Modifying the logging configuration....................................................................................................................................... 7
Configuring the device for Data Logging................................................................................................................................7
Logging CAN messages and sending them to DTS portal................................................................................................ 8
Receiving the J1939 message......................................................................................................................................................9
Creating a PGN 61444................................................................................................................................................................9
Receive Message Communication Parameters..............................................................................................................10
Timeout and Conditions........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Logging of all data bytes every 60 seconds....................................................................................................................11
Active Conditions................................................................................................................................................................15
Data Link.................................................................................................................................................................................16
Saving CAN messages to microSD memory cards.............................................................................................................20
Data view.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Adapt the configuration to the web portal..........................................................................................................................24
Elements of the xml file............................................................................................................................................................... 25
XML Header......................................................................................................................................................................................25
Global dictionary............................................................................................................................................................................26
Value definitions.............................................................................................................................................................................27
Timestamp Value Definitions...............................................................................................................................................35
Example 1.................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Message Type 0 - 11 bit CAN Message - Node 1........................................................................................................... 36
Message Type 1 - 29 bit CAN Message - Node 1........................................................................................................... 36
Message Type 2 - 11 bit CAN Message - Node 2........................................................................................................... 37
Message Type 3 - 29 bit CAN Message - Node 2........................................................................................................... 37
Message Type 16 - GPS Location Data (J1939 Format)...............................................................................................37
Message Type 17 - GPS Movement Data (J1939 Format).......................................................................................... 37
Timestamp Type 00 = No Time Stamp..............................................................................................................................37
Timestamp Type 01 = UNIX Time Stamp......................................................................................................................... 37
User ManualDanfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Example 2.................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
4BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 2015
User ManualDanfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
About this Manual
This document is part of the Danfoss Telematics Solutions portal and provides important information on
the intended use, and operation of the portal described below.
The device is delivered with a basic configuration. Customize the configuration to your purposes by
defining the CAN messages to be logged and by using the WS Configurator tool to update the device
configuration (via CAN bus or remotely).
BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 20155
User Manual
Danfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
Configure the device with WS Configurator. You can find the basic instructions for this in WS 403 Remote
Solution Installation Guide - L1419125.
You can create, rename, or remove object dictionary groups or objects in the tree structure.
Below is an explanation of how to create object dictionary groups and objects. In the example, the object
In order to create the object Receive Message PDO, you need the object dictionary group CUSTOM CAN
COMMUNICATION and then the object dictionary group Receive CAN Messages (PDOs).
1. Open the WSxxx_DanfossDefault.DOD configuration file
2. Right-click on the top entry in the tree structure to open the context menu.
3. In the context menu, click on New Object Dictionary Group > Custom CAN Communication.
This creates the object dictionary group Custom CAN Communication.
4. Right-click on the object dictionary group Custom CAN Communication.
5. In the context menu, click on New Object Dictionary Group > Recieve CAN Messages (PDOs).
This creates the object dictionary group Receive CAN Messages (PDOs).
6. Right-click on the object dictionary group Recieve CAN Messages (PDOs).
6BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 2015
User Manual
Danfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
7. In the context menu, click on New Object Dictionary Entry > Recieve Message PDO.
This opens the window Number of new Objects and their Version.
8. Under Number of new Objects, enter the number of objects (received messages) you want to create.
In this example: 1.
9. Click on the OK button.
The object Receive Message PDO is created.
Rename entry
Rename an entry in the tree structure;
1. Click on the corresponding entry to select it.
2. Click on the entry again to rename it.
Modifying the logging configuration
In logging mode, the device logs CAN messages, GNSS data, and internal variables. All logged data is
saved to an internal, nonvolatile memory and sent to the DTS portal.
Alternatively, you can also save the data to an inserted microSD memory card. You can read off the data
saved on the microSD memory card using the USB interface.
The internal nonvolatile memory has a capacity of 32 MB and can save a maximum of 5000 files.
When the memory is full, each new file saved is overwritten over the oldest file. Here you will find an
explanation of how to configure the device, using some concrete examples.
You must define basic variables in order to correctly link up the device with an existing CAN network.
Configuring the device for Data Logging
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User ManualDanfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
1. In the object dictionary group Device Variables, click on the variable Device Application MasterMode.
2. Enter the value 0 to enable Data Logging/File Transfer Mode.
Logging CAN messages and sending them to DTS portal
You must configure at least the following variables to enable CAN communication (the variables belong
to the object dictionary group Device Variables > CAN Basic Settings):
CANopen NMT Startup
CAN1 Device CANopen Node ID
CAN1 Device Baud Rate
CAN2 Device CANopen Node ID
CAN2 Device Baud Rate
CANopen NMT Startup0Automatically sets the device to CANopen mode
CAN1: Device CANopen
Node ID
CAN1: Device Baud Rate
8BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 2015
1 … 127 (default 37)
min. 50 kbit/s
max. 1 Mbit/s
(default: 250 kBit/s)
The CANopen node address / device ID number (can be
left at standard value).
The bit rate at which the CAN bus operates
User Manual
Danfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
CAN2: Device CANopen
Node ID
CAN2: Device Baud Rate
For the logfiles, you must configure further variables (These variables belong to the object dictionary
group Device Variables > Logging):
Logging – File Upload Period
Logging – File Header Text
Logging – Send File Command
1 … 127 (default 37)
min. 50 kbit/s
max. 1 Mbit/s
(default: 250 kBit/s)
The CANopen node address / device ID number (can be
left at standard value).
The bit rate at which the CAN bus operates
Receiving the J1939 message
Logging – File Upload
Logging – File Header
Logging – Send File
Period in which the logfile is completed and sent to the DTS Portal. 0 = data is sent
when the size of the logfile reaches 1 kB.
Information text in the head of each logfile. Can contain for instance version
information (max. 32 characters).
Assign any value to the variable during operation in order to close and send the
existing logfile.
The logfile is sent to the DTS Portal when its size reaches 1 kB, irrespective of the time set.
Using the example of the receipt of the J1939 message (with PGN 61444 Electronic Engine Controller 1),
we will explain the general procedure for configuring CAN messages received. The procedure can also be
applied to other CAN messages from other CAN protocols.
Creating a PGN 61444
You require an object Receive Message PDO in the object dictionary group Custom CAN
Communication > Receive CAN Messages (PDOs).
1. Create the object dictionary group Custom CAN Communication > Receive CAN Messages
(PDOs) , if it does not already exist.
See Creating object dictionary groups and objects on page 6.
2. Create the object Recieve Message PDO in the object dictionary group Receive CAN Messages
BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 20159
User ManualDanfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
3. Rename the object.
In this example in PGN 61444.
Receive Message Communication Parameters
1. Click on the Communication tab and make the following settings:
CAN ProtocolNoneThe receive CAN message is a single message (Layer 2).
Valid on CAN InterfaceSetActivates the configuration, sets the reception channel
2. Click on the Standard Channel tab in the Communication tab and make the following settings:
Full CAN Message ObjectSetAssigns the receive message to a controller channel.
ID-Length29-bit IDID length of the CAN message to be received.
DOWN-SAMPLESet (100)Receive message max. every 100 ms (not every 10ms as
10BC00000348 en-US • Rev 0100 • October 2015
(if several are available).
User Manual
Danfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
Timeout and Conditions
1. Click on the Timeout and conditions tab in the Communication tab
Fixed identifier of the receive message (J1939 PGN
This mask determines that bits 8 … 24 of the identifier
fixed in Cob-ID must not vary in the identifier of the
receive message. In the J1939 protocol, this is the PGN
area. The first bits of the identifier define the priority
and the last bits of the identifier define the source
address. That is why these bits of the identifier in the
J1939 protocol can be different and are not evaluated
on reception in this example.
2. Make the following settings:
Always activeSetThe CAN message is received irrespective of events or
Logging of all data bytes every 60 seconds
Example 1
Simple cyclical logging without checking additional conditions.
The example is based on the settings in the chapter Receiving the J1939 message on page 9.
1. Click on the Logging tab.
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User Manual
Danfoss Telematics Solution Logging Data
Creating object dictionary groups and objects
2. In the Logging tab, click on the Conditions tab.