General Description.........................................................................................................................................................................5
Safety in Systems..............................................................................................................................................................................6
Open Center PVP............................................................................................................................................................................10
Open Center PVP with PPRV...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Open center PVP with HPCO and PVE PPRV.........................................................................................................................17
Closed Center PVP......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Closed Center PVP with PPRV....................................................................................................................................................22
Closed center PVPV with PPRV..................................................................................................................................................25
Closed center PVPVM with PPRV..............................................................................................................................................27
Open/Closed center PVP with PPRV........................................................................................................................................29
Open/Closed center PVPM......................................................................................................................................................... 32
PVP Inlet Module Accessories
PVPX Electrical LS Pressure Unloading Valve.......................................................................................................................33
Part numbers for PVPX............................................................................................................................................................34
PVPC without Check Valve..........................................................................................................................................................36
PVPC with Check Valve................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Compensated PVB with PVLP/PVLA........................................................................................................................................42
Compensated PVB with LS A/B................................................................................................................................................. 46
Uncompensated PVB with PVLP...............................................................................................................................................53
PVLP Shock and Anti-Cavitation Valve...................................................................................................................................56
PVB Basic Modules Accessories
PVLP Shock and Anti-Cavitation Valve...................................................................................................................................59
Flow Control Spools - Closed Neutral Position....................................................................................................................66
Flow Control Spools - Throttled Open Neutral Position.................................................................................................. 67
Flow Control Spools - Open/Closed Neutral Position.......................................................................................................68
PVEA Series 6 Proportional Control Actuator...................................................................................................................... 80
PVS/PVSI with LX-connection....................................................................................................................................................88
PVSI with P-, T-, LX- and M-connection..................................................................................................................................90
PVST with T-connection...............................................................................................................................................................91
PVAS Stay Bolts
PVAS Part Numbers.......................................................................................................................................................................93
PVG 16 modules total length and weight.............................................................................................................................93
PVG 16 Schematic with Basic End Plate...............................................................................................................................108
PVG 16 with P- and T-connection end plate......................................................................................................................109
PVG is a hydraulic, load-sensing proportional valve, designed for optimal machine performance and
maximum design flexibility. The PVG valve design is based on a modular concept that enables machine
designers to specify a valve solution suitable for multiple market segments across multiple applications.
The PVG 16 is a member of the PVG product platform and interfaces to other valve families enabling all
machine functions being controlled from one single valve stack.
PVG 16 controls work port flow up to 65 l/min [17 US gal/min] l/min and up to 420 bar [6090 psi] bar work
port pressure.
The load independent proportional control valve and high performance actuator technology combined
with a low pressure drop design improves the machine performance and efficiency – increasing
productivity and reducing energy consumption.
PVG 16 Features
PVG load-sensing proportional valves features and benefits summarized in bullets below:
Load-independent flow control:
Oil flow to an individual function is independent of the load pressure of this function
Oil flow to one function is independent of the load pressure of other functions
Inlet flow up to 140 l/min [37 US gal/min] 230 l/min [61 US gal/min] when used with mid-inlet
Easy integration with PVG 32
Possible combination with the rest of the PVG family, when using an interface module
Up to 12 basic modules per PVG 16 valve group
Reliable regulation characteristics across the entire flow range
Load sense relief valves for A and B port enables reduced energy loss at target pressure
Several options for connection threads and flange mount
Compact design, easy installation and serviceability
All types and brands of control valves, including proportional valves, can fail. Therefore, the necessary
protection against the serious consequences of a functional failure should always be built into the
General safety considerations
For each application an assessment should be made for the consequences of the system in case of
pressure failure and uncontrolled or blocked movements.
Because the proportional valve is used in many different applications and under different operating
conditions, it is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that all performance, safety and
warning requirements of the application is met in his selection of products and complies with relevant
machine specific and generic standards.
Control system example
An example of a control system using an aerial lift is shown below:
Aerial lift
This example breaks down the control system into smaller bits explaining the architecture in depth. Even
though many Danfoss components are used in the PVG control system.
The function of the control system is to use the output from the PVE together other external sensors to
ensure the PLUS+1 main controllers correct function of the aerial lift.
It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the
machine is declared as being in conformity with the relevant machine directives.
A mix of electrical actuation and hydraulic actuation on the same valve stack is not safe. PVE and PVH are
designed for different pilot pressure.
Cost-free repairs, as mentioned in Danfoss General Conditions of Sale, are carried out only at Danfoss or
at service shops authorized by Danfoss.
PVG proportional valve group shown in the exploded view illustration for a quick modules navigation.
PVG 16 Modules Assembly Overview
PVG Modules Navigation:
PVP Inlet Modules on page 9
PVB Basic Modules on page 38
PVBS Main Spools on page 62
PVM Manual Actuation on page 69
PVE Electro-hydraulic Actuation on page 75
PVH Hydraulic Actuation on page 71
PVHC Electro-Hydraulic Actuation on page 73
PVS End Plates on page 86
PVAS Stay Bolts on page 92
The PVG 16 PVP inlet modules, also referred to as pump side modules, act as an interface between the
PVG 16 proportional valve group and the hydraulic pump and tank reservoir.
PVP Inlet ModulePVP inlet module dimensions
Weight: 3.1 kg [6.9 lb]
Fixed displacement pump symbolVariable displacement pump symbol
The PVP inlet module variants are based on a generic platform with a selection of additional features,
enabling you to tailor the PVP to suit the demands of any hydraulic system:
Open Center PVP on page 10 (for fixed displacement pumps)
Open Center PVP with PPRV on page 13 (for fixed displacement pumps)
Open center PVP with HPCO and PVE PPRV on page 17 (for fixed displacement pumps)
Closed Center PVP on page 20 (for variable displacement pumps)
Closed Center PVP with PPRV on page 22 (for variable displacement pumps)
Closed center PVPV with PPRV on page 25 (for variable displacement pumps)
Closed center PVPVM with PPRV on page 27 (for variable displacement pumps)
The basic Open Center PVP inlet module is intended for use with fixed displacement pumps in
applications, where a valve group with mechanically controlled work sections is desired, or where the
pilot pressure to the valve group is supplied externally.
The Open Center PVP features:
Integrated LS pressure relief valve
Threaded ports for P/T/LS and M measuring gauge
Optional LS unloading valve, PVPX
Optional T0 facility and external T0 port
All modules can be manually activated with the PVM actuation.
The Open Center PVP inlet with integrated pilot pressure reduction valve (PPRV) is intended for use with
fixed displacement pumps in applications, where a valve group with electro-hydraulically or hydraulically
controlled work sections is desired (PVE or PVH/PVHC).
The Open Center PVP with PPRV features:
Integrated LS pressure relief valve
Threaded ports for P/T/LS and M measuring gauge
Integrated pilot pressure reducing valve (PPRV) for PVE or PVH/PVHC
Optional external pilot pressure port (Pp)
Optional LS unloading valve, PVPX
All modules can be manually activated with the PVM actuation.
The Open Center PVP inlet with integrated High Pressure Carry Over (HPCO) functionality is intended for
use with fixed displacement pumps in applications where one pump supply for multiple hydraulic
subsystems is desired.
The integrated HPCO functionality guides the excess flow of the PVG 16 valve group to the external
hydraulic subsystem(s), giving priority to the PVG 16 work functions.
The Open Center PVP with HPCO and PVE PPRV features:
Integrated LS pressure relief valve
Threaded ports for P/T/LS/HPCO and M measuring gauge
Integrated pilot pressure reducing valve (PPRV) for PVE
Optional T0 facility and external T0 port
Optional external pilot pressure port (Pp)
Optional LS unloading valve, PVPX
Only applicable with PVST end plates with separate T-port due to blocked T-lines for HPCO functionality.
The basic Closed Center PVP inlet is intended for use with variable displacement pumps in applications
where a valve group with mechanically controlled work sections is desired, or where the pilot pressure to
the valve group is supplied externally.
The Closed Center PVP inlet with integrated pilot pressure reduction valve (PPRV) is intended for use with
variable displacement pumps in applications where a valve group with electro-hydraulic or hydraulically
controlled work sections is desired.
The Closed Center PVP with PPRV features:
Integrated LS pressure relief valve
Threaded ports for P/T/LS and M measuring gauge
Integrated pilot pressure reducing valve (PPRV) for PVE or PVH/PVHC
The Closed Center PVPV inlet with integrated pilot pressure reduction valve (PPRV) is intended for use
with variable displacement pumps in applications where a valve group with electro-hydraulic or
hydraulically controlled work sections is desired.
The Closed Center PVPVM mid-inlet module with integrated pilot pressure reduction valve (PPRV) is
intended for use with variable displacement pumps in applications where a valve group with electrohydraulic or hydraulically controlled work sections is desired.
Using a PVPVM module in a valve group requires a 180° degree rotation of the PVG work sections on one
The Open Center/Closed Center PVP with integrated pilot pressure reduction valve (PPRV) is intended for
use with fixed or variable displacement pumps in applications where the application manufacturer does
not determine the pump type.
The modules allow an easy switch between Open Center and Closed Center configuration by means of an
external hexagon selector key. Variants also feature an LS boost functionality, increasing the LS pressure
to the pump LS regulator with a constant 6 bar, compensating for potential LS bleed-off and leakage.
The Open/closed center PVPV with PPRV features:
Integrated OC/CC selector
Integrated LS pressure relief valve
Threaded ports for P/T/LS and M measuring gauge
Integrated pilot pressure reducing valve (PPRV) for PVE or PVH/PVHC