2. Product introduction, VX Solo 22 - ECL Comfort 310, A230, electronic control of 1 circuit ....................................................................................3
3. Product introduction, VX Solo 22 - ECL Comfort 310, A266, electronic control of 2 circuits ..................................................................................4
4. Enduser instructions, description and initial adjustment ...................................................................................................................................................6
5. Installation instructions, connection, safety and handling .................................................................................................................................................7
6. Installation instructions, GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................................................................8
7. Installation instructions, general ..................................................................................................................................................................................................9
9. Adjustment and commissioning, lling the system and dierential pressure controller .....................................................................................11
10. Adjustment and commissioning, heating circuit ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
11. Adjustment and commissioning, DHW circuit - only for systems with DHW cylinder control, App. A266 .................................................... 14
12. Operation and maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
13. Maintenance plan ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
15. EU Declaration of Conformity ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
DH, HE: G 1” (IT)
Connection for cylinder: G 1 or ¾” (IT)
Top view
Danfoss District Energy VI.GE.Y1.02 DKDHR
Instructions for installation and use VX Solo 22
4. Enduser instructions, description and initial adjustment
Please read these instructions carefully before installing and commissioning this unit. The manufacturer accepts no liability for loss
or damage resulting from failure to comply with these instructions
for use. Read and follow these instructions carefully to prevent the
risk of physical injury and/or damage to property. Exceeding the
recommended operating parameters appreciably increases the risk
of personal injury and/or damage to property.
Installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out
by qualied and authorised personnel (both plumbing and electrical work).
Once the station has been installed and is operating, there is nor-mally no need to alter the settings or other functions. The district
heating unit is very reliable and easy to operate.
Warning! Hot surfaces
Parts of the unit may be very hot and can cause burn injuries.
Be very careful when you are in the immediate vicinity of the unit.
Warnings about high pressure and high temperature
The maximum supply temperature in the district heating network can be up to 120°C and the operating pressure can be up
to 16 bar. This may result in a risk of scalding from touching the
unit and from outow of the medium (water/steam). Exceeding
the unit design data and operating parameters for pressure and
temperature carries an appreciable risk of personal injury and/or
damage to property.
These instructions apply to two unit types. One variant with Danfoss
ECL Comfort 310 controller with night-time duty for control of the
heating circuit only (Application A230) as well as a variant with
Danfoss ECL Comfort 310 controller for control of both the heating
circuit (incl. night-time duty) as well as a DHW cylinder circuit (Application A266).
VX Solo 22 units are tted with a dierential pressure controller that
maintains a constant pressure in the radiators. For both VX Solo 22
applications the supply temperature to the heating circuit is controlled electronically.
For VX Solo 22, application A266, the temperature in the DHW cylinder is also controlled electronically.
We recommend regular inspections of the unit - ideally in connection
with readings of the district heating meter.
Pay special attention to any leaks and an excessively high return
temperature in the district heating circuit (poor cooling of the district
heating water). Cooling – i.e. the dierence between the supply and return temperature of the district heating water – has a signicant eect
on the overall energy economy. Please note that the district heating
return temperature is directly related to the return temperature from
the heating circuit (and the return temperature from the domestic
hot water cylinder). Therefore, it is important to focus on the supply
and return temperature in the heating system.
The dierence should typically be 30–35°C in systems that operate
with radiators. In systems that feature oor heating, the dierence is
typically 5–10°C.
In the event of re, leaks or other hazards, immediately shut o
all sources of energy to the unit, if possible, and call for appropriate assistance.
If the domestic hot water is discoloured or malodorous, shut o
all ball valves on the unit notify all users and call for professional
assistance without delay.
Initial setting
VX Solo 22 is electronically controlled (fully automatic) and there
is normally no need to alter the settings or other functions. The
DHW (Application 266) and HE temperatures are set during initial
adjustment and commissioning of the unit.
We suggest that you contact qualied and authorised personnel,
if it becomes necessary to change the parameters (temperatures,
night-time reduction etc.) in the controller.
When reading the meter, check all joints and connections for leaks.
If you identify any irregularities/leaks, contact your professional
provider for assistance.
DKDHR VI.GE.Y1.02 Danfoss District Energy
Instructions for installation and use VX Solo 22
5. Installation instructions, connection, safety and handling
Please read these instructions carefully before installing and commissioning this unit. The manufacturer accepts no liability for loss
or damage resulting from failure to comply with these instructions
for use. Read and follow these instructions carefully to prevent the
risk of physical injury and/or damage to property. Exceeding the
recommended operating parameters appreciably increases the risk
of personal injury and/or damage to property.
Installation, commissioning and maintenance must be carried out
by qualied and authorised personnel (both plumbing and electrical work).
Heat source
The unit is primarily designed for connection to district heating.
Alternative energy sources can be used if the operating conditions
are equivalent to district heating at all times.
The unit is designed exclusively to heat water.
The unit must not be used to heat other media.
The unit is to be connected to the household piping in a frost-free
room, where the temperature does not exceed 50°C, and where the
relative humidity is not higher than 80%. The unit must not be covered, bricked in or otherwise cut o from access.
Choise of materials
Only use materials that comply with local regulations.
It must be possible to cut o all energy sources to the unit – including
electrical connections – at all times. The unit must be connected to an
electrical equalizer connection.
Potential equalization/grounding
Potential equalization is an electrical equalizer connection to secure
against user contact with dangerous voltage, which may occur for
example between two piping systems. Potential equalization reduces
corrosion in heat exchangers, water heaters, district heating units and
plumbing installations. Equalization of potentials should be eected
according to local regulations.
Warning! Hot surfaces
Parts of the unit may be very hot and can cause burn injuries. Be very
careful when you are in the immediate vicinity of the unit.
Warnings about high pressure and high temperature
The maximum supply temperature in the district heating network
can be up to 120°C and the operating pressure can be up to 16 bar.
This may result in a risk of scalding from touching the unit and from
outow of the medium. Exceeding the unit design data and operating
parameters for pressure and temperature carries an appreciable risk of
personal injury and/or damage to property.
The maximum chlorine content of the medium must not be higher
than 300 mg/l. The risk of corrosion increases considerably if the
recommended chlorine content is exceeded.
Safety valve(s)
Safety valves must always be installed in accordance with the applicable local regulations.
Noise level
≤ 55 dB
Before installation, the unit(s) must be stored in a dry, heated (i.e. frostfree) room.
(Relative humidity max. 80% and storage temp. 5–70°C).
The units must not be stacked higher than the limit at the factory. Units
supplied in cardboard packaging must be lifted using the handles
incorporated in the packaging. Units must be placed on pallets for
transport/moving across large distances.
As far as possible, do not lift the unit by the pipes. Lifting by the pipes
may cause leaks. REMEMBER to retighten.
In the event of re, leaks or other hazards, immediately shut o all energy
sources to the
If the
valves on the unit, notify all users and call professional assistance without delay.
Warning about damage during transport
On reception of the unit, and before installing it, check for any evidence
of damage during transport.
The unit must be handled and moved with the greatest care and attention.
NB! - Tightening of connections
Before lling the unit with water, ALL pipe connections MUST be
retightened, as vibrations during transport may have caused leaks.
Once the unit has been lled and the system is hot, ALL pipe connections MUST be retightened once more. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THE
PIPE CONNECTIONS – see page 9, “Test & connections”.
We recommend that you wear suitable safety footwear while handling
and installing the unit.
We recommend that you wear suitable safety working gloves while
handling and installing the unit.
Do not remove any transport brackets until the unit is in the immediate
vicinity of the installation site.
, if possible, and call appropriate assistance.
domestic hot water
is discoloured or malodorous, shut o all ball
Dispose of the packaging in accordance with the local regulations for
disposal of used packaging materials. The unit is made of materials that
cannot be disposed of together with household waste.
Close all energy sources and disconnect all connection pipes. Disconnect
and dismantle the product for disposal in accordance with the applicable
local regulations for the disposal of the individual components.
Danfoss District Energy VI.GE.Y1.02 DKDHR
Instructions for installation and use VX Solo 22
6. Installation instructions, GETTING STARTED
Connect the unit to the household piping in accordance with the
labelling at the bottom and/or in accordance with the instructions
in this manual.
Please also refer to page 9, top, Installation instructions, General.
Mount VX Solo 22 on a solid wall using expansion bolts or similar.
Please note that the unit weighs more than 60 kg!
See page 9 for more details.
GETTING STARTED is a quick guide and some details in connection
with installation and commissioning may require additional information, which can be found elsewhere in this instruction manual.
1. When the unit has been securely mounted, close all shut-o
valves on supply and return pipes before connecting the unit
to the household piping
2. Mount the district heating meter (if the unit includes built-in
tting piece for heat meter - see page 9 in the instructions, if
3. IMPORTANT! Tighten all pipe connections, as they may
have loosened during transport and handling (do NOT
overtighten!) - check that the air valve in top of the unit is
4. Install properly sized expansion vessel on the heating system
5. Establish a drain connection on the safety valves in compliance with the aplicable legislation
6. Open the ball valves for HE supply and return and ll the
system with water. Filling of water to the heating system must
be done through connection to an exterior cold water supply.
(see instructions on page 11)
7. Fill the DHW cylinder with water
District heating
supply return
Connection for cylinder
8. Then carefully open the ball valve for the district heating
supply ow, and nally open the ball valve for the district
heating return ow as well as the connection pipe for the
DHW cylinder
9. Check the unit and the household piping thoroughly for leaks
10. Pressure test the entire system for leaks in accordance with
the applicable regulations
11. Connect the ECL automatics to the electricity supply, but do not switch on the power
12. Heat the system and vent the radiator circuit/heating side
thoroughly on the radiators and the air valve, see pages 11
and 15 “Venting of system” in the instruction manual
13. Now switch on the automatics at the mains
14. Finish by adjusting the unit in accordance with the instructions and remember to ll-in the commissioning certicate
on page 20
15. IMPORTANT! Heating and cooling of the system may cause
leaks. Therefore it may be necessary to retighten the connections in the period after commissioning.
DKDHR VI.GE.Y1.02 Danfoss District Energy
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