Danfoss VLT D1, VLT D2, VLT D3, VLT E2 Installation guide

This instruction sheet is for the installation of the top and bottom covers onto IP00 VLTs® to direct the heat sink cooling air in and out the back of the frequency converter. The kits are applicable to IP00 drive frames D3, D4 and E2. These kits are designed and tested to be used with IP00/Chassis drives in Rit­tal TS8 enclosures.
1. If external duct work is added to the exhaust path of the drive, additional back pressure will be cre­ated that will reduce the cooling of the drive. The drive must be derated to accommodate the re­duced cooling. First, the pressure drop must be calculated, then refer to the derating tables located in the VLT High Power Operating Instructions.
2. A doorfan(s) is required on the enclosure to remove the heat losses not contained in the backchan­nel of the drive and any additional losses generated from other components installed inside the en­closure. The total required air flow must be calculated so that the appropriate fans can be selected. Some enclosure manufacturers offer software for performing the calculations (i.e. Rittal Therm soft­ware).
If the VLT is the only heat generating component in the enclosure, the minimum airflow required at
an ambient temperature of 45°C for the D3 and D4 frame drives is 391 m mum airflow required at an ambient temperature of 45°C for the E2 frame drive is 782 m
/h (230 cfm). The mini-
/h (460
Used with:
VLT4000, VLT5000, VLT6000, VLT8000, VLT-HVAC, VLT-AQUA, VLT-Automation
Frame D3 Kit Part No. 176F1781
Required Tools
Metric Socket Set, 7-19mm
Socket Extensions
Torx Driver Set T10-T40
Torque Wrench 6-50 in-lbs (.7-6 N-M)
Frame D4 Kit Part No. 176F1782 Frame E2 Kit Part No. 176F1783
Torque Requirements
1. M5 screws/nuts torque to 20 in-lbs (2.3 N-M)
The kit consist of the following parts:
Drive mounting plate
Top vent cover
2. M6 screws/nuts torque to 35 in-lbs ( 3.9 N-M)
3. M10 nuts torque to 170 in-lbs (20 N-M)
4. T25 Torx screws torque to 20 in-lbs (2.3 N-M)
Bottom air inlet cover
Gasket materi a l
MI.38.J1.02 - VLT® is a Danfoss Registered Trademark 1
Note: The photos in this Instruction Sheet represent a D-Frame drive. E-Frame drives use parts similar to those in the photos however they are sized appropriately for the E-Frame drives.
Remove the screws from the top of drive. Note: remove only the screws locate to­ward the back half of the drive. Do not remove the screws that are securing the fan in place.
Install the gasket on the top cover plate.
Install the top duct cover plate as shown using the new 16mm, M5 screws pro­vided with the kit
Instruction No: 177R0076 V0 Aug 13, 2008 Page 2
MI.38.J1.02 - VLT® is a Danfoss Registered Trademark 2
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