Data sheet
Plate heat exchanger
XGF100 -034, -035, -050, -066
Design and function
The heat exchangers are made of shape-pressed
heat plates between which the ow channels are
created. Gaskets between the plates separate
the ow channels from each other so that the
ows do not mix. The heavy turbulence and
counter-ow principle enables ecient heat
transfer. The task of the heat exchanger is to
transfer heat from the primary to secondary ow
through a heat transfer plate thus preventing
the ows from mixing with each other. The plate
heat exchanger with gaskets can be opened
for cleaning and for replacement of plates and
gaskets. The heat output can be changed by
adding or removing plates.
The choice of heat exchanger is determined by
the desired heat output, required temperatures
and the permitted pressure losses.
The XGF100 gasketed hex range include 4 plate
types in dierent length and same width.
All plates are available in L and H type which can
be combined to M type. This datasheet include
a range of types, where standard code no’s
have been prepared, all in PN 16 variants in 1
pass. Standard codes have not been created for
XGF100 -06 6.
Danfoss XGF plate heat exchanger has been
developed specically for District Energy
applications like District Heating and Cooling
ensuring you a reliable high ecient plate heat
exchanger fullling your needs.
Among others the XGF range include following
- Improved plate alignment system;
- Glue free gaskets with a robust attachment
- Enforced distribution area;
- Optimized distribution area ensures high
eciency and reduced risk of fouling.
1-pass heat exchanger
T11 - Primary side in
T12 - Primary side out
T21 - Secondary side in
T22 - Secondary side out
The complete range can be supplied in PN 25
and 2 pass variants. All variants can be calculated
in Danfoss Calculation software “Hexact”, where
they will be shown without a standard code no.
Unique code no’s for these variants will be
created when they are ordered. Please contact
your local Danfoss Sales Oce for oering and
VD.GS.L4.02 © Danfoss 01/2015

Data sheet Plate heat exchanger XGF100
1-pass gasketed heat exchangers type XGF100
No. of plates 100-034H 100-034M 100-034L 100-035H 100-035M 100-035L 100-050H
(n) Code No.
50 004H7001 0 04H 7012 004H7023 004H703 4 004H7045 004H7056 004H7067
60 004H7002 0 04H7013 0 04H7024 0 04H7035 004H7046 00 4H7057 004H7068
70 004H7003 00 4H7014 004H7025 0 04H7036 004H7047 004H7058 004H7069
80 004H7004 0 04H 7015 004H7026 004H7037 004H7048 004H7059 004H7070
90 004H7005 0 04H7016 0 04H7027 0 04H7038 004H7049 004H7060 004 H7071
100 004H7006 00 4H7 017 004H7028 004H7039 004H7050 004H7061 00 4H7072
110 004H7007 00 4H7018 00 4H7029 004H7040 00 4H7051 004H7062 004H7073
120 004H7008 00 4H7019 004H7030 004H7041 004H7052 004H7063 004H 7074
130 004H7009 004H7020 004H7031 004H7042 004H70 53 004H7064 004H 7075
140 0 04H7010 0 04H7021 004H7032 004H7043 00 4H7054 004H7065 00 4H7076
150 00 4H7 011 004H7022 004 H7033 004H7044 004H7055 004H7066 00 4H7077
Accessories - Insulations
Type coverage (plate nos) No. of plates Code No.
Insulation set
XGF10 0-034 20 ->54
XGF10 0-035 20 ->34
XGF10 0-034 5 6->14 4
XGF10 0-035 36 ->92
XGF10 0-034 14 6->2 66
XGF10 0-035 9 4->16 8
004H710 5
004H710 7
Type coverage (plate nos) No. of plates Code No.
Insulation set XGF100-050
Insulation set XGF100-066
Accessories - EPDM Gasket, sets of 10 & 250 (Pricelist is per 1 pc.)
Typ e Code No.
Gasket for XGF100-034, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H712 0
Gasket for XGF100-034, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7121
Gasket for XGF100-035, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H712 2
Gasket for XGF100-035, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7123
Typ e Code No.
Gasket for XGF100-050H, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H712 4
Gasket for XGF100-050H, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H712 5
Gasket for XGF100-066H, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H712 6
Gasket for XGF100-066H, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7127
20 ->54 00 4H7 111
56 ->14 4 00 4H7 112
146->26 6 004 H7113
20 ->54 00 4H7 114
56 ->14 4 00 4H7 115
146->26 6 00 4H 7116
Accessories - Plates for XG100 PN16, sets of 10 & 250 (Material 1.4404) (Pricelist is per 1 pc.)
Type coverage (plate nos) Code No.
Plates for XGF100- 034H PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H713 0
Plates for XGF100- 034L PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H7131
Plates for XGF100- 034H PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7132
Plates for XGF100- 034L PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7133
Plates for XGF100- 035H PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H713 4
Plates for XGF100- 035L PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H7135
Plates for XGF100- 035H PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7136
Plates for XGF100- 035L PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7137
Type coverage (plate nos) Code No.
Plates for XGF100- 050H PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H713 8
Plates for XGF100- 050L PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 004H7139
Plates for XGF100- 050H PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 004H7140
Plates for XGF100- 050L PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7141
Plates for XGF100- 066H PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 0 04H 7134
Plates for XGF100- 066L PN16, I-pack 10 pcs 004 H7135
Plates for XGF100- 066H PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 004H7136
Plates for XGF100- 066L PN16, I-pack 250 pcs 004H 7137
Accessories - PN16, sets of 1 front and 1 back plate for 1 pass versions incl EPDM gaskets
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-034H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-034L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-035H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-035L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
00 4H714 6
00 4H714 8
00 4H714 9
00 4H7151
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-050H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-050L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-066H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
XGF100-066L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN16
00 4H7152
00 4H7154
00 4H7155
00 4H7157
Accessories - PN16, sets of 1 front, 1 back and 1 middle plates for 2 pass versions incl EPDM gaskets
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-034H: spec. plates 2-pass version,
including gaskets PN16
00 4H7158
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-050H: spec. plates 2-pass version,
including gaskets PN16
VD.GS.L4.02 © Danfoss 01/2015

Data sheet Plate heat exchanger XGF100
Ordering (continuous)
Accessories - Plates for XG100 PN25, sets of 10 & 250 (Material 1.4404) (Pricelist is per 1 pc.)
Type coverage (plate nos) Code No.
Plates for XGF100- 034H PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H717 0
Plates for XGF100- 034L PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 004H7171
Plates for XGF100- 034H PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7172
Plates for XGF100- 034L PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 004H7173
Plates for XGF100- 035H PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H7174
Plates for XGF100- 035L PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H7175
Plates for XGF100- 035H PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H7176
Plates for XGF100- 035L PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 00 4H717 7
Type coverage (plate nos) Code No.
Plates for XGF100- 050H PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 00 4H717 8
Plates for XGF100- 050L PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 004H 7179
Plates for XGF100- 050H PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 004 H7180
Plates for XGF100- 050L PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 0 04H7181
Plates for XGF100- 066H PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 0 04H718 2
Plates for XGF100- 066L PN25, I-pack 10 pcs 004H7183
Plates for XGF100- 066H PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 004 H7184
Plates for XGF100- 066L PN25, I-pack 250 pcs 004H7185
Accessories - PN25, sets of 1 front and 1 back plate for 1 pass versions incl EPDM gaskets
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-034H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-034L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-035H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-035L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
00 4H7192
00 4H7194
00 4H7195
00 4H7197
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-050H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-050L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-066H: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
XGF100-066L: spec. plates 1-pass versions,
including gaskets. PN25
00 4H7198
004 H7201
Accessories - PN25, sets of 1 front, 1 back and 1 middle plates for 2 pass versions incl EPDM gaskets
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-034H: spec. plates 2-pass version,
including gaskets PN25
Typ e Code No.
XGF100-050H: spec. plates 2-pass version,
including gaskets PN25
00 4H7213
Accessories - Bracket
Picture Code No.
Bracket set is not i ncluded in HEX please o rder it separately.
Set contain 3 die rent pcs of bracket/leg s with screws.
VD.GS.L4.02 © Danfoss 01/2015