District heating application guide
Making applications
future proof all our
knowledge – is now yours
years of experience
in district heating
applications, with
more than 5 million
installations worldwide.

Recommended solution for heating systems / New construction 4
Recommended solution for heating systems / Renovation 6
1 Introduction 8
1.1 District Heating nets in China Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 10
1.2 Common problems of the current District Heating systems in China and their causes 11
1.2.1 Heat losses in networks 11
1.2.2 Hydraulically unbalanced networks 12
1.2.3 Over specied pumps 14
1.2.4 Lack of centralized hot water treatment for DHW systems 14
1.2.5 General energy ineciency of the heat supply system 15
2 Connection to the grid 16
2.1 Central substation equipped by weather compensator, no controls in the building – direct connection of the buildings 16
2.2 Central substation equipped by weather compensator. Few buildings had Mixing units or substation at the entrance 18
2.3 Central Substations with mixing loops at each building or every connection 19
2.4 Substations in each building 20
2.5 Flat stations in each at for the same district 25
2.6 Conclusion 22
3 Direct connection of Heating system (connected via Central substations) 24
3.1 Mixing loop with Weather compensation and Combination valves for the Heating systems 21
3.2 Mixing-loop for Heating system, recommended than dP less than 2 bar 26
3.3 Mixing loop with 3-way valves to be used if the temperature in primary and secondary systems are equal 28
3.4 Mixing loop for Heating system with Weather compensation, Motorized Control Valves and Manual Balancing valves 30
3.5 Mixing loop for Heating system with Weather compensation and motorized control valves for the systems with
T in secondary side equal to T on primary side 32

4 Indirect connection of Heating system (Direct connection to the primary circuit) 34
4.1 Indirect connection of Heating system with DPC and MCV. DPC play also role of Flow limiter 34
4.2 Indirect connection of Heating system with DPCQ and MCV. DPCQ secure automatic ow limitation 36
4.3 Indirect connection of HE system with PIBCV 38
4.4 Indirect connection of HE system with MBV and MCV 40
4.5 Indirect connection of heating system with MCV only 42
5 Indirect connection of Heating and Domestic Hot water systems – directly to the primary side 44
5.1 Indirect connection of HE and DHW with common DPC 44
5.2 Indirect connection of HE and DHW with DPC on each circuit 46
5.3 Indirect connection of Heating and DHW system with DPCQ on each circuit 48
5.4 Indirect connection of HE and DHW systems with PIBCV used as control valve 50
5.5 Indirect connection HE and DHW systems with no DPC 52
5.6 Heating System connected thru Central substation via DPC on the entrance 54
6 Overall classication of Direct and Indirect Heating and Domestic Hot water 56
6.1 Direct heating system connection 56
6.2 Direct heating system connection 57
6.3 Domestic Hot Water Systems / Indirect DHW system connection 60
7 Product overview 62
7.1 Weather compensators - WC 62
7.2 Motorized Control Valves - MCV 62
7.3 Actuators for MCV and PICV 63
7.4 Pressure Independent Control Valves - PICV 63
7.5 Dierential Pressure (and Flow) Controllers - DPC (DPCQ) 64
7.6 Steel manual balancing valve and Ball valves 64
7.7 Temperature controllers 65
7.8 Energy meters 65

Recommended solution for heating systems
for heating systems
Source Distrubution/
Distribution station *****
Distribution station Mixing loop FH + RT ****
Distribution station DPC Two pipe horizon + TRV ***
Distribution station
New construction:
Entrance of Building
Substation DPC Two pipe raise + TRV ****
Substation PIBCV Horizon / FH ***
Mixing loop PIBCV
DPC ** Up to 6 oors
Raiser Entrance of
Flat station
PIBCV Horizon **
Distribution station Mixing loop FH **

In the Apartment Recommend index Note
Two pipe horizon + TRV / FH + RT
Two pipe horizon + TRV / FH + RT ****
FH ***
Two pipe raise + TRV ***
** More than 6 oors
Two pipe horizon + TRV / FH + RT
Horizon / FH **
Horizon *
Recommend index

Recommended solution for heating systems
for heating systems
Source Distribution and
CHP or Boiler
Distribution station
Entrance of Building Raiser Entrance of
Mixing loop
Mixing loop
DPC Two pipe raise + TRV ***
PIBCV+T One pipe raise + TRV ***
DPC ** Up to 6 oors
Mixing loop MBV One pipe horizon + TRV **
Mixing loop
Flat station
DPC **
Mixing loop **
DPC ON/OFF CV * Up to 6 oors
Mixing loop *
Mixing loop Riser system *
Flat station MBV One pipe raise + TRV *

In the Apartment Recommend index Note
FH + RT ****
Two pipe horizon + TRV
/ FH + RT
MBV FH + RT ***
Two pipe horizon + TRV
** More than 6 oors
/ FH + RT
PIBCV Horizon / FH **
** More than 6 oors
** Up to 6 oors
One pipe raise + TRV
FL One pipe horizon + TRV *
ON/OFF CV with
Horizon / FH * More than 6 oors
Recommend index

With every day it becomes more and more obvious that energy eciency is one of the main trends in
the 21st century economic development. All branches of modern industry, from microelectronics to
heavy engineering, are striving to reduce energy losses. Today there is no other way: we may just go
forward or step aside of the progress.
This may seem incredible, but it is our unbounded household power inputs that cause the global
warming. In Europe, about 40% of fuel-energy resources are consumed by communal consumers,
while transport and industry consume 32% and 28% respectively. Notwithstanding the fact that
energy saving is an integral part of public policy of Western countries for many years. First of all,
this was favoured by the energy crisis which took place in 1970s and signicantly aected those
countries. Last year’s many of developed countries have achieved signicant results in this eld. In 25
years, they turned from consumers into suppliers of energy resources, rising to the rst places in the
world in energy eciency.
Index: 1980 = 100
Total energy consumption Heated area Energy consumption per m2
Figure 1:

Realizing that in future, high energy costs will be necessary to maintain high rates of growth, the
China Government has begun to implement a large-scale plan of radical increase of energy eciency
and decrease of fast-growing demand for coal from energy-consuming industries. For each level
of the government administration a target for decrease of energy consumption, which must be
achieved, is set. In addition to that, the Government has begun to implement a "large-scale program
of closing of ineective companies". Eorts, which China applies, striving to raise its energy ecien-
cy, are probably the most resolute ones among those that have been ever applied in this eld by any
country. They will be discussed for years. But in spite of this trend there are several other problems,
for example, in heat-power engineering, particularly concerning heat distribution. Unfortunately,
the current condition of heat networks is far from the ideal, while it is not possible to carry out the
necessary replacements instantly. In this book, the main issues will be discussed and solutions,
related to Danfoss, its equipment and experience, will be proposed.

District Heating nets in China
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Connection of the building to the grid designed at 80ths old constructed District heating systems with network
structure as presented on the pic. 2 still have a high presence on the market.
Building sub-
Figure 2: District heating network
A brief overview of old District Heating Nets can be characterized by following:
• Weather compensated temperature control only at the heat source (combined heat power plants, boiler
• High level of heat losses
• High cola consumptions
• High demand for better water treatment
• Constant ow in primary and secondary circuits.
• Overspecied pumps
• Excessive consumption of heat and electric power
• Lack of comfort conditions for end-users
• High return temperature on Primary Side
• Hydraulic unbalance
• Energy ineciency
Domestic hot water system (DHW)not-connected to the District heating system and prepared by electrical /gas
boiler. In the regions Solar panels also used for DHW systems

Common problems of the current District Heating
systems in China and their causes.
Heat losses in networks
Generally, the heat networks has been designed and constructed in 80s years of the last century. Since then
constant economic growth and industrial development required continual construction of new networks, while
the old ones practically were not reconstructed. Total heat losses reach ~ of the consumer heat load.
It is possible to distinguish two components of heat losses:
Heat losses
Figure 3: Type of heat loses
Losses due to leakages:
This issues caused by all-round wearing of the heat networks. Corrosion makes holes in pipeline walls, bad seal
Loses from surface -
non insulated
in valves and between ange connections, which results in leaks.
Losses from pipeline surfaces:
Heat network pipelines are made of steel, which is an excellent thermal conductor. As it can be seen from the
following expression, this type of losses depends on a number of factors; among those are thermal conductivity
of the material and the dierence between the external air and the heat carrier temperatures.
Q =λ· (t1– t2) · F.
Lack of insulation, as well as the heat carrier temperature in the supply pipe, which is as high as 130 C, results in
heat losses of ~ Gcal per m
Insulation of the pipeline and decrease of the operating parameters allows lowering the losses down to ~ per
1 running meter
Total heat losses reach 273 million Gcal per year, which amounts to 34.745 billion RMB in cash equivalent.It is

impossible to solve the issue by mere replacement of pipelines: this will require huge manpower,
material and time resources. Measures, which can be taken now, are reduction of the temperature
curve and all-round insulation of pipelines. This will signicantly reduce the heat losses and grant
additional time, required for gradual reconstruction and replacement of heat networks.
Hydraulically unbalanced networks
Present-day heat supply systems of residential, production and administration buildings are con-
nected to heat networks via central substations. Consumer heat loads are unstable and, as a result of
quantity and quality regulation, which takes place at the heat source. This is a serious issue obviously
take place in heavily branched heat networks, due to their unbalance. Function of limitation of
maximal heat carrier ow by end consumer is also quite hard to implement.
Currently, hydraulic balancing of a heat network is carried out at the design conditions by means of
throttling orices or, at the best, by means of manual balancing valves or circulating pumps with
variable frequency converters. Resistance of the latter can be calculated by the following expression:
However, it is impossible to achieve balance between the quantity and quality regulated heat
network and consumers by means of the throttling devices, because as the ow changes from G1
to G2, hydraulic resistance of an orice or a manual balancing valve, which have constant hydraulic
characteristics (Kv), changes as square of the ow.
Figure 4: Standard piezometric diagram
Orices and manual valves can be used for balancing in systems with constant ow only. Quantity
and quality regulation in heat networks balanced by means of these devices results in oating piezo-

metric curve and, as a consequence, variable local pressure drops at building connection.
Similarly, usage of circulating pumps with variable frequency converters does not meet the expectations laid
on it. Indeed, total pressure of an unbalanced network does not change; excessive pressure and ow (which are
built up locally as the result of operation of automatic equipment and local decrease of the heat carrier ow)
are simply redistributed to the nearest objects. Thus variable frequency driving actuators do not perform their
primary function
Figure 5: Piezometricschedulefor peakheat loadsperiod
Existence of the oating piezometric curve makes it impossible to limit the maximal ow by means of orices
and manual balancing valves. Limitation of maximal ow, as well as hydraulic balancing of systems with varia-
ble ow can be carried out by means dierential pressure controllers only. Such controllers are capable to main-
tain the stable pressure drop in the regulated variable ow system. In case of increase of the input pressure they
ensure stable limitation of the maximal heat carrier ow. With usage of such controllers, "internal" hydraulic
balancing of heat networks at every central substation and building substation is no longer required. Orices
and manual balancing valves can be removed from pipelines: balanced distribution of the heat is achieved due
to additional hydraulic resistance of the DP controllers located at heat stations in each building.
Dismissal of quarterly balancing of heat networks invalidates the piezometric curve (there is no more local loss-
es at orices and manual balancing valves), the former "problem" objects receive local pressure drop required
for their operation. In centralized thermal supply systems these measures lead to signicant economic eect.
Circulation pumps of the heat networks instantly obtain the required pressure. Such heat power reserves make
it possible to connect additional consumers to the existing networks without considerable capital costs.

Figure 6: The reduction of the circulationowinheating systems
Over specied pumps
Another important issue, which requires attention, is over specied pumps installed at the heat
source thermal chambers and central heat supply stations. What is the reason of this problem? Why
does it have an negative inuence? The pumps are selected in assumption that the most distant
consumer must receive the heat carrier at the maximal ow, i.e. taking into account the maximal
hydraulic resistance. As the result, consumers located closer to the heat source or the central heat
supply station experience signicant "harmful" pressure, which must be decreased (wasting of
energy). Large safety factors stipulated by the network design are also not always useful. An over
specied pump operates in non-optimal conditions, which lowers its eciency (ref. the gure
above), increases electric energy consumption, decreases the life-time and heightens the noise level.
Currently, more and more systems are transferred to dynamic model of operation, and installation of
variable frequency converters becomes a requirement. If it is not possible to replace the pump itself,
the frequency converter will maximally optimize its operation in various operating modes.
In addition to all the mentioned above, usage of Overspecied pumps results in increase of capital
and operating costs.
Lack of centralized hot water treatment for DHW systems
Currently, only local water heaters installed directly in consumers' buildings are used. This results not
just in increased consumption of electric energy and gas, which can be used much more eectively.
It is well known that heating is not needed in summer, and the corresponding network pipelines are

drained. As the result, internal pipe surface contacts with air, which speeds up corrosion in several times, which,
in turn, ruins leak-proofness of the pipes and increases heat losses resulted by leaks.
General energy ineciency of the heat supply system
All the above mentioned issues make a common image of the situation. Unfortunately, it is necessary to state
that the heat supply system stays generally inecient in spite of the eorts being applied. Renewal and recon-
struction of the large-scale systems require huge amounts of resources: time, money, manpower. Besides, the
problems of the heat supply system aect the allied industries:
Electric power industry (additional loads: water heaters in buildings, pump driving actuators)
Mining operations (additional loads: fuel for combined heat power plants and boiler installations)
Objective set by the Government of China is real and achievable. The future and economy of the country
depends on achievement of this objective. Yes, the capital costs are relatively high, however, in 5 - 10 years
benets of the modernization will signicantly exceed this value and open new horizons of development.
Danfoss has capabilities, experience and complete solutions which solving these issues. Some solutions,
described below, are widespread in Europe and also in Russia. Advantages of Danfoss' solution is:
• Decreased environmental impact,
• Energy saving,
• Decreased pay-back time,
• Improved comfort for tenants.

Connection to the grid
Central substation equipped by weather compensator, no controls in the building – direct connec-
tion of the buildings
Weather Compensation

One of the solution,
Weather compensated temperature control at the heat source (combined heat power plants, boiler
• Weather dependent temperature control at central substations
• Local temperature control: thermostats installed on end consumers' radiators
• Variable ow in primary and secondary circuits.
• Manual balancing valves at building connections
• Domestic hot water system not connected to the District heating system and prepared by electri-
cal /gas boiler. In the regions Solar panels also used to control the water
The main disadvantage of such model is that the consumer is provided with sucient amount of
heat only in case the necessary specications of the network and the heat source are precisely met
and constant (because consumers are unable to adjust ow and, consequently, temperature)
Such model could be deemed viable earlier, prior to total upgrade of heat sources, Heat networks
and heating systems. However, usage of such models gets more and more undesirable. Consumers
and the Heat network experience almost all the problems mentioned above, like:
• Excessive consumption of heat and electric power
• Excessive temperature of the returning heat carrier
• Hydraulic unbalance
• Energy ineciency
• High rates of corrosion in the summer months

Central substation equipped by weather compensator. Few buildings had Mixing units or
substation at the entrance
Weather Compensation
The second case is inseparably linked with progressive partial automation of buildings and end users, which,
as it was mentioned in section 1, threatens the whole system. Weather compensators close and open valves
in order to achieve the conditions conformable for the user. If such consumers become too large in number,
the other consumers become aected. Consumers not equipped with automation or even Dierential pressure
controllers may face with the following diculties and problems:
• Increase of pressure in return pipelines
• Pressure oscillation
• Overheating of premises
• Insucient heating

Central Substations with mixing loops at each building or every connection
Weather Compensation
For the renovation of the District Heating Nets, one of the compromised solutions might be installation in each
building the mixing loops for Heating system with keeping the Central Substations for the group of buildings.
Temperature and heat controlled based on the weather compensation principle to the consumer (right in the
building) compare to the previous solutions. Thus lead to increased energy-eciency and energy savings on the
level of 15-20%.
PICV or combination of DPC + MCV secure the hydronic stability, ow limitation and reduce the risk for cavita-
tion and pressure oscillations in the system. Needles to mark that by using DPC, hydronic stability achieved as
for primary as for secondary sides.

Substations in each building
Weather Compensation
Indirect connections are used regardless of pressure value in the point of connection to the Heat network, which
means that such models are versatile. Hydraulic insulation between the heating systems and the Heat network
signicantly raises reliability of thermal supply systems, protects local systems from increase and decrease of
pressure in the Heat network, and allows keeping water in the heating system in case of emergency, because it
is prevented from freezing due to circulating pumps operation..
For consumer benets are:
• Comfort parameters due to the weather compensation
• Stable and accurate controls of parameters as in on the secondary as on primary sides
• Independence of system from other buildings
• HIGH energy eciency – for heat and for electricity
• HIGH energy savings – up to 25%

Flat stations in each at for the same district
Icon of Flat station
The decentralized heating system comprises an installation, for which at stations built into each apartments
that are supplied from a central energy source. These units normally incorporate a compact plate heat ex-
changer, which delivers instantaneous DHW on demand and a dierential pressure control valve to control the
heating ow to the tenants’ radiators or oor heating.
The essence of decentralized heating systems is in moving certain processes from the central substation to the
individual ats.
In order to secure optimum system performance of the at station it is important to dimension the system
correctly. A dimensioning tool provided by Danfoss provides an easy way for correctly dimensioning the at station.
Ref: eFlat dimensioning tool at danfoss.com
Decentralized systems can operate with all available energy sources. The most frequently used are either an
indirect DH substation, any other directly connected substation or boiler installation. All the sources can be
combined with solar.
The benets of having a at stations compared to traditional systems include
• Accurate individual energy metering