Danfoss RA-N 013G7315 Data sheet

Data Sheet
Integrated Service and Replacement Valve with Presetting Feature - 013G7315
The integrated service and replacement valve type RA-N 013G7315 with built-in presetting is designed for incorporation into older valve radia­tors from different radiator manufacturers.
The integrated valve can be used in one- and two-pipe installations with circulating pump.
The gland seal of the valve can be replaced while the system is in operation.
1. Presetting range
2. Factory setting and one-pipe system
3. Reference mark
The presetting values of the integrated valve can be adjusted easily and accurately without the use of tools (factory setting: N):
To avoid calcification and corrosion, it is impor­tant for the composition of the circulating water to comply with the VDI 2035 guidelines.
Danfoss thermostatic sensors type RA 2000, RAE and RAW with patented snap sockets as well as Danfoss thermo-hydraulic actuators TWA can be installed directly onto the integrated valve.
In a one-pipe installation, the setting ‘N’ must be used. Setting ‘N’ can also be used for flushing the sys­tem to solve dirt problems.
Setting in the shaded areas of the drawing above is not recommendable and should be avoided.
Remove the protective cap or the thermo-
static sensor Find the reference mark
Turn the setting ring until the chosen pre-
setting aligns with the reference mark
The presetting is controlled directly without the use of any equipment. After installation in the ra­diator, the reference mark of the valve will not al­ways be positioned in the same place.
Presetting can be selected infinitely variably
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within the range of 1 to 7. At setting ‘N’ the valve is fully open.
When a thermostatic sensor has been installed onto the valve, the presetting is protected against unintended regulation.
For Danfoss elements RA 2000, RAE and RAW a theft protection device is available. This device also provides added security against unwanted adjustment of the preset values.
Data Sheet Integrated Service and Replacement Valve with Presetting Feature - 013G7315
Design and Dimensions
Technical Data
Valve housing Ms 58 Valve seat Ms 58 Throttle nozzle PPS Setting dial Plastic O-rings NBR / EPDM Valve spindle PPS Valve cone NBR Pressure pin and valve spring Chrome steel Adapter Ms 58
Test pres-
sure, bar
Code no.
Max. water
temp., °C
Differential pressure
ded, bar
RA-N G ¾ A 120 0.05 - 0.2 0.6 16 10 013G7315
1) 2)
Code no.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N N
RA-N 0.14 0.21 0.26 0.32 0.46 0.59 0.73 0.87 1.05 013G7315
The kv-values indicate the flow volume (Q) in m³/h at a pressure loss (∆p) across the valve of 1 bar.
. At setting N the kv-value in accordance with EN 215-1 can be stated as Xp = 2 K. At lower preset
values, Xp will be reduced until approximately Xp 0.5 at presetting 1. The table shows the average meas­ured values for integrated valves with radiator. The kvs-values indicate the valve capacity, when the valve is fully open.
When using a liquid filled thermostatic sensor (e.g. RAE, RAW, RAS-D or remote setting element type RA
5060), Xp will be increased by factor 1.6 (at setting “N”, ref. EN 215).
The technical differential pressure indicates the upper limit for a proper valve function. In most two­pipe systems the recommended differential pressure is sufficient. In order to achieve a noiseless func­tion we recommend in smaller systems to apply automatic bypass valves or automatic balancing valves. If pump differential pressure exceeds the recommended max. valve differential pressure it is rec­ommended that an automatic balancing valve type ASV-P/PV is added to the system.
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