© Danfoss | DCS (im) | 2016.102 | 180R9387 | 521B1430 | DKCFN.PI.013.1H.02
1. Introduction
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Disconnect the isave from the electric motor ............................................................................................. 3
3. Disassembling the booster / vane pump ...................................................................................................... 4
4. Disassembling the pressure exchanger .......................................................................................................12
5. Assembling the pressure exchanger ..............................................................................................................16
6. Assembling the booster/vane pump .............................................................................................................17
7. Continue assembling the pressure exchanger ...........................................................................................18
8. Continue assembling the booster/vane pump .........................................................................................20
9. Exploded view iSave 50-70 ................................................................................................................................25
10. iSave on baseplate, horizontal .........................................................................................................................26
11. iSave on foot, vertical .........................................................................................................................................27
This document illustrates instructions for
disassembling and assembling the iSave 50-70.
To understand the design of the iSave, see
exploded view on page 25.
Remove all hoses or pipes from the iSave
connectors by loosening the Victaulic
connections and disconnect the electrical cables
(only needed for the vertical version.)
Always use suitable lifting equipment.
It is essential that the iSave is serviced in
conditions of absolute cleanliness.
Tools needed to disassemble the iSave:
Parts included in tool set (180F4140):
• Back-up ring tool
• Bushing for valve plate
• M6 and M8 screws
• M6 and M16 washer
• Nut M6
• M8 lifting eye
• Shaft seal tool
• 24 mm crow foot socket
• 19 mm socket
• 3/8” extension
• 3/8” torque wrench
• 4 mm allen key
• Screwdrivers
• 6 mm, 10 mm and 16mm hex socket
• Nylon hammer
• 10 mm fork wrench
• Feeler gauge
• Service instruction
Parts not included in tool set:
Puller for coupling.
2 x M5 screws
To prevent cold welding, Danfoss recommend
only to use a food grade lubricants for all screw
threads for assembling the iSave (here after only
referred to as lubricate) and rst tighten the
screws by hand.
• The weight of the iSave, including a
18.5 kW IEC electric motor and base
frame, is about 462 kg (1020 lb) dry.
• The weight of the iSave alone dry is
about 164 kg (362 lb).