Fac t Sheet
Ordering number
St an dard 130B1135
Coated 130B1235
support for
high availability
The VLT® PROFINET MCA 120 oers
connectivity to PROFINET based
networks via the PROFINET Protocol.
PROFINET was introduced in 2003
and is today a proven and complete
industrial Ethernet network solution
available for manufacturing automation. PROFINET is a member of a family
of networks that implement the PROFINET protocol at its upper layers.
PROFINET encompasses a suite of
messages and services for a variety of
manufacturing automation applications, including control, configuration
and information.
The option is able to handle a single
connection with an Actual Packet
Interval down to 2 ms in both directions, positioning it among the fastest
performing PROFINET devices in the
Other features
Built-in web server for remote diagnosis and reading out of basic drive
parameters. An e-mail notificator can
be configured for sending an e-mail
message to one or several receivers,
if certain warnings or alarms occur, or
have cleared again.
The plug and play option can be installed in VLT® AutomationDrive,
VLT® HVAC Drive, VLT® Refrigeration
Drive and VLT® AQUA Drive.
Application protocols
n PROFINET for controlling and
parameter setting
n DCP (Discovery and Configuration
Protocol) for configuring network
related settings
n LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
for topology recognition and initial
settings of communication parameters
n HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)for
diagnosis via built-in web server
n SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
for e-mail notification
n TCP/IP for easy access to Drive
configuration data from VLT® Motion
Control Tool MCT 10
Feature Benet
Connectivity to PROFINET based networks
Actual Packet Interval (API) down to 2 ms High performance
Built-in web server
E-mail noticator Noties if warnings or alarms occur
Two Ethernet ports with built-in switch
Same option for all power sizes Low learning curve and reuse of PLC program
MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol)
ring topology
Connects to Siemens S7, PC7 PLC systems
and to various SCADA system
Remote diagnosis and reading out of
basic drive parameters
• Simple cabling
• No need for expensive switches or hubs
Option tested at third party laboratory
guarantees interoperability and observance of
High availability
Reduced wiring, exible congurations, easy
and cost-eective system design

The VLT® PROFINET MCA 120 uses
standard function calls and system
features. This allows the user to build
the PLC program on well-tried PLC
The VLT® PROFINET MCA120 supports
the network topology view in the PLC
programming tool.
Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) topology
AC drives
Danfoss Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80, drives.danfoss.com, E-mail: info@danfoss.com
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