50-60 Hz data ...................................................................................................................................................................7
SH180 rotolock version ................................................................................................................................................10
SH240 - brazed version ................................................................................................................................................ 11
SH240 - rotolock version .............................................................................................................................................11
SH300 - brazed version ................................................................................................................................................ 12
SH300 - rotolock version .............................................................................................................................................12
Motor voltage .................................................................................................................................................................15
IP rating .............................................................................................................................................................................17
Terminal box temperature ..........................................................................................................................................17
Three phase electrical characteristics.....................................................................................................................17
General wiring information ........................................................................................................................................19
Motor protection ...........................................................................................................................................................21
Voltage imbalance .........................................................................................................................................................22
Approvals and certifi cates ..........................................................................................................................................23
Low voltage directive ...................................................................................................................................................23
Refrigerant and lubricants ..........................................................................................................................................24
Motor supply ...................................................................................................................................................................25
Compressor ambient temperature ..........................................................................................................................25
Discharge temperature protection ........................................................................................................................26
High and low pressure protection ...........................................................................................................................26
General ..............................................................................................................................................................................28
Liquid fl ood back ...........................................................................................................................................................32
Reversible heat pump systems .................................................................................................................................34
Water utilizing systems ................................................................................................................................................36
Compressor handling and storage ..........................................................................................................................39
System cleanliness.........................................................................................................................................................41
Brazing and soldering ..................................................................................................................................................41
System pressure test .....................................................................................................................................................42
Ordering information ...................................................................................................................................................46
In a Performer® SH scroll compressor, the compression is performed by two scroll elements located in the upper part of the compressor.
Suction gas enters the compressor at the suction connection. As all of the gas fl ows around
and through the electrical motor, thus ensuring
complete motor cooling in all applications, oil
droplets separate and fall into the oil sump. After
exiting the electrical motor, the gas enters the
scroll elements where compression takes place.
Ultimately, the discharge gas leaves the compressor at the discharge connection.
The fi gure below illustrates the entire compression process. The centre of the orbiting scroll (in
grey) traces a circular path around the centre of
the fi xed scroll (in black). This movement creates
symmetrical compression pockets between the
two scroll elements. Low-pressure suction gas is
trapped within each crescent-shaped pocket as it
gets formed; continuous motion of the orbiting
scroll serves to seal the pocket, which decreases
in volume as the pocket moves towards the centre of the scroll set increasing the gas pressure.
Maximum compression is achieved once a pocket
reaches the centre where the discharge port is
located; this stage occurs after three complete
orbits. Compression is a continuous process: the
scroll movement is suction, compression and discharge all at the same time.
SH range is composed of SH090-105-120-140-161
and 184 (light commercial platform) and SH180240-300 & 380 (large commercial platform).
Gas circulation, motor cooling and oil behav-•
iour are improved on light commercial platform
models by a new patented motor cap design.
Part protection and assembly reduces internal •
leaks and increases life durability.
Heat shield that lowers the heat
transfer between discharge and
suction gas and the acoustic level
The SH090-105-120-140-161 & 184 compressors
benefi t from a further improved design to achieve
the highest effi ciency.
Improved part isolation reduces greatly acoustic •
Gas intake design induces higher resistance to •
liquid slugging.
SH090 - 105 - 120 - 140 - 161 - 184
New PTFE spring seal for even lower leaks
R410A optimised and dedicated
scroll profi le
Patented motor cap
Liquid slug protection per suction
fi tting in upper position
Performer® SH scroll compressors for R410A are
available as single compressors. The example
below presents the compressor nomenclature
which equals the technical reference as shown on
the compressor nameplate.
Code numbers for ordering are listed section
"Ordering information and packaging".
For tandem and trio assemblies, please refer
to the Performer® SH scroll compressor Parallel
Application Guidelines, FRCC.EC.008.
c Displacement at nominal speed: 2900 rpm at 50 Hz, 3500 rpm at 60 Hz
d Net weight with oil charge
e Available in 2010
TR: Ton of Refrigeration, Standard rating conditions: ARI standard Evaporating temperature: 7.2 °C Superheat: 11.1 K
EER: Energy Effi ciency Ratio Refrigerant: R410A Condensing temperature: 54.4 °C Subcooling: 8.3 K
COP: Coeffi cient Of Performance,
Subject to modifi cation without prior notifi cation.
For full data details and capacity tables refer to Online Datasheet Generator: www.danfoss.com/odsg
Low pressure gauge port (schrader)1/4" fl are1/4’’ fl are1/4’’ fl are
Brazed version Rotolock version
Tube ODFTube ODF
SH105 -120-140-161-184
Suction1’’ 5/82’’ 1/41’’ 5/8
Discharge1’’ 1/81’’ 3/41’’ 1/8
SH 180 - 240 - 300 - 380
Rotolock cAdaptor d
Oil sight glassAll Performer® SH scroll compressors come
equipped with a sight glass (1"1/8 - 18 UNF) which
may be used to determine the amount and condition of the oil contained within the sump.
Oil equalisation connection
SH090-105-120-140-161-184: 1"3/4 rotolock connector allowing use of 1”3/4 - 7/8" or 1”3/4 - 1”1/8
SH180-240-300-380: 2”1/4 rotolock connector
allowing the use of 2”1/4 - 1”3/8 or 2”1/4 - 1”5/8
This connection must be used to mount an oil
equalisation line when two or more compressors
are mounted in parallel (pl ease refer to Performer®
SH Parallel Application Guide lines FRCC.EC.008.
for details).
Oil drain connection
The oil drain connection allows oil to be removed
from the sump for changing, testing, etc. The fi tting contains an extension tube into the oil sump
to more eff ectively remove the oil. The connection is a female 1/4" NPT fi tting and is mounted on
SH180 - 240 - 300 - 380 models only.
The oil fi ll connection and gauge port is a 1/4"
male fl are connector incorporating a schrader
Motor voltage
Wiring connections
SH090-105-120 - 140 & 161
Except SH140-161 code 3
Performer® SH scroll compressors are available in fi ve diff erent motor voltages as listed below.
Voltage range180-253 V414-506 V-517-632 V342-418 V
Electrical power is connected to the compressor
terminals by Ø 4.8 mm (3/16”) screws. The maxi-
The terminal box is provided with a Ø 25.5 mm
and a Ø 29 mm knockouts.
mum tightening torque is 3 Nm. Use a 1/4’’ ring
terminal on the power leads.
Terminal box
Ø 25.5 mm knockout
Power supply
Ø 29 mm knockout
SH140&161 code 3 & SH184
The terminal box is provided with a
Ø40.5 mm hole for power supply and a Ø16.5 mm
The terminal box is provided with 2 double knockouts for the power supply and 3 knockouts for the
safety control circuit.
The 2 power supply knockouts accommodate the
following diameters:
Ø 44 mm / Ø 1”3/4 (for a 1”1/4 conduit) & Ø 34 mm
/ Ø 1”3/8 (for a 1” conduit),
Ø 32.1 mm / Ø 1.26” & Ø 25.4 mm / Ø 1”.
The 3 other knockouts are as follows:
Ø 20.5 mm / Ø 0.81”
Ø 22 mm / Ø 7/8” (for a 1/2” conduit)
Ø 16.5 mm / Ø 0.65”
Ø 16.5 mm
Cover holding screw (x2) - Torque: 2.2 Nm
Motor Protection
Faston 1/4" tabs
Power supply
Ø 40.5 mm hole
Power supply
Terminal box
Safety circuit
Protection module
power supply
Sump heater
SH240 - 300 - 380 -
Except SH380 code 3
The motor protection module comes preinstalled
within the terminal box and has pre-wired thermistor connections. The module must be connected to a power supply of the appropriate
voltage. The module terminals are 6.3 mm size
Faston type except for 24V DC module (screw
The terminal box is provided with 4 double knockouts and 4 single knockouts for power supply and
the safety control circuit.
The 4 power supply knockouts accommodate the
following diameters:
Ø 50 mm / 1”31/32
Ø 25.2 mm / 0.99”
Ø 43.7 mm / 1”23/32 & 34.5 mm / 1”23/64
Ø 40.5 mm / 1.59” & 32.2 mm / 1.27”
The 4 others knockouts are as follows:
Ø 20.5 mm / 0.81” (2x)
Ø 22 mm / 7/8” & 16.5 mm / 0.65” (2x)
LN1 2141211
Module power
Cover holding screws (x4)
orque: 2.2 N.m.
Internal control contac t
Power supply
Sump heater
M1, M2
Control circuit
Power supply
SH380 code 3
The motor protection module comes preinstalled
within the terminal box. Phase sequence protection connections and thermistor connections are
pre-wired. The module must be connected to a
power supply of the appropriate voltage. The
module terminals are 6.3-mm size Faston type.
The terminal box is provided with Ø 43.7 mm
(1"23/32) h ole w ith p ossibl e Ø 50.8 mm (2") knockout for power supply and 2 x Ø 22.5 mm (7/8")
knockouts for safety control circuit.
Phase sequence in put
L1 L2 L3
Black Blue Brown
Internal control contac t
L N S1 S2 M1 M2
Terminal box
Module power
Cover holding screws (x3)
Power supply
Sump heater
M1, M2
Control circuit
Power supply
The motor protection module comes preinstalled
within the terminal box. Phase sequence protection connections and thermistor connections are
pre-wired. The module must be connected to a
power supply of the appropriate voltage. The
module terminals are 6.3-mm size Faston type.
Phase sequence in put
L1 L2 L3
Black Blue Brown
Internal control contac t
L N S1 S2 M1 M2
Module power
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