Danfoss ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
VLT® ISD Encoder Box
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
1 General Information
1.2 Copyright
1.3 Disclaimer
1.4 Approvals
1.5 Service and Support
2 Introduction
2.1 System Overview
2.2 Terminology
2.3 Purpose of the Operating Instructions
2.4 Additional Resources
3 Safety Instructions
3.1 Symbols used in this Manual
3.2 General
3.3 Safety Instructions and Precautions for the ISD 410 Servo System
3.4 Qualified Personnel
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 9
3.5 Due Diligence
3.6 Intended Use
3.7 Foreseeable Misuse
4 Description
4.1 Supported Encoders
4.2 ISD Encoder Box Display
4.3 Connection Cable/Cabling
4.3.1 ISD Servo System with 1 Connection Box 12
4.3.2 ISD Servo System with 2 Connection Boxes 13
4.3.3 Connections 14 24 V Power Supply (X201) 14 CAN Connector (X501 & X502) 15 RS 422 I; AB, BiSS and SSI Encoder Connector (X601) 15 RS 422 II; Additional Encoder Connector (X602) 16 SD Card Slot 16
5 Installation/Fitting
9 9
11 11 11 12
5.1 Transport and Delivery
5.1.1 Scope of Delivery 17
5.1.2 Transport 17
5.1.3 Inspection on Receipt 17
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 1
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
5.2 Safety Measures during Installation
5.3 Installation Environment
5.4 Preparation for Installation
5.5 Mechanical Installation
5.5.1 Earthing (Grounding) the Encoder Box 18
5.5.2 Mounting 18
5.5.3 Demounting 18
5.6 Electrical Installation
5.6.1 Electrical Environmental Conditions 18
5.6.2 24 V Power Supply Requirements 18
5.6.3 Connecting the CAN Cable 18
5.6.4 Connecting the Encoder Cable 18
5.6.5 Inserting the SD Card 19
5.6.6 Connecting the 24 V Power Supply 19
6 Commissioning
6.1 Standard Configuration
6.2 Parameter Setting
17 17 17 18
20 20 20
6.2.1 Encoder Box Parameter List 20
6.2.2 Changing the Parameters 20
6.2.3 CAN Settings 20
6.2.4 CAN-ID Setting 21
6.3 Switching the Encoder Box on
7 Operation
7.1 Operating Display
7.1.1 Operating LEDs 22
7.1.2 Display Mode 23
7.1.3 7-Segment Display 23
7.1.4 <SET> Push Button 24
7.1.5 <CAN-ID> BCD Switch 24
7.1.6 Service Interface 24
7.2 Display via Toolbox and CoDeSys
8 Faults
8.1 Emergency
22 22
25 25
8.2 Error History
8.3 Debugging
8.4 Under-Voltage / Power-Failure Behaviour
8.4.1 Under-Voltage during Power-Up 26
8.4.2 Sudden Voltage Drop 26
2 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
25 25 25
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
8.4.3 Power Failure 26
8.5 Troubleshooting
9 Maintenance and Repair
9.1 Maintenance tasks
9.2 Inspection during Operation
9.3 Repair
10 Decommissioning and Disposal
10.1 Decommissioning
10.2 Dismounting
10.3 Recycling and Disposal
10.3.1 Recycling 29
10.3.2 Disposal 29
11 Specifications
11.1 Nameplate
11.2 Storage
11.3 Characteristic Data
28 28 28 28
29 29 29 29
30 30 30 30
11.4 Dimensions
11.4.1 Front View 31
11.4.2 Side View 32
12 Appendix
12.1 Glossary
12.2 Encoder Box Parameters
12.3 Emergency Codes
12.4 Error Codes
33 33 36 39 39
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 3
General Information
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
1 General Information
1.1 Important Safety Warnings
The ISD 410 servo system contains components which operate at a high voltage when connected to the electrical supply network. A hazardous voltage is present on the servomotors, the power supply module and the connection box whenever they are connected to the mains network. There are no indicators on the servomotor that indicate the presence of mains voltage. This indication is provided on the connection box. Installation, commis­sioning and maintenance may only be performed by qualified staff. Incorrect installation, commissioning or maintenance can lead to death or serious injury.
The ISD 410 servo system contains servomotors which are connected to the electrical supply network and can start running at any time. This may be caused by an external switch, a CAN bus command, a reference signal, or clearing a fault condition. Servomotors and all connected devices must be in good operating condition. A deficient operating condition may lead to death, serious injury, damage to equipment or other material damage when the unit is connected to the electrical supply network. Take suitable measures to prevent unintended starts.
Disclosure, duplication and sale of this document, as well as communication of its content, are prohibited unless explicitly permitted. Infringement of this prohibition incurs liability for damages. All rights reserved with regard to patents, utility patents and registered designs. ISD is a registered trademark.
1.3 Disclaimer
No liability is assumed for any damage or breakdown resulting from:
Failure to observe the information in the
instruction manuals Unauthorised modifications to the ISD servo
system or its components Operator error
Improper work on or with the ISD servo system
or its components.
1.4.1 ISD 410 Servomotor, ISD Encoder Box and ISD Connection Box
The servomotors, the connection box and the power supply module contain DC link capacitors, that remain charged for some time after the mains supply is switched off at the power supply module. To avoid electrical shock, fully disconnect the power supply module from the mains before carrying out any maintenance on the ISD servo system or its components. Wait for at least the time listed below before carrying out maintenance work:
Number Minimum waiting time (discharge time) 1-60 servomotors 10 minutes
Note: High voltage may still be present even if the LED on the
ISD connection box is not lit!
Table 1.1 Discharge Time
4 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Table 1.2 Approvals for the ISD 410 Servomotor, ISD Encoder Box and ISD Connection Box
ISD Power Supply Module
Table 1.3 Approvals for the ISD Power Supply Module
Service and Support
Contact your local service representative for service and support: http://www.danfoss.com/Contact/Worldwide/
2 3
ISD Connection Box
Failure Warning
Output (300V) OK
Output (90V) OK
300V OK
90V OK
Signal Outputs
Signal Inputs
ISD Power Supply Module
AC/DC Power Supply 300VDC 8/10A
Run/Err U
Warn Err
RS232 Service
2 8
Safety I Safety II
Fuse L I CAN 1.In CAN 2.In CAN 3.In CAN 4.In CAN 5.In
X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
Fuse L II CAN 1.Out CAN 2.Out CAN 3.Out CAN 4.Out CAN 5.Out
X21 X22 X23 X24 X25
2 Introduction
2.1 System Overview
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
2 2
Illustration 2.1 ISD Servo System with 3 Servomotors
Description Number Description 1 Ethernet 7 Master encoder 2 Power supply module 8 Terminating resistor 3 Connection box 9 ISD servomotor 4 Master 10 Hybrid cable (DC & CAN) 5 CAN line 11 DC line 6 Encoder box 12 AC line
Table 2.1 Legend to Illustration 2.1
The servomotors are self-contained distributed drives, which means that the drive electronics is housed together with the motor in the same casing. The motion control software also runs independently in the servomotor; which reduces the load on the higher-level control system.
A master system controls the servomotors. In this system servomotors operated in a DC group are controlled by a master system.
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 5
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
Several motors can be operated in a group using a hybrid cable. This cable carries the DC supply voltage and the CAN bus signals. The ISD 410 servo system is designed to
accommodate up to 60 ISD 410 servomotors and consists of:
1 Power supply module
1 Connection box
1 Encoder Box
1 Master
Hybrid cables
The ISD 410 servomotors cannot be used in other servo systems from other manufacturers! Motors from other manufacturers cannot be used in the Danfoss ISD 410 servo system!
2.2 Terminology
ISD Integrated Servo Drives ISD servo system Complete system including all components. ISD master Control system hardware ISD master system Control system hardware and software ISD servo drive ISD servomotor with hybrid cable
Table 2.2 Terminology
Purpose of the Operating Instructions
The purpose of these operating instructions is to describe the Danfoss ISD encoder box exclusively in the context of a Danfoss ISD 410 servo system.
These operating instructions contain information about:
Maintenance and repair
These operating instructions are intended for use by qualified personnel. Read these operating instructions in full in order to use the servo system safely and profes­sionally, and pay particular attention to the safety instructions and general warnings. These operating instructions are an integral part of the ISD encoder box. Keep these operating instructions available with the servo system at all times.
Compliance with the information in the operating instructions is a prerequisite for:
Trouble-free operation
Recognition of product liability claims
Therefore, read these operating instructions before working with the encoder box!
The operating instructions also contain important service information. The operating instructions should therefore be kept close to the encoder box.
2.4 Additional Resources
Available documents for the ISD 410 servo system:
Document Contents VLT® ISD 410
Servomotor Operating Instructions
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
VLT® ISD Connection Box Operating Instructions
VLT® ISD Power Supply Module Operating Instructions
VLT® ISD 410 Design Guide
Table 2.3 Available Documents for the ISD 410 Servo System
Technical literature for Danfoss drives is also available online at http://www.danfoss.com/BusinessAreas/DrivesSo­lutions/Documentations/Technical+Documentation.htm.
Firmware updates may be available. When firmware updates are available, they can be downloaded from the www.danfoss.com website. For further information see the
VLT® ISD 410 Design Guide.
Information about the commissioning and operation of the servomotors
Information about the commissioning and operation of the encoder box
Information about the commissioning and operation of the connection box
Information about the commissioning and operation of the power supply module
Information about the construction and commissioning of the ISD 410 servo system
6 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Safety Instructions
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
3 Safety Instructions
3.1 Symbols used in this Manual
The following symbols are used in this document.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
If the servomotor or the bus lines is/are incorrectly connected, there is a risk of death, serious injury or damage to the unit. Always comply with the instructions within these operating instructions, as well as national and local safety regulations. Also read the operating instructions for the other components of the servo system.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates a situation that may result in equipment or property-damage-only accidents.
Indicates highlighted information that should be regarded with attention to avoid mistakes or operate equipment at less than optimal performance.
3.2 General
The following safety instructions and precautions relate to the ISD 410 servo system. The number of servomotors in the servo system is not significant. Read the safety instructions carefully before starting to work in any way with the servo system. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions in the relevant sections of this instruction manual. Also observe the safety instructions and precautions in the instruction manuals for the other system components.
The ISD 410 servo system contains components which operate at a high voltage when connected to the electrical supply network. A hazardous voltage is present on the servomotors, the power supply module and the connection box whenever they are connected to the mains network. There are no indicators on the servomotor that indicate the presence of mains voltage. This indication is provided at the connection box. Installation, commissioning and maintenance may only be performed by qualified staff. Incorrect installation, commissioning or maintenance can lead to death or serious injury.
3.3 Safety Instructions and Precautions for the ISD 410 Servo System
Read the safety instructions carefully before starting to work in any way with the servo system. Compliance with the safety instructions and precautions is necessary at all times.
Orderly and proper transport, storage, fitting and
installation, as well as careful operation and maintenance, are essential for the trouble-free and safe operation of this servo system and its components.
Only suitably trained and qualified staff may work
on the servo system and its components or in its vicinity. See chapter 3.4 Qualified Personnel.
Use only accessories and spare parts approved by
the manufacturer. Comply with the specified ambient conditions.
The information in these operating instructions
about the use of available components is provided solely by way of examples of applications and suggestions.
The plant engineer or system engineer is
personally responsible for checking the suitability of the supplied components and the information provided in this document for the specific application concerned:
- for compliance with the safety regulations and standards relevant to the specific application concerned.
- for implementing the necessary measures, changes and extensions.
Commissioning the servo system and its
components is not allowed until it has been ascertained that the machine, system or plant in which they are installed conforms to the statutory provisions, safety regulations and standards that apply in the country of use to that application.
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 7
Safety Instructions
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
Operation is allowed only in compliance with the
national EMC regulations for the application concerned.
See the VLT® ISD 410 Design Guide for information
regarding EMC-compliant installation of the servo system.
Compliance with the limit values specified by
national regulations is the responsibility of the producer of the plant, system or machine.
Compliance with the specifications, connection
conditions and installation conditions in this instruction manual is mandatory.
The safety regulations and safety provisions of
the country in which the equipment is used must be observed.
Care must be taken to ensure that orderly
protective earthing of the equipment, which protects the user against the supply voltage and protects the power supply module against overload, is performed in accordance with local and national regulations.
Overload protection for the servomotor can be
programmed using the master system. For more information, see Programming in the VLT
Design Guide. Do not remove or replace the SD card on the
encoder box during operation, otherwise the contents of the SD card could be destroyed. Switch the encoder box off and wait 10 seconds before removing the SD card.
ISD 410
For reasons of operator safety, the components of the servo system must be earthed correctly in accordance with national or local electrical regulations and the information in these operating instructions. The earth leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA. Improper earthing of the servomotor may result in death or serious injury.
Operational Safety
Safety-related applications are allowed only if
they are explicitly and unambiguously mentioned in the VLT® ISD 410 Design Guide. Otherwise they
are not allowed. All applications that can cause hazards to people
or damage to property are safety-related applications.
The stop functions implemented in the software
of the master system do not interrupt the mains voltage supply to the power supply module and are therefore not allowed to be used as safety switches for the servo system.
The motor can be brought to a stop by a
software command or a zero speed setpoint, but DC voltage remains present on the servomotor and/or mains voltage in the power supply module. If personal safety considerations (e.g. risk of personal injury caused by contact with moving machine parts after an unintended start) make it necessary to ensure that an unintended start cannot occur, these stop functions are not sufficient. In this case the servo system must be detached from the mains network or a suitable stop function must be implemented.
When the servomotor is stopped, it may start up
again on its own if the circuitry of the servomotor is defective or after the elimination of a temporary overload, a problem with the supply voltage or a problem with the servomotor. If personal safety considerations (e.g. risk of personal injury caused by contact with moving machine parts after an unintentional start) make it necessary to ensure that an unintended start cannot occur, the normal stop functions of the servomotor are not sufficient. In this case the servo system must be disconnected from the mains network or a suitable stop function must be implemented.
The servomotor may start running unintentionally
during parameter configuration or programming. If this can pose a risk to personal safety (e.g. risk of personal injury due to contact with moving machine parts), unintended motor starting must be prevented, for example by using the Safe Stop function or by safe disconnection of the servomotors.
Do not disconnect the cables from the
servomotor while the servo system is connected to mains voltage. Ensure that the mains supply is disconnected and the required waiting time has elapsed before disconnecting or connecting the hybrid cable or disconnecting cables from the connection box and/or the power supply module.
8 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
Safety Instructions
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
In addition to the L1, L2 and L3 supply voltage
inputs on the power supply module, the servo system has other supply voltage inputs, including external DC 24 V. Before commencing repair work, check that all supply voltage inputs have been switched off and that the necessary discharge time for the intermediate circuit capacitors has elapsed.
The supply of power to the servo system must be
switched off for repair work. Before disconnecting or connecting the hybrid cable or disconnecting cables from the connection box and/or the power supply module, ensure that the mains supply is disconnected and the necessary discharge time has elapsed.
The servomotors, the connection box and the power supply module contain DC link capacitors, that remain charged for some time after the mains supply is switched off at the power supply module. To avoid electrical shock, fully disconnect the power supply module from the mains before carrying out any maintenance on the ISD servo system or its components. Wait for at least the time listed below before carrying out maintenance work:
Number Minimum waiting time (discharge time) 1-60 servomotors 10 minutes
Note: High voltage may still be present even if the LED on the
ISD connection box is not lit!
Table 3.1 Discharge Time
Never connect or disconnect the hybrid cable to or from the servomotor when voltage is present. Doing so will damage the electronic circuitry. Observe the discharge time for the DC link capacitors.
3.4 Qualified Personnel
Installation, commissioning and maintenance of the ISD 410 servo system may only be carried out by qualified personnel. For the purposes of this document and the safety instructions in this document, qualified staff are trained staff who are authorised to fit, install, commission, earth and label equipment, systems and circuits in accordance with the standards for safety technology and who are familiar with the safety concepts of automation engineering.
Additionally, the personnel must be familiar with all the instructions and safety measures described in these operating instructions. They must have suitable safety equipment and be trained in first aid.
3.5 Due Diligence
The operator and/or fabricator must ensure that:
the servo system and its components are used
only as intended the components are operated only in a perfect
operational condition the operating instructions are always available
near the servo system in complete and readable form
the servo system and its components are fitted,
installed, commissioned and maintained only by adequately qualified and authorised personnel
these personnel are regularly instructed on all
relevant matters of occupational safety and environmental protection, as well as the contents of the operating instructions and in particular the instructions it contains
the product markings and identification markings
applied to the components, as well as safety and warning instructions, are not removed and are always kept in a legible condition
the national and international regulations
regarding the control of machinery and equipment, that are applicable at the place of use of the servo system, are complied with
the users always have all current information
relevant to their interests about the servo system and its use and operation
Intended Use
The components of the ISD servo system are intended to be installed in machines used in commercial and industrial environments.
To ensure that the product is used as intended, the following conditions must be fulfilled before use:
Everyone who uses Danfoss products in any
manner must read and understand the corresponding safety regulations and the description of the intended use
Hardware must be left in its original state, which
means that no structural changes may be made to the hardware
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 9
Safety Instructions
Software products may not be reverse-engineered
and their source code may not be altered Damaged or faulty products may not be installed
or put into service It must be ensured that the products are installed
in conformance with the regulations mentioned in the documentation
Any specified maintenance and service intervals
must be observed All protective measures must be complied with
Only the components described in these
operating instructions may be fitted or installed. Third-party devices and equipment may be used only in consultation with Danfoss
The documentation must be read completely and
correctly followed
The servo system may not be used in the following application areas:
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres
Mobile or portable systems
Floating or airborne systems
Inhabited facilities
Sites where radioactive materials are present
Areas with extreme temperature variations or in
which the maximum rated temperatures may be exceeded
Under water
Foreseeable Misuse
Any use not expressly approved by Danfoss constitutes misuse. This also applies to failure to comply with the specified operating conditions and applications.
Danfoss assumes no liability of any sort for damage attrib­utable to improper use.
10 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
RS232 Service
2 8
ISD Encoder Box
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
4 Description
The encoder box is intended to be used in an environment where several servo drives require an exact position in order to follow a specific curve profile, or to determine the speed at which the machine is running. The position can be read either from an externally connected encoder or from a software encoder simulation running on the encoder box.
The encoder box reads the position values from
an absolute or incremental encoder, applies a precise timestamp and sends them periodically to the CAN.
DS301 and DS406 of the CAN-CiA-Standard are
implemented in the encoder box.
The object dictionary is detailed in the VLT
ISD 410 Design Guide. The encoder box fulfils the requirements of class
2 encoders according to the DS406 CAN standard. When simulating the encoder the speed and
ramp can be set. If an error or unexpected event occurs the
encoder box transmits an emergency message (error code).
Every error is logged in the encoder box memory
and remains in the error history. However a maximum of 6 errors and 6 warnings are saved and older events are overwritten (first-in-first-out principle).
ISD Encoder Box Display
The display shows the operating status of the encoder box.
Illustration 4.1 Encoder Box Display
See chapter 7.1 Operating Display for detailed information on the display.
4 4
Supported Encoders
Encoder Description SSI All single-turn SSI encoders are compatible up to
28 bit.
SSI-CRC All single-turn SSI-CRC encoders are compatible up
to 28 bit. The CRC Polynomial is fixed and the CRC-Check can
be enabled or disabled. QEP All QEP encoders are compatible up to 24 bit. BiSS All single-turn BiSS encoders are compatible up to
32 bit.
The CRC polynomial can be parameterised.
Table 4.1 Supported Encoders
MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 11
1 2
ISD Connection Box
Failure Warning
Output (300V) OK
Output (90V) OK
300V OK
90V OK
Signal Outputs
Signal Inputs
ISD Power Supply Module
AC/DC Power Supply 300VDC 8/10A
Run/Err U
Warn Err
RS232 Service
2 8
Safety I Safety II
Fuse L I CAN 1.In CAN 2.In CAN 3.In CAN 4.I n CAN 5.In
X11 X12 X13 X14 X15
Fuse L II CAN 1.Out CAN 2.Out CAN 3.Out CAN 4.Out CAN 5.Out
X21 X22 X23 X24 X25
AC DC 300 V
ISD 410
ISD 410
VLT® ISD Encoder Box Operating Instructions
4.3 Connection Cable/Cabling
The encoder box is connected to the ISD servo system via the CAN bus. The encoder is connected via an RS 422 interface. The maximum cable length between the encoder box and the encoder is limited to 50 m, other than BiSS encoders with CRC at 8 MHz, which are limited to 10 m.
4.3.1 ISD Servo System with 1 Connection Box
The ISD servo system is set up with 1 connection box when the servomotors are used in ISD curve mode.
Illustration 4.2 ISD Servo System with 1 ISD Connection Box
No. 1 ISD Power Supply Module
Name Line Type Cross-section Flexible Cable
2 ISD Connection Box – 3 Feed cable Hybrid cable (DC & CAN) 4 Terminating resistor Connector with terminating
5 ISD Encoder Box
1 mm2 / 2.5 mm –
6 Master – – Ethernet Ethernet cable 4 x 2 x 0,27 mm², shielded
CAN line CAN cable (screened) – Encoder line Encoder cable – Loop cable Hybrid cable (DC & CAN) – DC cable Single wire – AC feed Single wire
Table 4.2 Legend to Illustration 4.2
twisted pairs (CAT 5) 4 x 0.25 mm 4 x 0.25 mm 1 mm2 / 2.5 mm
1.5 mm
1.5 mm
12 MG75F102 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
X (only with 2.5 mm2)
– – X (only with 2.5 mm2) – –
+ 30 hidden pages