System Circuit Diagram..................................................................................................................................................................8
Control Pressure............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Case Pressure...................................................................................................................................................................................11
System Pressure..............................................................................................................................................................................11
Redundant Braking System Requirement.............................................................................................................................15
Case Drain Usage for Tandem Pumps.................................................................................................................................... 15
Bearing Life and External Shaft Loading................................................................................................................................16
Hydraulic Unit Life......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Shaft torque and spline lubrication................................................................................................................................... 19
Shaft torque for tapered shafts............................................................................................................................................19
Single Pumps...................................................................................................................................................................................20
Tandem Pumps...............................................................................................................................................................................24
Single pumps............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Tandem pumps......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Charge Pump Power Requirements.................................................................................................................................. 32
High Pressure Relief Valve (HPRV) and Charge Check......................................................................................................33
Three-position Electrical Control - Options DA and DB................................................................................................... 47
Port Locations
Single Pump.....................................................................................................................................................................................50
Tandem Pump.................................................................................................................................................................................51
Control options, AC, AK............................................................................................................................................................... 57
HC EDC Control...............................................................................................................................................................................59
Hydraulic displacement control (HDC).................................................................................................................................. 60
Options DA, DB............................................................................................................................................................................... 62
M46 pumps are designed for medium power applications with maximum loads of 345 bar [5000 psi].
These pumps can be combined with other products in a system to transfer and control hydraulic power.
M46 pumps provide an infinitely variable speed range between zero and maximum in both forward and
reverse modes of operation.
M46 pumps are compact, high power density units. All models use the parallel axial piston / slipper
concept in conjunction with a tiltable swashplate to vary the pump’s displacement. Reversing the angle
of the swashplate reverses the flow of fluid from the pump, reversing the direction of rotation of the
motor output.
M46 pumps may include an integral charge pump to provide system replenishing and cooling fluid flow,
as well as servo control fluid flow. M46 pumps feature a range of auxiliary mounting pads to accept
auxiliary hydraulic pumps for use in complementary hydraulic systems.
M46 pumps offer proportional controls with either manual, hydraulic, or electronic actuation. An electric
three-position control is also available.
Single and Tandem Integrated Tandem Configurations
Manual, Hydraulic or Electric Control
High Pressure Relief Valve (HPRV) - A high pressure relief valve limits the system pressure to protect
the system from over-pressure.
Charge Relief Valve - The charge pressure relief valve regulates charge pressure.
Displacement Limiters - Optional displacement limiters allow maximum displacement adjustment to
allow for fine tuning of the propel system.
Auxiliary Mounting Pads - Several auxiliary mounting pad options allow for adding a second pump.
Control Options - Control options include manual displacement control (MDC), hydraulic displacement
control (HDC), electric displacement control (EDC), and threeposition electric displacement control (FNR).
Input Shafts - Straight keyed, tapered keyed, and several splined shaft options are available.
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Technical Information
Series 40 M46 Pumps
Operating Parameters
Ratings and performance data are based on operating with premium hydraulic fluids containing
oxidation, rust, and foam inhibitors. These include premium turbine oils, API CD engine oils per SAE J183,
M2C33F or G automatic transmission fluids (ATF), Dexron II (ATF) meeting Allison C-3 or Caterpillar T0‑2
requirements, and certain specialty agricultural tractor fluids. For more information on hydraulic fluid
selection, see Danfoss publications: Hydraulic Fluids and Lubricants, Technical Information, 520L0463 and,
Experience with Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids, Technical Information,520L465.
For maximum efficiency and bearing life, ensure the fluid viscosity remains in the recommended range.
The minimum viscosity should be encountered only during brief occasions.
Maximum temperature is based on material properties. Measure maximum temperature at the hottest
point in the system. This is usually the case drain. The maximum viscosity should be encountered only at
cold start, and is merely a reflection of a viscosity condition supporting an engine start, at idle. Normal
vehicle operation and performance should not occur until the fluid viscosity improves with increrased
temperature. For more information on viscosity, see Danfoss publication, Hydraulic Fluids and Lubricants,
Technical Information 520L0463.
Charge Pressure
Maintain fluid temperature within the limits shown in the table. Minimum temperature relates to the
physical properties of the component materials. Cold oil will not affect the durability of the pump
components. However, it may affect the ability of the pump to transmit power.
Maximum temperature is based on material properties. Measure maximum temperature at the hottest
point in the system. This is usually the case drain.
Ensure fluid temperature and viscosity limits are concurrently satisfied.
An internal charge relief valve regulates charge pressure. Charge pressure supplies the control with
pressure to operate the swashplate and to maintain a minimum pressure in the low side of the
transmission loop.
The charge pressure setting listed in the order code is the set pressure of the charge relief valve with the
pump in neutral, operating at 1800 min-1 [rpm], and with a fluid viscosity of 32 mm2/s [150 SUS]. Pumps
configured with no charge pump (external charge supply) are set with a charge flow of 19 l/min [5 US gal/
min] (single pumps), 38 l/ min [10 US gal/min] (tandem pumps), and a fluid viscosity of 32 mm2/s [150
The charge pressure setting is referenced to case pressure. Charge pressure is the differential pressure
above case pressure.
Minimum charge pressure is the lowest pressure allowed in order to maintain a safe working condition
in the low side of the loop. Minimum control pressure requirements are a function of speed, pressure,
and swashplate angle, and may be higher than the minimum charge pressure shown in the Specifications
Maximum charge pressure is the highest charge pressure allowed by the charge relief adjustment, and
which provides normal component life. Elevated charge pressure can be used as a secondary means to
reduce the swashplate response time.
Control Pressure
Control pressure is the pressure in the servo system needed to position and hold the pump on stroke.
Servo pressure depends on system pressure and speed.
At minimum control pressure, the pump will run at reduced stroke depending on speed and pressure.
Minimum control pressure at corner power holds the pump on full stroke at maximum speed and
maximum pressure.
Maximum control pressure is the highest pressure typically given by the charge pressure setting.
Under normal operating conditions, do not exceed rated case pressure. During cold start, keep case
pressure below maximum intermittent case pressure.
Operating outside of charge and case pressure limits will damage the pump. To minimize this risk, use full
size inlet and case drain plumbing, and limit line lengths.
System pressure is the differential pressure between high pressure system ports. It is the dominant
operating variable affecting hydraulic unit life. High system pressure, which results from high load,
reduces expected life. Hydraulic unit life depends on the speed and normal operating, or weighted
average, pressure that can only be determined from a duty cycle analysis.
Application pressure is the high pressure relief or pressure limiter setting normally defined within the
order code of the pump. This is the applied system pressure at which the driveline generates the
maximum calculated pull or torque in the application.
Maximum Working pressure is the highest recommended application pressure. Maximum working
pressure is not intended to be a continuous pressure. Propel systems with application pressures at, or
below, this pressure should yield satisfactory unit life given proper component sizing.
Maximum pressure is the highest allowable application pressure under any circumstance. Application
pressures above maximum working pressure will only be considered with duty cycle analysis and factory
Minimum low loop pressure must be maintained under all operating conditions to avoid cavitation.
All pressure limits are differential pressures referenced to low loop (charge) pressure. Subtract low loop
pressure from gauge readings to compute the differential.
Speed Ratings
Minimum speed is the lowest input speed recommended during engine idle condition. Operating below
minimum speed limits the pump’s ability to maintain adequate flow for lubrication and power
Rated speed is the highest input speed recommended at full power condition. Operating at or below
this speed should yield satisfactory product life.
Maximum speed is the highest operating speed permitted. Exceeding maximum speed reduces product
life and can cause loss of hydrostatic power and braking capacity. Never exceed the maximum speed
limit under any operating conditions.
Operating conditions between rated speed and maximum speed should be restricted to less than full
power and to limited periods of time. For most drive systems, maximum unit speed occurs during
downhill braking or negative power conditions.
For more information consult Pressure and Speed Limits BLN-9884, when determining speed limits for a
particular application.
Danfoss | March 2017L1001029 | BC00000176en-US0209 | 11
Technical Information
Series 40 M46 Pumps
Operating Parameters
Inlet Pressure
During hydraulic braking and downhill conditions, the prime mover must be capable of providing
sufficient braking torque in order to avoid pump over speed. This is especially important to consider for
turbocharged and Tier 4 engines.
Unintended vehicle or machine movement hazard.
The loss of hydrostatic drive line power, in any mode of operation (forward, neutral, or reverse) may cause
the system to lose hydrostatic braking capacity. You must provide a braking system, redundant to the
hydrostatic transmission, sufficient to stop and hold the vehicle or machine in the event of hydrostatic
drive power loss.
Achieving acceptable pump life and performance requires proper charge pump inlet design. A
continuous inlet pressure of not less than 0.8 bar absolute (not more than 6.3 inches Hg vacuum) is
recommended. Normal pressure less than the minimum inlet pressure of 0.7 bar absolute (greater than
9.2 inches Hg vacuum) indicates inadequate inlet design or a restricted filter. Pressures less than 0.7 bar
absolute (greater than 9.2 inches Hg vacuum) during cold start are likely, but should improve quickly as
the fluid warms.
Use these equations to help choose the right pump size and displacement for your application.
SI units [US units]
Vg = Displacement per revolution cm3/rev [in3/rev]
pO = Outlet pressure bar [psi]
pi = Inlet pressure bar [psi]
∆p = pO - pi (system pressure) bar [psi]
n = Speed min-1 (rpm)
ηv = Volumetric efficiency
ηm = Mechanical efficiency
ηt = Overall efficiency (ηv • ηm)
Ensure fluid entering pump is free of contaminants to prevent damage (including premature wear) to the
system. M46 pumps require system filtration capable of maintaining fluid cleanliness at ISO 4406-1999
class 22/18/13 or better.
Consider these factors when selecting a system filter:
Cleanliness specifications
Contaminant ingression rates
Flow capacity
Desired maintenance interval
Locate filter either on the inlet (suction filtration) or discharge (charge pressure filtration) side of the
charge pump.
Filter efficiency can be measured with a Beta ratio¹ (βX). For simple suction-filtered closed circuit
transmissions and open circuit transmissions with return line filtration, a filter with a β-ratio within the
range of β35-45 = 75 (β10 ≥ 2) or better has been found to be satisfactory. Systems with multiple
cylinders that are feed from a single reservoir require a more efficient filter. This also applies to systems
with gears or clutches using a common reservoir.
For high volume systems, use a charge pressure or return filtration system with a filter β-ratio in the range
of β15-20 = 75 (β10 ≥ 10) or better.
Because each system is unique, only a thorough testing and evaluation program can fully validate the
filtration system. Please see Design Guidelines for Hydraulic Fluid Cleanliness Technical Information520L0467 for more information.
Danfoss | March 2017L1001029 | BC00000176en-US0209 | 13
Charge relief
To pump case
To low pressure
side of loop
and servo control
Technical Information
Series 40 M46 Pumps
System Design Parameters
Cleanliness level and βx-ratio
Filtration (recommended
Filter βx-ratio is a measure of filter efficiency defined by ISO 4572. It is defined as the ratio of the number
Cleanliness per ISO 440622/18/13
Efficiency (charge pressure
Efficiency (suction and
return line filtration)
Recommended inlet screen
mesh size
μm100 – 125
= 75 (β10 ≥ 10)
= 75 (β10 ≥ 2)
of particles greater than a given diameter (“x” in microns) upstream of the filter to the number of these
particles downstream of the filter.
Suction Filtration
The filter is located between the reservoir and the charge pump inlet, as shown in the accompanying
Operating outside of charge and case pressure limits will damage the pump. To minimize this risk, use full
size inlet and case drain plumbing, and limit line lengths.
Suction filtration
Charge Pressure Filtration
The filter is mounted remotely after the charge pump outlet, as shown in the accompanying illustration.
For charge pressure filtration, use a filter that is rated to at least 34.5 bar [500 psi] pressure. Use a 100 -
125 μm screen in the reservoir or charge inlet line.
A bypass valve is necessary to prevent filter damage and to avoid contaminants from being forced
through the filter by high pressure. In the event of high pressure drop associated with a blocked filter or
cold start-up conditions, fluid will bypass the filter. Avoid working with an open bypass for an extended
period. We recommend a visual or electrical bypass indicator. Proper filter maintenance is mandatory.
The loss of hydrostatic drive line power, in any mode of operation (forward, neutral, or reverse) may cause
the system to lose hydrostatic braking capacity. You must provide a braking system, redundant to the
hydrostatic transmission, sufficient to stop and hold the vehicle or machine in the event of hydrostatic
drive power loss.
Loop Flushing
Closed circuit systems may require loop flushing to meet temperature and cleanliness requirements. A
loop flushing valve removes hot fluid from the low pressure side of the system loop for additional cooling
and filtering. Ensure the charge pump provides adequate flow for loop flushing and the loop flushing
valve does not cause charge pressure to drop below recommended limits.
The reservoir provides clean fluid, dissipates heat, and removes entrained air from the hydraulic fluid. It
allows for fluid volume changes associated with fluid expansion and cylinder differential volumes.
Minimum reservoir capacity depends on the volume needed to perform these functions. Typically, a
capacity of one half the charge pump flow (per minute) is satisfactory for a closed reservoir. Open circuit
systems sharing a common reservoir require greater fluid capacity.
Locate the reservoir outlet (suction line) near the bottom, allowing clearance for settling foreign particles.
Use a 100 - 125 μm screen covering the outlet port.
Place the reservoir inlet (return lines) below the lowest expected fluid level, as far away from the outlet as
Use a baffle (or baffles) between the reservoir inlet and outlet ports to promote de-aeration and reduce
fluid surging.
Danfoss | March 2017L1001029 | BC00000176en-US0209 | 15
The tandem housings are connected through the center section via a drilled hole. The charge relief valve
discharges oil into the front housing. In order to provide positive flow through both housings, use a case
Technical Information
Series 40 M46 Pumps
System Design Parameters
drain in the rear housing. The front housing case drain ports should only be used if the pump is used as a
common drain manifold for the vehicle where external drain flow is brought into the rear housing and
discharged out the front.
Allowable case pressure limits must be satisfied.
Bearing Life and External Shaft Loading
Bearing life is a function of speed, system pressure, charge pressure, and swashplate angle, plus any
external side or thrust loads. Other life factors include oil type and viscosity. The influence of swashplate
angle includes displacement as well as direction. External loads are found in applications where the
pump is driven with side/thrust load (belt or gear) as well as in installations with misalignment and
improper concentricity between the pump and drive coupling.
In vehicle propel drives with no external shaft loads and where the system pressure and swashplate angle
are changing direction and magnitude regularly, the normal L20 bearing life (80% survival) will exceed
the hydraulic load-life of the unit.
In non propel drives such as vibratory drives, conveyor drives, or fan drives, the operating speed and
pressure are often nearly constant and the swashplate angle is predominantly at maximum. These drives
have a distinctive duty cycle compared to a propulsion drive. In these types of applications a bearing life
review is recommended.
M46 pumps are designed with bearings that can accept some external radial and thrust loads. When
external loads are present, the allowable radial shaft loads are a function of the load position relative to
the mounting flange, the load orientation relative to the internal loads, and the operating pressures of
the hydraulic unit. In applications where external shaft loads can not be avoided, the impact on bearing
life can be minimized by proper orientation of the load. Optimum pump orientation is a consideration of
the net loading on the shaft from the external load, the pump rotating group, and the charge pump load.
A high capacity (cylindrical roller) input shaft bearing is available for applications with high external shaft
loads. Contact your Danfoss representative.
In applications where the pump is operated such that nearly equal amounts of forward vs reverse
swashplate operation is experienced; bearing life can be optimized by orientating the external side
load to the 0 or 180 deg position (90 deg to rotating group load Fb). See drawing.
In applications where the pump is operated such that the swashplate is predominantly (>75%) on
one side of neutral (e.g. vibratory, conveyor, typical propel); bearing life can be optimized by
orientating the external side load generally opposite of the internal rotating group load, Fb. The
direction of the internal loading is a function of rotation and system port, which has flow out.
Avoid axial thrust loads in either direction.
The maximum allowable radial loads (Re), based on the maximum external moment (Me) and the
distance (L) from the mounting flange to the load, may be determined from the tables below and the
cross section drawing.
The maximum allowable radial load is calculated as: Re = Me / L
Contact your Danfoss representative for an evaluation of unit bearing life if continuously applied external
radial loads are 25% or more of the maximum allowable, or if thrust loads are known to exist.
Shaft loading parameters
ReMaximum external radial load
MeMe Maximum external moment
LDistance from mounting flange to point of load
FbForce of cylinder block
TeThrust external load
FcpForce of charge pump
Hydraulic unit life is defined as the fatigue life expectancy of the hydraulic components. It is a function of
speed and system pressure; however, system pressure is the dominant variable. High pressure, which
results from high load, reduces expected hydraulic unit life.
System component selection is based on determination of the application maximum loads and speeds.
Testing is recommended to secure duty cycle data in which to predict hydraulic unit life. Contact your
Danfoss representative for assistance in unit life determination. If duty cycle data is not available, normal
input power and maximum pump displacement can be used to determine an application pressure in
which to predict life.
M46 pumps will meet most application hydraulic unit life expectancies if applied within the parameters
specified in this manual and chosen considering the guidelines within Danfoss publication Selection ofDriveline ComponentsBLN-9885. For more detailed information on hydraulic unit life, see Danfoss
publication Pressure and Speed LimitsBLN-9884.
Shock load moment is the result of an instantaneous jolt to the system. Continuous load moments are
generated by the typical vibratory movement of the application. Avoid excessive loading of the
mounting flange such as adding tandem mounted auxiliary pumps and/or subjecting pumps to high
shock loads. Design pump applications to stay within the allowable shock load moment and allowable
continuous load moment.
Use the following formulas to estimate overhung load moment for multiple pump mountings:
MS = GS (W1L1 + W2L2 + ... +WnLn)
MC = GC (W1L1 + W2L2 + ... +WnLn)
Refer to the Installation Drawings section to find pump length (L). Refer to the table Technical
Specifications in the Specifications section, to find pump weight (W). An exact measure of W will depend
on the pump’s features.
Danfoss | March 2017L1001029 | BC00000176en-US0209 | 17
Pump 1
Pump 2
P100 596E
Technical Information
Series 40 M46 Pumps
System Design Parameters
The tables below show allowable overhung load moment values. If system parameters exceed these
values add additional pump support.
Estimated maximum and continuous acceleration factors for some typical Series 40 applications are
shown. Applications which experience extreme resonant vibrations may require additional pump
support. Typical continuous (vibratory) values can vary significantly due to changes in engine and pump
configuration and mounting methods.
Overhung loading parameters
Shock load moment
Continuous load moment
Maximum shock acceleration (Gs)
Continuous (vibratory) acceleration (Gs)
Weight of nth pump
Distance from mounting flange to center of gravity of nth pump
Allowable overhung parameters
Frame sizeContinuous load moment (Mc) 107 cycles
N•m [in·lbf]
M46 PV517[4600]832[7400]
M46 PT517[4600]754[6700]
Shock load moment (Ms) 103 cycles
N•m [in·lbf]
Shaft loading parameters
The illustration shows a tandem plus a single pump.
Base shaft selection on a review of the maximum torque required by the application and the maximum
torque available from the prime mover. Application duty cycle and continuous torque rating of the prime
mover are the main variable to consider when selecting a shaft.
Shaft torque and spline lubrication
The rated torque is a measure of tooth wear and is the torque level at which a normal spline life of 1 x
107 shaft revolutions can be expected. The rated torque presumes a regularly maintained minimum level
of lubrication via a moly-disulfide grease in order to reduce the coefficient of friction and to restrict the
presence of oxygen at the spline interface. It is also assumed that the mating spline has a minimum
hardness of Rc 55 and full spline depth. The rated torque is proportional to the minimum active spline
However, a spline running in oil-flooded environment provides superior oxygen restriction in addition to
contaminant flushing. The rated torque of a flooded spline can increase to that of the maximum
published rating. A flooded spline would be indicative of a pump driven by a pump drive or plugged into
an auxiliary pad of a pump.
Maximum torque ratings are based on torsional fatigue strength considering 1 x 105 full load reversing
Maintaining a spline engagement at least equal to the pitch diameter will also maximize spline life. Spline
engagements of less than ¾ pitch diameter are subject to high contact stress and spline fretting.
Shaft torque for tapered shafts
The rated torque is based on the contact pressure between the shaft and hub surfaces with poor contact
areas. With increased quality of the contact areas, the contact pressure between shaft and hub is
increased, allowing higher torque to be transmitted.
A key is intended as an installation aid only. Any torque carried by the key as a result of poor contact area
or mis-alignment will limit the torque carrying capability of the shaft significantly.
Maximum torque rating is based on an ideal contact area of 100% and the retaining nut properly
torqued. This allows for the highest contact pressure between the shaft and the mating hub.