Danfoss MAGFLO MAG 1100, MAGFLO MAG 3100, MAGFLO MAG 5000, MAGFLO MAG 6000, MAGFLO MAG 5100 W Handbook

SAP No. 521H0879
Electromagnetic flowmeters Sensor types MAG 1100, MAG 3100, MAG 5100 W Signal converter types MAG 5000, MAG 6000
[ ]
Danfoss range of electro­magnetic flowmeters
MAG 5000 MAG 6000
Outputs 1 current output 1 current output
1digital output 1digital output 1 relay output 1 relay output
Flow direction Uni/bidirectional Uni/bidirectional
Communication Optional Add-on modules
HART, DeviceNet, Profibus DP,
Profibus PA, CANopen
Display 3 lines 3 lines
20 characters 20 characters
(optional without display) (optional without display)
Meter uncertainty ±0.5% of rate ±0.25% of rate
Enclosure NEMA 2, NEMA 4X, NEMA 6 NEMA 2, NEMA 4X, NEMA 6
Custody transfer PTB PTB approval (cold water) OIML R75
Ex-version [EEx ia/ib] IIB Safety barrier intrinsically safe
Power supply 12-24 V a.c./d.c. 12-24 V a.c./d.c.
115-230 V a.c. 115-230 V a.c.
Batch No Yes
Approvals ULc general purpose ULc general purpose
FM Class 1, division 2 FM Class 1, division 2
MAG 1100 MAG 1100 MAG 3100 MAG 3100 W MAG 5100 W
Size [inch]
/4" - 4"
/8" - 4"
/2" - 78" 1" - 48" 1" - 48"
Connection Flangeless Weld-in adapter, Flange Flange Flange
(Wafer) clamp adapter,
thread adapter
Pressure [psi] 600 600 1500 600 600
Temperature [
°F] 0 to 400 20 to 300 40 to 350 20 to 200 20 to 200
Liner Ceramic (Al2 O3) Ceramic (Al2 O3) Neoprene, EPDM, Neoprene and 1" - 1½" &
PFA PFA Teflon (PTFE), EPDM 14" - 48"
Ebonite, hard elastomer Linatex
2" - 12"
composite elastomer
Electrodes Platinum Platinum AISI 316 Ti, AISI 316 Ti AISI 316 Ti,
Hastelloy C276 Hastelloy C276 Hastelloy C, Grounding electrode Grounding electrode
Grounding electrode
Enclosure NEMA 4X & NEMA 6
Ex-version EEx ia/ib IIB T4-T6 EEx ia/ib IIB T4-T6 Houzandous area intrinsically safe intrinsically safe
Approvals FM Class 1, division 2, WRc, NSF
1.1 Product intro duct ion ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Mode of op eration ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Sensor MAG 1100 and MAG 1100 Ex ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Sensor MAG 1100 FOOD .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Sensor MAG 3100, MAG 3100 Ex and MAG 3100 W ................................................................................................... 8-9
2.4 Sensor MAG 5100 W ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 .1 Signal converter MAG 5000 (1/4" to 48") ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 .2 Signal converter MAG 6000 (1/4" to 78") ......................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 .3 Safety barrier (ia/ib) for sizes up to 12'’ ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.5 .4 Cleaning unit ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Meter uncertai nty ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Output characteristics MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 ......................................................................................................... 15
2.8 .1 Sensor cables and conduc tivity of medium .................................................................................................................... 16
2.8 .2 Minimum accept data for cable ......................................................................................................................................... 16
2.9 HARTâ communication add-on module ............................................................................................................................ 16
2.1 0 Cable specificatio ns (Supplied by Danfoss ) ................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Sizing table (1/4" to 78") .................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 .1 Minimum conduct ivity ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 .2 Liner selectio n guide .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 .3 Elect rode select ion guide .................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3 Inst alla tion conditi ons .................................................................................................................................................. 1 8-21
3.4 Cleaning unit ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 Custo dy transfer approva l ................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.6 Signal converter 5000 CT, MAG 6000 CT Sealing ......................................................................................................... 23
3.7 Ex installat ions ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Sensor MAG 1100 .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2 Sensor MAG 1100 FOOD ............................................................................................................................................ 26-27
4.3 Sensor MAG 5100 W ................................................................................................................................................... 28-29
4.4 Sensor MAG 3100 and MAG 3100 W ......................................................................................................................... 3 0-31
4.5 Signa l converte r ........................................................................................................................................................... 31-33
5.1 Potent ial equalizat ion (Groundin g) ................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Inlet protection MAG 3100 ................................................................................................................................................ 35
5.3 Cathod ic protected piping ................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.1 Integral mount installation MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 ............................................................................................. 36 -37
6.2 .1 Add-on modules (MAG 6000 only) .................................................................................................................................... 38
6.2 .2 Remote installat ion (Sensor end) ..................................................................................................................................... 38
6.2 .3 Remote installation (Wall mount) ................................................................................................................................ 39-40
6.2 .4 Remote insta llation (Rack mount) ..................................................................................................................................... 41
6.2 .5 Add-on modules (MAG 6000 only) .................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 .6 Inst allatio n using wall mount ing kit ................................................................................................................................. 43
6.2 .7 Install ati on using front of panel mountin g kit ............................................................................................................... 44
6.2 .8 Ins tall ati on usin g back of panel moun tin g kit ............................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Signal conv erter with safety barrier ................................................................................................................................. 46
6.4 Signal converter with cleaning unit .................................................................................................................................. 47
7.1 Signal converter MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 connection diagram ................................................................................. 48
7.2 Wiring diagram for signal converter and sensor ............................................................................................................. 49
7.2 .1 Inte gral insta llation ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
7.2 .2 Remote installation wall mount NEMA 6 enclosure ......................................................................................................... 49
7.2 .3 Rack mount NEMA 2 enclosure ........................................................................................................................................ 50
7.2 .4 Wall mount NEMA 4X enclosure ....................................................................................................................................... 50
7.2 .5 Rack mount with safety barrier NEMA 2 EEx (ia/ib) up to 12'' ..................................................................................... 50
7.2 .6 Wall mount with safety barrier NEMA 6 EEx (ia/ib) up to 12'' ...................................................................................... 51
7.2 .7 Rack mount NEMA 2 with cleaning unit.......................................................................................................................... 51
7.2 .8 Wall mount NEMA 6 with cleaning unit ............................................................................................................................. 51
8.1 Keypad and disp lay layout ................................................................................................................................................ 52
8.2 Menu build-up ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53
8.2 .1 Passwor d ............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
8.3 .1 MAG 5000 and MAG 6000................................................................................................................................................. 54
8.3 .2 MAG 6000 CT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
8.4 .1 Bas ic settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 56
8.4 .2 Outpu ts ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57
8.4 .3 Digital and relay outputs .................................................................................................................................................... 57
8.4 .4 Relay output ........................................................................................................................................................................ 58
8.4 .5 External input ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
8.4 .6 Sen sor characteri sti cs ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
8.4 .7 Reset mode ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
8.4 .8 Service mode ...................................................................................................................................................................... 60
8.4 .9 Operat or menu setup ......................................................................................................................................................... 61
8.4 .10 Product identity (read only) ............................................................................................................................................... 62
8.4 .11 Change password ............................................................................................................................................................... 62
8.4 .12 Language mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 63
8.4 .13 HART
communication MAG 5000 HART or as add-on module .................................................................................... 63
8.5 .1 Flow rate .............................................................................................................................................................................. 64
8.5 .2 Totalizer ............................................................................................................................................................................... 64
8.5 .3 Ba tch ................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
8.6 .1 Factory setting s/avail able settings .................................................................................................................................. 65
8.6 .2 Dimension dependent factory settings MAG 50 00 and MAG 6000 .............................................................................. 66
8.6 .3 Dimens ion dependent batc h and pulse output settings ................................................................................................. 66
8.6 .4 MAG 6000 CT settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
8.7 .1 Error handling ..................................................................................................................................................................... 68
8.7 .2 List of error numbers ......................................................................................................................................................... 69
9.1 Converter check list ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
9.2 Trouble shooting MAG 5000 and MAG 6000 ................................................................................................................... 71
9.3 Check list MAG senso r ...................................................................................................................................................... 72
9.4 Coil resistan ce table .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
10. 1 Sensor MAG 1100 ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 4-75
10. 2 Adapter, MAG 1100 FOOD (contains 2 adapt ers, 2 clamp rings and 2 gaskets) ....................................................... 75
10. 3 Sensor MAG 3100 and MAG 3100 Ex ....................................................................................................................... 76-77
10. 4 Sensor MAG 3100 W ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
10. 5 Sensor MAG 5100 W ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
10. 6 Signa l converte r ................................................................................................................................................................. 80
10. 7 Signal converter rack mount ............................................................................................................................................. 81
10. 8 Acc es so rie s ........................................................................................................................................................................ 82
10. 9 Calibration ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83
2. Specifications
1. Product introduction
3. Product selection guidelines
4. Dimensions and weight
6. Installation of signal conv erter
5. Installation of sensor
7. Electrical connection
8. Start-up & programming
10. Ordering
9. Serv ic e
1.1 Product introduction
1. Product introduction
MAGFLOâ electromagnetic flowmeters offer reliable, precise and inexpensive flow measure­ment on all electrically conductive liquids. Typical applications are found in all industries. E.g.:
Water sector: Potable water, treatment of chemicals, waste water and sludge.
Food sector: Dairy products, beer, wine, soft-drinks and fruit juices.
Chemical sector: Detergents, pharmaceuticals, acids and alkalies.
Other sectors: HVAC, paper pulp and mining slurries.
MAGFLOâ electromagnetic flowmeters are characterised by simplicity:
Þ Simple to install Þ Simple to commission Þ Simple to operate Þ Simple to maintain
electromagnetic flowmeters are manufactured by Danfoss A/S, Flow Division - one of
the worlds leading makers of flowmeters.
All MAGFLOâ electromagnetic flowmeters feature a unique SENSORPROM® memory unit which stores sensor calibration data and signal converter settings for the lifetime of the product. At commissioning the flowmeter commences measurement without any initial programming.
The factory settings matching the sensor are stored in the SENSORPROM® unit. Also customer specified settings are downloaded to the SENSORPROM
unit. Should the signal converter be replaced, the new converter will upload all previous settings and resume measurement without any need for re­programming. Furthermore, the "fingerprint" used in connection with the Danfoss Verificator is stored during the sen­sor calibration. The Danfoss Verificator can verify the accuracy of the flowmeter while still installed years after the initial calibration.
USM II "Plug & Play" add-on communication mo­dules.
USM II - the Universal Signal Module with "Plug & Play" simpl ic it y makes it e asy to access and integrate the flow measurement with almost any system. It ensures the flowmeter will be easy to upgrade to new communication platforms in the future, too.
1. Product introduction
Mode of operation
Ui = When an electrical conductor of length L is moved at velocity v, perpendicular to the lines of flux through a magnetic field of strength B, the voltage Ui is induced at the ends of the conductor
Ui = L x B x v
Ui= Induced voltage L = Conductor length = Inner pipe diameter = k
B = Magnetic field strength = k
v = Velocity of conductor (media) k = k1 x k
Ui = k x v, the electrode signal is directly proportional to the fluid velocity
SENSOR (Flow tube)
The sensor converts the flow into an electrical voltage (U
) proportional to the velocity of the flow. The sensor is built up of a stainless steel pipe, 2 coils, electrodes, an isolating liner, housing and where applicable, connecting flanges.
The signal converter consists of a number of function blocks which convert the sensor voltage into flow readings.
Power supply
2 different types of power supply are available. A 12 - 24 V a.c./d.c. and a 115 - 230 V a.c. switch mode type.
Coil current module generates a pulsating magnetizing current that drives the coils in the sensor. The current is permanently monitored and corrected. Errors or cable faults are registered by the self­monitoring circuit.
Input circuit amplifies the flow proportional signal from the electrodes. The input impedance is extremely high: >10
W which allows flow measurements on fluids with conductivities as low as
1 mS/cm. Measuring errors due to cable capacitance are eliminated due to active cable screening.
Digital signal processor converts the analog flow signal to a digital signal and suppresses electrode noise through a digital filter. Inaccuracies in the signal converter as a result of long-term drift and temperature drift are monitored and continuously compensated for via the self-monitoring circuit. The analog to digital conversion takes place in an ultra low noise ASIC with 23 bit signal resolution. This has eliminated the need for range switching. The dynamic range of the signal converter is therefore unsurpassed with a turn down ratio of minimum 3000:1.
CAN communication
The signal converter operates internal via an internal CAN communication bus. Signals are transferred to/from a signal conditioner to the display module, internal/external option modules and the dialog module.
Dialog module
The display unit consists of a 3-line display and a 6-key keypad. The display shows a flow rate or a totalizer value as a primary reading.
Output module converts flow data to an analog, a digital and a relay output. The outputs are galvanically isolated and can be individually set to suit a particular application.
The flow measuring principle is based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. The flowmeter consists of a sensor type MAG 1100, 3100 or 5100 W and a signal converter type MAG 5000 or 6000.
Specif ications
2. Specifications MAG 1100 and MAG 1100 Ex
Type Flangeless sensor (Wafer)
Nominal size
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"
/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"
Operating pressure
/4"-21/2": 600 psi, 3": 560 psi,
/4"-21/2": 600 psi, 3": 560 psi,
4": 450 psi 300 psi 4": 450 psi
Vacuu m
1.5 × 10-5 psi 0.3 psi 1.5 × 10-5 psi
Temperature of
20°F to +265°F
0°F to +300°F 5°F to +250°F
High temperature version
0°F to +400°F Suitable for steam sterilization at 300°F
Temperature shock (Duration > 1 min.): Max. ±210° F momentarily (Duration > 1 min.):
(Ceramic liner)
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1":
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1":
Max. T 60°F/min. Max. T 60°F/min.
/2", 2", 21/2": Max. T 50°F/min. 11/2", 2", 21/2" : Max. T 50°F/min.
3", 4" : Max. T 40°F/min. 3", 4" : Max. T 40°F/min.
(Duration 1 min., (Duration 1 min., followed by 10 min. rest): followed by 10 min. rest):
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1": Max. T 175°F
/4", 3/8", 1/2", 1": Max. T 175°F
/2", 2", 21/2": Max. T 160°F 11/2", 2", 21/2": Max. T 160°F
3", 4": Max. T 140°F 3", 4": Max. T 140°F
Ambient temperature Remote mount signal converter: 40°F to +210°F
Integral mount signal converter: 5°F to +120°F
Liner Aluminum oxide Al2O3 (ceramics) Reinforced PFA (Teflon) Aluminum oxide Al2O3 (ceramics)
Elec tro des Platinum with gold/titanium brazing Hastelloy C-276 Platinum with gold/titanium brazing
alloy alloy
Enclosure Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404) Stainless steel AISI 316 (1.4436) Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404)
Stainless steel AISI 316 (1.4436)
Terminal box
Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404)
(Remote installation only)
High temp.
Stainless steel AISI 316 (1.4436) Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404)
Studs & nuts Stainless steel AISI 304 (1.4301) Stainless steel AISI 304 (1.4301)
Number and size to DIN 2501 Number and size to DIN 2501
Mating flanges DIN 2501 (150-600 psi), ANSI B16.5,
class 150 and 300 or equivalent
To DIN 2501 (150-600 psi), ANSI B16.5, class 150 and 300 or equivalent
1/4'' & 3/8'': 1/2'' NPT threaded adaptor
EPDM (max. 300°F, 600 psi) EPDM (max. 300°F, 600 psi)
Graphite (max. 390°F, 600 psi) Graphite (max. 390°F, 600 psi)
PTFE (max. 210°F, 300 psi) PTFE (max. 265°F, 300 psi)
Cable entries 4 pcs. PG 13.5
Enclosure rating
NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min)
NEMA 6P (30 ft. continuous submersion)
Mechanical load (vibration) 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions to EN 60068-2-36 18-1000 Hz random in all directions
to EN 60068-2-36
Sensor: 3.17 G/ Integral mount Ex-d: 1.14 G
Test pressure 1200 psi (2 × nominal) 600 psi (2 × nominal) 1200 psi (2 × nominal)
Ex approvals EEx [ia/ib] IIB T4-T6/
DEMKO, No. 97D.121909X
Excitation frequency
/4" - 21/2": 15 Hz
/8" - 21/2": 15 Hz
/4" - 21/2": 15 Hz
programmable 3", 4": 7.5 Hz 3", 4": 7.5 Hz 3", 4": 7.5 Hz
2. Specifications
2.1 Sensor MAG 1100 and MAG 1100 Ex
MAG 1100 Ceramic MAG 1100 PFA
MAG 1100 Ex
Specif ications
Adapters Stainless steel AISI 316 Pressure Pipe connection/ Adapter for direct welding into pipe:
Ope rating
ISO 2037, DIN 11850, SMS 3008, BS 4825-1
/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3" 600 psi
4" 350 psi
Clamp adapter:
ISO 2852, DIN 32676, SMS 3016, BS 4825-3
/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2" 200 psi
21/2", 3", 4" 150 psi
Thread adapter:
DIN 11851:
/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2" 600 psi
2", 21/2", 3", 4" 350 psi ISO 2853, SS 3351, BS 4825-4:3/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4" 200 psi SMS 1145: 1", 11/2", 2", 21/2", 3" 80 psi
Gas ke t
EPDM (ethylene, propylene rubber) (5 °F to 300 °F)
NBR (nitrile butadiene rubber) (5 °F to 210 °F)
Material Stainless steel AISI 304, ISO 2852
Type Hygienic sensor Nominal size
/8", 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"
Process connection Hygienic adapters available for:
Direct welding in Clamp fitting Threaded fitting
Operating pressure
/8"-21/2": 600 psi, 3": 560 psi, 4": 450 psi 300 psi
1.5 × 10-5 psi 0.3 psi
Temperature of medium 0°F to +300°F 20°F to +270°F
Suitable for steam sterilization Suitable for steam sterilization at 300°F
Temperature shock (Duration > 1 min.): Max. ±212°F momentarily
/8", 1/2", 1" Max. T 60°F/min. 11/2", 2", 21/2" Max. T 50°F/min. 3", 4" Max. T 40°F/min. (Duration 1 min., followed by 10 min. rest):
/8", 1/2", 1" Max. T 175°F 11/2", 2", 21/2" Max. T 160°F 3", 4" Max. T 140°F
Ambient temperature Remote mount signal converter: 40°F to +210°F Remote mount signal converter: 40°F to +210° F
Integral mount signal converter: 5°F to +120°F Integral mount signal converter: 5° F to +120°F
Liner Aluminum oxide Al2O3 (ceramic) Reinforced PFA (Teflon) Electrodes Platinum with gold/titanium brazing alloy Hastelloy C-276 Enclosure Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404) Stainless steel AISI 316L (1.4404) Terminal box
Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide
(Remote installation only)
Stainless steel AISI 316 (1.4436) Stainless steel AISI 316 (1.4436)
Cable entries 4 pcs. PG 13.5 4 pcs. PG 13.5 Enclosure rating
NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min) NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min)
NEMA 6P (30 ft. continuous submersion) NEMA 6P (30 ft. continuous submersion)
Mechanical load (vibration) 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions, 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions,
to EN 60068-2-36 to EN 60068-2-36
Test pressure 1200 psi (2 × nominal) 600 psi (2 × nominal) Approvals 3A, EHEDG 3A Excitation frequency
/8" - 21/2": 15 Hz
/8" - 21/2": 15 Hz
programmable 3", 4": 7.5 Hz 3", 4": 7.5 Hz
2.2 Sensor MAG 1100 FOOD
2. Specifications MAG 1100 FOOD
Accessories MAG 1100 FOOD
Note It is always a system so please state system max. pressure and not MAG 1100 or adapter.
Specif ications
Type Sensor with flanges Sensor with flanges Sensor with flanges Nominal size
/2" - 78"
/2" - 12" 1" - 48"
Temperature of medium Temperature classification
Liner: T3 + T4 T5 T6 Neoprene (standard) 30 to 160°F 30 to 160°F 30 to 160°F 30 to 160°F 30 to 160°F EPDM1) -20 to 200°F -20 to 200°F -20 to 190°F -20 to 170°F -20 to 200°F Linatexâ rubber -40 to 160°F2) 0 to 160°F 0 to 160°F 0 to 160°F Ebonite1) 30 to 200°F 30 to 200°F 30 to 190°F 30 to 170°F PTFE 0 to 210°F 0 to 210°F 0 to 190°F 0 to 170°F PTFE high temperature 0 to 350°F
Ambient temperature
Remote mount signal converter -40°F to 210°F 0°F to 105°F -40°F to 210°F Integral mount signal converter 0°F to 120°F 0°F to 105°F 0°F to 120°F
Operating pressure3) [abs.psi]
Liner: Neoprene 0.15 to 1500 psi 0.15 to 1500 psi 0.15 to 600 psi EPDM 0.15 to 600 psi 0.15 to 600 psi 0.15 to 600 psi Natural rubber & Linatexâ0.15 to 600 psi 0.15 to 600 psi Ebonite 0.15 to 1500 psi 0.15 to 1500 psi
PTFE teflon:
/2" - 24" Max. 210°F: 4.5 to 750 psi 4.5 to 600 psi
/2" - 12" Max. 350°F: 9.0 to 750 psi
Excitation frequency
/2" - 21/2": 15 Hz
/2" - 21/2": 7.5 Hz All sizes: 3.75 Hz 3" - 6": 7.5 Hz 3"/4": 3.75 Hz 8" - 48": 3.75 Hz 5" - 12": 1.875 Hz 54" - 78": 1.875 Hz 14" - 48": 3.75 Hz
Enclosure rating
NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min)
NEMA 6P (30 ft. continuous submersion)
Cable entries 4 pcs. PG 13.5 - 2 others available Mechanical load 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions, to EN 60068-2-36 Test pressure 1.5 ´ nominal pressure
Approvals FM Class 1, division 2
2. Specifications MAG 3100, MAG 3100 Ex and MAG 3100 W
2.3 Sensor MAG 3100, MAG 3100 Ex and MAG 3100 W
MAG 3100 MAG 3100 Ex MAG 3100 W
) With WRC and NSF (Water Research Council, UK) approval
) For temperature below -5°F AISI 304 or 316 flanges must be used
) Maximum operating pressure decreases with increasing operating temperature and with stainless steel flanges
Specif ications
2.3 Sensor MAG 3100, MAG 3100 Ex and MAG 3100 W
2. Specifications MAG 3100, MAG 3100 Ex and MAG 3100 W
Fla ng es
DN 15-50: 600 psi DN 25-50: 600 psi EN 1092-1:20011) DN 65-150: 200 psi DN 65-150: 200 psi Rased face DN 200-1000: 150 psi DN 200-1200: 150 psi
DN 1100 -2000: 80 psi
DN 65-1000: 80 psi DN 200-600: 200 psi
DN 1200-2000: 150 psi
DN 200-2000: 200 psi
DN 200-600: 350 psi
DN 65-600: 600 psi
DN 50-400 945 psi (DIN 2636)
DN 25-350 150 psi (DIN 2637)
ANSI B 16.5 3/4"-24": Class 150 (290 psi) 3/4"-24": Class 150 (290 psi) (~BS 1560) 3/4"-24": Class 300 (725 psi) AS 2129 3/4"-48": Table D/E AS 4087 Class 14 (DN 50-1200, 200 psi)
Class 21 (DN 50-600, 300 psi)
Class 35 (DN 50-600, 500 psi)
AWWA C-207 28"-78": Class D (145 psi) 28"-48": Class D (145 psi)
AISI 316 Ti (1.4571) AISI 316 Ti (1.4571)
Hastelloy C-276, Platinum / Iridium, Titanium,
AISI 316 Ti Ceramic Coated, Tantalum
Grounding electrodes
As measuring electrodes (except PTFE) AISI 316 Ti (1.4571)
Measuring pipe
AISI 304 (1.4301) AISI 304 (1.4301)
AISI 316L (1.4404)
Flange and
Carbon steel Carbon steel
housing material Corrosion-resistant two-component coating (min. 150 mm) Corrosion-resistant two-compo-
nent coating (min. 150 mm)
AISI 304 (1.4301) flanges and carbon steel housing.
Coating as above
AISI 316 L (1.4404) flanges and housing
Remote mount
/2" - 12" EEx [ia/ib] IIB T4-T6
Approvals FM Class 1, division 2 FM Class 1, division 2
MAG 3100 MAG 3100 Ex MAG 3100 W
) EN 1092-1, DIN 2501 & BS 4504 have the same mating dimensions
Specif ications
Type Sensor with flanges Des ig n Straight Coned down 1 pipe size Straight Nominal size
1" - 1½" 2" - 12" 14" - 48"
Liner Hard elastomer Composite elastomer Hard elastomer
(hard rubber) (hard & soft rubber) (hard rubber)
Liner approvals WRc, NSF WRc, NSF WRc, NSF Medium temperature 25 to 200°F Ambient temperature
Remote signal converter -40 to 200°F Compact signal converter -5 to 125°F
Operating pressure 0.15 to 580 psi 0.45 to 300 psi 0.15 to 200 psi Excitation frequency 12.5 Hz 2-2½": 12.5 Hz 3.125 Hz
3-6": 6.25 Hz
8-12": 3.125 Hz
Enclosure rating
NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min)
NEMA 6P (30 ft. continuous submersion)
Cable entries 4 Pg 13.5 Mechanical load 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions to EN 60068-2-36 Test pressure 1.5 ´ nominal pressure Fla ng es
EN 1092-1
600 psi 2-6": 200 psi 150 psi
8-12": 150 psi
8-12": 200 psi 200 psi
ANSI B16.5
Class 150 lb Class 150 lb 14"-24": Class 150 lb
AWWA C-207 Standard 28"-48": Class D
Pressure drop at 3 m/sec. As straight pipe Max. 0.35 psi As straight pipe Electrodes AISI 316 Ti (1.4571) PE/grounding electrodes
AISI 316 Ti (1.4571)
Measuring pipe/meter body AISI 304 (1.4301) Composite elastomer AISI 304 (1.4301) Fla ng es Carbon steel Housin g Carbon steel Surface finish Two component epoxy Polyester powder coat Two component epoxy
min. 150 microns min. 100 microns min. 150 microns
Color RAL 7035 pale grey Approvals
Conforms to
) For sizes greater than 24" PED conformity is available as a cost added option, the basic unit will only carry the LVD (Low Voltage Directive)
and EMC approval.
2. Specifications MAG 5000 and MAG 5000 CT
2.4 Sensor MAG 5100 W
Specif ications
Current output
Active current 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA or 4-20 mA + alarm (Power supplied from flowmeter) Load < 800 ohm Time constant 0.1-30 sec. adjustable
Digital output
Fre quency 0-10 kHz, 50% duty cycle Time constant 0.1-30 sec. adjustable
Active pulse 24 V d.c., 30 mA, 1 KW £ R
£ 10 KW, short-circuit-protected (Power supplied from flowmeter)
Passive pulse 3-30 V d.c., max. 110 mA, 200 W £ R
£ 10 KW (Powered from connected equipment)
Relay Time constant Changeover relay, time constant same as current time constant
Load 42 V a.c./2 A, 24 V d.c./1A
Digital input 11-30 V d.c., Ri = 4.4 KW
Activation time 50 msec. Current I
11 V d.c.
= 2.5 mA, I
30 V d.c.
= 7 mA
Functions Flowrate, 2 totalizers, low flow cut-off, empty pipe cut-off, flow direction, error system, operating time,
uni/bidirectional flow, limit switches, pulse output, control for cleaning unit
Galvanic isolation All inputs and outputs are galvanically isolated Cu t-o ff Low flow 0-9.9% of maximum flow
Empty pipe Detection of empty pipe 1)
Totalizer Two eight-digit counters for forward, net or reverse flow Display Background illumination with alphanumerical text, 3 × 20 characters to indicate flowrate, totalized
values, settings and faults Reverse flow indicated by negative sign
Time constant Time constant as current output time constant
Zero point adjustment Automatic Electrode input impedance > 1 x 1014 W Excitation frequency Sensor size depending pulsating d.c. current (125 mA) Ambient temperature Display version during operation: -5 to 120°F
Blind version during operation: -5 to 140°F During storage: -40 to 160°F (Relative humidity max 95%)
Custody transfer approval PTB MAG 5000 CT (cold water)
Com municatio n
Without serial communication
Integral mount
Enclosure material Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide Enclosure rating NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min) Mecanical load 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
Rack mount
Enclosure material Standard rack mount of aluminum/steel (DIN 41494)
Width: 4.75 inch
Height: 5.25 inch Enclosure rating NEMA 2 Mechanical load Version: 1 G, 1-800 Hz sinusoidal in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
EMC performance Emission: EN 50081-1 (Light industry)
Immunity: EN 50082-2 (Industry)
Power supply 115-230 V a.c. +10% to -15%, 50-60 Hz
11-30 V d.c. or 11-24 V a.c.
Power consumption 230 V a.c.: 9 VA
24 V d.c.: 9 W, IN = 380 mA, start-up peak current = 8 A (30 msec.)
12 V d.c.: 11 W, IN = 920 mA start-up peak current = 4 A (250 msec.)
Approvals FM Class 1, division 2, ULc general purpose
) Special cable required in separate mounted installation
2. Specifications MAG 5000 and MAG 5000 CT
2.5.1 Signal converter MAG 5000 (1/4" to 48")
Accuracy 0.5%
Specif ications
Current output
Active current 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA or 4-20 mA + alarm (Power supplied from flowmeter) Load < 800 ohm Time constant 0.1-30 sec. adjustable
Digital output
Frequency 0-10 kHz, 50% duty cycle Time constant 0.1-30 sec. adjustable
Active pulse 24 V d.c., 30 mA, 1 KW £ R
£ 10 KW, short-circuit-protected (Power supplied from flowmeter)
Passive pulse 3-30 V d.c., max. 110 mA, 200 W £ R
£ 10 KW (Powered from connected equipment)
Relay Time constant Changeover relay, time constant same as current time constant
Load 42 V a.c./2 A, 24 V d.c./1A
Digital input 11-30 V d.c., Ri = 4.4 KW
Activation time 50 msec. Current I
11 V d.c.
= 2.5 mA, I
30 V d.c.
= 7 mA
Functions Flowrate, 2 totalizers, low flow cut-off, empty pipe cut-off, flow direction, error system, operating time,
uni/bidirectional flow, limit switches, pulse output, control for cleaning unit and batching
Galvanic isolation All inputs and outputs are galvanically isolated Cu t-o ff Low flow 0-9.9% of maximum flow
Empty pipe Detection of empty pipe 1)
Totalizer Two eight-digit counters for forward, net or reverse flow Display Background illumination with alphanumerical text, 3 × 20 characters to indicate flowrate, totalized
values, settings and faults Reverse flow indicated by negative sign
Time constant Time constant as current output time constant
Zero point adjustment Automatic Electrode input impedance > 1 x 10
Excitation frequency Sensor size depending pulsating d.c. current (125 mA) Ambient temperature Display version during operation: -5 to 120°F
Blind version during operation: -5 to 140°F During storage: -40 to 160°F (Relative humidity max 95%)
Custody transfer approval PTB DANAK OIML R75 DANAK OIML R117 MAG 6000 CT only (cold water) (hot water) (cold water/milk, beer etc.)
Com municatio n
Prepared for client mounted add-on modules
HART, Profibus PA, Profibus DP, CANopen, DeviceNet as add-on module
Integral mount
Enclosure material Fiberglass-reinforced polyamide Enclosure rating NEMA 4X / 6 (3 ft. submersion for 30 min) Mecanical load 18-1000 Hz random, 3.17 G rms in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
Rack mount
Enclosure material Standard rack mount of aluminum/steel (DIN 41494)
Width: 4.75 inch
Height: 5.25 inch Enclosure rating NEMA 2 Mechanical load Version: 1 G, 1-800 Hz sinusoidal in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
EMC performance Emission: EN 50081-1 (Light industry)
Immunity: EN 50082-2 (Industry)
Power supply 115-230 V a.c. +10% to -15%, 50-60 Hz
11-30 V d.c. or 11-24 V a.c.
Power consumption 230 V a.c.: 9 VA
24 V d.c.: 9 W, IN = 380 mA, start-up peak current = 8A (30 msec.)
12 V d.c.: 11 W, IN = 920 mA, start-up peak current = 4A (250 msec.)
Approvals FM Class 1, division 2, ULc general purpose
) Special cable required in separate mounted installation
2. Specifications MAG 6000 and MAG 6000 CT
2.5.2 Signal converter MAG 6000 (1/4" to 78")
Accuracy 0.25% (0.5% for MAG 3100 W sensor)
Specif ications
2. Specifications Safety barrier & cleaning unit
Applic ation As combined unit with MAG 6000 only and MAG 1100 Ex/3100 Ex in the size
range 1/4" - 12"
Ex approval [EEx ia/ib] IIB Cable parameter Group Capacity in mF Inductance in mH
Electrode cable IIB £ 31 £ 80 Coil cable IIB £ 0.5 £ 8
Ambient temperature During operation: -5 to 120°F
During storage: -5 to 160°F
rack mount
Enclosure material Standard rack mount in aluminum/steel (DIN 41494)
Width: 4.75 inch
Height: 5.25 inch Enclosure rating NEMA 2 Mechanical load 1 G, 1-800 Hz sinusoidal in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
EMC performance
Emission EN 50081-1 (Light industry) Immunity EN 50082-2 (Industry)
2.5.3 Safety barrier (ia/ib) for sizes up to 12'’
Applic ation For use together with MAG 5000 and 6000 rack mount to clean the
electrodes on MAG 1100, MAG 3100 or MAG 5100 W.
NB Must not be used with intrinsically safe systems
Cleaning voltage
a.c. cleaning 60 V a.c. d.c. cleaning 30 V d.c.
Cleaning period 60 sec. + 60 sec. pause period Relay Switch relay activated when cleaning is in progress
Load 42 V/2 A
Ope ration
Automatic Yes Manual No
Indicator lamps LEDs: "ON" and "CLEANING" Supply voltage and 115-230 V a.c. +10% to -15%, 50-60 Hz, 7 VA cleaning, 5 VA stand by power consumption Ambient temperature During operation: -5 to 120°F
During storage: -5 to 160°F
Rack mount
Enclosure material Standard rack mount in aluminum/steel (DIN 41494)
Width: 4.75 inch
Height: 5.25 inch Enclosure rating NEMA 2 Mechanical load 1 G, 1-800 Hz sinusoidal in all directions to EN 60068-2-36
2.5.4 Cleaning unit
Specif ications
MAG 5000 or MAG 6000 used with MAG 3100 W or MAG 1100 PFA2.6
Meter uncertainty
V: Actual flow velocity [ft./s] E: Meter uncertainty as a percentage of actual flow
MAG 6000 used with MAG 3100, MAG 1100 Ceramic or MAG 5100 W
V: Actual flow velocity [ft./s] E: Meter uncertainty as a percentage of actual flow
Reference conditions (ISO 9104 and DIN/EN 29104)
Temperature of medium 68°F ±9 F Ambient temperature 68°F ±9 F Supply voltage Un ±1% Warming-up time 30 min. Incorporation in pipe section Inlet section 10 * Nominal pipe size (sizes up to 48"),
5 * Nominal pipe size (sizes up to 48") Outlet section 5 * Nominal pipe size (sizes up to 48"), 3 * Nominal pipe size (sizes up to 48")
Flow conditions Fully developed flow profile
Additions in the event of deviations from reference conditions
Current output As pulse output ±(0.1% of actual flow +0.05% FSO) Effect of ambient temperature Display/frequency/pulse output: < ±0.003% / < ±0.0017°F
Current output: < ±0.005% / < ±0.0028°F
Effect of supply voltage < 0.005% of measuring value on 1% change
Repeatability ±0.1% of actual flow for V ³ 1.5 ft./sec.
2. Specifications
Specif ications
2. Specifications
2.7 Output characteristics MAG 5000 and MAG 6000
Output characteristics Bidirectional mode Unidirectional mode 0-20 mA
4-20 mA
Freque ncy
Pulse output
Power down Active
Error relay No error Error
Limit switch or 1 set point 2 set points direction switch
Low flow Intermediate flow (Reverse flow) High flow High flow/ (Forward flow) Low flow
Batch on digital ou t put
Batch on relay Hold Batch
Specif ications
Coil cable Electrode cable
Basic data No. of conductors 2 3
Min. sqr. area 0.5 mm2/20 gage 0.2 mm2/22 gage Shield Yes Yes Max. capacitance N.A. 107 pF/ft.
Max. cable loop Media temperature: < 210°F 40 W N.A. resistance < 390°F 6 W N.A.
2. Specifications
2.8.1 Sensor cables and conductivity of medium
· For detection of empty pipe the min. conductivity must always be ³ 20 mS/cm. and the max. length of electrode cable when remote mounted is 150 ft. Special shielded cables must be used.
· For remote mounting in Ex applications special cable cannot be used, empty pipe cannot be detected and the electrical conductivity must be ³ 30 mS/cm.
· For remote mounted CT installations the max. cable length is 600 ft.
2.8.2 Minimum accept data for cable
2.9 Cable specification (Supplied by Danfoss)
Standard cable Special cable (electrode/coil) (electrode)
Basic data No. of conductors 3 3
Sqr. area 1.5 mm2/18 gage 0.25 mm2/22 gage Shield Yes Double Color code Brown, blue, black Brown, blue, black Outside color Grey Grey Ext. diameter 0.3" 0.32" Conductor Flexible CU Flexible CU Isolation material PVC PVC
Amb. temperature · Flexible installation -23 to 160°F -23 to 160°F
· Non flexible installation -20 to 160°F -20 to 160°F
Cable parameter Capatance 49.24 pF/ft. N.A.
Inductance 0.178 mH/ft. N.A. L/R 43.83 mH/W N.A.
2.9 HART
add-on module
Applic ation MAG 6000, MAG 6000 CT
Optional available as factory mounted in MAG 5000
Communication standard Bell 202 frequency shift keying (f.s.k.) standard Communication modes · Single loop mode
· Multi-drop mode, 15 slave devices
Com municat or Rosemount Hand-held communicator, type 275
Cable specification
Communication mode
/ Single loop
Q [mm2] CU ³ 0.2 mm2/AWG 24 Shield Yes (Overall shield) Loop resistance
230 W
800 W
Cable capacity £ 122 pF/ft. Cable length 5000 ft. Twisted pair Yes
HARTâ is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation.
Conductivity of Integral mount installation: medi um Liquids with an electrical conductivity ³ 5 mS/cm.
For a conductivity between 5 and 10 mS/cm, the repeatability may degrade to ±0.5% of actual flow.
Remote mount installation:
Standard electrode cable Special electrode cable
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
3. Product selection guidelines
3.1 Sizing table (1/4" to 78")
The table shows the relationship between flow velocity V, flow quantity Q and sensor dimension size.
Guidelines for selection of sensor
Min. measuring range: 0-0.8 ft./sec. Max. measuring range: 0-33 ft./sec. Normally the sensor is selected so that the nominal flow velocity is within the measuring range 1-15 ft./sec.
Flow velocity calculation formula:
GPM = (Pipe I.D. inches)2 x velocity (ft./sec.) x 2.448
V =
GPM x 0.408
(Pipe I.D. inches)
or V =
(Pipe I.D. inches)
MGD x 283.67
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
3.2.1 Minimum conductivity
Applicati ons Min. conductivity Integral mounted 5 m S/cm Remote mounted 5 mS/cm
(Please see 2.7.1 for further details)
With empty pipe detection 20 mS/cm
(Please see 2.7.1 for further details)
(Remote mounted only)
30 mS/cm
(Please see 2.7.1 for further details)
District heating systems
(Without DC cleaning unit)
250 mS/cm max. 150 ft.
3.2.2 Liner selection guide
Liner Applica tions Ceramics Al2O
General purpose, agressive chemicals
PFA General purpose, dairy, food and beverage Neoprene General purpose, sewage EPDM Drinking water, sea water PTFE Agressive chemicals, paper and pulp, high temperature applications Linate x
Abrasive media and mining slurries
Ebo ni te Drinking water
3.2.3 Electrode selection guide
Electrodes Applications AISI 316 Ti General purpose, water, sewage and district heating AISI 316 Ti Ceramic coated High content of fibres, paper pulp Hastelloy C-276 Good chemical proporties, sea water Titanium Chlorine, chlorite, nitric and chromic acids
Textile bleaching industry
Tantalum Almost any acid solution Platinum and platinum/irridium The ultimate electrode material. Unaffected by most liquids
3.3 Installation conditions
Reading and operating the flowmeter is possi­ble under almost any installation conditions because the display can be oriented in relation to the sensor.
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
The sensor must be mounted as shown in the left figure. Do not mount the sensor as shown in the right figure. This will position the electrodes at the top where there is possibility for air bubbles and at the bottom where there is possibility for mud, sludge, sand etc.
Recommended installation is in a vertical/in­clined pipe to minimize the wear and deposits in the sensor.
To achieve accurate flow measurement it is essential to have straight lengths of inlet and outlet pipes and a certain distance between pumps and valves. It is also important to center the flowmeter in relation to pipe flanges and gaskets. For accurate flow measurement, the sensor must be installed in a section of straight pipe, free of valves, elbows, tees, etc.
· Min. 5 x I.D. upstream
· Min. 3 x I.D. downstream
Installation in horizontal pipes
Measuring abrasive liquids and liquids containing particles
Inlet and outlet conditions
· Installation at the highest point in the pipe system
· Installation in vertical pipes with free outlet
For partially filled pipes or pipes with downward flow and free outlet the flowmeter should be located in a U-tube.
Recommended flow direction: upwards. This minimizes the effect on the measurement of any gas/air bubbles in the liquid.
Installation in vertical pipes
3.3 Installation conditions
To ensure optimum flow measurement, atten­tion should be paid to the following: The sensor must always be completely full with liquid.
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
Avoid a vacuum in the measuring pipe, since this can damage certain liners. See "Specifications", section 2.
The flowmeter can be installed between two reducers. With an 8° reducer the following pressure drop curve applies. The curves are applicable to water.
A flow velocity of 10 ft./sec. (V) in a sensor with a diameter reduction from 4" to 3" (d1/d2 = 0.8) gives a pressure drop of 0.04 psi.
Installation in large pipes
The electrical potential of the liquid must al­ways be equal to the electrical potential of the
sensor. This can be achieved in different ways depending on the application: A. Built-in grounding electrodes. (MAG 3100
and MAG 3100 W).
B. Direct metallic contact between sensor and
fittings. (MAG 1100 FOOD).
C. Wire jumper between sensor and adjacent
flanges. (MAG 1100 and MAG 3100).
D. Optional graphite gaskets on MAG 1100.
(Standard for MAG 1100 High temperature).
Potential equalization
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
The sensor and signal converter can be in­stalled either integral mount or remote.
With integral mount installation the tempera­ture of medium must be according to the graph.
With remote installation, the cable length and type described under "Specifications", section 2 must be used.
Integral mount/remote installation
Suggestions for the direct burial of MAG 3100 & MAG 5100 W sensors
If MAGFLO 3100 or MAG 5100 W sensors are buried directly into the ground, we suggest the following precautions:
The SENSORPROMâ unit should be removed from the terminal box on the sensor and relocated in the signal converter remote mounting prior to burying the sensor.
All the sensor data plate information and serial number should be recorded for each sensor prior to burying. This will ensure correct matching with the SENSORPROM
The sensor should be potted with the optional IP68 submersion kit and suitable coil and electrode cables should be used prior to burying.
The use of pea gravel, at least 12 inches all around the sensor, is recommended. This provides some drainage and prevents dirt from caking onto the sensor. It also helps locate the sensor should excavation be necessary.
Before covering the pea gravel with earth, we suggest the use of electrical cable identification tape laid above the gravel.
The sensor should not be subject to heavy vehicles applying excessive weight above the sensor or pipeline.
NEMA 6 submersible kit (option)
If the sensor is going to be buried or per­manently submerged, the terminal box must be encapsulated with silicon dielectric gel. The optional kit has two components. Mix the two components well (without inducing air) and pour the contents into the terminal box. The material is a non-toxic, transparent, self­healing gel which cures in approx. 24 hours. The gel can be penetrated with test instru­ments or be removed in case of cable replace­ment.
Horizontal installation
Vertical installation
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
The Danfoss cleaning unit can be used with MAG 5000 or 6000 in rack mount versions. The cleaning unit can be used in applications where the liner material and subsequently the electrodes may be coated with deposits. If the coating is electrically insulating, the electrode signal will be reduced. If the coating is electrically conductive, the electrode signal will be partly short­circuited. In both cases the accuracy of the meter will decrease (dependent on the type and thickness of the coating).
The cleaning unit cannot be used for flammable or explosive media! Empty pipe detection and cleaning facility cannot be used at the same time.
The cleaning unit cleans the electrodes electro-chemically by applying a voltage to the electrodes for approx. 60 sec. While cleaning, the signal converter stores and holds the latest measured flow reading on the display and also the signal outputs. After an additional pausing period of 60 sec. the flowmeter resumes normal measurement and the cleaning is now completed.
The relay in the signal converter activates the cleaning cycle. In the relay output menu (under cleaning) the cleaning interval can be set between 1 hour and 24 hours.
Cleaning should only take place with liquid in the pipe. This can be achieved via the empty pipe detection. It is therefore recommended to select “empty pipe detection” ON when using the cleaning unit.
The cleaning sequence can also be controlled manually through the electrical input of the signal converter. Before this is done, ensure that the measuring pipe is full.
Theory of operation
3.4 Cleaning unit
(For non-conductive coatings)
(For conductive coatings)
AC-cleaning is used to remove fatty deposits on the electrodes. Fatty deposits are seen from Slaughter houses and in rare instances from wastewater applications and water applications with oil residuals. During the cleaning process, the surface of the electrodes get warmer, which tends to soften grease particles and the gas bubbles generated mechanically lift deposits away from the surface of the electrodes.
DC-cleaning is used to eliminate electrically conductive deposits in the measuring pipe influencing the measuring accuracy. Particularly in district heating applications, an electrically conductive deposit (magnetite) may occur and short-circuit the electrode signal. In this case the accuracy of the meter decreases and the signal/ noise conditions of the meter become inferior. The problem only arises if the conductivity of the water is less than approx. 250 mS/cm.
During DC-cleaning, electrolysis takes place where the flow of electrons removes the particle deposits from the electrode area.
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
A signal converter can be supplied in a version tested and approved for custody transfer (CT). The internal counter can accordingly be used for billing. This requires verification, sealing and setting of the signal converter together with the sensor for a specific flow range. After sealing, the data on the signal converter must not be changed.
3.5 Custody transfer approval
The sealing of the signal converter is done by placing sealing marks on the signal converter and on the connection plate in the terminal box.
3.6 Signal converter MAG 5000 CT, 6000 CT
The final (lead) sealing is carried out as shown:
MAG 6000 CT is installed like a standard MAG 6000 except for the final sealing. Calibration sealing has been carried out at calibration.
3. Product selection guidelines
Product selection
MAG 6000 rack mount with integral safety barrier (ia/ib) for remote mounting in safe area
Approval [EEx ia/ib] llB. The safety barrier is to be used with sensors MAG 1100 Ex and MAG 3100 Ex, 1/4" to 4". When this safety barrier is used, the coil circuit is intrinsic safety “ib” and the electrode circuit is intrinsic safety “ia”.
The sensors can be one of the following type.
MAG 1100 Ex for mounting in Ex areas
1/4'' to 4'' approval EEx [ia/ib] llB T4..T6. DEMKO no. 97D.121909X. DN 6 - 100.
MAG 3100 Ex for mounting in Ex areas
The sensor carries the approval:
/2" to 1" EEx [ia/ib] llB T4..T6, DEMKO no. 98E.123914X
11/2" to 12" EEx [ia/ib] llB T4..T6, DEMKO no. 98E.123915X
The electrode circuit in the sensors is manufactured to an intrinsically safe category “ia” and the coil circuit to an intrinsically safe category “ib”, achieved by an integrated and patented protection circuit.
The marking has the following meaning according to European Norm EN 50014.
E: Certified to CENELEC standard.
Ex: Designates explosion proof material and indicates that the apparatus has been
approved in accordance with a certificate issued.
i: “Intrinsic safety” is a protection ensuring that the energy in the electric circuit is too small to
ignite the explosive atmosphere. There are two categories of intrinsic safety: “ia” and “ib”.
ia: In intrinsic safety category “ia”, the circuit must remain safe, even in the event of two
simultaneous errors occurring that are independent of one another.
ib: In intrinsic safety category “ib” the circuit must remain safe if an error occurs.
ll: Designates that the apparatus may be used in all areas (Except mining).
B: Indicates the gas group in which the unit may be used.
T4..T6 The temperature class describes the maximum temperature which any exposed surface
of the equipment may reach. The sensor can have temperature class T3, T4, T5 or T6 depending on the temperature of the media. Please see technical data for the sensor.
T3: Max. surface temperature 390 °F => (Max. media temperature 355 °F) T4: Max. surface temperature 275 °F => (Max. media temperature 250 °F) T5: Max. surface temperature 210 °F => (Max. media temperature 195°F) T6: Max. surface temperature 185 °F => (Max. media temperature 165 °F)
3.7 Ex installations
D & W
MAG 1100, integral/remote mount/separate4. Dimensions and weight
4.1 Sensor MAG 1100
4. Dimensions and weight
) 0.5" shorter when the AISI terminal box is used. (Ex and high temperature 390°F).
) With signal converter MAG 5000 or MAG 6000 installed, weight is increased by approx. 1.8 lbs.
The total built-in length "L" [inch] before assembling depends on the gasket selected.
Size EPDM Graphite PTFE(Teflo n) Without gasket Grounding ring
/4" 2.52 2.60 2.75 2.52 3.03
/8" 2.52 2.60 2.75 2.52 3.03
/2" 2.56 2.60 2.75 2.52 3.03 1" 3.15 3.19 3.35 3.10 3.62 11/2" 3.74 3.78 3.94 3.70 4.21 2" 4.13 4.17 4.33 4.05 4.61 21/2" 5.12 5.15 5.31 5.05 5.60 3" 6.10 6.14 6.30 6.00 6.57 4" 7.28 7.31 7.48 7.20 7.76
The MAG 1100 1/4" and 3/8" are prepared for assembly with the 1/2" pipe connection.
The built-in length "L" varies dependent on the gasket choice:
Without gasket EPDM Graphite Teflo n
L [inch] 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.1
Size A1) B1) A
DGWeig ht2)
(Al2O3) (PFA )
[inc h] [i nch] [in ch] [ inc h] [inch ] [ in ch] [ inc h] [in ch ] [ inc h] [lbs]
/4" 6.14 7.13 12.16 13.15 1.90 0.24 0.68 1.34 10.6
/8" 6.14 7.13 12.16 13.15 1.90 0.39 0.39 0.53 1.34 10.6
/2" 6.14 7.13 12.16 13.15 1.90 0.59 0.63 0.68 1.57 10.6
1" 6.46 7.72 12.48 13.74 2.50 0.98 1.02 1.12 2.20 10.8
11/2" 6.93 8.58 12.95 14.61 3.31 1.57 1.50 1.71 2.95 16.5
2" 7.24 9.25 13.27 15.27 4.00 1.97 1.97 2.15 3.54 20.3
21/2" 7.64 10.00 13.66 16.02 4.72 2.56 2.60 2.68 4.41 26.5
3" 7.87 10.47 13.90 16.50 5.24 3.15 3.19 3.25 4.88 33.1 4" 8.39 11.50 14.41 17.52 6.26 3.94 3.94 4.22 5.91 48.5
Signal converter removal clearance
D & W
4.2 Sensor MAG 1100 FOOD
MAG 1100 FOOD, integral or remote mount and separate
4. Dimensions and weight
Size L A A
Weight 1)
(Al2O3) (PFA)
[inch] [inch] [inch] [inch] [inch] [inch] [inc h] [inch] [lbs]
/8" 2.52 6.14 12.16 7.40 13.43 2.52 0.39 0.39 4.8
/2" 2.52 6.14 12.16 7.40 13.43 2.52 0.59 0.63 4.8 1" 3.11 6.46 12.48 7.98 14.01 3.05 0.98 1.02 4.9 11/2" 3.70 6.93 12.95 8.72 14.74 3.58 1.57 1.50 7.5 2" 4.09 7.24 13.27 9.59 15.61 4.68 1.97 1.97 9.2 21/2" 5.16 7.64 13.66 10.20 16.22 5.12 2.56 2.60 12.0 3" 6.14 7.87 13.90 10.93 16.95 6.10 3.15 3.19 15.0 4" 7.32 8.39 14.41 11.99 18.01 7.20 3.94 3.94 22.0
) With signal converter MAG 5000 or MAG 6000 installed, weight is increased by approx. 1.8 lbs.
Built-in length
Size A
[inc h]
/8" 3.90
/2" 3.90 1" 4.45 11/2" 4.96 2" 6.06 21/2" 6.50 3" 7.87 4" 8.86
Signal converter removal clearance
+ 58 hidden pages