MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
The purpose of the InterBus-S /
PROFIBUS-DP-Gateway is to enable the
Danfoss VLT
5000 Frequency Converter
to be operated with the Field Bus system
InterBus-S. For this purpose, the
Gateway converts the InterBus-S
Telegrams to PROFIBUS-DP-T elegrams,
which are then transmitted to the VLT
Reporting back occurs in the same way.
The Gateway converts the PROFIBUS-
DP-T elegrams from the VLT
, which are
then tranmitted to the master via the
Gateway InterBus-S
The Gateway enables connection of up to
5000 with a PROFIBUS Option
14 VLT
Card. The Gateway sends continuous information of the selected PPO Type with
the actual pr ocess data block and the
actual parameter block to the VLTs .
As is usual with InterBus-S, connection of
the Gateway occurs in the form of a
r emote bus participant. However, t hi s
does not convert to the InterBus-S Local
Bus, but to PROFIBUS-DP. This also
means that the well-known limitations of
the local buses, such as max. 8 nodes,
r eady-made bus wire, maximum extension
8 metres, etc., no longer apply.
For communication on the PROFIBUS-DP,
ther e is a choice between PPO Types 1
( P rocess data and parameter interface) or
PPO T ypes 3 (process data only). Process
data is handled as I/Os, i.e. it is available
for the user in the I/O-ar ea of the PLC and
is transmitted with
every InterBus-S-cycle.
Parameterization of the VLT
via the parameter interface is ef fected via PCP Communication.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
P roperties of the PROFIBUS-DP
A maximum of 14 VLTs can be linked up using the PPO Type1 (12Byte) or the PPO
Type3 (4Byte). The selection of PPO Type
goes for all VLTs; mixed operation is not
permissible and will lead to an err or
The InterBus-S in-/output data is
p r ojected on the PROFIBUS-DP without
any interpr etation being of f ered. W ith one
exception, bit 10 of the contr ol wor d
(CW), is inverted. This ensur es that when
the PLC moves to Stop and resets all
outputs, the connected VLT s will stop,
too; also, when the InterBus-S
communication starts, it is ensur ed that
the VLT
5000 remain stopped.
Gateway InterBus-S
The PPO Type1 allows parameterization of
the VLTs , r etrieval of all values and parameters - including fault and diagnostic
data, as well as contr ol of the VLT
reporting back on its actual state.
The PPO Type3, on the other hand, allows
only control and r eporting back on the
state of the VLT
With respect to the functioning and handling of the parameter interface in PPO
Type1, please r efer to the manual on
PROFIBUS Option Card s for VLT
The baudrate on the PROFIBUS-DP is
1.5Mbaud, which means that the
maximum bus cable length is 100 m.
Further information is available fr om the
PROFIBUS manual for VLT
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP-Page
Before inserting the PROFIBUS Option Car d, the VLT® should be tur ned on and
parameter 620 should be set to "Initialize". Subsequently, remove the power and
insert the PROFIBUS Option Card. When the unit is turned back on, new
i ni ti al iz at io n is e ffected automatically. Be aware that all parameters will be set to
Factory setting!
If this sequence is not possible, or if the PROFIBUS Option Card has alr eady
been inserted, the keys DISPLAY/STATUS + MENU + OK must be pressed
simultaneously before tur ning on the VLT
keep the three keys pr essed until the message "Manual Initialize" appears in the
bottom line of the display window (see page 136 in MG.50.AX.02).
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
; subsequently, t u rn on the power and
Gateway InterBus-S
Configuration of the frequency
The following parameters are to be set
or checked, respectively:
Parameter 502-508
Motor coasting, quick-stop, DCbraking, start, reversing, reset, setup
selection, selection of digital refer ence,
this is wher e to decide if contr ol is going
to be via "BUS" only or via "Digital In-
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP
put" only, or via a combination of the
two. In the case of BUS-selection only,
all parameters should be set to "BUS" at
this point.
Parameter 512
Telegram profile
this is wher e to select the telegram Pr of il e, the profiles ar e descriped in the
PROFIBUS manual for VLT
Danfoss recommend to use Danfoss
Parameter 801
enter the Bus-Baudrate selected for your
Gateway, or leave the rate at "1.5
MBAUD". At present, the Gateway
baudrate has been set at a fixed rate of
Parameter 800
this is wher e to set "DP"; This is the
factory setting.
Parameter 803
Bus time out,
this time selection determines the delay
The parameters set on the VLT
are not activated until the
power supply has been cut off
and re-cycled.
after a BUS drop-out befor e a r eaction
fr om the fr equency converter is to ensue.
Parameter 804
Bus time out function,
select the r eaction after a BUS drop-out.
Parameter 904
PPO select,
enter the telegram desired, e.g. for PPO
Type1 enter "PPO type1", for PPO Type3
enter "PPO Type3". The PPO types ar e
descriped in the PROFIBUS manual for
Parameter 918
Station address,
this is wher e the station addr ess is
selected. The range of operation of the
Gateway is from 1-14, with attention
having to be given to thr oughgoing
addressing. The address range basically
begins at "1" and ends at the address of
the maximum number of units available.
This physical position at the BUS has no
influence on addressing.
Parameter 927
Access to parameter change,
this is wher e to select whether the parameter can be altered via the BUS,
("Enable"), or whether this possibility is to
be disabled ("Disable") .
Parameter 928
to p rocess contro l ,
like 927, although this is wher e i t i s t o b e
decided whether control i s going to be effected via the PROFIBUS ("Enable") o r
not ("Disable" ).
All other parameters are to be set in
accordance with the intended application,
as described in the product manual.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Notes concerning programming:
The fr equency converter can now be controlled via the BUS; this is ef fected simply
t h r ough setting or r eading of I/O-Bits.
Control w ord
As opposed to what is said in the product
manual about the PROFIBUS Option
Car d, bit number 10 has to be set at "0"
to enable control. This will ensur e that the
accepts the control word. The
Gateway automatically converts this bit to
a "1".
The control wo r d f o r:
starting forwar d is
047F Hex or 0000 0010 0111 1111.
starting r everse is
847F Hex or 0100 0100 0111 1111.
stopping with normal ramp (Param. 208) is
044F Hex or 0000 0100 0100 1111,
stopping with alter native ramp (Param.
210) is 064F Hex or 0000 0110 0100
Reference/Actual values
The r efe rence and the actual value of the
r etur ned are handled in a norm-set
format. The setting range goes fro m
-10000 for -100.00% up to +10000 for
+100.00%. The 100.00% corresponds to
4000 hex. Negative re fe r ence ar e
generated through the two's complement.
Example: equency = 0Hz;
Max.frequency = 50Hz
Desir ed is 25Hz corr esponding to 50% of
the max. rpm:
50.00% = 2000 hex =
0010 0000 0000 0000Binary
Gateway InterBus-S
For 25Hz with reversing = -50% of the
max. rpm:
50.00% = 2000 hex =
0010 0000 0000 0000Binary
reversal of a positive to a negative desir ed
If you would like to know more about
contr ol word, state-machine, ref erence
value, etc, please consult the pr oduct manual for the PROFIBUS Option Card .
Parameterization via the Bus is only
possible if using PPO Type1.
Parameterization is ef fected via PCP
Communication. The procedure i s a s
Order toReport from
IBS-master:VL T
W rite.RequestConfirmation
to master:
negative, r eporting
of er ror code
positive includes
the data of the
r equested parameter of the VLT
negative, r eporting
of er ror code
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Parameter interface in
W rite.Request
The parameter interface (PCV) of the VLT
5000 contains a total of 4 words. This
enables r eading and writing of paramet e r s, reading of arrays, writing, etc.
The parameter interface can be detailed
as follows:
1. Word (Parameter -Identification-Value,
PCA); in the lower 11 bits (bits 0..10) enter
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP
the parameter number, i n the upper four
bits (bits 12..15) select the desir ed action.
2. Word (Index/Subindex, IND); the byte
"Index" is only used if wanting to use
elements of an array. I n this case, enter
the index of the element in question. In
normal parameter actions, this byte is not
used. The byte subindex is intended for
subsequent extensions and is not used at
this point.
Gateway InterBus-S
5000, with bus address 2, the
parameter 202 maximum frequency is to
be changed to 80 Hz,
Parameter CA hex = 202
Action 2 = Change parameter value
3. + 4. Wo rd (Parameter Value, PV A) ; i n
the case of write action, this is where the
value of the selected parameter is enter ed. The thir d word is the High-Wo r d; the
fourth word is the Low-Wor d. The thir d
wor d is only used if parameter values
above 65535 are to b e transmitted.
Since values are not transmitted in
comma format, each parameter value
must be multiplied by a factor. The parameter factor in each case can be seen
from the manual for the PROFIBUS Option
Card .
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
The r equest on the PCP channel now
looks as follows:
All values in hex.
W rite.Request
No. of subsequent values
VLT®-AddressNo. of Bytes
High_Parameter value
Low_Parameter value
Successful completion is indicated in the
form of a positive confirmation.
I f al l VLTs a re to be parameterized at the
same time, a zero i s to be enter ed instead
of the VLT-address.
Parameter interface in
Responses from the VLT® to an or der
initiated pr eviosly via Write.Request. Data
is only available in the case of a positive
confirmation; if ther e is a negative
confirmation, an err or code is r eported.
1. Word (Parameter-Identification-Value,
PCA); in the lower 11 bits (bits 0..10) the
enters the parameter number; in the
upper four bits (bits 12..15) the type of
r esponse appears.
Gateway InterBus-S
Now the length of the data has to be
enter ed; since, however, this is only pr epared for the maximum layout, a length of
112 bytes has to be entered here. Now
follows the data of the VLTs, i n the sequence of their addresses.
3. + 4. Wo r d (Parameter value, PVA) ; this
is wher e the VLT
selected parameter. The thir d wor d is the
High-Wor d; the fourth word is the LowWor d. The thir d wor d is only used if parameter values above 65535 have been
Since the values to be transmitted are not
transmitted in comma format, the individual parameter value must be divided by a
factor to obtain the actual value. The individual parameter factor can be seen in the
manual for the PROFIBUS Option Card.
enters the value of the
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP
2. Word (Index/Subindex, IND); the byte
"Index" is only enter ed if elements of an
array have been accessed. In normal parameter actions, this byte is not used. The
byte subindex is intended for subsequent
extensions and is not used at this point.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
The r esponse fr om the VLT
5000 is to be
r ead onto the above order transmitted via
W rite.Request.
The order on the PCP Channel looks as
All values in hex.
P roperties of PROFIBUS-DP
No. of subsequent values
Refer ence
VLT-Addr essNo. of Bytes
After completion of the Read.Request, the
following data is obtained:
PC V: 10CA
Parameter CA hex = 202
Action 1 = Transmission of
parameter value
no Subindex
no Index
PVA:0000 0320
Parameter value_low =
320 hex = 800 =
80.0 x Factor 10
Parameter value_high = 0
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Properties of InterBus-S
The ID-Code of the Gateway : F1hex 241dec
32 wor ds, of which:
Bus width 4 to 32 wor ds
- 4 w ords PCP
- 0 - 28 words process data channel
(2 w ords per VLT
Length codes
Since all r egister widths ar e not possible in
InterBus-S, fill wor ds have to be enter ed in
some configurations of the gateway.
Furthermor e, not all InterBus-S-Masters
a r e able to serve a 4-wor d-wide PCP
Channel (Firmware versions befor e 4.0).
No. ofInterBus-SLength codeLength code
VLT® 5000Bus width1 word PCP4 words PCP
In this case another 3 words have to be
considered by the PCP Channel when
calculating the length code. The relevant
length codes for your configuration can be
seen fr om the following table:
Properties of InterBus-S
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
PCP Communication
Communication objects
Number of VLT® 5000
Index:5F A0 hex
Data type:Unsigned8
Properties of InterBus-S
This enables reading of the number of
fr equency converters expected on the
PROFIBUS side as set at the rotary
switch. This is not necessarily the number
o f f requency converters actually
State of the fr equency converter
Index:5FA2 hex
Data type: Subindex1: Unsigned
Subindex2: Unsigned
Access:Read only
I f al l VLT
tr oublefr ee at the bus, the two subindices
come out as zer o. I f t h ere is a disturbance of communication, subindex1 gives
the lowest address at which a communication err or occurred, while subindex2
p rovides more detailed information about
the err or in question.
set at the r otary switch work
Selected PPO Type
Index:5FA1 hex
Data type:Unsigned8
Access:Read only
PPO T ypeppo_type
PPO10 1 he x
PPO30 3 he x
This enables r eading of the PPO Type set
at the slide switch.
inv_state.2E rror type
01 hexVLT® not found
02 hexVLT
not in Data
03 hexMaster not active
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
InterBus-S Module err o r
Index:5FA3 hex
Data type:Boolean
If an InterBus-S-Slave detects an error,
the slave can r eport the err or to the
InterBus-S-Master. The master then
rejects the latest data cycle and begins an
identification cycle, by which the master
pinpoints the participant that r eported the
module erro r.
Baudrate on the PROFIBUS-DP
Gateway InterBus-S
Using stat_err, it is possible to select
whether, an error on the PROFIBUS-DPside is to trigger a module err or.
stat_err = FF hex module erro r i s
trigger e d
stat_err = 00 hex module error i s not
trigger e d
The pre-set value is FF hex, i.e. module
e r r or is activated as err or r eport.
Properties of InterBus-S
Index:5FA4 hex
Data type:Unsigned8
This enables reading and setting of the
baudrate at which work is carried out on
the PROFIBUS-side. In order to change
the baudrate, the PROFIBUS must be
stopped completely and initialized with
the new transmission speed.
At pr esent it is not possible to set
the baudrate. The baudrate has
been pr e-set permanently to
1.5MBaud and the object can only
be r ead.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
P C V -part of PPO1
Index:5FA5 hex
Symbol:PC V
Data type:1 4 OCTET_STRING
with 8 Octets each
This object services the purpose of
reading and writing the first 8 Octets
(PCV-part) of PPO Type1. The 14
Properties of InterBus-S
elements of object 5FA5 hex can be read
and written individually or jointly.
In o r der to r ead or write the PCV-part of a
connected VLT
, the number of the VLT
is transmitted as a subindex in addition to
the index in connection with
W rite.Request. See example on page 6.
W rite access:
Attempts at writing only r eceive a positive
confirmation handshake if the new value
enter ed can in fact be entered for the
frequency converter in question, i.e. if :
1 . PPO Type1 is used,
2 . the PROFIBUS-DP-Master is in
Operate mode
3.all frequency converters expected at
PROFIBUS-DP are in data exchange
4. New data has been sent to and re ceived by the PROFIBUS-DP at least
Read access:
I n o r der to r etur n the r esponse values of
the VLTs, the structur e must be r ead.
The data is interpr eted as a parameter and
combined with the corresponding value of
the pr ocess data channel to form a telegram. A validity test is not carried
Access to the two PPO objects is only
possible in accor dance with the switch
setting on the fr ont panel, i.e. if the switch
has been set to PPO Type3, the PPO
Type1 object cannot be r ead or written.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Communication reference list
The following changes are requir ed to the
CRL (Communication re fe rence list). This
can be done via the PLC or via the PC
p rogram SYSSWT. The pr ocedur e for a
Siemens-PLC can be seen from the program example.
Maximum PDU length:
high prior r equests / r esponses: 00 hex
low prior r equests / r esponses: 80 h ex
high prior indications /
confirmations:00 hex
low prior indications /
confirmations:80 hex
Error reporting in PCP
Err or_Class _"Access“ (06 hex):
E rror CodeAdditionalDescription
Error Code
05 hexobject-attribute-inconsistent
10 hexbad-subindex
The transmitted subindex does not match the object in use
12 hextoo-much-data
Mor e data bytes wer e transmitted than can be used for writing
the object
13 hextoo-few-data
Fewer data bytes wer e transmitted than were required for writing
the object
08 hextype-conflict
An attempt was made to give a variable a value outside its value range
In server operation the following services
a re supported:
Properties of InterBus-S
E r r or_Class _Access“ (08 hex):
E rror CodeAdditionalDescription
Error Code
00 hexother
1 hexnot-pr ojected
The transmitted subindex in object PCV was bigger than the
p r e-set VLT
2 hexnot-existent
In write access in object PCV at least one VLT
9 hexbad-data-value
The transmitted data value does not match the object intended
for use
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
was not found
Gateway InterBus-S
Technical data
Supply voltage: 24 V-DC ±1 0 % 240 mA
Oscillation test[ g ]0,7
Relative humidity[%]VDE 0160
Ambient temperatur e (as in VDE 0160)[° C ]0 → +60
Technical data
EMC Standards appliedEmissionEN 50081-2, EN 55011
ImmunityEN 50082-2, IEC 1000-4-2,
IEC 1000-4-3, IEC 1000-4-4,
ENV 50140
ENV 50141
Examples of connection
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Connection of the PROFIBUS
bus wire
On the last VLT® the bus terminating r esistor must be activated; for this purpose,
switches S1 on the PROFIBUS Option
Card is to be switched into the ON position.
The cable screen must be connected to
the VLT enclosure by means of the clamp
placed beside the control c ard a t the left
side of the VLT.
Connection of the Interbus-S
bus wire
Gateway InterBus-S
At the Gateway the cable screen must be
connected to the housing of the Sub-D
connectors by means of the clamp inside
the connector.
Technical data
Pins 5 and 9 must be bridged
in the IBS IN plug, if nothing is
connected to the IBS OUT plug.
(See above regarding connection of the cable screen).
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
Display messages
all voltages ar e ok
InterBus-S active, Master is connected
Technical data
and active
InterBus-S is ok, data exchange is
Operating elements
Number of DP-Slaves
Hex-r otary switch for the number of
connected VLTs, setting > 14 leads to a
flashing LED "DP ok"
Slide switches for the selection of PPO
Type1 or PPO Type3, all VLT
be set to the same PPO Type.
The positions of these two switches are
adopted at Power-Up. If these ar e
displaced during operation, the LED
"DP ok" flashes
3000 must
PCP transmission is in progr ess
DP ok
PROFIBUS-DP is ok, all participants
selected on the rotary switch communicate
the gateway is transmitting via the
Terminals and plugs
3 terminals:
Voltage supply 24 V-DC (+ ; -);
Enclosur e IP20
Terminal rail housing LDG-A30
Dimensions: 112x100x75 (HxLxW)
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Example of program for Siemens
The following example shows how the
communication to a VLT
to the gateway is controlled.
5000 connected
Gateway InterBus-S
P rogram references
is the Communication-Request-DB; this is
where the or ders for the PCP Communication ar e supported
Example of program for Siemens S5-115U
Also, in this example, the VLT
is parame-
terized by way of PCP Communication.
Example layout
S5-115U with an Interbus-S-Master
module, IBS/DP-gateway with a VLT
5000 that has a PROFIBUS Option Card.
Setting of the Interbus-S-Master
Selection of startOperating mode
and operatingcontrolled
W indow 1:Basic address =
P-range upwards of 32
Length= 64 Bytes
W indow 2:Basic address =
P-range upwards of 128
Length= 32 Bytes
W indow 3:Basic address =
P-range upwards of 200
Required FBs
(Function Blocks)
For communication via PCP, the following
FCs are r equired - and can be obtained
from Phoenix:
is the Communication-Confirmation-DB;
this is wher e the PCP Communication
enters the r esponses
FW 20
is the activation wor d for PCP Communication
FW 22
is the r eporting wor d for PCP Communication
F 224.1
activates the Download.
The Contr ol word for the VLT
is located
i n QW38, the Desired value in QW40
The Status word of the VLT
is located in
IW38, the Actual value in IW40
Starting the VLT
The VLT® starts when the lower Bit-7 in
QB39 has been set. Stopping can be
achieved by zeroing of this bit. In this
context, ther e is a choice of motor
coasting, quick-stop and normal stop.
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Setting the PDU length in PCP
On the basis of the possibility of having 14
VLTs connected to the gateway, t h e re is a
need for an extended PDU length. The
following example shows how in the SPS
start-up the PDU length can be changed
in CRL. For further information concer ning
the PCP Communication please see the
manual for the InterBus-S-Master.
All start-up components first branch into
FB210, which carries out the configuration of the InterBus-S-Master assembly.
Example of program for Siemens S5-115U
Gateway InterBus-S
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
OB 20
:JUF B210;Initialization of the IBS-module
OB 21
:JUF B210;Initialization of the IBS-module
OB 22
:JUF B210;Initialization of the IBS-module
: JUFB 62
IBDB :DB 9InterBus Data block
CIDB :FY 18CON/IND caption table
T:T 1T imer
T O:F 8.3Time Out
: LKB 1
:TFY 201
:OF 0.0
: O NF 0.0
:=F 0.1
:AF 224.1Activation for Download
: AF 200.5Activation for FB1
:JCFB 1Parameterization VLT1
STRC :F 200.0Auxiliary flag
STR1 :F 200.1Auxiliary flag
STR2 :F 200.2Auxiliary flag
R D B :DB 23Request-DB
C D B :D B 21Confirmation-DB
VLT:FY201VLT Addres s
AKTI :F21.0Activation for PCP Communication
PKEW :F W 210PCAto the VLT
PA RW :F W 212Parameter value to the VLT
Example of program for Siemens S5-115U
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
PKER :F W 214PCA from the VLT
PA R R :F W 216Parameter value from the VLT
PCPR :F200.3
E R R:F200.6
O K:F200.7
:OF200.6;If error, r everse activation
: AF200.7;OK-report fr o m FB 1
:AF224.1;Activation for Download
P D B:D B 100DB with Download data
COUN:F W 220Parameter counter
Example of program for Siemens S5-115U
ANZA :KF +17Number of parameters
PKEW:F W 210PCA to the VLT
PA R W :F W 212Parameter value to the VLT
O K:F200.7OK-report fr o m F B1
STRT :F200.5Start for FB1
ZEIG :F W 222Parameter indicator
INIT:F224.0Download initialized
: JUFB 66
IBDB :D B 9InterBus Data block
RRDB :FY 19REQ/RES caption table
T O:F8.4Time Out
Gateway InterBus-S
FB 210
:SF8.0Activation bit: INITIB
:TF W 18DB PCP caption tables
M002 :AF8.0
:JC FB 60
IBDB :D B 9InterBus Data block
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT is a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
Gateway InterBus-S
FEN3 :KF +200Basic address: Window 3
AV:KF +1Controlled operation / r eport r eleased
RRST :D B 23REQ/RES Standard DB
CIST :DB 21CON/IND Standard DB
RRMW:KF +20Activation wor d
CIMW:K F + 22Report word
CIFB :FY 63Auxiliary driver CON/IND
STEP :FY9Inter nal flag byte
BUSY :F8.0Activation bit
T O:F8.1Time Out
R E T:F8.2Return value
: AF8.0
:JC =M001
M001 :JUFB 62
IBDB :D B 9InterBus Data block
T O:F8.3Time Out
Example of program for Siemens S5-115U
:**** Change PDU length ********
:change in CRL, here o nl y !! !
:TF Y100Function 8
: LKF+25
:TFY101DB-Number is 25
:TFY102upwards o f D W 1
: ANF8.0No BUSY-Signal fr o m FB60
IBDB :D B 9InterBus DB
T:T5Timer No.5
FKT:FY100Function (8) Receive CRL
D B:FY101DB-Number
D W:FY102upwards of D W
BUSY :F103.0
T O:F103.1
MG.10.G1.51 – VLT i s a r egister ed Danfoss trademark
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.