Data Sheet
Temperature sensor
Type MBT 5310
For monitoring of bearing temperatures in Wind turbines, engines and gearboxes applications
The MBT 5310 temperature sensor series is
specially designed for measuring the
temperature in bearings where there is a risk of
To get a very short reaction time the measuring
element is placed in a way to secure a reaction
time of down to t0.5 = 6 sec. in water.
The sensor is tted with an adjustable spring
loaded protection tube which ensures metallic
contact between bearing and sensor at all
• For monitoring of bearing temperatures
where there is risk of overheating, in
applications such as:
◦ Wind Turbines
◦ Engines
◦ Gearboxes
• Based on Pt 100 / Pt 1000 technology for use
up to 200 °C
• Spring loaded to ensure good contact with
the bearing

Stainless steel process connection
Indicative response times
Protection tube in contact with the media
EN 60751 Class B: ± (0.3 °C + 0.005 × t)
t = temperature of medium, numerical value
Vibration stability
4 g sine function 2 – 100 Hz, acc. to IEC 60068-2-6
IP65 according to IEC 60529
Temperature sensor, type MBT 5310
Spring function
Product specication
Technical Data
Table 1: General data
Table 2: Response time
Table 3: Materials
Table 4: Mechanical and environmental specications
© Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2021.02 AI201986427607en-000501 | 2

ABInsertion length, variable
Temperature sensor, type MBT 5310
Technical Data Drawings
Figure 1: Dimensions [mm] Figure 2: Electrical connection
Electrical connection and dimensions
Figure 3: Dimensions
© Danfoss | Climate Solutions | 2021.02 AI201986427607en-000501 | 3