VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300
Safe PLC Interface Option MCB 108
The MCB 108 option module is a galvanically isolated via an internal DC/DC converter and it can be fitted into option
slot B.
What is the MCB108 Option:
It is designed to be built in between the Safe dual pole(plus/minus) on the Safe PLC and the Safe Stop input
on FC302. The Safe PLC interface allows the safe output on the Safe PLC, to maintain the test pulses on the
plus and minus output without impacting the sensor signal to safe stop T37.
Can be used in combination with safety devices to satisfy the requirement of IEC61800-5-2 SIL 2,
ISO13849-1 PL d, and Category 3 (EN954-1) for Safe Torque Off (STO)
Electrical Data:
Input voltage (DC)..................................................................................................... .................................. 18 to 28 V DC
Typical current input (DC)..................................................................................................... ....................... 60 mAmp
Max. current input (DC)...................................................................................................... ......................... 110 mAmp DC
Max. current inrush (DC)........................................................................ ................................................... 500 mAmp DC
Output voltage (DC) ............................................................................................................................ 20 V DC@Vin = 24 V
Turn on delay ....................................................................................................................................... 1 mSec
Turn off delay ....................................................................................................................................... 3 mSec
How to mount the MCB 108 option:
Safe PLC Interface
Terminal Cover
Following precautions have to be observed:Following precautions have to be observed:
Following precautions have to be observed:
Following precautions have to be observed:Following precautions have to be observed:
- The FC 302 with MCB 108 (including the connections
between X31/9 and Terminal 37) must be placed inside
an IP54 enclosure.
- Safe Stop activation (i.e. removal of 24 V DC voltage
supply to terminal 37 by removing voltage to dual pole
input of MCB 108) does not provide electrical safety.
- The safety device connected to the dual pole input op
MCB 108 must itself fulfill the requirements of EN 954-1
Cat. 3 ISO13849-1 P Ld for interrupting the voltage/
current to MCB 108. This is also valid for the connections
between MCB 108 and the safety device. You must read
and follow the instructions for the safety device in order
to connect it properly to MCB 108.
Option Slot B
- The power to the frequency converter must be
- Remove the LCP, the terminal cover and the cradle from
the FC 300.
- Fit the MCB 108 option in slot B.
- Connect the control cables and relief the cables by the
enclosed cable strips.
- Various systems must not be mixed.
- Fit the extended cradle and terminal cover.
- Replace the LCP.
- Connect the input to the Safety PLC’s Output.
- Remove the connection betweeen terminal 13 and 37 of
the FC 302.
MI.33.J2.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark

VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300
Commissioning TCommissioning T
Commissioning T
Commissioning TCommissioning T
After installation and before first operation, perform a
commissioning test of an installation or application making
use of FC 302 Safe Stop with MCB 108.
Moreover, perform the test after each modification of the
installation or application, which the FC 302 Safe Stop is
part of.
A passed commissioning test is a necessary condition for
fulfillment of EN 954-1 Cat. 3
application with FC 302 Safe Stop and MCB 108.
The commissioning test:
1. Remove the dual pole voltage supply to MCB 108
inputs by the safety device while the motor is
driven by the FC 302 (i.e. mains supply is not
interrupted). The test step is passed if the motor
reacts with a coast and the mechanical brake (if
connected) is activated.
Safety PLC ConnectionSafety PLC Connection
Safety PLC Connection
Safety PLC ConnectionSafety PLC Connection
ISO13849-1 P Ld of an
2. Send Reset signal (via Bus, Digital I/O or
[Reset] key). The test step is passed if the motor
remains in the Safe Stop state and the
mechanical brake (if connected) remains
3. Reapply dual pole voltage supply to MCB
108 inputs. The test step is passed if the motor
remains in the coasted state and the
mechanical brake (if connected) remains
4. Send Reset signal (via Bus, Digital I/O or
[Reset] key). The test step is passed if the motor
gets operational again.
5. The commissioning test is passed if all four test
steps are passed.
Wire inserting in MCB 108Wire inserting in MCB 108
Wire inserting in MCB 108
Wire inserting in MCB 108Wire inserting in MCB 108
Do not combine liveparts and PELVDo not combine liveparts and PELV
Do not combine liveparts and PELV
Do not combine liveparts and PELVDo not combine liveparts and PELV
Wires between X31/9 and Terminal 37 haveWires between X31/9 and Terminal 37 have
Wires between X31/9 and Terminal 37 have
Wires between X31/9 and Terminal 37 haveWires between X31/9 and Terminal 37 have
to be short-circuit protected if not insideto be short-circuit protected if not inside
to be short-circuit protected if not inside
to be short-circuit protected if not insideto be short-circuit protected if not inside
the cabinet.the cabinet.
the cabinet.
the cabinet.the cabinet.
Correct wire inserting
130R0362 Rev. 2009-07-08