Service Kit Instructions
Series 40 - M46
Neutral start switch spool replacement procedure
OVERVIEW The rotary control spool in the M46 series variable pump wears with use, possibly
causing controllability problems in certain applications. A new induction hardened
control spool has been created that limits this wear. This procedure details the steps
to replaced this control spool in M46 models that have the Neutral Start Switch (NSS)
This procedure requires a spool replacement kit, Sauer-Danfoss part number 4510456.
reference Sauer-Danfoss publication BLN-9939 (M46 Service Manual).
Make sure prime mover
(engine) is OFF.
Removal of the pump
neutral adjustment bracket
is not necessary during
this procedure. However,
as a precaution, mark the
position of the bracket.
Thoroughly clean the pump control/NSS area of dirt and water. The introduction of
foreign material (dirt, sand, or water) reduces the life and controllability of hydraulic
There are two pump control adjustments affected by this procedure: pump neutral, and
the neutral-start switch function. Follow the adjustment procedure for pump control
neutral and NSS function, as outlined in the
Final Adjustments
section of this bulletin.
This procedure may be preformed with the pump in the vehicle. If there is less than
5 inches of clearance directly above the pump control assembly, the pump must be
removed from the vehicle. If possible, the two pump mounting bolts may be removed,
and the pump rotated to gain access.
If equipped, shut the isolation valve in the pump suction line from the reservoir.
Remember to reopen it before restarting the engine.
Ensure all parts of kit 4510456 are available and the new spool/cam assembly is properly
1. Disconnect the NSS switch (1236) at
the quick-disconnect (A).
2. With a 1/2 inch wrench, remove the
3/8 in
1/2 in
control handle locknut (1213) and
star-washer (1235).
3. With a 3/8 inch wrench, remove the
two cover screws (1256)
4. Remove the NSS/spool assembly
from the pump.
5. With a hammer, tap the spool/cam
assembly (1249) from the NSS
housing. Hold the control handle,
spring, and neutral adjustment
bracket in place during replacement
of spool.
6. Remove the expansion plug (1257)
by pressing it out from the inside.
© Danfoss, 2013 BLN-10249 • Rev AA • September 2013 1

3/8 in
6-8 N·m
[8-11 lbf·ft]
1/2 in
7-9 N·m
[12-23 lbf·ft]
1. Apply grease inside the NSS housing,
thoroughly coating the cam face.
2. Lubricate and insert the new spool
assembly into the NSS housing
3. Install the star washer and fi nger-
tighten the locknut onto the new
4. Set the neutral cam with the neutralstart switch in the detent of the cam.
5. Set the new NSS housing gasket
(1255) in place on the mounting
6. Insert the control spool/NSS
assembly on the pump.
7. Attach the cover with two screws
(1256), torque to 6-8 N•m [8-11 lbf •ft]
8. Torque the spool locknut (1213) to
7-9 N•m [10-12 lbf•ft]
Check for free spool movement and spring-return function. It may be necessary loosen
and retorque the screws to prevent binding of the control handle and spool. Do not
tighten the neutral-start adjustment set screw (B) through the expansion plug hole until
pump neutral is set (see fi nal adjustments). If the control neutral is adjusted with the NSS
screw tightened, the vehicle engine may not start.
FINAL ADJUSTMENTS If the pump neutral adjustment bracket was not removed during this procedure, the
pump will be in or very near the neutral set point with the new spool installed. However,
do not assume the neutral set point is correct. Always check for control-neutral either
with servo-pressure gauges or with the wheels-up method, before placing the vehicle
back in service. See M46 Service Manual, BLN-9939 for more information.
W Warning
Unintended vehicle
movement hazard
Protect yourself and
bystanders from serious
injury or death. Raise and
secure the drive wheels
off the ground or securely
chock the wheels. Do not
depend on the parking
brake alone for protection.
1. Install 0-300 psi gauges in both servo test ports.
2. Loosen the washer head screw to allow the neutral adjustment bracket to move, but
not freely.
3. Start the prime mover and slowly accelerate to normal operating speed.
4. Slowly rotate the neutral adjustment bracket until one of the servo gauges begins to
increase pressure. Mark the position.
5. Slowly move the bracket in the opposite direction until the other gauge begins to
increase pressure. Mark the position.
6. Rotate the bracket to a position at the midpoint between the marks and hold
securely in place while torquing the washer head screw to 11-15 N·m [8-11 lbf·ft].
7. Stop the prime mover, remove the gauge and install the gauge port plugs.
8. Reinstall and adjust the control linkage, if necessary.
© Danfoss, 2013 BLN-10249 • Rev AA • September 2013 2