Before installing ICAD on ICM please read
the separate installation guide
“Mechanical intallation of ICAD on ICM”
(document nu mber AN2852526 68332).
Vor Montage des ICAD auf das ICM bitte
die separate Montageanleitung
„Mechanische Montage des ICAD
auf das ICM” (Dokument Nummer
AN2852526 68332) lesen.
Avant d’installer ICAD sur l’ICM, veuillez
lire le guide d’installation séparé
« Installation mécanique d’ICAD sur l’ICM »
(document nu méro AN2852526 68332).
Antes de instalar el ICAD en el ICM, lea la
guía de instalación por separado
«Instalación mecánica del ICAD en el ICM»
(número de documento AN285252668332).
Info for UK customers only:Danfoss Ltd. Oxford Road, UB9 4LH Denham, UK
AN19798642980802-000802 | 1
ICAD 600A / ICAD 600ATS / ICA D 1200A
24 V DC
C 315A
A (Black)
B (Brown)
C (Red)
D (Orange)
E (Yellow)
F (Green)
G (Blue)
ABlack / Schwarz / noir / Negro–
BBrown / Braun / Marron / Marrón–
CRed / Rot / rouge / Rojo–
4 pin male connector
connecteur mâle
à 4 broches
Conector macho
de 4 terminales
8 pin male connector
connecteur mâle
à 8 broches
Conector macho
de 8 terminales
ICAD 600A/1200A - Analog I/O for modulating control/Analoger E/A für die modulierende Regelung/E/S analogique pour régulation modulante/E/S analógica para control modulante
IIWhite / Weiß / Blanc / Blanco+ Supply voltage 24 V DC/Versorgungsspannung 24 V DC
IIIBrown / Braun / Marron / Marrón–
*Uninterruptible Power Supply / Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung /
Alimentation sans interruption / Fuente de alimentación ininterrumpida
du marché
Common Alarm/Sammelalarm /
Alarme commune/Alarma común
Valve fully open/Ventil voll geöffnet/Vanne totalement
ouverte/Válvula completamente abierta
Valve fully closed/Ventil voll geschlossen/Vanne
totalement fermée/Válvula completamente cerrada
Fail safe supply - Battery/UPS* 19 V DC /
Eigensichere Stromversorgung – Batterie/USV* 19 V DC
Alimentation de sécurité - Batterie/onduleur* 19 V CC
Alimentación de seguridad (batería/SAI*, 19 V CC)
Tension d’alimentation 24 V CC
Tensión de alimentación, 24 V CC
Digital output
Digitaler Ausgang
Sortie numérique
Salida digital
Analog in/output
Analoger Ein-/Ausgang
Entrée/sortie analogique
Entrada/salida analógica
Terminal box
Caja terminal
Control cable / Regelkabel /
Câble de commande /
Cable de control
Supply cable / Versorgungskabel /
Câble d’alimentation / Cable de
A (Black)
B (Brown)
C (Red)
D (Orange)
E (Yellow)
F (Green)
G (Blue)
Only possible with EKC 347
Nur mit EKE 347 möglich.
Possible uniquement avec l’EKE 347
Sólo posible con EKE 347
EKC 347
EKC 361
Terminal box
Caja terminal
Control cable / Regelkabel /
Câble de commande /
Cable de control
Supply cable / Versorgungskabel /
Câble d’alimentation / Cable de
A (Black)
B (Brown)
C (Red)
D (Orange)
E (Yellow)
F (Green)
G (Blue)
Only possible with EKE 347
Nur mit EKE 347 möglich.
Possible uniquement avec l’EKE 347
Sólo posible con EKE 347
Only possible with EKE 347
Nur mit EKE 347 möglich.
Possible uniquement avec l’EKE 347
Sólo posible con EKE 347
EKE 34
ICAD 600A/600A-TS/1200A - Digital I/O for ON/OFF valve operation / Digitaler E/A für EIN/AUS-Ventilbetrieb /E/S numérique pour marche/arrêt de la vanne /E/S digital para control de válvula ON/OFF
Do not install ICAD before welding. This apply
for electrical as well as for mechanical installation. Please observe that ICAD when connected
to 24 V DC, will send out acoustic noise at stand
still. This has no influence on the function/
operation of the ICAD.
If media temperature is lower than
-30 °C (-22 °F) it is mandatory to set
parameter ¡30 and ¡31.
See separate document attached in ICAD
box: document number AN285243155312
ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS and ICAD 1200A can
be used together with the following Danfoss
valves (fig. 1, 5a and 5b).
ICM 25ICM 50
ICM 32ICM 65
ICM 100
ICM 125
ICM 150
CVE pilot valve
Electrical data
Supply voltage is galvanically isolated from in-/
Supply voltage
24 V DC (Tolerances; see below table)
Load ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS: 1.2 A
ICAD 1200A: 2.0 A
24 Volt DC ONLY
Please observe cable voltage drop.
Distance between the applied DC
transformer and the ICAD terminal
box may cause a voltage drop. Cross
section of cables and size of DC
transformer must be calculated so that
the voltage at all time at the ICAD terminal box*, both during standstill and during
operation of ICAD, is within this range:
ICAD cable length
Code number
Voltage ICAD terminal
(600A/1200A) [V DC]
* Do not meas ure inside the ICAD i tself.
Fail safe supply
24 V DC (Tolerances; see table above)
Load ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS: 1.2 A
ICAD 1200A: 2.0 A
Anolog Input - Current or Voltage
0/4 – 20 mA
Load: 200 W
0/2 – 10 V DC
Load: 10 kW
Analog Output
0/4 – 20 mA
Load: ≤ 250 W
Digital Input - Digital ON/OFF input by means of
voltfree contact (Signal/Telecom relays with goldplated contacts recommended) – Voltage input used
for ICAD can be used, but
please note that the
galvanically isolated system
will then be spoiled).
15 m
Temperature range (ambient)
-30 °C/+50 °C (-22 °F/122 °F)
IP67 (~NEMA 6)
Electrical connection
Connection to ICAD is done via M12 connectors.
ICAD has two M12 male connectors build-in:
Power supply: 4 poled M12 male connector
Control signals: 8 poled M12 male connector
If ICAD is delivered with cables (1.5 m. (60 in.))
M12 female connectors: (Cable set with M12
female connectors in other lengths are available)
Power Supply cable with 4 poled M12
female connector
3 x 0.34 mm2 (3 x ~22 AWG) (fig. 6)
I: Black (+) 19 – 24 V DC fail safe
supply (optional).
II: White (+) 24 V DC
III: Brown (–) 24 V DC
Control cable with 8 poled M12
female connector
7 x 0.25 mm2 (7 x ~24 AWG) (fig. 7)
A: Black (–) Digital output.
Common Alarm.
B: Brown (–) Digital output.
ICM fully open.
C: Red (–) Digital output.
ICM fully closed.
D: Orange (–) GND - Ground.
E: Yellow (+) Analog input
0/4 – 20 mA. *)
F: Green (+) Analog input 0/2 – 10 V /
DI1 - Digital ON/OFF
G: Blue (+) Analog output
0/4 – 20 mA. *)
*) If Neutral zone / 3 point control is
selected (parameter i02 = 3) then
E and G is used as DI2 - Digital
ON/OFF input. Se fig. 9.
Electrical installation
General procedure for ICAD 600A/ICAD
600A-TS/1200A installed on all ICM, ICMTS & CVE
All necessary electrical connections to be made.
ICM valve: Analog or digital operation
CVE/ICMTS valve: Analog only
Fig. 6
Analog operation - 7 wired cable (A-G)
Modulation control. Valve to be controlled
from Danfoss electronics, type EKC/EKE (fig.
7), or third party electronics
(like e.g. PLC).
Connect analog input signals. Currrent
(mA) or Voltage (V). See Parameter list for
configuration of analog input signals.
Yellow (+) and Orange (GND) are used for
current (mA) input.
Green (+) and Orange (GND) are used for
Voltage (V) input.
Blue (+) and Orange (GND) are used
for current (mA) output (optional, not
Fig. 6
Digital operation - 7 wired cable (A-G)
ON/OFF ICM solenoid valve operation. ICM
valve to be controlled by means of a digital
voltfree contact.
Connect digital input signals (fig. 8). See
Parameter list for configuration of digital
input signals.
Green (+) and Orange (GND) are connected
to a voltfree contact.
Digital output signals are optional, not
Black (–) and Orange (GND) are connected
to auxiliary relay for Common Alarm.
Brown (–) and Orange (GND) are connected
to an auxiliary relay indicating ICM fully
Red (–) and Orange (GND) are connected
to an auxiliary relay indicating ICM fully
Supply voltage - 3 wired cable (I, II, III)
ICAD must be connected to a normal
24 V DC supply. As an option, a fail safe
supply is possible by means of a battery or
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). When
voltage is applied as described below, ICAD is
ready to be configurated. See Parameter list.
ICAD configuration can be done
independently whether the ICAD is installed
on the valve or not.
See Mechanical installation.
Connect the White (+) and Brown (–) to a
24 V DC supply voltage (fig. 6).
Fail safe supply as an option (not mandatory).
Connect the Black (+) and Brown (–) to a fail
safe supply.
Mechanical installation
General procedure for ICAD 600A/ICAD
600A-TS/1200A installed on all valves (fig. 3).
Check that the three socket set screws are
fully unscrewed counter clockwise with a
2.5 mm Hexagon key.
Mount ICAD by slowly lowering it on top of
the valve.
The magnet coupling will drag the valve and
ICAD together and in position.
Push ICAD in place.
Fasten valve and ICAD with the three socket
set screws using a 2.5 mm Hexagon key.
Special moisture seal is damaged if
screws are removed (fig. 3, pos. A)
Neutral zone / 3 point control (fig. 9 - ICM only)
¡02 = 3
When ¡02 = 3 the factory setting of ¡04
(opening) and ¡14 (closing) are both set to 10.
When ¡02 = 3 the speed given by ¡04 (opening)
and ¡14 (closing) are active
¡13 (Inverse operation) is active
¡16 = 1 (Encoder operation enable) is active.
¡13 = 0 (Direct operation)
DI1 = DI2 = OFF
ICAD/ICM maintain current position
DI1 = DI2 = ON
ICAD/ICM maintain current position
DI1 = ON, DI2 = OFF
ICAD increase opening degree
DI1 = OFF, DI2 = ON
ICAD decrease opening degree
¡13 = 1 (Inverse operation)
DI1 = DI2 = OFF
ICAD maintain current position
DI1 = DI2=ON
ICAD maintain current position
DI1 = ON, DI2 = OFF
ICAD decrease opening degree
DI1 = OFF, DI2 = ON
ICAD increase opening degree
When voltage is applied for the first time
the display on the ICAD (fig. 2) will alternate
between showing: Actual opening degree and
A1 indicates an alarm which corresponds
to: No valve selected. See Alarms for further
Please observe that when the correct valve is
entered in parameter ¡26 (see Parameter list)
an automatic calibration is carried out. I.e it is
not necessary to carry out another calibration in
parameter ¡05.
During calibration “CA” will be flashing in the
The ICAD will briefly display “CS” every time the
valve is going to close and reach 0%.
General Operation
ICAD is equipped with an MMI (Man Machine
Interface) from which it is possible to see and
change different parameters to adapt the ICAD
and the corresponding valve to the actual
refrigeration application. The operation of
parameters is done by means of the integrated
ICAD MMI (fig. 2) and consists of:
Gives access to change a value once the
Parameter list has been accessed.
Acknowledge and save change of value of
a parameter.
To exit from the Parameter list and return
to the display of Opening Degree (OD) keep
the push button activated for 2 seconds.
Up arrow push button (fig. 2, pos. 3)
Increases parameter number by 1 for each
Display (fig. 2, pos. 4)
Normally the Opening Degree (OD)
0 - 100 % of the valve is displayed. No
activation of push buttons for 20 seconds
means that the display will always show
OD. Like below:
Displays the parameter
Displays the actual value of a parameter.
Displays the status by means of text
(fig. 2, pos. 4).
Mod represents that ICAD is positioning the
ICM, ICMTS or CVE valve according to an
analog input signal (Current or Voltage).
Low represents that ICAD is operating the
ICM valve like an ON/OFF solenoid valve
with low speed according to a digital input
Med represents that ICAD is operating the
ICM valve like an ON/OFF solenoid valve
with medium speed according to a digital
input signal.
High represents that ICAD is operating the
ICM valve like an ON/OFF solenoid valve
with high speed according to a digital input
signal. Like below:
ICAD can handle and display different alarms.
If an alarm has been detected the display at
ICAD (fig. 2) will alternate between showing
actual alarm and present Opening Degree.
If more than one alarm is active at the same
time only the alarm with the highest priority
will appear. A1 has the highest priority, A9 the
Any active alarm will activate the Common
Digital Alarm output (Normally Open).
All alarms will automatically reset them-selves
when they physically disappear.
Old alarms (alarms that have been active, but
have physically disappeared again) can be found
in parameter ¡11.
Disposal Note
The Product contains
electrical components
And may not be
disposed together
with domestic waste.
Equipment must be separate collected with
Electrical and Electronic waste. According to
Local and currently valid legislation.
Down arrow push button
(fig. 2, pos. 1)
decreases parameter number by 1 for each
Enter push button (fig. 2, pos. 2)
Gives access to the Parameter list by
keeping the push button activated for 2
seconds. A Parameter list is shown below
(parameter ¡08):
No Valve type selectedA1Alarm ON
Controller faultA2Alarm ON
AI input errorA3Alarm ON
Low voltage of fail safe
Check supply to ICADA5Alarm ONIf supply voltage < 18 V
Calibration extended
Internal temperature
POM mode
(Preventive Operational
ICAD alarm
Definition of
A4Alarm ON
A6Alarm ON
A7Alarm ON
A8Alarm ON
At start-up A1 will be displayed
Internal fault inside electronics.
Carry out:
1) Power OFF and Power ON
If A2 still active.
2) Make a Reset to factory setting
If A2 still active. Return ICAD to Danfoss
Not active if ¡01 = 2, or ¡02 = 2
When ¡03 = 1 and AI A > 22 mA
When ¡03 = 2 and AI A > 22 mA
or AI A < 2 mA
When ¡03 = 3 and AI A > 12 V
When ¡03 = 4 and AI A > 12 V
or AI A < 1 V
If 5 V < fail safe supply
<18 V. Enabled by
Check valve type selected.
Check presence of foreign body internally in valve
Temperature for stepper motor component too high.
Ventilate/lower ambient ICAD temperature
Temperature for stepper motor component too high.
Ventilate/lower ambient ICAD temperature.
Only active if
If ICAD meets too high torque from ICM valve
(increased friction/sticking surfaces) ICAD automatic
goes into POM mode to overcome lost step.
(See ¡18 and ¡21)
Parameter list - Valid from: (¡58:14, ¡59:45) and onwards
The first parameter to be entered shall be: ¡26
OD (Opening degree)-0100%-
Main Switch¡01121
AI signal¡03142
In Modulating Mode
In ON/OFF Mode
Opening speed
In Neutralzone/
3 point control
Opening speed = 10
Automatic calibration¡05020-No
AO signal¡06022
Fail safe supply¡08010
DI function¡09121
Old Alarms¡11A1A99--No
OD at power cut.¡12010050
Inverse operation¡13010
Min Max
¡041100 50/ 100
Stored Unit
ICM/ICMTS valve Opening Degree (CVE pressure setting) is displayed during normal
Running display value (see ¡01, ¡05).
Internal main switch
1: Normal operation
2: Manual operation. Valve Opening Degree will be flashing. With the down
arrow and the up arrow push buttons the OD can be entered manually.
Operation mode
1: Modulating – ICM, ICMTS & CVE positioning according to Analog Input (see ¡03)
2: ON/OFF - ICM only. Operating the ICM valve like an ON/OFF solenoid valve
controlled via Digital Input. See also ¡09.
3: Neutralzone / 3 point control - ICM only. Increase/Decrease Opening Degree by
Digital Input. See fig. 9
Type of AI signal from external controller
1: 0 – 20 mA
2: 4 – 20 mA
3: 0 – 10 V
4: 2 – 10 V
Speed can be decreased. Max. speed is 100 % - Not active in manual operation (¡01 = 2)
For CVE the speed should not exceed 50 (factory setting)
If ¡26= 1 - 3 then factory setting =100
If ¡26= 4 - 10 then factory setting =50
If the valve is opening and (¡04 < = 33) or the valve is closing and (¡14 < = 33)
=> Low is displayed.
If the valve is opening and (33 < If ¡04 < = 66) or the valve is closing and (33 < If ¡14 < = 66)
=> Med is displayed.
If the valve is opening and (¡04 > = 67) or the valve is closing and (¡14 > = 67)
=> High is displayed"
Not active before ¡26 has been operated.
Always auto reset to 0.
CA will flash in the display during calibration,
if Enter push button has been activated for two seconds
0: No Calibration
1: Normal forced calibration - CA flashing slowly
2: Extended calibration – CA flashing rapidly"
Type of A0 signal for ICM valve position
0: No signal
1: 0 – 20 mA
2: 4 – 20 mA
Define condition at power cut and fail safe supply is installed.
1: Close valve
2: Open Valve
3: Maintain valve position
4: Go to OD given by ¡12"
Fail safe supply connected and enable of A4 alarm:
0: No
1: Yes
Define function when DI is ON (short circuited DI terminals) when ¡02 = 2
1: Open ICM valve (DI = OFF = > Close ICM valve)
2: Close ICM valve (DI = OFF = > Open ICM valve)
Enter number to access password protected parameters: ¡26
Password = 11
Old alarms will be listed with the latest shown first. Alarm list can be reset by means
of activating down arrow and up arrow at the same time for 2 seconds.
Only active if ¡07 = 4
If fail safe supply is connected and power cut occurs, the valve will go to the specified OD.
When ¡02 = 1
0: Increasing Analog Input signal => Increasing ICM Opening Degree
1: Increasing Analog Input signal => Decreasing ICM Opening Degree
When ¡02 = 3
0: DI1 = ON, DI2 = OFF => Increasing valve Opening Degree.
DI1 = OFF, DI2 = ON => Decreasing valve Opening Degree
DI1 = DI2 = OFF => ICAD/ICM maintain current position
DI1 = DI2 = ON => ICAD/ICM maintain current position
1: DI1 = ON, DI2 = OFF => Decreasing ICM Opening Degree
DI1 = OFF, DI2 = ON => Increasing ICM Opening Degree
DI1 = DI2 = OFF => ICAD/ICM maintain current position
DI1 = DI2 = ON => ICAD/ICM maintain current position
In Neutralzone/
3 point control
Closing speed = 10
Manual set point¡1501000-NoWhen ¡01= 2, ¡15 determine the start up value
Encoder operation¡16011
Forced closing when
ICM valve Opening
Degree < 3%
Action when ICAD is
losing step
See Note 1
Delay after boost,
before A9 alarm
See Note 1
Max offset value
See Note 1
Define how to Reset/
Suppress A9 alarm
See Note 1
Reset delay for A9
See Note 1
Valve configuration¡26090
Running current
Holding current factor¡3102010
Min Max
¡140100 50/100
StoredUnitPassword Comments
-Ye s
MinutesNoTime delay between two boosts. Linked to ¡18 function
%Ye s
-Ye s
-Ye s
-Ye s
See ¡04. Not applicable to CVE
If ¡26= 1 - 3 then factory setting = 100
If ¡26= 4 - 10 then factory setting = 50
NB: Password protected. Password = 7
0: Encoder disabled. Means ICAD operation as ICAD 600A/ICAD 600A-TS/1200A
without encoder.
1: Encoder enabled
Enable/Disable forced closing. Not applicable to CVE
0: When ICM valve Opening Degree < 3% it will be forced to close regardless of
requested ICM valve Opening Degree
1: When ICM valve Opening Degree < 3% no forced to closing will take place
Action when ICAD is losing step.
0: A boost starts if lost step is detected. After 15 sec, the A9 alarm is flashing and
DO A Common Alarm is ON.
A second boost starts after the time in ¡19 has elapsed. If the second boost cyklus
does not bring the valve back in operation a forced calibration is carried out.
3: A9 alarm flashing after 15 sec. DO A Common Alarm ON. ICAD is locked in
actual position.
No boost cyklus, Reset by Power OFF/ON, regardless of setting ¡21
6: Boost cyklus starts if lost step is detected.
After 3 boost cyklus the A9 alarm is flashing and DO A Common Alarm is ON.
Time interval between boost is set in ¡19.
The boost cyklus continues until the valve is back in operation.
Offset value (numeric)=Requested Opening Degree [%] from Analog Input Opening Degree [%] from encoder (Used with ¡21)
Define how to Reset/Suppress A9 alarm. A9 alarm means A9 flashing in display
and DO Common Alarm ON
0: Reset by Power OFF/ON
1: Autoreset when ICAD have succeeded to come back into normal operation.
Normal operation defined as: Offset value < ¡20 (Max offset value) and ¡22
(delay) has elapsed.
2: A9 alarm is suppressed, meaning no A9 flashing in display and DO Common
Alarm remains OFF
Reset delay for A9. Use when ¡21= 1
OBSERVE: ¡22 is recommended always to be bigger than ¡19 (¡22>¡19)
NB: Password protected. Password = 11
0: No valve selected. Alarm A1 will become active
1: ICM 20 with ICAD 600A / ICMTS 20 with ICAD 600A-TS
2: ICM 25 with ICAD 600A
3: ICM 32 with ICAD 600A
4: ICM 40 with ICAD 1200A
5: ICM 50 with ICAD 1200A
6: ICM 65 with ICAD 1200A
7: ICM 100 with ICAD 1200A
8: ICM 125 with ICAD 1200A
9: ICM 150 with ICAD 1200A
10: CVE pilot with ICAD 1200A
Password=19. Mandatory to set, if ICM/ICADs are installed/serviced, with cold
liquid (-30 °C (-22 °F) or lower) passing through ICM valve.
See also document number AN285243155312
Note 1:
After a parameter change, it is necessary to carry out a Power OFF/ON
OD %¡500100-%-ICM valve Opening Degree / CVE pressure setting
AI [mA]¡510100-mA-AI signal
AI [V]¡520100-V-AI signal
AO [mA]¡530100-mA-A0 signal
DO Close¡5501---DO Closed status. ON when OD < 3 %
DO Open¡5601---DO Open status. ON when OD > 97 %
DO Alarm¡5701---DO alarm status. ON when a Alarm is detected
Display mP SW ver. ¡580100---Software version for display microprocessor
Motor mP SW ver. ¡590100---Software version for motor microprocessor
Min Max
Stored Unit Password Comments
DI signals. Depending of ¡02
If ¡02 = 2, one digits are shown. See fig. 8
0 : DI1 = OFF
1 : DI1 = ON
If ¡02 = 3, two digits are shown. See fig. 9
00 : DI1 = OFF, DI2 = OFF
10 : DI1 = ON, DI2 = OFF
01 : DI1 = OFF, DI2 = ON
11 : DI1 = ON, DI2 = ON
Reset to factory setting:
1. Remove the power supply.
2. Activate down arrow and up arrow push buttons at the same time.
3. Connect the power supply.
4. Release down arrow and up arrow push buttons.
5. When the display on ICAD (fig. 2) is alternating between showing: CA and A1 the
Den ICAD nicht vor dem Schweißen installieren.
Dies gilt für die elektrische und die mechanische
Installation. Bitte beachten: Sobald der ICAD an
24 VDC angeschlossen ist "brummt" der Motor !
Dies hat keinen Einfluss auf die Funktion
bzw. den
Betrieb des ICAD.
Falls die Medientemperatur unter
-30 °C (-22 °F) liegt, müssen Parameter
¡30 und ¡31 eingestellt werden.
Siehe separates Dokument in der
ICAD-Box: Dokument Nummer
ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS und ICAD 1200A
können zusammen mit folgenden DanfossVentilen verwendet werden (Abb. 1, 5a und 5b).
ICM 25ICM 50
ICM 32ICM 65
ICM 100
ICM 125
ICM 150
Elektrische Daten
Die Versorgungsspannung ist galvanisch vom
Ein-/Ausgang getrennt.
24 V DC (Toleranzen; siehe Tabelle unten)
Last ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS: 1,2 A
ICAD 1200A: 2,0 A
NUR 24 V DCBitte den Spannungsabfall im Kabel
Durch den Abstand zwischen
eingesetztem GleichstromTransformator und ICAD-Anschlusskasten
wird ein Spannungsabfall auftreten. Der
Kabelquerschnitt und die Größe des
Gleichstrom-Transformators müssen so
berechnet werden, dass die Spannung am ICAD-Anschlusskasten*, immer, d. h. bei einem
Stillstand und während des ICAD-Betriebs,
innerhalb dieses Bereichs liegt:
1,5 m
3 m
10 m
Vorgefertigte ICAD-Kabellänge
Spannung ICAD-Klemme
(600A/1200A) [V DC]
* Die Messu ng nicht im ICAD durc hführen.
15 m
Eigensichere Stromversorgung
24 V DC (Toleranzen; siehe Tabelle oben)
Last ICAD 600A, ICAD 600A-TS: 1,2 A
ICAD 1200A: 2,0 A
Analoger Eingang – Strom oder Spannung
0/4–20 mA
Wiederstand: 200 W
0/2–10 V DC
Wiederstand: 10 kW
Analoger Ausgang
0/4–20 mA
Wiederstand: ≤ 250 W
Digitaler Eingang – EIN/AUS-Eingang mit
potenzialfreien Kontakten (Signal-/Telecom-Relais
mit vergoldeten Kontakten werden empfohlen)
– verwendeter Spannungseingang
EIN: Kontaktwiderstand < 50 W
AUS: Kontaktwiderstand > 100 kW
Digitaler Ausgang – 3 Stk. NPN-Transistorausgang
Externe Versorgung: 5 – 24 V DC (Gleiche
Versorgung wie für den
ICAD kann verwendet werden.
Bitte beachten, dass dann das
galvanisch getrennte System
zerstört wird.)
: 50 W
Leistung: Max. 50 mA
-30 °C/+50 °C (-22 °F/122 °F)
IP67 (~NEMA 6)
Elektrischer Anschluss
Der Anschluss an den ICAD erfolgt über M12Stecker. Der ICAD verfügt über zwei integrierte
Versorgungsspannung: 4-poliger M12-Stecker
Steuersignale: 8-poliger M12-Stecker
Wenn der ICAD mit Kabeln bestellt wird beträgt
die Kabellänge automatisch 1,5m! Wird eine
andere Kabellänge benötigt wird der ICAD ohne
Kabel (mit Steckern) bestellt und das gewünschte
Kabel wird zusätzlich als Zubehör ausgewählt!wird
(1,5 m) M12-Steckbuchsen: (Kabelsatz mit M12Steckbuchsen ist in anderen Längen verfügbar)
Versorgungsspannungskabel mit 4-poligen M12Steckbuchsen
3 x 0,34 mm2 (3 x ~22 AWG) (Abb. 6)
I: Schwarz (+) 19–24 V DC eigensichere
Stromversorgung (optional).
II: Weiß (+) 24 V DC
III: Braun (-) 24 V DC
Regelung gewählt (Parameter i02 = 3),
dann dienen E und G als DI2 – Digitaler
EIN/AUS-Eingang. Siehe Abb. 9.
Elektrische Installation
Allgemeine Vorgehensweise, wenn der ICAD 600A/
ICAD 600 A-TS/1200A auf allen ICM-, ICMTS- und
CVE-Ventilen installiert wird.
Alle erforderlichen elektrischen Anschlüsse
ICM-Ventil: Analoger oder digitaler Betrieb
ICMTS-/CVE-Ventil: Nur analoger Betrieb
Abb. 6
Modulierende Regelung. Das Ventil wird über
Danfoss-Regler vom Typ EKC/EKE (Abb. 7) oder
über Steuergeräte von Drittanbietern
(z. B. SPS) geregelt.
Analoge Eingangssignale anschließen.
Strom (mA) oder Spannung (V). Siehe
Parameterliste für die Konfiguration der
analogen Eingangssignale.
Gelb (+) und Orange (Masse) werden für
den Stromeingang (mA) verwendet.
Grün (+) und Orange (Masse) werden für
den Spannungseingang (V) verwendet.
Blau (+) und Orange (Masse) werden für
den Stromausgang (mA) verwendet
(optional, nicht verpflichtend).
Abb. 6
Digitaler Betrieb – 7 verdrahtete Kabel (A–G)
EIN/AUS-Betrieb mittels ICM-Motorventil. Das
ICM-Ventil wird mithilfe eines digitalen
potenzialfreien Kontakts geregelt.
Digitale Eingangssignale anschließen (Abb. 8)
Siehe Parameterliste für die Konfiguration
der digitalen Eingangssignale.
Grün (+) und Orange (Masse) sind an einen
potenzialfreien Kontakt angeschlossen.
Digitale Ausgangssignale sind optional, nicht
zwingend erforderlich.
Schwarz (-) und Orange (Masse) sind an ein
Hilfsrelais für einen Sammelalarm
Braun (-) und Orange (Masse) sind an ein
Hilfsrelais angeschlossen, das aktiviert wird
wenn das ICM voll geöffnet ist.
Rot (-) und Orange (Masse) sind an ein
Hilfsrelais angeschlossen, das aktiviert wird
wenn das ICM voll geschlossen ist.
Versorgungsspannung – 3 adriges Kabel
(I, II, III) Der ICAD ist an eine normale
Gleichspannungsversorgung von 24 V
anzuschließen. Optional ist eine eigensichere
Stromversorgung über eine Batterie oder
USV (unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung)
Wird der ICAD wie unten beschrieben unter
Spannung gesetzt, ist er für die Konfiguration
bereit. Siehe Parameterliste.
Die ICAD-Konfiguration erfolgt unabhängig
davon, ob der ICAD auf dem Ventil installiert
wurde oder nicht.
Siehe Mechanische Installation.
Weiß (+) und Braun (-) an eine
Versorgungsspannung von 24 V DC
anschließen (Abb. 6).
Eine eigensichere Stromversorgung ist optional
(nicht zwingend erforderlich).
Schwarz (+) und Braun (-) an eine eigensichere
Stromversorgung anschließen.
Mechanische Installation
Allgemeine Vorgehensweise, wenn der ICAD
600A/ICAD 600 A-TS/1200A auf allen Ventilen
installiert wird (Abb. 3).
Einen 2,5-mm-Imbuschlüssel gegen den
Uhrzeigersinn drehen und überprüfen, ob die
drei Sockelschrauben vollständig gelöst sind.
Den ICAD langsam oben auf das Ventil
Die Magnetkupplung wird das ICM und den
ICAD miteinander verbinden und in Position
Den ICAD so positionieren, dass er einfach
bedient werden kann..
Das ICM und den ICAD mittels der drei
Sockelschrauben und einem 2,5-mmImbuskantschlüssel fixieren
Durch etwaiges Lösen der
Deckelschrauben wird die spezielle
Feuchtigkeitabdichtung zerstört!!!
spezielle Feuchtigkeitsdichtung wird
beschädigt, wenn die Schrauben
entfernt werden (Abb. 3, Pos. A)
Neutralzone/3-Punkt-Regelung (Abb. 9 – nur
ICM)¡02 = 3
Wenn ¡02 = 3, wird sowohl die Öffnungs- wie
auch die Schliessgeschwindigkeit automatisch
auf 10 gesetzt!
Sollten sich diese Werte als zu hoch oder niedrig
erweisen können die Werte im Parameter
i04(Öffnen) und ¡14 (Schliessen) angepasst
werden! ist Geschwindigkeit definiert.
DI1 = DI2 = AUS
ICAD/ICM behalten derzeitige Position bei
DI1 = DI2 = EIN
ICAD/ICM behalten derzeitige Position bei
DI1 = EIN, DI2 = AUS
ICAD vergrößert Öffnungsgrad
DI1 = AUS, DI2 = EIN
ICAD verringert Öffnungsgrad
¡13 = 1 (Inversbetrieb)
DI1 = DI2 = AUS
ICAD behält derzeitige Position bei
DI1 = DI2 = EIN
ICAD behält derzeitige Position bei
DI1 = EIN, DI2 = AUS
ICAD verringert Öffnungsgrad