Data sheet
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger (MPHE): XB71
Description Micro Plate Heat Exchangers - a revolutionary
technology from Danfoss.
Characterized by their unique plate pattern,
MPHEs enable heat to be transferred more
effectively than any previous model of heat
• Energy and cost savings
• Better heat transfer
• Lower pressure loss
• More flexible design
• Longer life time
more on:
XB71 is copper brazed heat exchanger, designed
and configured for District Heating, District
Cooling and other Heating applications.
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
Ordering 1-pass heat exchanger XB 71
Brackets are sup plied together with heat e xchanger.
XB71 is provided with compa c flanges, installing with s tandard
flanges is no t possible. Recommended a re Danfoss counter flanges .
Counter compac t flanges needs to be orde red separately.
2-pass versio n is available on enquir y.
No. of
plates, n
XB 71H XB 71M X B 71L
50 079 G1005 079G1025 079 G1045
60 079G10 06 079G1026 07 9G1046
70 079G1007 079G1027 0 79G1047
80 079G10 08 079G1028 07 9G1048
90 079G10 09 079G1029 07 9G1049
100 079G1010 079 G1030 07 9G1050
110 07 9G1011 07 9G1031 079G1051
120 079G1012 079G1032 079G10 52
140 07 9G1013 079G1033 079G105 3
160 079 G1014 079G103 4 079G1054
180 079 G1015 079G1035 079G1055
200 079G1016 079G10 36 079 G1056
220 079G1 017 0 79G1037 -
240 079G1018 079 G1038 -
260 079G1019 079G1039 -
280 079G1020 - -
Code No.
Insulation XB 71 (mm)
Polyurethane shell with aluminium cover (PU)
H M L Code No.
50-90 50 -70 50 079G1080
91-14 0 71-10 0 51-70 079G10 81
141-190 101-140 71-10 0 079 G1082
191-260 141-20 0 101-14 0 079G1083
261-280 201-260 141-200 079G1084
Ewona wool shell with metal sheet cover (EW)
H M L Code No.
50 -126 50-90 50-68 079 G1085
127-160 91 -116 69 -84 079G1086
161-190 117-14 0 85 -100 0 79G1087
191-224 141-16 8 101 -120 07 9G1088
225 -260 169-19 4 121-14 0 079 G1089
261-280 195-220 141-156 079G10 90
- 221-250 157-18 0 079 G1091
- 251-260 181-200 07 9G1092
Selfadhesive Elastomeric insulation (EI)
H M L Code No.
50-80 50-60 - 079 G1093
81-12 0 61-9 0 50-60 079G1094
121-16 0 9 1-120 61-8 6 079 G1095
161-22 0 121-16 4 87 -118 079G1096
221-28 0 16 5-220 119 -156 07 9G1097
- 221-260 15 7-200 079G109 8
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Data sheet XB 71
Ordering (continued)
Accessories - Service sales
(for replacement of XB70 - adapter with standard DIN flange)
Typ e Material Code No.
Adapter set f lange DN100 PN16 CS 2pcs mild steel 079G1074
Adapter set f lange DN100 PN16 StS 2pcs stainless steel
Adapter set f lange DN65 PN16 CS 2pcs mild steel 079G1076
Adapter set f lange DN65 PN16 StS 2pcs
Adapter set f lange DN65 PN25 CS 2pcs mild steel 079G1078
Adapter set f lange DN65 PN25 StS 2pcs
Accessories - Counter compact-flanges
Typ e Material Code No.
Counter compact flange set XB71 DN100 CS 2pcs
Counter compact flange set XB71 DN100 StS 2pcs
O-ring gaskets DN100 I-pack (Heating and Cooling) 4pcs Viton FKM 80 079G1072
O-ring gaskets DN100 I-pack (DHW) 4pcs Viton VI665 079G1073
Counter flang es (2 pcs) of mild steel including O -rings (Heating, Collin g) and bolts.
Counter flang es (2 pcs) of stainless steel 1.4404 incl uding O-rings (Drink ing water DHW) and bolts. ( FDA: 21CFR Ch I § 177.2600 )
Technical data Heat exchanger XB71
Typ e XB 71H-1 XB 71M-1 XB 71L-1
Max working pressure bar 25
Min. / Max. temperature
Flow medium
Volume / Channel Ltr 0.59 0.84 1.22
Connections Compac Flange DN100 1.4404 PN25
Weight 1-pass
Weight 2-pass 29.5+1.09 x n
Plate material Stainless steel, mat. no. 1.4404 (316L)
Brazing Copper
Typ e
Wall thickness mm 25 50 19-19
Heat conductivity λ W/mK 0.035 0.024 0.033
Max. temperature
Surface finish
For more details about insulation please contact your Danfoss sales representative.
Short term peak 150 150 110
stainless steel
stainless steel
C -10 / 180
DC: ethylene-, propylene-glycolic water, ethanol-water solutions and other
Ewona wool shell with
metal sheet cover (EW)
Metal sheet cover
DH: Circulation water / glycolic water up to 50%
suitable heat transfer media.
(Please contact your Danfoss representative.)
27.6+1.09 x n
Polyurethane shell
with aluminium cover
130 120 85
Aluminium cover
RAL 9011
mild steel 079G1070
stainless steel 079G1071
Elastomeric insulation
RAL 9006
RAL 9011
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