Data Sheet
RA-U Low flow valve with presetting
013G3022 013G3292
RA-U valves can be used with all types of
thermostatic elements in the Danfoss series and
with thermal actuators type TWA.
RA-U valves are used in two-pipe heating
systems and is available with the following
setting ranges for max. water flow:
kv = 0.016 - 0.30 m³/h.
Type Design
RA-U 10
RA-U 10 (tail piece) Straight Rp3/8 R 3/8 013G3292
Typ e Code Number
Straight Rp3/8 R 3/8 013G3022
Presetting key for RA-U valves 013G3028
∆p tool for pump optimization 013G7861
The valve are supplied with a protective
cap which can be used for manual regulation
during the construction phase.
To be able to distinguish between other valves of
the series the protective cap is yellow.
Inlet Outlet
Code Number
PFM100 measuring instrument 003L8260
Gland-seal 013G 0290
RA-U valves are certified according to the European standard EN 215. Danfoss radiator
thermostats are manufactured in factories, assessed and certified by DNV GL against ISO 9000
and ISO 14001.
© Danfoss Climate Solutions | 10/2021 | AI380639721684en-000102

RA-U Low flow valve with presetting
The presetting values of the integrated valves
can be adjusted easily and accurately a special
presetting tool 013G3028 must be used. (Factory
setting: ‘N’):
1. Remove the protective cap or the
thermostatic sensor.
2. Use thin end of the presetting tool (013G3028)
and loosen the special nut inside the
presetting ring.
3. Use thick end of tool on top of preset ring to
adjust to correct presetting value (seen on
tool). Adjust scale to ref mark indication on
4. Re-tighten special nut with thin end of tool.
RA-U 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N
0.016 0.025 0.035 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.28 0.30
Kv Value
Presetting range
8 9 10 11
Reference mark
Presetting can be selected infinitely variably
within the range of 1 to 11. At setting ‘N’ the valve
is fully open. Setting in the shaded areas of the
drawing should be avoided.
When the radiator thermostat has been installed,
the presetting is protected against unintended
regulation. In addition the special nut inside the
presetting ring protects.
Code Number
0.016 0.025 0.035 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.28 0.30
The Kv values ind icate the flow rate (Q) in m3/h at a given lif t height and a pressure drop (Δp) acr oss the valve of 1 bar (100 kPa). At setting
N, the kv valu e according to EN 215-1 is specified at Xp = 2 ° C (P-b and). At lower setting values, X p decreases down to 0.5 ° C at set ting 1.
At settings be tween 1 and N, Xp is thus bet ween 0.5 ° C and 2 ° C. Xp = 2 ° C mea ns that the valve is closed at a temperat ure 2 ° C above the
set value. The Kvs valu e indicates the flow at full l ifting height, i.e. ful ly open valve.
© Danfoss Climate Solutions | 10/2021 | AI380639721684en-000102