PVG general description................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Features of PVG 16 and PVG 32...................................................................................................................................................4
PVG 16, PVG 32 and Open Circuit Load Sense Example.....................................................................................................6
LS control with bleed orifice (do not use with PVG valves)......................................................................................... 7
Integral PC function................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Load sensing system characteristics:...................................................................................................................................7
PVBS, main spools with pressure compensated control....................................................................................................8
Pressure compensated system characteristics.................................................................................................................8
Typical applications for pressure compensated systems.............................................................................................9
Remote pressure compensated system characteristics:............................................................................................ 10
Typical applications for remote pressure compensated systems:..........................................................................10
Open center PVP............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Closed center PVP..........................................................................................................................................................................11
Sectional view
Safety in Application
Example of a control system for manlift................................................................................................................................13
Examples of wiring block diagram.....................................................................................................................................15
Assembly instructions
PVG 16 and 32 general conditions...........................................................................................................................................17
PVG 16 and 32 leak test................................................................................................................................................................22
Pressure setting after assembly................................................................................................................................................22
PVG 16 and 32 function testing................................................................................................................................................ 23
Recommended equipment and hand tools to assemble PVG 16 and PVG 32:..................................................24
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Service Manual
PVG 16 and 32 Service Assembly/Disassembly Guide
General information
PVG general description
PVG is a hydraulic, load-sensing proportional valve, designed for optimal machine performance and
maximum design flexibility.
The PVG valve design is based on a modular concept that enables machine designers to specify a valve
solution suitable for multiple market segments across multiple applications.
The load independent proportional control valve and high performance actuator technology combined
with a low pressure drop design improves the machine performance and efficiency – increasing
productivity and reducing energy consumption.
Features of PVG 16 and PVG 32
Load-independent flow control:
Oil flow to an individual function is independent of the load pressure of this function
Oil flow to one function is independent of the load pressure of other functions
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System pressur e
Servo pressur e
Actuator pressur e
Load sense pressur e
Actuator retur n
Suction / case drain /
system retur n
K/L Frame Series 45
open circuit axial
piston pump with
load sensing contro l
PVG 32
multi-sec tion
contro l
P101 658E
Heat exchanger
Double-ac ting cylinder
gear moto r
Service Manual
PVG 16 and 32 Service Assembly/Disassembly Guide
General information
PVG 16, PVG 32 and Open Circuit Load Sense Example
The pump receives fluid directly from the reservoir through the inlet line. A screen in the inlet line
protects the pump from large contaminants. The pump outlet feeds directional control valves such as
PVG-32’s, hydraulic integrated circuits (HIC), and other types of control valves. The PVG valve directs and
controls pump flow to cylinders, motors and other work functions. A heat exchanger cools the fluid
returning from the valve. A filter cleans the fluid before it returns to the reservoir.
Flow in the circuit determines the speed of the actuators. The position of the PVG valve spool determines
the flow demand. A hydraulic pressure signal (LS signal) communicates demand to the pump control. The
pump control monitors the pressure differential between pump outlet and the LS signal, and regulates
servo pressure to control the swashplate angle. Swashplate angle determines pump flow.
Actuator load determines system pressure. The pump control monitors system pressure and will decrease
the swashplate angle to reduce flow if system pressure reaches the PC setting. A secondary system relief
valve in the PVG valve acts as a back-up to control system pressure.
The LS control matches system requirements for both pressure and flow in the circuit regardless of the
working pressure. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump remains in low-pressure standby
mode with zero flow until the valve is opened. The LS setting determines standby pressure.
Typical operating curve
Most load sensing systems use parallel, closed center, control valves with special porting that allows the
highest work function pressure (LS signal) to feed back to the LS control.
Margin pressure is the difference between system pressure and the LS signal pressure. The LS control
monitors margin pressure to read system demand. A drop in margin pressure means the system needs
more flow. A rise in margin pressure tells the LS control to decrease flow.
LS control with bleed orifice (do not use with PVG valves)
The load sense signal line requires a bleed orifice to prevent high-pressure lockup of the pump control.
Most load-sensing control valves include this orifice. An optional internal bleed orifice is available, for use
with control valves that do not internally bleed the LS signal to tank.
Load sensing circuit
Integral PC function
The LS control also performs as a PC control, decreasing pump flow when system pressure reaches the PC
setting. The pressure compensating function has priority over the load sensing function.
For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.
Load sensing system characteristics:
Variable pressure and flow
Low pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
System flow adjusted to meet system requirements
Lower torque requirements during engine start-up
Single pump can supply flow and regulate pressure for multiple circuits
Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements
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Q max
P101 166E
PC setting
P101 965
Service Manual
PVG 16 and 32 Service Assembly/Disassembly Guide
General information
PVBS, main spools with pressure compensated control
The PC control maintains constant system pressure in the hydraulic circuit by varying the output flow of
the pump. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump remains in high pressure standby mode at
the PC setting with zero flow until the function is actuated.
Typical operating curve
Simple closed center circuit
Once the closed center valve is opened, the PC control senses the immediate drop in system pressure
and increases pump flow by increasing the swashplate angle.
The pump continues to increase flow until system pressure reaches the PC setting.
If system pressure exceeds the PC setting, the PC control reduces the swashplate angle to maintain
system pressure by reducing flow. The PC control continues to monitor system pressure and changes
swashplate angle to match the output flow with the work function pressure requirements.
If the demand for flow exceeds the capacity of the pump, the PC control directs the pump to maximum
displacement. In this condition, actual system pressure depends on the actuator load.
For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.
Pressure compensated system characteristics
Constant pressure and variable flow
High pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
System flow adjusts to meet system requirements
Single pump can provide flow to multiple work functions
Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements