Danfoss MCA 109 Fact sheet

VLT® BACnet MCA 109
VLT® HVAC Drive integrates and communicates seamlessly with all HVAC devices mastered by Building Management Systems via the BACnet protocol. HVAC-specic features make it economical, exible and user friendly.
The VLT® BACnet MCA 109 is a plug­and-play solution that optimizes the use of VLT® HVAC Drive together with building management systems using the BACnet MS/TP protocol.
Lowest cost of ownership
The modular concept of the VLT® HVAC Drive, allows you to pay only for features you need, customize your solutions and minimize system costs. The option makes it easy to control or monitor points required in typical HVAC applications.
Optimized communication
Beside standard functionality, the option features three additional func­tions:
COV, Change Of Value
Read/Write Property Multiple
Alarm/Warning handling
These three features lower the trac on the BACnet MS/TP Bus signicant­ly, and improves the overall perfor­mance of the BACnet..
This means that installing the VLT® HVAC Drive with a VLT® BACnet MCA109, system operation is faster and the BMS controller is better utilized.
Improve system performance
Via the BACnet option it is possible to read all analogue and digital inputs and control all analogue and digital outputs of the VLT® HVAC Drive. All inputs and outputs can be operated independently of the VLT® HVAC Drives functions and thus work as remote I/O’s
This means that when integrating a VLT® HVAC Drive into the control system it is possible to save physi­cal I/O points, which typically would demand a remote I/O block.
The VLT® BACnet MCA109 follows the BACnet standards, and represents Digital Inputs and Outputs in the correct format. This eases the work for operators and programmers, since it shows the drives I/O with its corre­sponding objects.
Feature Benet
The built-in clock of the VLT® HVAC Drive synchronizes with the system master clock via BACnet
Device name, location and description can be changed
Warnings and alarms come with explanatory text
Power full range of services implemented Less load on the network, faster response
– Reads all inputs – Controls all I/O’s on options
Accepts 3 separate feedbacks transmitted over BACnet
COV supported for a number of objects
Read or write multiple points in one telegram
No need for a battery that eventually will need to be replaced
Faster maintaining because alarms are clearly indicated and not shown by numbers.
– Reduced need for additional I/O devices – Reduced physical space needed
Lower installation cost
Reduced cabling cost
The option sends data when they are changed. Improves the throughput up to 50%
Can transfer required points of the
VLT® HVAC Drive in one telegram
Improved system performance
Facts about our products
Flexible choice
The VLT® HVAC Drive oers two alternative BACnet MS/TP solutions: The built-in BACnet features basic functionality that makes it very well suited for small installation, whereas the MCA109 is well suited for installa­tions that requires a fast access to the network, or where the BMS controller would be heavily loaded.
Detailed information about warnings and alarms
VLT® HVAC Drive provides detailed in­formation about alarms and warnings. BMS controllers can monitor these or let the drive send the alarm or warn­ing when they occur, and afterwards get detailed information from the drive.
Examples: Earth fault, short circuit, over current, motor phase loss, motor thermal condition (thermistor or ETR), mains phase loss, live zero, Broken Belt, No Flow, Dry Pump, End of Curve etc.
Simultaneous synchronization of built-in clocks
VLT® HVAC Drives have a built-in clock that synchronizes to the BMS network clock via BACnet. This eliminates the need for a battery in the drive. Batteries must be manually ex­changed at a given time, which is costly in larger installations.
Listed by BTL
The VLT® BACnet solution is listed by BTL Testing Laboratory.
BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported
Data Sharing-ReadProperty-B (DS-RP-B) Data Sharing-ReadPropertyMultiple-B (DS-RPM-B) Data Sharing-WriteProperty-B (DS-WP-B) Data Sharing-WritePropertyMultiple-B (DS-WPM-B) Alarm and Event-ACK-B (AE-ACK-B) Alarm and Event-Notication Internal-B (AE-N-I-B) Alarm and Event-Information-B (AE-INFO-B) Device Management-Dynamic Device Binding-A (DM-DDB-A) Device Management-Dynamic Device Binding-B (DM-DDB-B) Device Management-Dynamic Object Binding-B (DM-DOB-B) Device Management-DeviceCommunicationControl-B (DM-DCC-B) Device Management-TimeSynchronization-B (DM-TS-B) Device Management-ReinitializeDevice-B (DM-RD-B)
* See the BTL’s homepage for the latest version listed.
Standard object types supported
Analogue input
Analogue output
Analogue value
Binary input
Binary output
Binary value
Multi-state output
Notication class
Number of objects supported
Digital inputs 16
Digital outputs 32
Digital Values 200
Analogue inputs 7
Analogue outputs 7
Analogue values 46
Multistate output 1
Multistate input 1
Total 310
Built-in and tested from factory
The Danfoss BACnet option is avail­able factory installed and tested or can be added to the VLT® HVAC Drive as a eld installed upgrade in existing installations.
Danfoss VLT Drives, Ulsnaes 1, DK-6300 Graasten, Denmark, Tel. +45 74 88 22 22, Fax +45 74 65 25 80 www.danfoss.com/drives • info@danfoss.com
DKDD.PFO.610.A2.02 VLT® is a trademark of Danfoss A/S PE-MMSC 2014.09