Danfoss KEP 2-Pt Operating guide

User Manual
PLUS+1® GUIDE Software
PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block
PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual
Revision history Table of revisions
Date Changed Rev
August 2021 Fixed the version numbers. 0302
June 2021 First release of the user manual. 0301
2 | © Danfoss | August 2021 AQ152886481384en-0302
PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual


Introduction Inputs, Outputs, and Signals
Outputs................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Diagnostics Signals..........................................................................................................................................................................6
Status Outputs...................................................................................................................................................................................6
Fault Outputs..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Configuration Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................8
Setup Configuration Parameter Inputs............................................................................................................................ 10
NV Page............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Configuring Inputs with Legacy MC Controllers................................................................................................................ 11
Configure a Multifunction Input with Legacy Controllers.........................................................................................11
Configure an Analog Input with Legacy Controllers................................................................................................... 12
Configure a Digital/Analog Input for Legacy Controllers.......................................................................................... 12
Configuring Inputs with SC Controllers and Non-Legacy MC Controllers................................................................ 12
Configure a Multifunction Input......................................................................................................................................... 13
Configure a Digital/Analog Input....................................................................................................................................... 13
Using Namespaces........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Change Namespace Value.....................................................................................................................................................14
Calibrate the Foot Pedal..............................................................................................................................................................16
Calibration Windows and Default Calibration Values.......................................................................................................16
Calibration Values and Deadbands......................................................................................................................................... 17
Customizable Service Screens
Add Service Screens to the Service Tool................................................................................................................................19
KEP Foot Pedal Service Screen.................................................................................................................................................. 19
Calibration Service Screen..........................................................................................................................................................21
Pedal Reusable Panel....................................................................................................................................................................22
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PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual


The KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block provides parameters and logic used to integrate a KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal into your application.
The SnsrPwr input receives the sensor power voltage applied to the pedal sensor. This voltage
remains constant. The Pedal input receives the voltage output by the pedal sensor. The position of the pedal varies this
The function block makes a ratiometric comparison of the Pedal and SnsrPwr inputs. This comparison produces Out values that range from 0–10000 (100.00%).
4 | © Danfoss | August 2021 AQ152886481384en-0302
PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual

Inputs, Outputs, and Signals

This section provides information on the inputs, outputs, diagnostic signals, and fault and status conditions for the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block.


The Function Block Inputs table describes the inputs for the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block.
Function Block Inputs
Item Type Range Description Para Bus —— Allows common configuration parameters to be applied to multiple function blocks.
See Setup Configuration Parameter Inputs on page 10 for more information.
SnsrPwr Bus 0–5250 mV Inputs a signal with the sensor power voltage (reference voltage) that the controller applies to the
sensor power pin of the pedal.
Pedal Bus 0–5250 mV Inputs a signal with the voltage output by the pedal sensor. The position of the pedal varies this
voltage. The function block makes a ratiometric comparison of the Pedal and SnsrPwr inputs to produce Out values from 0–10000 (100.00%).


The Outputs table describes the output signals from the function block.
Output Type Range Description [Unit] Status U16 —— Indicates the calibration and setup status of the function block.
0x0000: Function block is OK 0x8001: Function block is not calibrated 0x8002: Function block is partially calibrated 0x8008: Invalid setup/calibration This output uses a bitwise-reporting scheme where multiple items can be reported at a time.
Fault U16 —— Indicates the operating condition of the function block.
0x0000: Function block is OK 0x8001: Input value is too low 0x8002: Input value is too high 0x8004: Short circuit 0x8008: Open circuit This output uses a bitwise-reporting scheme where multiple items can be reported at a time.
Out Outputs a bus that contains the Pedal_Psn signal.
Pedal_Psn U16 0–10000 Indicates the position of the foot pedal.
Up (released): 0 (0%) Down (fully depressed): 10000 (100.00%) [0.01%]
Pedal_Pressed BOOL T/F Indicates whether the pedal is pressed. For more information on the PressedThreshold parameter, see
Configuration Parameters on page 8.
T: Pedal is pressed F: Pedal is not pressed
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PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual
Inputs, Outputs, and Signals

Diagnostics Signals

Diagnostic signals provide indicators of failure states and tools for calibrating the failure indicators. Refer to the following table for more information on diagnostic signals from the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block.
Diagnostic Signals
Signal Type Range Description [Unit]
Enabled BOOL T/F Indicates that the calibration output is enabled or disabled.
T: Nom_Signal sets the Pedal_Psn output. F: Pedal_Psn output is set to 0.
Pedal_Ratio U16 0-10000 The ratio of Pedal_Signal voltage compared to Sensor_Power voltage.
CalLow_Temp U16 0-10000 A temporary calibration point stored by the function block. After all points calibrate, the function
block records this value in memory. [0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]
CalHigh_Temp U16 0-10000 A temporary calibration point stored by the function block. After all points calibrate, the function
block records this value in memory. [0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]
CalLow_Pt U16 0-10000 Identifies the start of a 20% window to validate the low calibration point.
[0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]
CalHi_Pt U16 0-10000 Identifies the start of a 20% window to validate the high calibration point.
[0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]
Input_TL_Pt U16 0-10000 The minimum allowed ratio of Pedal_Signal to Snsr_Pwr voltage. If the ratio is below this threshold
for more than the value set in FltDetectTm, the Fault signal will declare 0x8001 (Input value is too low). [0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]
Input_TH_Pt U16 0-10000 The maximum allowed ratio of Pedal_Signal to Snsr_Pwr voltage. If the ratio is above this threshold
for more than the value set in FltDetectTm, the Fault signal will declare 0x8002 (Input value is too high). [0.01% of Snsr_Pwr]

Status Outputs

Status outputs indicate calibration settings and setup status for the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block. During calibration, the Pedal_Psn signal in the Out bus is zero.
The following table lists all the status conditions output by the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block.
Status Conditions
Condition Status Pedal_Psn Signal Comment
Block is OK. 0x0000 0–10000 Normal output of the Pedal_Psn signal. Block is not calibrated. 0x8001
0 ——Block is partially calibrated. 0x8002
Invalid setup/calibration. 0x8008

Fault Outputs

The Fault outputs indicate the operating condition of the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block. All fault conditions set the Pedal_Psn signal in the Out bus to zero.
The following table lists all the fault conditions output by the KEP 2Pt Foot Pedal Function Block.
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PLUS+1 Compliant KEP 2-Pt Foot Pedal Function Block User Manual
Inputs, Outputs, and Signals
Fault Conditions
Condition Fault Pedal_Psn Signal Comment
Block is OK. 0x0000 0–10000 Normal output of the Pedal_Psn signal. Input value is too low. 0x8001 Input value is too high. 0x8002 Short circuit. 0x8004 Open circuit. 0x8008
0 ——
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