Danfoss VLT DeviceNet MCA 104, VLT FC 102 Series, VLT FC 301 Series, VLT FC 202 Series, VLT FC 302 Series Programming Manual

Programming Guide
VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
VLT® Frequency Converter Series • FC 102 • FC 202 • FC 301/302
Contents Programming Guide
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
1.2 Additional Resources
1.3 Document and Software Version
1.4 Product Overview
1.5 Approvals and Certications
1.6 Symbols, Abbreviations and Conventions
2 Safety
2.1 Safety Symbols
2.2 Qualied Personnel
2.3 Safety Precautions
3 Conguration
3.1 Congure the DeviceNet Network
3.2 Congure the Master
3.3 Congure the Frequency Converter
4 Control
4.1 DeviceNet Process Control Modes
4.2 I/O Assembly Instances
4.3 Process Data
4.4 ODVA Control Prole
4.5 FC Control Prole
5 Parameter Access
5.1 Explicit Messages
5.2 Object Classes
5.3 DeviceNet Object Classes
5.4 Danfoss Object Classes
6 Parameters
6.1 Parameter Description
6.2 Parameter List
6.3 Data Types Supported
7 Application Examples
7.1 Example: Working with Instance 101/151 Process
8 Troubleshooting
8.1 LED Status
8.2 No Communication with the Frequency Converter
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VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
8.3 Frequency Converter Does Not Respond to Control Signals
8.4 Warnings and Alarms
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24 V
Trunk line
Power supply
Drop lines 1 RT=Termination resistors
1 1 1
Introduction Programming Guide
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
The VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104 Programming Guide provides information about conguring the system, controlling the frequency converter, parameter access, programming, troubleshooting, and some typical application examples. The programming guide is intended for use by qualied
personnel who are familiar with the VLT® frequency converter, with DeviceNet technology, and with the PC or PLC that is used as a master in the system. Read the instructions before programming and follow the procedures in this manual.
VLT® is a registered trademark.
1.2 Additional Resources
Resources available for the VLT® frequency converter and optional equipment:
The VLT® Operating Instructions provide the
necessary information for getting the VLT frequency converter up and running.
The VLT® Design Guide provides detailed
information about capabilities and functionality to design motor control systems.
The VLT® Programming Guide provides greater
detail on working with parameters and many application examples.
The VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104 Installation Guide
provides information about installing the DeviceNet and troubleshooting.
The VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104 Programming Guide
provides information about conguring the
system, controlling the VLT® frequency converter, parameter access, programming, troubleshooting, and some typical application examples.
Supplementary publications and manuals are available from Danfoss. See vlt-drives.danfoss.com/Support/Technical- Documentation/ for listings.
Product Overview
This programming guide relates to the DeviceNet interface. Ordering number:
130B1102 (non-coated version).
130B1210 (conformal coated version).
DeviceNet is a low-level network that standardizes communications between industrial devices (sensors, limit switches, motor controls) and high-level devices (controllers). DeviceNet follows the Open Systems Intercon­nection (OSI) model and is based on CAN technology for media access control and physical signaling. DeviceNet systems can be congured to operate in a master/slave or a distributed control architecture using peer-to-peer communication. Up to 63 nodes in a multi­drop network topology are supported. By using the same cable for communication, communication options can be powered directly from the bus. Nodes can be removed or inserted without powering down the network. Each node on the network has its own unique media access control identier (MAC ID) to distinguish it on the network. The access control is based on the CSMA/CA (carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance) principle, meaning that all nodes may have access to the network at the same time. When 2 nodes attempt to get control of the network bus simultaneously, the CAN protocol resolves the issue by arbitration. In this way, collisions on the network are avoided. DeviceNet denes device proles for devices belonging to specic classes. For other devices, dene a custom class to make it DeviceNet compatible. All the above enhances the interchangeability and interoperability of the network.
1 1
This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All suggestions for improvement are welcome. Table 1.1 shows the document version and the corresponding software version.
Table 1.1 Document and Software Version
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Document and Software Version
Edition Remarks Software version
MG92F1xx First edition. 4.4x
Illustration 1.1 Topology
VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104 is designed to communicate with any master abiding by the DeviceNet standard. It is intended for use with:
VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102
VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 301/FC 302
1.5 Approvals and Certications
More approvals and certications are available. For more information, contact a local Danfoss partner.
1.6 Symbols, Abbreviations and Conventions
Abbreviation Denition
ACK ACKnowledge
BOC Bus o counter
BOOL Boolean expression
CAN Controller area network
CSMA/CA Carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance
COS Change of state
CTW Control word
EDS Electronic data sheet
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
ETR Electronic thermal relay
FIFO First in rst out
HF High frequency
HPFB High performance eldbus
I/O Input/output
ISO International standards organization
LCD Liquid crystal display
LED Light emitting diode
LSB Least signicant bit
MAC ID Media access control identier
MAV Main actual value
MRV Main reference value
MSB Most signicant bit
N/A Not applicable
ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
OSI Open systems interconnection
PC Personal computer
PCD Process data
PIW Peripheral input word
PLC Programmable logic control
PNU Parameter number
PPO Parameter-process data object
QW Peripheral output word
Abbreviation Denition
SINT Signed integer
STW Status word
VSD Variable speed drive
UDINT Unsigned double integer
UNIT Unsigned integer
USINT Unsigned short integer
Table 1.2 Symbols and Abbreviations
Numbered lists indicate procedures. Bullet lists indicate other information.
Italicized text indicates:
Cross reference.
Parameter name.
Parameter group name.
Parameter option.
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Safety Programming Guide
2 Safety
2.1 Safety Symbols
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates important information, including situations that can result in damage to equipment or property.
2.2 Qualied Personnel
Correct and reliable transport, storage, installation, operation, and maintenance are required for the trouble­free and safe operation of the frequency converter. Only qualied personnel are allowed to install and operate this equipment.
Qualied personnel are dened as trained sta, who are authorized to install, commission, and maintain equipment, systems, and circuits in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations. Additionally, the qualied personnel must be familiar with the instructions and safety measures described in these operating instructions.
Safety Precautions
Frequency converters contain high voltage when connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing. Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance by qualied personnel can result in death or serious injury.
Only qualied personnel must perform instal-
lation, start-up, and maintenance.
When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any time. Unintended start during programming, service, or repair work can result in death, serious injury, or property damage. The motor can start with an external switch, a eldbus command, an input reference signal from the LCP or LOP, via remote operation using MCT 10 Set-up Software, or after a cleared fault condition.
To prevent unintended motor start:
Press [O/Reset] on the LCP before
programming parameters.
Disconnect the frequency converter from the
Completely wire and assemble the frequency
converter, motor, and any driven equipment before connecting the frequency converter to AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing.
The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors that can remain charged even when the frequency converter is not powered. Failure to wait the specied time after power has been removed before performing service or repair work can result in death or serious injury.
Stop the motor.
Disconnect the AC mains and remote DC-link
supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and DC-link connections to other frequency converters.
Disconnect or lock the PM motor.
Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully before
performing any service or repair work. The waiting time is specied in the relevant frequency converter operating instructions, Chapter 2 Safety.
Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the frequency converter properly can result in death or serious injury.
Ensure the correct grounding of the equipment
by a certied electrical installer.
2 2
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VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
Contact with rotating shafts and electrical equipment can result in death or serious injury.
Ensure that only trained and qualied personnel
perform installation, start-up, and maintenance.
Ensure that electrical work conforms to national
and local electrical codes.
Follow the procedures in this guide.
An internal failure in the frequency converter can result in serious injury when the frequency converter is not properly closed.
Ensure that all safety covers are in place and
securely fastened before applying power.
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Conguration Programming Guide
3 Conguration
3.1 Congure the DeviceNet Network
All DeviceNet stations that are connected to the same bus network must have a unique station address. Select the DeviceNet address of the frequency converter via:
Address switches (default 63).
Parameter 10-02 MAC ID (default 63).
Class code 0X03, instance 1, attribute 1.
Illustration 3.1 VLT
DeviceNet MCA 104 Interface
3.1.1 Setting the DeviceNet Address using
the Address Switches
Switch o the power supply before changing the address switches. The address change comes into eect at the next power-up, and can be read in parameter 10-02 MAC ID.
Set the address switches to give the option a unique ID. Select an address range from 0–63 (factory setting 63) according to Table 3.1.
Switch 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Address value +32 +16 +8 +4 +2 +1
3.1.2 Setting the DeviceNet Address via Parameter 10-02 MAC ID
Set the address via parameter 10-02 MAC ID if the hardware switches are set to 63 (factory setting). The address change comes into eect at the next power-up.
3.1.3 Setting the DeviceNet Address with the Object Class Code 0x03, Instance 1, Attribute 1
Set the address via the DeviceNet object class code 0x03 attribute 1 command when the address switch is set to 63 (factory setting). A new address becomes eective immediately after the class code 0x03, instance 1, attribute 1 command.
3.1.4 Setting the Baud Rate
All DeviceNet stations connected to the same bus network must have the same baud rate. Select the baud rate of the frequency converter via:
Address switches.
Parameter 10-01 Baud Rate Select (default 125
Object class code 0x03, instance 1, attribute 2.
3.1.5 Setting the DeviceNet Baud Rate using the Address Switches
Switch o the power supply before changing the address switches. The baud rate change comes into eect at the next power-up, and can be read in parameter 10-01 Baud Rate Select.
Use the address switches to select a baud rate of 125 k baud (factory setting), 250 k baud, or 500 k baud, see Table 3.2:
Baud rate switch 8 7
Parameter 10-01 Baud Rate Select 1 1
125 kBd 0 0
250 kBd 0 1
500 kBd 1 0
Table 3.2 Address Switches
3 3
Table 3.1 Settings for the Address Switches
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VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
3.1.6 Setting the DeviceNet Baud Rate via
3.3 Congure the Frequency Converter
Parameter 10-01 Baud Rate Select
3.3.1 Frequency Converter Parameters
Set the baud rate via parameter 10-01 Baud Rate Select if the address switches 1 and 2 are set to ON (factory
setting). The baud rate change comes into eect at the next power-up.
3.1.7 Setting the DeviceNet Baud Rate with the Object Class Code 0x03, Attribute 2
Set the baud rate via the DeviceNet object class code 0x03 attribute 2 command, when the address switches 1 and 2 are set to ON (factory setting). A new baud rate becomes eective immediately after the class code 0x03 attribute 2 command.
3.2 Congure the Master
3.2.1 EDS File
A large part area of the system conguration is the setting of application-related parameters. EDS (Electronic Data Sheet) les simplify the setting up of most of the DeviceNet congurable parameters. For o-line congu- ration, Danfoss provides a generic English EDS le covering all voltage and power sizes. Download the EDS le from www.danfoss.com/drives.
The EDS le does not contain all parameters. It contains only a selected, limited number of parameters with generic minimum, maximum, and default values.
Note the following parameters when conguring the frequency converter with a DeviceNet interface. Refer to
chapter 6 Parameters for more details of each parameter.
Parameter 0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP.
If the Hand key on the frequency converter is activated, control of the frequency converter via the DeviceNet interface is disabled. After initial power-up the frequency converter automatically detects whether a eldbus option is installed in slot A, and sets parameter 8-02 Control Word Source to [3] Option A. If an option is added to, changed in, or removed from an already commis­sioned frequency converter, it does not change parameter 8-02 Control Word Source but enters trip mode, and the frequency converter shows an error.
Parameter 8-10 Control Word Prole (see
chapter 4 Control). Select between the Danfoss FC
Prole and the ODVA prole. Select the desired DeviceNet instance in parameter 10-10 Process
Data Type Selection.
Parameter 8-50 Coasting Select to
parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select (see chapter 6 Parameters). Selection of how to gate
the DeviceNet control commands with digital input command of the control card.
When parameter 8-01 Control Site is set to [2] Control word only, the settings in parameter 8-50 Coasting Select
to parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select is overruled, and all act on bus control.
Parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout Time to
parameter 8-05 End-of-Timeout Function. The reaction in the event of a bus timeout is set via these parameters.
Parameter 10-10 Process Data Type Selection.
Default is 125 kbps.
Parameter 10-02 MAC ID. Default is 63.
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Control Programming Guide
4 Control
4.1 DeviceNet Process Control Modes
This section describes 2 of 3 possible process control modes:
Change of state (COS).
The 3rd FC control mode uses the acyclic mode explicit messaging via the standard DeviceNet control supervisory object class 29H. The control supervisory object is described in chapter 5.3 DeviceNet Object Classes.
4.1.1 Polling
Table 4.1 is a classic master/slave connection and the standard DeviceNet operating mode. The master controls the data exchange by sending cyclic poll-requests to the connected slave, and the slave answers by sending a poll­response to the master. The master can control and monitor the frequency converter by polling the DeviceNet or Danfoss objects (I/O instances).
Table 4.1 Standard DeviceNet Operation Mode - Polled I/O
4.1.2 Change of State, COS
COS is an event-controlled operating mode used to minimize network trac. Messages are transmitted only if a dened state or value has changed. The condition for triggering a COS message is determined by the insertion of COS-lters (parameter 10-20 COS Filter 1 to parameter 10-23 COS Filter 4), for each bit in the dierent PCD words. The lter acts like a logical AND function: If a bit in the lter is set to 1, the COS function triggers after a change to the corresponding bit for the PCD word.
4 4
Illustration 4.1 Dierent PCDs and the Corresponding Filter Parameters
Parameter 10-20 COS Filter 1 to parameter 10-23 COS Filter 4 can be used to lter out undesired events for COS. If a lter bit is set to 0, the corresponding I/O instance bit is unable to produce a COS message. By default, all bits in the COS lters are set to 0.
To signal that the connection has not been interrupted, or the device is not powered o, a heartbeat message is transmitted within a specied time interval (heartbeat interval). This interval is dened in attribute heartbeat time of the connection object, class code 0x05.
To prevent the device from producing heavy network trac if a value changes frequently, the production inhibit time (an attribute of the connection object) is dened. This parameter denes the minimum time between 2 COS messages.
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The attribute expected package rate denes the maximum time between 2 COS messages even when the value is unchanged. In the event of COS connection, the explicit package rate is identical with the heartbeat interval mentioned above. This timer is used both as transmission trigger and inactivity watchdog, depending on whether the connection is producer or consumer.
VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
4.2 I/O Assembly Instances
I/O assembly instances are several information. Illustration 4.2 shows the I/O assembly instance options for controlling and monitoring the frequency converter.
dened process control objects with dened content comprising control and status
Illustration 4.2 I/O Assembly Instance Options
4.3 Process Data
Process data comprises the control and status data in the I/O assembly instances.
The CTW, MRV, STW, and MAV have 4 are freely congurable, for instance 101/151 via parameter 10-11 Process Data Cong Write and parameter 10-12 Process Data Cong Read. All PCDs are freely congurable for instance 102/152.
DeviceNet provides a exible way to customize the number of process data (I/O words) and the functionality of each word. To activate the user denable process data, select the I/O instance 101/151 in parameter 10-10 Process Data Type Selection. This changes the I/O size to 4 words in the input and output area. This selection uses the Danfoss-specic prole for the control word and status word as well as for the main reference value/main actual value.
The rst 2 words are xed on the DeviceNet, whereas PCD 3 and PCD 4 are user congurable. The number of PCDs active in a system is xed to 2 words.
dened formats and functions, depending on the I/O instance selected. PCD 3 and PCD
To select [1] Instance 101/151 in parameter 10-10 Process Data Type Selection, set parameter 8-10 Control Word Prole to [0] FC prole.
To enable use of PCD data from the DeviceNet, congure the contents of each single PCD word in parameter 10-11 Process Data Cong Write and parameter 10-12 Process Data Cong Read. Changes to parameter 10-11 Process Data Cong Write and parameter 10-12 Process Data Cong Read are eected immediately in the PCD data.
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Originator (PLC) --> Target (Drive)
Fixed contents User dened contents
Byte #
Byte #
Word #
Word #
Target (Drive) --> Originator (PLC)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Control Programming Guide
Illustration 4.3 Process Data
4 4
4.4 ODVA Control Prole
4.4.1 Control Word under Instances 20/70 and 21/71
Set parameter 8-10 Control Word Prole to ODVA and select the instance in parameter 10-10 Process Data Type Selection.
Illustration 4.4 The Control Word in Instances 20 and 21
The bits 00 and 02 in instance 20 are identical with bits 00 and 02 in the more extensive instance 21.
Bit Instance 20 Instance 21
Bit = 0 Bit = 1 Bit = 0 Bit = 1
00 Stop Run Fwd Stop Run Fwd
01 Stop Run Rev
02 No function Fault reset No function Fault reset
05 Net Ctrl
06 Net Ref
Explanation of the bits: Bit 0, Run Fwd
Bit 0 = 0: The frequency converter has a stop command. Bit 0 = 1: Leads to a start command, and the frequency converter runs the motor clockwise.
Bit 1, Run Rev
Bit 1 = 0: Leads to a stop of the motor. Bit 1 = 1: Leads to a start reverse of the motor, and the frequency converter runs the motor counterclockwise.
Bit 2, Fault Reset
Bit 2 = 0: There is no reset of a trip. Bit 2 = 1: A trip is reset.
Bit 3, No function
Bit 3: No function.
Bit 4, No function
Bit 4: No function.
Bit 5, Net Control
Bit 5 = 0: The frequency converter is controlled via the standard inputs. Bit 5 = 1: The DeviceNet controls the frequency converter.
Changes aect parameter 8-50 Coasting Select to parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select.
Bit 6, Net Reference
Bit 6 = 0: Reference is from the standard inputs. Bit 6 = 1: Reference is from DeviceNet.
Table 4.2 Bits in Instances 20 and 21
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VLT® DeviceNet MCA 104
Changes aect parameter 3-15 Reference Resource 1 to parameter 3-17 Reference Resource 3.
For the speed reference, see chapter 4.4.3 Bus Speed Reference Value under Instances 20/70 and 21/71.
4.4.2 Status Word under Instances 20/70
and 21/71
Illustration 4.5 Status Word in Instances 70 and 71
The bits 00 and 02 in instance 70 are identical with bits 00 and 02 in the more extensive instance 71.
Bit Instance 70 Instance 71
Bit = 0 Bit = 1 Bit = 0 Bit = 1
00 Fault Fault
01 Warning
02 Running 1
03 Running 2
04 Ready
05 Control
06 Reference
07 At
08–15 State attribute
Running 1
from Net
from Net
Bit 3, Running 2
Bit 3 = 0: The frequency converter is not in the running reverse state, or run 2 is not set. Bit 3 = 1: The frequency converter state attribute is enabled or stopping, or fault-stop and bit 0 (run 2) of the control word are set at the same time.
Bit 4, Ready
Bit 4 = 0: The state attribute is in another state. Bit 4 = 1: The state attribute is ready, enabled, or stopping.
Bit 5, Control from net
Bit 5 = 0: The frequency converter is controlled from the standard inputs. Bit 5 = 1: The DeviceNet has control (start, stop, reverse) of the frequency converter.
Bit 6, Ref from net
Bit 6 = 0: The reference comes from inputs to the frequency converter. Bit 6 = 1: The reference comes from the DeviceNet.
Bit 7, At reference
Bit 7 = 0: The motor is running, but the present speed is dierent from the preset speed reference, for example, the speed is being ramped up/down during start/stop. Bit 7 = 1: The frequency converter and reference speeds are equal.
Bit 8–15, State attribute
(Instance 71 only) Represents the state attribute of the frequency converter, as indicated in Table 4.4.
Bit number Meaning
8 (Vendor specic)
9 Start up
10 Not ready
11 Ready
12 Enabled
13 Stopping
14 Fault stop
15 Faulted
Table 4.3 Bits in Instances 70 and 71
Explanation of the bits: Bit 0, Fault
Bit 0 = 0: There is no fault in the frequency converter. Bit 0 = 1: There is a fault in the frequency converter.
Bit 1, Warning
Bit 0 = 0: There is no unusual situation. Bit 0 = 1: An abnormal condition has arisen.
Bit 2, Running 1
Bit 2 = 0: The frequency converter is not in the running forward state, or run 1 is not set. Bit 2 = 1: The frequency converter state attribute is enabled or stopping, or that fault-stop and bit 0 (run 1) of the control word are set at the same time.
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Table 4.4 State Attribute (Instance 71)
For more details of the actual output speed, see
chapter 4.4.4 Actual Output Speed under Instances 20/70 and 21/71.
4.4.3 Bus Speed Reference Value under Instances 20/70 and 21/71
The speed reference value is transmitted to the frequency converter as a 16-bit word. The value is transmitted as a whole number. Negative gures are formatted by 2’s complement.
Control Programming Guide
Illustration 4.6 Speed Reference Value
The bus speed reference has the following format: Parameter 3-00 Reference Range = 0 [ref
to ref
] 0 (0000 hex) [RPM] to + 32767 (7FFF hex) [RPM] Parameter 3-00 Reference Range = 1 [-ref
to +ref
-32767 (8001 hex ) to +32767 [RPM] (7FFF hex)
The actual reference [Ref. %] in the frequency converter depends on the settings in the following parameters:
Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed Parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference
When the bus speed reference is negative, and the control word contains a run reverse signal, the frequency converter runs clockwise (- - is +).
Parameter 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed = 1420 RPM Parameter 1-23 Motor Frequency = 50 Hz Parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference = 1420 RPM
To run the motor at 25%, the reference transmitted must be: (1420x0.25) = 355 = 16.3 hex 163 hex 25% F
4.4.4 Actual Output Speed under Instances
20/70 and 21/71
= 12.5 Hz
FC Control Prole
4.5.1 Control Word under Instances 100/150, 101/151, and 102/152
To select FC protocol in the control word, set parameter 8-10 Control Word Prole to [0] FC prole. The control word is used to send commands from a master (PLC or PC) to a slave (frequency converter).
Illustration 4.8 Control Words in Instances 100, 101, and 102
Bit Bit value = 0 Bit value = 1
00 Reference value External selection lsb
01 Reference value External selection msb
02 DC brake Ramp
03 Coasting No coasting
04 Quick stop Ramp
05 Hold output frequency Use ramp
06 Ramp stop Start
07 No function Reset
08 No function Jog
09 Ramp 1 Ramp 2
10 Data invalid Data valid
11 No function Relay 01 active
12 No function Relay 04 active
13 Parameter set-up Selection lsb
14 Parameter set-up Selection msb
15 No function Reverse
4 4
Table 4.5 Bits in Instances 100, 101, and 102
Explanation of the control bits: Bits 00/01
Bits 00 and 01: Select between the 4 reference values,
Illustration 4.7 Actual Output Speed Value
which are pre-programmed in parameter 3-10 Preset Reference according to Table 4.6.
The value of the actual speed of the motor, is transmitted in the form of a 16-bit word.
The value is transmitted as a whole number (negative gures are formed with 2's complement).
-32767 (8000 hex) [RPM] to +32767 [RPM] (7FFF hex) [RPM]
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1 3-10 [0] 0 0
2 3-10 [1] 0 1
3 3-10 [2] 1 0
4 3-10 [3] 1 1
Table 4.6 Reference Values
Parameter Bit 01 Bit 00
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