Danfoss PVG 100 User guide

Technical Information
PVG 100
Proportional Valve Group
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
Revision history Table of revisions
Date Changed Rev
April 2021 Changed document number from 'BC00000039' to 'BC152886483475' 0606
September 2018 PVB 100 code numbers table change. 0503
May 2018 Minor change. 0502
March 2016 Updated for Engineering Tomorrow design. 0501
February 2006 - January 2014 Various changes BA - EB
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group


General information
PVG 100 standard oil flow direction/max flow setting..................................................................................................7
PVG 100 valve system................................................................................................................................................................7
General features PVG 100, load independent flow control.........................................................................................7
PVP - pump side module .........................................................................................................................................................8
PVB – basic module.................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Actuation module.......................................................................................................................................................................8
Remote control units ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
PVG 100 with open center PVPF...............................................................................................................................................10
PVG 100 with closed center PVPV / PVPVP / PVPVM.........................................................................................................11
PVG 100 closed center priority steering PVPVP module ........................................................................................... 12
PVG 100 closed center PVPVM module ...........................................................................................................................12
PVG 100 basic modules PVB.......................................................................................................................................................12
PVG 100 tank modules ................................................................................................................................................................13
Load sensing controls...................................................................................................................................................................14
LS control with bleed orifice (do not use with PVG valves).......................................................................................14
Integral PC function.................................................................................................................................................................14
Load sensing system characteristics:.................................................................................................................................14
Remote pressure compensated controls.............................................................................................................................. 15
Remote pressure compensated system characteristics:............................................................................................ 15
PVG 100 main spool with pressure compensated control..............................................................................................15
Pressure compensated system characteristics.............................................................................................................. 16
Typical applications for pressure compensated systems.....................................................................................16
Typical applications for remote pressure compensated systems:..........................................................................16
PVMR, friction detent....................................................................................................................................................................17
PVMF, mechanical float position lock.....................................................................................................................................17
PVBS, main mpools for flow control (standard).................................................................................................................. 17
PVBS, main spools for flow control (with linear characteristic).....................................................................................18
Building in safety............................................................................................................................................................................19
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) IEC EN 61508............................................................................................. 19
Hazard and risk analysis ISO 12100-1/14121..................................................................................................................19
Example of a control system for manlift................................................................................................................................20
Examples of wiring block diagram.....................................................................................................................................21
Example of fault monitoring.................................................................................................................................................23
PVG 32 – Mainly used in system with fixed displacement pumps..........................................................................24
PVG 100 – Alternative LS dump or pilot supply disconnect..................................................................................... 24
PVG 120 – Pump disconnect/block for variable pumps.............................................................................................24
Technical data
PVG 100 technical data................................................................................................................................................................ 25
PVH, hydraulic actuation.............................................................................................................................................................25
PVG 100 PVM operating force................................................................................................................................................... 26
PVG 100 PVE reaction time and oil consumption.............................................................................................................. 26
PVEO power supply and consumption.............................................................................................................................27
PVEA, PVEH and PVES..............................................................................................................................................................27
Technical characteristics
PVPF, pump side module............................................................................................................................................................28
Open center flow rating.............................................................................................................................................................. 28
Closed center flow rating............................................................................................................................................................28
PVG 100 pressure drop for PVB, basic module....................................................................................................................29
PVB with pressure compensation, closed center PVP...................................................................................................... 30
PVHC characteristic - Spool stroke vs current......................................................................................................................33
Hydraulic systems
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
PVG 100 with variable displacement pump schematic example................................................................................. 34
Electrically actuated PVG 100, variable displacement pump, PVB 100 with integrated pilot operated
check valves............................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Electrically actuated PVG 100/32, fixed displ. pump, PVB 100/32 with integrated pilot operated
check valves............................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Other operating conditions
Mineral oil....................................................................................................................................................................................36
Non-flammable fluids............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Biodegradable oils....................................................................................................................................................................36
Particle Content, Degree of Contamination.........................................................................................................................36
Filtration............................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Standard mounting vs. option mounting.............................................................................................................................38
Modules and code numbers
PVPF (Open Center) Inlet Modules - for Pumps with Fixed Displacement .............................................................. 39
PVPF Accessories for Pump Side Modules............................................................................................................................39
PVP (Open and Closed) Accessories for Pump Side Modules........................................................................................40
PVPV (Closed Center) Inlet Modules....................................................................................................................................... 40
PVPVP, Closed Center Priority Side Modules - for Pumps with Variable Displacement.......................................41
PVPVM, Closed Center Mid Inlet Modules - for Pumps with Variable Displacement............................................ 41
PVB 100 Basic Modules (Standard Spools)............................................................................................................................42
PVB 100 Basic Modules (Exposed spools)..............................................................................................................................42
PVB 100 Basic Modules (High Flow Spools)..........................................................................................................................43
PVG 100 PVM code numbers..................................................................................................................................................... 43
PVM / PVH, Covers......................................................................................................................................................................... 43
PVEO, ON/OFF Actuation............................................................................................................................................................ 44
PVHC - main spool control.................................................................................................................................................... 44
PVEA/PVEH/PVES, Proportional Actuation............................................................................................................................44
PVLA, Anti-Cavitation Valve Fitted into PVB.........................................................................................................................45
PVLP, Shock / Anti-Cavitation Valve Fitted into PVB......................................................................................................... 46
PVT 100, Tank Module..................................................................................................................................................................46
PVTI 100/32, Interface Module*................................................................................................................................................ 47
PVG 100 PVSI / PVT, Assembly Kit.............................................................................................................................................47
PVBE (End Bodies), Assembly Kit.............................................................................................................................................. 47
PVG 100 / PVTI, Interface Module Assembly Kit..................................................................................................................47
PVB 32, Assembly Kit.....................................................................................................................................................................47
PVG 32 Basic Modules with T0, PVBZ (Compatible with PVG 100)...............................................................................48
PVG 32 Basic Modules with T0, PVB (Compatible with PVG 100)................................................................................. 49
Standard Spools for Electrical and Mechanical Actuation Progressive Flow Characteristics.............................50
Standard Spools for Hydraulic Actuation Progressive Flow Characteristics.............................................................50
Spools for Friction Detent, PVMR (not compatible with PVBZ 100) Progressive Flow Characteristics...........51
Spools for Mechanical Float position, PVMF (not compatible with PVBZ 100) Progressive Flow
Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Standard Spools (Electrical and Mechanical Actuation) Linear Flow Characteristics............................................51
Standard Spools (Electrical and Mechanical Actuation) Throttled Open in Neutral, Linear Flow
Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Standard Spools (Hydraulic and Mechanical Actuation), Throttled Open in Neutral, Linear Flow
Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Standard Spools (Electrical and Mechanical Actuation), Full Open in Neutral; Progressive Flow
Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Standard Spools (Hydraulic and Mechanical Actuation), Full Open in neutral; Linear Flow
Characteristics ........................................................................................................................................................................ 52
High Flow Spools (Electrical and Mechanical Actuation) Progressive Flow Characteristics...............................53
High Flow Spools (Hydraulic and Mechanical Actuation) Progressive Flow Characteristics..............................53
High Flow Spools, Full Open A/B T and Neutral; Progressive Flow Characteristics ........................................ 54
Exposed spools Progressive Flow Characteristics..............................................................................................................54
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
PVG 100 dimensions in general................................................................................................................................................55
PVG 100 with open center PVPF dimensions.......................................................................................................................56
PVG 100/32, closed center PVPV.............................................................................................................................................. 57
PVG 100, Closed Center PVP with Integrated Priority Valve ..........................................................................................58
Examples........................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Module selection chart
Exploded view for module selection ..................................................................................................................................... 64
PVG 100 order specification
Please state.......................................................................................................................................................................................69
Standard and option assembly.................................................................................................................................................69
Specification sheet
Specification form..........................................................................................................................................................................71
Specification example for PVPVM............................................................................................................................................72
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group

General information


This table provides a definition of some commonly used terms
PVG = Proportional Valve Group
PVAS Assembly (Tie Rod) Kit PVB Basic Module (Body) PVBE Basic End Module (Body) PVBO Basic Open Ended Module (Body) PVBS Main Spool for PVB PVBSO Main Spool for PVBO PVBZ Basic Module (Body) Zero Leak PVE Electrical Actuator PVEA Electrical Actuator-Fine Proportional PVED Electrical Actuator-Digital PVEH Electrical Actuator-High Proportional PVEO Electrical Actuator-ON/OFF PVES Electrical Actuator-Super Proportional PVH Cover for Hydraulic Actuation PVHC Electrical Actuator-High Current PVLA Anti-Cavitation Valve PVLP Shock Valve PVM Mechanical Actuator PVMD Cover for Mechanical Activation PVMF Cover for Mechanical Float PVMR Cover for Friction Detent PVP Pump Side Module (Inlet) PVPC Plug for external pilot oil supply PVPD Open Center PVPF Dummy Spool PVPE Electrical Unloading Valve for PVPF PVPF Open Center PVP PVPH Hydraulic Unloading Valve for PVPF PVPP Electrical Pilot Shut-Off Valve PVPV Closed Center PVP PVPV/M Pump side module PVPVP Closed Center PVP w/Priority PVPX, LS LS Unloading valve PVT Tank Side Module PVTI Interface Module
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7-9 N•m
[61-79 lbf•in]
Q max: P B
Q max: P A
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
General information


PVG 100 standard oil flow direction/max flow setting

Adjustment screws are used to change the amount of oil flowing from ports P to B or P to A.
PVM to the right of PVP

PVG 100 valve system

PVG 100 is a hydraulic load sensing valve, designed to fulfill efficiency requirements. From a simple load sensing directional valve to an advanced electrohydraulic controlled load
independent proportional valve the PVG 100 modular system makes it possible to build up a valve group to fulfill customer requirements. The compact external dimensions of the valve remain unchanged whatever combination is specified.

General features PVG 100, load independent flow control

Flow sharing for maximum controllability and safety
Load-independent flow control for precise operation and improved productivity
Oil flow to an individual function is independent of the load pressure of this function regardless of
sufficient or insufficient pump flow. Oil flow to one function is independent of the load pressure of other functions regardless of
sufficient or insufficient pump flow.
Load-sensing technology for higher efficiency, safety, reduced energy consumption, and longer
system lifetime Configurable as an advanced electrical, hydraulic or mechanically operated proportional load-sensing
valve Open spool-ends for system integrating mechanical cable or linkage actuation
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
General information
Modular design providing a wide range of configuration possibilities
Up to eight different sections per valve group (maximum flow per section: 240 l/min [63.4 gal/min])
Can be configured in combination with PVG 32 (with T0) for maximum flexibility (up to 20 basic valve
modules per valve group)
Optimized return flow characteristics, which minimizes pressure loss
Low weight
Compact design and installation
BSP and UNF connection threads

PVP - pump side module

Build in load sense relief valve
System pressure up to 350 bar (5075 psi)
Full Flow dump valve (open center only)
Pilot supply shut off (optional) ••Accumulator gauge connection
Pressure gauge connection
Pilot gauge connection
Integrated pilot supply valve
Open center version for systems with fixed displacement pumps
Closed center versions for systems with variable displacement pump
Integrated priority valve for dynamic steering integration

PVB – basic module

Integrated pilot operated check valves in A and B work ports for low internal leakage
Integrated pressure compensator
Interchangeable spools
Single and Dual Shock/suction valves for A and B ports
Different interchangeable spool variants
All versions suitable for mechanical, hydraulic and electrical actuation
PVG100-HF (High Flow) version for less total pressure loss at increased flow
End module version for extra space savings
Open spool-end version for extended mechanical actuation possibilities

Actuation module

The basic module is always fitted with mechanical actuator PVM, which can be combined with the following as required:
Electrical actuator (11 – 32 V
PVES – proportional, Super
PVEH – proportional, high performance
PVEH-F – proportional high performance, Float
PVEA – proportional low hysteresis (not recommended for PVG 100-HF High Flow)
PVEM – proportional, medium performance
PVEU – proportional, voltage control, 0-10 V
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PVRE, electrical control unit, 162F…
Prof 1, 162F…
PVREL, electrical control unit, 155U…
PVRES, electrical control unit, 155B…
PVRH, hydraulic control unit, 155N…
155N0003 155N0001 155N0004 155N0005 155N0002
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
General information
PVED-CC – Digital CAN controlled J1939/ISOBUS
PVED-CX – Digital CAN controlled CAN open extra vehicle system safety
PVEP – PVM controlled (11-32 V)
PVHC – High Current actuator for PVG
PVMD, cover for Mechanical actuation
PVMR, cover for Mechanical detent (not compatible with PO check modules)
PVMF, cover for Mechanical Float (not compatible with PO check modules)
PVH, cover for Hydraulic actuation.

Remote control units

Electrical remote control units:
Prof 1
Prof 1 CIP
Hydraulic remote control unit: PVRHH
Electrical and hydraulic remote control units
JS1000 Ball grip
JS1000 PRO grip
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group


PVG 100 with open center PVPF

When the pump is started and the main spools in the individual basic modules are in the neutral position, oil flows from the pump, through connection P, across the pressure matching spool (11) to tank. The oil flow led across the pressure matching spool determines the pump pressure (stand-by pressure).
When one or more of the main spools are actuated, the highest load pressure is fed through the shuttle valve circuit (4, 7) to the spring chamber (10) behind the pressure matching spool, and completely or partially closes the connection to tank. Pump pressure is applied to the opposite side of the pressure matching spool. The pressure relief valve (1) will open should the load pressure exceed the set value, diverting pump flow back to tank.
Optional PVPC with check valve option may be used in systems where it is necessary to operate the PVG 100 valve by means of the electrical remote control without pump flow.
For additional information about PVPC refer to the publication BC152886483664. Optional electrically actuated pilot shut off valve PVPP provides additional functional system safety by
removing pilot oil from the electrical actuation or hydraulic actuation system, disabling main spool actuation. When the PVPP is used with the PVBZ P.O. check valve system it is possible to disable actuation during mechanical actuation
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P Port
PVPD / PVPE Facility
Pilot Supply
Pressure Matching Spool
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
PVG 100 sectional view PVP with open center
1 – LS relief valve 7 – Shock and suction valve, PVLP 2 – Shuttle valve 8 – Main spool, PVBS 3 – Pilot operated check valve, POC 9 – Max. oil flow adjustment screws for ports A and B 4 – LS line 10 – Spring 12 or 20 bar 5 – Logic cartridge for POC 11 – Pressure matching spool 6 – Pressure compensator 12 – Orifice

PVG 100 with closed center PVPV / PVPVP / PVPVM

In load sensing systems the load pressure is led to the pump control via the LS connection (2 in the diagram below). When the work functions are in the spring neutral position the LS pressure is drained to
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
tank via the PVG valve. In this condition the pump control sets the displacement so that leakage in the system is compensated for, to maintain the set stand-by pressure (pump margin). When a main spool is actuated the pump control will adjust the displacement so that the set differential pressure between P and LS is maintained.
The PVG100 Inlet LS relief valve (1) is specifically designed to ensure a constant margin pressure across the main spool, providing demanded regulated flow during maximum load pressure conditions. This relief adjustment is critical when there are two or more functions being operated together. An incorrectly adjusted Inlet relief could result in a vast reduction in regulated flow from the adjacent functions that operate at a lower load pressure. To accurately adjust the inlet LS relief, the pump standby pressure must be known in addition to the maximum operating load pressure.
Pressure comp pressure level 172 bar [2500 psi] LS standby pressure requirement that delivers the desired flow -20 bar [-290 psi] Maximum load pressure requirement 152 bar [2210 psi] Inlet relief pressure setting 152 bar [2210 psi]
Optional PVPC with check valve option may be used in systems where it is necessary to operate the PVG 100 valve by means of the electrical remote control without pump flow.
For additional information about PVPC refer to publication BC152886483664. Optional electrically actuated pilot shut off valve PVPP provides additional functional system safety by
removing pilot oil from the electrical actuation or hydraulic actuation system, disabling main spool actuation. When the PVPP is used with the PVBZ P.O. check valve system it is possible to disable actuation during mechanical actuation.

PVG 100 basic modules PVB

PVG 100 closed center priority steering PVPVP module

The priority steering version of the PVPV will accommodate pump flows up to 250 l/min [66 US gal/min] and Control Flow (CF) up to 60 l/min [16 US gal/min] for dynamic steering systems. Additional return port is included with the PVPVP module.

PVG 100 closed center PVPVM module

The mid-inlet version of the PVPV will accommodate pump flows up to 400 l/min [106 US gal/min] providing greater efficiency and flexibility when combined with standard and high flow work function modules.
In the pressure-compensated basic module the compensator (9) maintains a constant pressure drop across the main spool (11) - both when the load changes and when a module with a higher load pressure is actuated.
Besides independent flow the other advantage of post-compensated work sections is the ability to control multifunction operation when flow demand exceeds pump capacity. This means that all work sections will continue to function regardless of differences in their load and regardless of the pump flow. The flow relationships specified between functions will be maintained over the full flow range of the pump.
The shock valves PVLP (10) with fixed setting and the suction valves PVLA on ports A and B are used for the protection of the individual working function against intermittent pressure overload and/or cavitation. Optional facilities for dual shock valves for ports A and B provide extra passage area reducing pressure drop for anti-cavitation applications.
Pilot operated check valve system PVBZ option (6, 8) on ports A and B are uses to reduce the work port to tank leakage eliminating the need for external actuator load holding in non-critical load holding applications. All PVG 100 modules contain an integrated T0 drain system to insure optimal performance
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
for PVBZ and all electrical actuation offerings. T0 is most effective when connected directly to the hydraulic system reservoir independent of the main Tank return system.

PVG 100 tank modules

Designed for low pressure drop at high return flows all PVT modules include facilities for PVLP shock valves insuring pressure passage spike protection during pump starvation recovery.
1 – LS relief valve 8 – Logic cartridge for POC 2 – LS connection 9 – Pressure compensator
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P101 968E
PC setting
Q max
P101 967
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
3 – Priority spool for CF 10 – Shock and suction valve, PVLP 4 – LS connection for steering unit 11 – Main spool, PVBS 5 – Shuttle valve 12 – Max. oil flow adjustment screws for ports A and B 6 –Pilot operated check valve, POC 13 – LS comp (LS signal sent back to compensators) 7 – LS line

Load sensing controls

The LS control matches system requirements for both pressure and flow in the circuit regardless of the working pressure. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump remains in low-pressure standby mode with zero flow until the valve is opened. The LS setting determines standby pressure.
Typical operating curve
Load sensing circuit
Most load sensing systems use parallel, closed center, control valves with special porting that allows the highest work function pressure (LS signal) to feed back to the LS control.
Margin pressure is the difference between system pressure and the LS signal pressure. The LS control monitors margin pressure to read system demand. A drop in margin pressure means the system needs more flow. A rise in margin pressure tells the LS control to decrease flow.

LS control with bleed orifice (do not use with PVG valves)

The load sense signal line requires a bleed orifice to prevent high-pressure lockup of the pump control. Most load-sensing control valves include this orifice. An optional internal bleed orifice is available, for use with control valves that do not internally bleed the LS signal to tank.

Integral PC function

The LS control also performs as a PC control, decreasing pump flow when system pressure reaches the PC setting. The pressure compensating function has priority over the load sensing function.
For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.

Load sensing system characteristics:

Variable pressure and flow
Low pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
System flow adjusted to meet system requirements
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Q max
P101 969E
PC setting
Remote PC setting
P101 966
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
Lower torque requirements during engine start-up
Single pump can supply flow and regulate pressure for multiple circuits
Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements

Remote pressure compensated controls

The remote PC control is a two-stage control that allows multiple PC settings. Remote PC controls are commonly used in applications requiring low and high pressure PC operation.
Typical operating curve
Closed center circuit with remote PC
The remote PC control uses a pilot line connected to an external hydraulic valve. The external valve changes pressure in the pilot line, causing the PC control to operate at a lower pressure. When the pilot line is vented to reservoir, the pump maintains pressure at the load sense setting.
When pilot flow is blocked, the pump maintains pressure at the PC setting. An on-off solenoid valve can be used in the pilot line to create a low-pressure standby mode. A proportional solenoid valve, coupled with a microprocessor control, can produce an infinite range of operating pressures between the low pressure standby setting and the PC setting.
Size the external valve and plumbing for a pilot flow of 3.8 l/min [1 US gal/min]. For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line.

Remote pressure compensated system characteristics:

Constant pressure and variable flow
High or low pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
System flow adjusts to meet system requirements
Single pump can provide flow to multiple work functions
Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements

PVG 100 main spool with pressure compensated control

The PC control maintains constant system pressure in the hydraulic circuit by varying the output flow of the pump. Used with a closed center control valve, the pump remains in high pressure standby mode at the PC setting with zero flow until the function is actuated.
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Q max
P101 166E
PC setting
P101 965
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
Typical operating curve
Once the closed center valve is opened, the PC control senses the immediate drop in system pressure and increases pump flow by increasing the swashplate angle.
The pump continues to increase flow until system pressure reaches the PC setting. If system pressure exceeds the PC setting, the PC control reduces the swashplate angle to maintain system pressure by reducing flow.
The PC control continues to monitor system pressure and changes swashplate angle to match the output flow with the work function pressure requirements.
If the demand for flow exceeds the capacity of the pump, the PC control directs the pump to maximum displacement. In this condition, actual system pressure depends on the actuator load.
Simple closed-center circuit
For additional system protection, install a relief valve in the pump outlet line. * Do not use the PVG 32 with bleed down load sense control.

Pressure compensated system characteristics

Constant pressure and variable flow
High pressure standby mode when flow is not needed
System flow adjusts to meet system requirements
Single pump can provide flow to multiple work functions
Quick response to system flow and pressure requirements
Typical applications for pressure compensated systems
Constant force cylinders (bailers, compactors, refuse trucks)
On/off fan drives
Drill rigs

Typical applications for remote pressure compensated systems:

Modulating fan drives
Anti-stall control with engine speed feedback
Front wheel assist
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PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
Road rollers
Combine harvesters
Wood chippers

PVMR, friction detent

The friction detent PVMR allows the directional spool to be held in any position, resulting in infinitely variable, reversible, pressure compensated flow.
This can be sustained indefinitely without having to continue to hold the mechanical lever. Friction detent spool position may be affected by high differential actuator flow forces and system vibration resulting in work function flow reduction.
PVMR, friction detent

PVMF, mechanical float position lock

Allows the float spool to be held in the float position after release of the mechanical handle.
PVMF, standard mount only
P A F (Push-in)

PVBS, main mpools for flow control (standard)

With post-compensated valves, the A and B work port flow will depend on the pressure drop across the main spool PVBS.
In open center systems, this pressure drop (standby-pressure) is determined by the volume of fixed pump flow led to tank across the pressure adjusting spool in the inlet PVPF and the pressure adjusting spool
PVMF, optional mount only
P A F (Pull-out)
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
bias spring pressure. Since the pressure drop varies with pump flow volume led to tank, the A and B work port flow will vary.
In closed center systems, the pressure drop across the main spool equals the standby setting of the pump, measured at the P-port of the valve. The A and B work port flow will remain unchanged as long as the standby is unchanged.

PVBS, main spools for flow control (with linear characteristic)

PVBS main spools with linear characteristic deliver a higher flow gain directly proportional to the linear spool travel beyond the dead band.
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group


Building in safety

All makes and all types of control valves (including proportional valves) can fail. Thus the necessary protection against the serious consequences of function failure should always be built into the system. For each application an assessment should be made for the consequences of pressure failure and uncontrolled or blocked movements.
To determine the degree of protection that is required to be built into the application, system tools such an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and Hazard and Risk Analysis can be used.

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) IEC EN 61508

FMEA is a tool used for analyzing potential risks. This analytical technique is utilized to define, identify, and prioritize the elimination or reduction of known and/or potential failures from a given system before it is released for production.
Please refer to IEC FMEA Standard 61508.

Hazard and risk analysis ISO 12100-1/14121

This analysis is a tool used in new applications as it will indicate whether there are special safety considerations to be meet according to the machine directives EN 13849.
Dependent on the determined levels conformety this analysis will determine if any extra requirements for the product design, development process, production process or maintenance, i.e. the complete product life cycle.
All makes/brands and types of directional control valves – inclusive proportional valves – can fail and cause serious damage. It is therefore important to analyze all aspects of the application.
Because the proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and applications, the manufacturer of the application is alone responsible for making the final selection of the products – and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The process of choosing the control system – and safety levels – is governed by the machine directives EN 13849 (Safety related requirements for control systems).
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Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group

Example of a control system for manlift

Example of a control system for man-lift
Example of a control system for man-lift using PVE Fault monitoring input signals and signals from external sensors to ensure the PLUS+1® main controllers correct function of the man-lift.
Typical PVE wiring block diagram
It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the machine is declared as being in conformity with the relevant machine directives.
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Fault detection output
high=on low=off
Neutral detection / Supply control
signal ≠ neutral
with AMP connector
with AMP connector
Neutral detection / Supply control
signal ≠ neutral
Man present
P301 318
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
PVG 32 – used in system with fixed displacement pumps:
PVSK, commonly used in crane application - full flow dump
PVPX, LS dump to tank
PVG 100 – alternative LS dump/pilot supply disconnect:
PVPP, pilot oil supply shut off
External cartridge valve connecting LS pressure or main pressure to tank
PVG 120 – pump disconnect/block for variable pumps:
PVPE, full flow dump for the PVG 120
External cartridge valve connecting LS pressure to tank

Examples of wiring block diagram

Example 1
Typical wiring block diagram using PVEH with neutral power off switch and fault monitoring output for hydraulic deactivation.
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Neutral detection / Supply control
signal ≠ neutral
Fault detection output
AMP supply
AMP supply
AMP connector
AMP connector
high=on low=off
Neutral detection / Supply control
signal ≠ neutral
Fault detection
Fault detection
Man present
P301 319
Technical Information
PVG 100 Proportional Valve Group
A Emergency stop / man present switch
B PVE Fault monitoring signals
C Neutral signal detection
D Deactivation of the hydraulic system (System Control Logic, example: PLUS+1® for signal monitoring
and triggering signal)
It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the machine is declared as being in conformity with the relevant machine directives.
Example 2
Fault monitoring for deactivation of the hydraulic system with extra fault inputs using the PVE’s with DI (Direction Indication) function. System Control Logic, example PLUS+1® for signal monitoring and triggering signal for deactivation of the hydraulic system.
It is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer that the control system incorporated in the machine is declared as being in conformity with the relevant machine directives.
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