B0056 079 B0075 079B0094
90 079B0057 079B0 076 079B0 095
100 079B0058 079B0077 079B0096
110 079B0059 079B0 078 079B0097
120 079B0 060 079B 0079 079B0098
No of plates
30 079 B1032 079B1051 079B1070
40 079 B1033 079B10 52 079B1071
50 079 B1034 079B1053 079B1072
60 079 B1035 079B1054 079B1073
70 07 9B1036 079B1055 079B1074
80 079 B1037 079B10 56 079B1075
90 079B1038 079B10 57 079 B1076
100 079B103 9 079B1058 079B1077
110 079B10 40 07 9B1059 079B1078
120 079B10 41 079B10 60 079B1079
Thread G2"
Flange DN50
XGM05 0H XGM05 0M XG M050L
Code no.
079B0050 079B0069 079B0088
XGM05 0H XGM05 0M XG M050L
Code no.
079 B1031 079B10 50 07 9B1069
Accessories - Insulation (Aluminium stucco and mineral wool)
Type coverage (p late number)
10-20 10-28 004H4230
21-4 8 29 -70 004H4231
49-76 71- 110 004H4232
77-10 4 112-15 0 004H4233
105 -132 152-19 0 004H4234
Note: Aluminium st ucco and mineral wool insulation ca n be used
for 1-pass and 2-pa ss version
Code No
Accessories - Insulation (Coated steel sheet and polyester insulation)
Type coverage (p late number)
10-20 10-28 004H4270
21-4 8 29 -70 0 04H4271
49-76 71- 110 004H4272
77-10 4 111- 150 004H4273
105 -132 152-19 0 004 H4274
Note: Coated s teel sheet and polester insu lation can be used for
1-pass. (2-pass ver sions are available on enqui ry)
Code No
2 | AI160986475761en-000401
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Data sheet XGM050
Ordering (continuous) Accessories - Tailpieces
Picture Description Connection Code No.
One set conta ins 2 tailpieces with union nuts a nd gaskets.
Accessories - Plates for XGM050, (Material 1.4404) PN16
Typ e Code No.
Plates XGM050H 1.4404, I-p* 10 pcs 004H4242
Plates XGM050M 1.4404, I-p* 10 pcs 004H4243
Plates XGM050L 1.4404, I-p* 10 pcs 004H4244
Plates XGM050H 1.4404, I-p* 250 pcs 00 4H4245
Plates XGM050M 1.4404, I-p* 250 pcs 004H4246
Plates XGM050L 1.4404, I-p* 250 pcs 004 H4247
sets of 10 & 250
* I-p: I ndustrial pack
Accessories - Special plate set (Material: 1.4404) PN16
Typ e Description Code No.
XGM050H: spec. plates 1-pass versions, including gaskets
XGM050M: spec. plates 1-pass versions, including gaskets 079H904 0
XGM050L: spec. plates 1-pass versions, including gaskets 079 H9041
XGM050H: spec. plates 2-pass versions, including gaskets
XGM050M: spec. plates 2-pass versions, including gaskets 079H904 6
XGM050L: spec. plates 2-pass versions, including gaskets 079H9 047
Solder tailpieces
Weld-on tailpieces
G 2 / 28 mm 004B2 910
G 2 / 35 mm 0 04B 2911
G 2 / 42 mm 00 4B2912
G 2 / DN 32 004B2907
G 2 / DN 40 004B2908
G 2 / DN 50 004B2909
Accessories - EPDM Gasket
Typ e Code No.
Gasket for XGM050L, I-p* 10 pcs 079H9032
Gasket for XGM050L, I-p* 250 pcs 079H9033
Gasket for XGM050H&M, I-p* 10 pcs 079H9034
Gasket for XGM050H&M, I-p* 250 pcs 079H9035
sets of 10 & 250
* I-p: Indust rial pack
Sets of 1 front and 1 back plate for 1 pass
versions including EPDM gaskets
Sets of 1 front, 1 back and 1 middle plates
for 2 pass versions including EPDM gaskets
Accessories - Other spare parts
Typ e Code No.
Linings XGM050 PN16 EPDM I-Pack, 4 Pcs 004H4263
Linings XGM050 PN25 EPDM I-Pack, 4 Pcs 004H4266
O-rings for XGM050 flanges I-Pack 10Pcs 004 H4265
Accessories - Bracket
Picture Code No.
NOTE: Bracket set is not inclu ded in HEX please order it
separately. Set contai n 2 pcs of bracket/legs .
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