Code number 104H7870
Approvals UL984
Compressors on pallet 80
Application MBP
Frequency | Motor type Hz 60 | CSR 60 | CSIR
Evaporating temperature °F -10 to 45 -10 to 45
Voltage range V 95 - 135 103 - 135
Max. condensing temperature continuous (short) °F 131 (149) 131 (149)
Max. winding temperature continuous (short) °F 257 (275) 257 (275)
Cooling requirements
Frequency | Motor type Hz 60 | CSR 60 | CSIR
90°F – F2– – F2–
100°F – F
110°F – – – – – –
Remarks on application:
Motor type CSIR/CSR
LRA (rated after 4 sec. UL984), HST | LST A 64.0 –
Cut in Current, HST | LST A 64.0 –
Resistance, main | start winding (77°F) Ω 0.6 3.0
R290 115V 60Hz
– – F2–
S = Static cooling normally sufcient
O = Oil cooling
F1 = Fan cooling 1.5 m/s
(compressor compartment temperature
equal to ambient temperature)
F2 = Fan cooling 3.0 m/s necessary
SG = Suction gas cooling normally sufcent
– = not applicable in this area
Displacement cu.in 1.10
Oil quantity (type) .oz. 20.3 (polyolester)
Maximum refrigerant charge oz. 5.3
Free gas volume in compressor .oz. 49.4
Weight without electrical equipment lbs. 31.3
Height inch A 8.62
B 8.39
B1 7.60
B2 4.33
Suction connector location, I.D. in. | angle C 0.378-0.385 | 37°
material | comment Copper I Rubber plug
Process connector location, I.D. in. | angle D 0.252-0.259 | 37°
material | comment Copper I Rubber plug
Discharge connector location, I.D. in. | angle E 0.252-0.259 | 37°
material | comment Copper I Rubber plug
Oil cooler connector location, I.D. in. | angle F –
material | comment –
© Danfoss | DCS (CC) | 2016.07
DEHC.ED.100.F1.22 | 1
ASHRAE MBP/HBP 115V, 60Hz, CSR, fan cooling F
already on order pro
All trademarks in this material are property of the respec
Evap. temp. in °F -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Capacity in BTU/h 2758 3135 3525 3936 4378 4860 5390 5979 6634 7367 8185 9098
Power cons. in W 657 692 727 761 794 828 860 893 925 958 990 1022
Current cons. in A 8.88 9.12 9.35 9.60 9.84 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.3 11.5
EER in BTU/Wh 4.20 4.53 4.85 5.17 5.51 5.87 6.26 6.69 7.17 7.69 8.27 8.90
ASHRAE MBP/HBP 115V, 60Hz, CSIR, fan cooling F
Evap. temp. in °F -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Capacity in BTU/h 2678 3054 3443 3854 4295 4775 5302 5884 6529 7248 8047 8936
Power cons. in W 691 729 765 801 837 872 906 940 974 1008 1042 1076
Current cons. in A 9.34 9.59 9.85 10.1 10.4 10.6 10.9 11.1 11.4 11.6 11.9 12.1
EER in BTU/Wh 3.87 4.19 4.50 4.81 5.13 5.48 5.85 6.26 6.70 7.19 7.72 8.30
ASHRAE LBP 115V, 60Hz, CSR, fan cooling F
Evap. temp. in °F -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Capacity in BTU/h 3087 3510 3948 4410 4907 5449 6046 6710 7450 8277 9202 10236
Power cons. in W 664 699 734 769 803 837 870 903 936 969 1002 1035
Current cons. in A 8.88 9.12 9.35 9.60 9.84 10.1 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.3 11.5
EER in BTU/Wh 4.65 5.02 5.38 5.73 6.11 6.51 6.95 7.43 7.96 8.54 9.18 9.89
Accessories for SC18MNX Figure Code number Test conditions
Starting device assembly
CSR 23.6 in. cable length 117-7045 Ambient temperature 90°F 90°F
CSIR 23.6 in. cable length 117-7053 Suction gas temp. 95°F 90°F
Condensing temp. 130°F 130°F
Liquid temperature 115°F 90°F
Starting device components
Starting relay 1/4 in. spade connect. a2 117-7441
Start. capacitor 410 µF 1/4 in. spade connect. c 117U5043
Run capacitor 23.5 µF 1/4 in. spade connect. e 117-7114
Cover b 117U1021 *
Protector f 117U3188 *
Protector holder h 117U0439 *
Remarks: Cover, protector, protector holder parts of compressor Snap-on in quantities Ø: 5/8 in. 118-1919
oss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products
vided that such alterations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary eady agreed.
tive companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
Mounting accessories Code number
Bolt joint for one comp. Ø: 5/8 in. 118-1917
Bolt joint in quantities Ø: 5/8 in. 118-1918
2 |© Danfoss | DCS (CC) | 2016.07 DEHC.ED.100.F1.22