Data Sheet
Temperature transmitter
Type MBT 9110
For industrial and marine applications
The MBT 9110 temperature transmitter can be
used for converting the Pt 100 / Pt 1000 ohm
signal or the thermo couple mV signal to a 4 –
20 mA signal.
The MBT 9110 is a very durable and reliable
temperature transmitter with all major marine
approvals and can be used together with all our
sensors based on Pt or Thermocouple
MBT 9110 transmitters in the standard program
are delivered in an enclosure, but are also used
as an integrated part of certain temperature
The transmitter is available as standard or
galvanic isolated with or without EEx approval.
• 2-wire universal transmitter for industrial and
maritime applications
• Pt 100, Pt 1000 or thermocouple input
• 4 – 20 mA standard output - with or without
galvanic isolation
• For mounting in DIN B connection head,
heightened lid or in a separate enclosure
• Advanced sensor fault indication
• Temperature linearized

Pt 100
Thermocouple type E, J, K, L, N, T, U
Thermocouple type B, R, S
< ± 0.3 °C
< ± 1.0 °C
< ± 2.0 °C
Programmable 1 – 60 sec.
1 sec. standard
Cold solder point compensation (CJC)
Eect of sensor cable resistance (3/4 wires)
EEx Galvanic supply voltage
Eect of supply voltage variation
Pt 100 (EN 60751) 2, 3 - wire -200 – 800 °C
Pt 1000 (EN 60751) 2, 3 - wire
Pt 100 (EN 60751) 2, 3, 4 - wire -200 – 800 °C
Pt 1000 (EN 60751) 2, 3 - wire
Thermocouple (EN 60584)
IEC 60068-2-6 / IEC 60068-2-84
0 – 98% RH, according to IEC 60068-1, IEC 60068-2-2
IP54 according to IEC 60529
50% of max. input value
(Pt 100: 400 °C)
(Thermocouple, type R: 650 °C)
In heightened lid for B-head: 0.080 kg
In Box enclosure: 0.360 kg
Temperature transmitter, type MBT 9110
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Performance
= Ambient temperature change
Table 2: Electrical specications
Table 3: Environmental conditions for Box enclosure
Table 4: Mechanical characteristics
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