Danfoss MCC 102 Fact sheet

Fact Sheet
VLT® dU/dt Filter MCC 102
Perfect match for
for applications with short motor cables, older motors, frequent braking, or aggressive environments
dU/dt filters reduce the dU/dt values on the motor terminal phase-to-phase voltage – an issue that is important for short motor cables.
dU/dt filters are differential-mode filters which reduce motor terminal phase-to­phase peak voltage spikes and reduce the rise time to a level that lowers the stress on the insulation of motor windings.
Compared to sine-wave filters, the dU/dt filters have a cut-off frequency above the switching frequency. The voltage at the motor terminals is still PWM pulse shaped, but the rise time and Upeak are reduced. They are smaller, weigh less and have a lower price compared to sine-wave filters. Furthermore, because of the smaller inductance and capacitance, the dU/dt filters introduce a negligible reactance between inverter and motor and are therefore suitable for high dynamic applications.
Superior compared to output chokes
Output chokes cause undamped oscillations at the motor terminals which increase the risk of double pulsing and over-voltages higher than twice the DC link voltage. The dU/dt filters are low-pass L-C filters with a well defined
cut-off frequency. Therefore the ringing oscillations at the motor terminals are damped and there is a reduced risk of double pulsing and voltage peaks.
Quality and Design
All dU/dt filters are designed and tested for operation with the VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302, VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202, and the VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102. They are designed to match the look and quality of the VLT® FC series drives.
Compatible with all control
principles, including flux and WC+
Parallel filter installation is possible for
applications in the high power range
3 x 200 – 690 V (up to 880 A)
IP00 and IP20/23 enclosure in the
entire power range
IP54 enclosure available up to 180 A
Side-by-side book-style mounting
alongside the drive, for wall-mounted filters only.
Footprint mounting behind the drive,
for limited size range only
Wall mounting up to and including
filter rating 590 A (380 V)
Floor mounting above filter rating
303 A (380 V)
Feature Benefit
Reduces dU/dt stresses Increases motor service interval Lowers the magnetic interference
propagation on surrounding cables and equipment)
Low voltage drop makes dU/dt filters the ideal solution for highly dynamic applications with flux vector regulation
Trouble-free operation
Small size and cost compared to sine-wave filters
NEMA 1/IP21 upgrade kit for wall-
mounted IP20 filters.
L-shaped terminal kits for filters with bus-bar connection
Voltage and current without filter
Voltage rating 3 x 200 – 690 V
17 – 880 A @ 200 – 380 V, 15 – 780 A @ 460 V
Nominal current I
@ 50 Hz
12 – 630 A @ 600 V and 11 – 630 A @ 690 V for higher power modules can be paralleled
Motor frequency
0 – 60 Hz without derating Max. 100 Hz (with derating)
Ambient temperature -25° to 45°C without derating
1,5 kHz – 4 kHz
Max. switching frequency
f depending on filter type
Mounting Side-by-side
Overload capacity 160% for 60 sec every 10 min.
Enclosure degree IP00, IP20/23 and IP54
Approvals CE, UL508
dU/dt limit curves
15 m
Upeak [V]
50 m
150 m
50 m dU/dt lter
15 m dU/dt lter
150 m dU/dt lter
IEC60034-25 A
0.50 1.51 2.0 32.5
tr [us]
The dU/dt value decreases with the motor cable length whereas the peak voltage increases.
Voltage and current with filter
The curves show typical values.
Performance Criteria dU/dt lter Sine-wave lter
Motor insulation stress
Motor bearing stress
EMC performance
Max. motor cable length
Acoustic motor switching noise
Up to 100 m cable (shielded/unshielded) complies with the requirements of IEC60034-17* (general purpose motors). Above this cable length the risk of “double pulsing” increases.
Slightly reduced, mainly in high power motors
Eliminates motor cable ringing. Does not change the emission class. Does not allow longer motor cables as specified for the frequency converter’s built-in RFI filter.
100 m ... 150 m With guaranteed EMC performance: 150 m screened Without guaranteed EMC performance: 150 m unscreened
Does not eliminate acoustic switching noise from the motor
Provides a sinusoidal phase-to-phase motor terminal voltage. Complies with IEC-60034-17* and NEMA-MG1 requirements for general purpose motors with cables up to 500 m (1 km for frame size D and above).
Reduces bearing currents caused by circulating currents. Does not reduce common-mode currents (shaft currents).
Eliminates motor cable ringing. Does not change the emission class. Does not allow longer motor cables as specified for the frequency converter’s built-in RFI filter.
With guaranteed EMC performance: 150 m shielded and 300 m unshielded (only conducted emissions). Without guaranteed EMC performance: up to 500 m (1 km for frame size D and above).
Eliminates acoustic switching noise from the motor caused by
magnetostriction Relative size 15 – 50% (depending on power size) 100% Relative price 50% 100%
* Not 690 V
Danfoss VLT Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80, www.danfoss.com/drives, E-mail: info@danfoss.com
DKDD.PFO.615.A2.02 © Copyright Danfoss Power Electronics | Danfoss VLT Drives PE-MSMBM | 2015.06