8.2 Motor settings (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P1) 56
8.3 Start / stop setup (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P2) 58
8.4 Frequency references (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P3) 58
8.5 Ramps and brakes setup (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P4) 59
8.6 Digital inputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P5) 60
8.7 Analogue inputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P6) 60
8.8 Digital outputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P8) 61
8.9 Analogue outputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P9) 61
8.10 Protections (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P13) 62
8.11 Fault autoreset parameters (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P14) 62
8.12 PI control parameters (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P15) 63
8.13 Application Setting (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P17) 63
8.14 System parameters 64
9. Parameter descriptions 67
9.1 Motor settings (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P1) 67
9.2 Start / stop setup (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P2) 72
9.3 Frequency references (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P3) 79
9.4 Ramps & brakes setup (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P4) 80
9.5 Digital inputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P5) 84
9.6 Analogue inputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P6) 85
9.7 Digital outputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P8) 86
9.8 Analogue outputs (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P9) 87
9.9 Protections (Control panel:Menu Par->P13) 88
9.10 Automatic reset (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P14) 92
9.11 PI control parameters (Control panel: Menu PAR -> P15) 93
9.12 Application setting (Control panel: Menu PAR->P17) 94
9.13 Modbus RTU 96
9.13.1 Termination resistor 96
9.13.2 Modbus address area 96
9.13.3 Modbus process data 97
10. Technical data 99
10.1 Vacon 10 technical data 99
10.2 Power ratings 101
10.2.1 Vacon 10 – Mains voltage 208-240 V 101
10.2.2 Vacon 10 – Mains voltage 115 V 102
10.2.3 Vacon 10 – Mains voltage 380-480 V 102
10.2.4 Vacon 10 – Mains voltage 600 V 103
10.3 Brake resistors 103
safetyvacon • 1
This manual contains clearly marked cautions and warnings which are intended for
your personal safety and to avoid any unintentional damage to the product or connected appliances.
Please read the information included in cautions and warnings carefully:
=Dangerous voltage
Risk of death or severe injury
=General warning
Risk of damage to the product or
connected appliances
1.1 Warnings
The components of the power unit of the frequency converter
are live when Vacon 10 is connected to mains. Coming into
contact with this voltage is extremely dangerous and may
cause death or severe injury. The control unit is isolated from
the mains potential.
The motor terminals U, V, W (T1, T2, T3) and the possible brake
resistor terminals - / + are live when Vacon 10 is connected to
mains, even if the motor is not running.
The control I / O-terminals are isolated from the mains potential. However, the relay output terminals may have a dangerous control voltage present even when Vacon 10 is
disconnected from mains.
The earth leakage current of Vacon 10 frequency converters
exceeds 3.5 mA AC. According to standard EN61800-5-1, a
reinforced protective ground connection must be ensured.
If the frequency converter is used as a part of a ma chine, the
machine manufacturer is responsible for providing the
machine with a main switch (EN 60204-1).
If Vacon 10 is disconnected from mains while running the
motor, it remains live if the motor is energized by the process.
In this case the motor functions as a generator feeding energy
to the frequency converter.
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
2 • vaconsafety
After disconnecting the frequency converter from the mains,
wait until the fan stops and the indicators on the display go
out. Wait 5 more minutes before doing any work on Vacon 10
The motor can start automatically after a fault situation, if the
autoreset function has been activated.
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 205
safetyvacon • 3
1.2 Safety instructions
The Vacon 10 frequency converter has been designed for fixed
installations only.
Do not perform any measurements when the frequency converter is connected to the mains.
Do not perform any voltage withstand tests on any part of
Vacon 10. The product safety is fully tested at factory.
Prior to measurements on the motor or the motor cable, disconnect the motor cable from the frequency converter.
Do not open the cover of Vacon 10. Static voltage discharge
from your fingers may damage the components. Opening the
cover may also damage the device. If the cover of Vacon 10 is
opened, warranty becomes void.
1.3 Earthing and earth fault protection
The Vacon 10 frequency converter must always be earthed with an earthing conductor connected to the earthing terminal. See figure below:
MI1 - MI3
• The earth fault protection inside the frequency converter protects
only the converter itself against earth faults.
• If fault current protective switches are used they must be tested
with the drive with earth fault currents that are possible to arise in
fault situations.
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4 • vaconsafety
1.4 Before running the motor
Before starting the motor, check that the motor is mounted
properly and ensure that the machine connected to the motor
allows the motor to be started.
Set the maximum motor speed (frequency) according to the
motor and the machine connected to it.
Before reversing the motor shaft rotation direction make sure
that this can be done safely.
Make sure that no power correction capacitors are connected
to the motor cable.
NOTE! You can download the English and French product manuals with applicable safety, warning and caution information from www.vacon.com/downloads.
REMARQUE Vous pouvez télécharger les versions anglaise et française des manuels produit contenant l’ensemble des informations de sécurité, avertissements et mises en garde applicables sur le site www.vacon.com/downloads.
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 205
receipt of deliveryvacon • 5
VACON0010- 1L- 0001- 1+OPTIONS
Vaco n1 0
1L = Single phase
3L = Threephases
7 = 600V
Output Current
+DLNL = Dutch
+DLNO = Norwegian
+DLPT = Portuguese
+DLRU = Russian
+DLSE = Swedish
+DLTR =Turkish
+DLUS= US English
empty = English
Language ofthe documentation
+DLCN = Chinese
+DLCZ = Czech
+DLDE =German
+DLDK =Danish
+DLES= Spanish
+DLFI = Finnish
+DLFR =French
+DLIT = Italian
Input phase
After unpacking the product, check that no signs of transport damages are to be
found on the product and that the delivery is complete (compare the type designation
of the product to the code below).
Should the drive have been damaged during the shipping, please contact primarily
the cargo insurance company or the carrier.
If the delivery does not correspond to your order, contact the supplier immediately.
2.1 Type designation code
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
Figure 2.1: Vacon 10 type designation code
6 • vaconreceipt of delivery
2.2 Storage
If the frequency converter is to be kept in store before use make sure that the ambient conditions are acceptable:
Storing temperature -40…+70°C
Relative humidity < 95%, no condensation
2.3 Maintenance
In normal operating conditions, Vacon 10 frequency converters are maintenancefree.
2.4 Warranty
Only manufacturing defects are covered by the warranty. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damages caused during or resulting from transport, receipt of the delivery, installation, commissioning or use.
The manufacturer shall in no event and under no circumstances be held responsible
for damages and failures resulting from misuse, wrong installation, unacceptable
ambient temperature, dust, corrosive substances or operation outside the rated
specifications. Neither can the manufacturer be held responsible for consequential
The Manufacturer's time of warranty is 18 months from the delivery or 12 months
from the commissioning whichever expires first (Vacon Warranty Terms).
The local distributor may grant a warranty time different from the above. This warranty time shall be specified in the distributor's sales and warranty terms. Vacon assumes no responsibility for any other warranties than that granted by Vacon itself.
In all matters concerning the warranty, please contact first your distributor.
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212 205
receipt of deliveryvacon • 7
Manufact urer's na me:Vaco n Oyj
Manufact urer's ad dress:P.O.Box 25
hereby dec lare that the produc t
Product name:Vacon 10 Freq uency Converter
Model de signation :Vacon 10 1L 0001 2…to 00 09 2
has been designed a nd manufact ured in ac cordance with the fo llowing
EN 60204 -1:2009 (as re levant),
EN 61800-5 -1:2007
EMC:EN 61800-3:2004 +A1:2012
and conforms to t he relevant safet y provisions of the Lo w Voltage Directive
2006/95/E C and EMC Directive 2004/108 /EC.
It is ensured through internal m easures and quality control t hat the product
conforms at all times to the req uirements of the current D irective a nd the
relevant st andards.
In Vaasa, 1 6th of Ap ril, 2014
The year t he CE m arking wa s affixed:2011
2.5 Manufacturer’s declaration of conformity
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
8 • vacon installation
3.1 Mechanical installation
There are two possible ways to mount Vacon 10 in the wall. For MI1-MI3, either screw
or DIN-rail mounting. The mounting dimensions are given on the back of the drive
and on the following page.
Enough free space shall be left above and below the frequency converter to ensure
sufficient air circulation and cooling. You will find the required dimensions for free
space in the table below.
If several units are mounted above each other the required free space equals C + D
(see Installation space). Moreover, the outlet air used for cooling by the lower unit
must be directed away from the air intake of the upper unit.
The amount of cooling air required is indicated below. Also make sure that the temperature of the cooling air does not exceed the maximum ambient temperature of
the converter.
Min clearance (mm)
Frame A*B*CD
Table 3.5: Min. clearances ar ound AC drive
*. Min clearance A and B for drives for
MI1 ~ MI3 can be 0 mm if the ambient
temperature is below 40 degrees.
F ig ur e 3 .5 : I ns ta l la ti on sp ac e
A = clearance around the freq. converter (see also B)
B = distance from one frequency converter to another or distance to cabinet wall
C = free space above the frequency converter
D = free space underneath the frequency converter
NOTE! See the mounting dimensions on the back of the drive.
Leave free space for cooling above (100 mm), below (50 mm), and on the sides
(20 mm) of Vacon 10! For MI1 - MI3, side-to-side installation allowed only if the ambient temperature is below 40 °C.
Frame Cooling air required (m³/h)
Table 3.6: Required cooling air
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
12 • vacon installation
3.1.3 Power losses
If the operator wants to raise the switching frequency of the drive for some reason
(typically e.g. in order to reduce the motor noise), this inevitably affects the power
losses and cooling requirements, for different motor shaft power, operator can select the switching frequency according to the graphs below.
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installationvacon • 13
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14 • vacon installation
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installationvacon • 15
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16 • vacon installation
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installationvacon • 17
3.1.4 EMC levels
EN61800-3 defines the division of frequency converters into four classes according
to the level of electromagnetic disturbances emitted, the requirements of a power
system network and the installation environment (see below). The EMC class of each
product is defined in the type designation code.
Category C1: Frequency converters of this class comply with the requirements of
category C1 of the product standard EN 61800-3 (2004). Category C1 ensures the
best EMC characteristics and it includes converters the rated voltage of which is less
than 1000 V and which are intended for use in the 1st environment.
NOTE: The requirements of class C are fulfilled only as far as the conducted emissions are concerned.
Category C2: Frequency converters of this class comply with the requirements of
category C2 of the product standard EN 61800-3 (2004). Category C2 includes converters in fixed installations and the rated voltage of which is less than 1000 V. The
class C2 frequency converters can be used both in the 1st and the 2nd environment.
Category C4: The drives of this class do not provide EMC emission protection. These
kinds of drives are mounted in enclosures.
Environments in product standard EN 61800-3 (2004)
First environment: Environment that includes domestic premises. It also includes
establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
NOTE: houses, apartments, commercial premises or offices in a residential building
are examples of first environment locations.
Second environment: Environment that includes all establishments other than
those directly connected to a low-voltage power supply network which supplies
buildings used for domestic purposes.
NOTE: industrial areas, technical areas of any building fed from a dedicated transformer are examples of second environment locations.
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
18 • vacon installation
3.1.5 Changing the EMC protection class from C2 to C4
The EMC protection class of MI1-3 frequency converters can be changed from class
C2 to class C4 (except 115V and 600V drives) by removing the EMC-capacitor discon-
necting screw, see figure below.
Note! Do not attempt to change the EMC level back to class C2. Even if the procedure
above is reversed, the frequency converter will no longer fulfil the EMC requirements of class C2!
Figure 3.6: EMC protection class, MI1 - MI3
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212205
installationvacon • 19
1~ (230V)
3~ (230V, 400V)
Motor out
Strip the
plastic cable
coating for
360° earthing
L1 L2/ N L 3U/ T1 V/T2 W/ T3R+ R-
1~ (230V)
3~(230V, 400V,600V)
1~ (115V)
Motor out
Strip t he
for 360°
3~(230V, 400V,600V)
3.2 Cabling and connections
3.2.1 Power cabling
Note! Tightening torque for power cables is 0.5 - 0.6 Nm
Figure 3.7:
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Figure 3.8: Vacon 10 power connections, MI2 - MI3
20 • vacon installation
Attach this plate
BEFORE i nstallin g
the p ow er ca bl es
Attach the support
AFTER i nstalling
the p ower c abl es
3.2.2 Control cabling
Figure 3.9: Mount the PE-plate and API cable support, MI1 - MI3
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212205
installationvacon • 21
Strip the plastic
cable coating for
Control cable
torque: 0.4 Nm
Figure 3.10: Open the lid, MI1 - MI3
Figure 3.11: Install the control cables. MI1 - MI3. See Chapter 6.2
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22 • vacon installation
3.2.3 Screw of cables
Figure 3.12: MI1 screws
Figure 3.13: MI2 screws
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installationvacon • 23
Figure 3.14: MI3 screws
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24 • vacon installation
3.2.4 Cable and fuse specifications
Use cables with heat resistance of at least +70°C. The cables and the fuses must be
dimensioned according to the tables below. Installation of cables according to UL
regulations is presented in Chapter Cable installation and the UL standards.
The fuses function also as cable overload protection.
These instructions apply only to cases with one motor and one cable connection from
the frequency converter to the motor. In any other case, ask the factory for more information.
EMC categorycat. C2cat. C4
Mains cable types11
Motor cable types31
Control cable types44
Table 3.7: Cable types required to meet standards. EMC
categories are described in Chapter EMC levels
Cable typeDescription
Power cable intended for fixed installation and the specific mains voltage.
Shielded cable not required.
(NKCABLES / MCMK or similar recommended)
Power cable equipped with concentric protection wire and intended for
the specific mains voltage.
(NKCABLES / MCMK or similar recommended).
Power cable equipped with compact low-impedance shield and intended
for the specific mains voltage.
(NKCABLES / MCCMK, SAB / ÖZCUY-J or similar recommended).
*360º earthing of both motor and FC connection required to meet the standard
Screened cable equipped with compact low-impedance shield (NKCA-
Table 3.13: Cable and fuse sizes for Vacon 10, 600 V, 3~
Note! To fulfil standard EN61800-5-1, the protective conductor should be at least
10 mm2 Cu or 16 mm2 Al. Another possibility is to use an additional protective con-
ductor of at least the same size as the original one.
Tel. +358 (0)201 2121 • Fax +358 (0)201 212205
installationvacon • 27
3.2.5 General cabling rules
Before starting the installation, check that none of the components of the fre-
quency converter is live.
Place the motor cables sufficiently far from other cables:
• Avoid placing the motor cables in long parallel lines with other cables.
• If the motor cable runs in parallel with other cables, the minimum distance
between the motor cable and other cables is 0.3 m.
• The given distance also applies between the motor cables and signal cables
of other systems.
• The maximum length of the motor cables for MI1-3 is 30 m. If use longer
cable, current accuracy will be decreased.
• The motor cables should cross other cables at an angle of 90 degrees.
If cable insulation checks are needed, see Chapter Cable and motor insulation
Connecting the cables:
• Strip the motor and mains cables as advised in Figure Stripping of cables.
• Connect the mains, motor and control cables into their respective terminals, see Figures Vacon 10 power connections, MI1 - Install the control
• Note the tightening torques of chapter3.2.1 power cables and chapter 3.2.2
control cables given in Vacon 10 power connections, MI1 and Install the
control cables. MI1 - MI3. See Chapter6.2.
• For information on cable installation according to UL regulations see Chapter Cable installation and the UL standards.
• Make sure that the control cable wires do not come in contact with th e electronic components of the unit.
• If an external brake resistor (option) is used, connect its cable to the appropriate terminal.
• Check the connection of the earth cable to the motor and the frequency
converter terminals marked with.
• Connect the separate shield of the motor cable to the earth plate of the
frequency converter, motor and the supply centre.
24-hour support (0)201 212 575 • Email: vacon@vacon.com
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