Danfoss Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems User guide

Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
Revision history Table of revisions
Date Changed Rev
Sept 2018 Rebrand to Engineering Tomorrow 0403
June 2015 Danfoss layout - update product information DA
November 2010 new back page CC
July 2009 updated manual adding new products CA
June 2008 deletions and illustration modifications BA
April 2008 added special tools part numbers AC
March 2008 minor edits and corrections AB
First edition AA
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems


General Information
Market Leading Experience.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Typical Applications........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Reduced Power Consumption.....................................................................................................................................................6
Trimmed and Standby Fan Speed..............................................................................................................................................7
Flexible Mounting............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Wide Range of Components........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Basic Operation................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Intelligent Control............................................................................................................................................................................7
Balanced Fan Speed and Heat Generation............................................................................................................................. 8
Fan Drive Systems
Modulating Fan Drive Systems....................................................................................................................................................9
Gear Pump with Gear Motor and PLUS+1TM Fan Drive Controller.................................................................................9
Gear Pump with PLUS+1TM Controller......................................................................................................................................9
Variable Displacement Pump with Fan Drive Control......................................................................................................10
Variable Displacement Pump and HIC Cartridge Valve................................................................................................... 10
Closed Circuit System with Microcontroller.........................................................................................................................11
System Components
Gear Pumps......................................................................................................................................................................................12
Model Sizes and Capacities...................................................................................................................................................12
Series 45 Variable Displacement Axial Piston Pumps.......................................................................................................14
Series 45 Fan Drive Control........................................................................................................................................................ 15
D Series Motor.................................................................................................................................................................................16
SGM2Y Motor...................................................................................................................................................................................18
SGM3Y Motor...................................................................................................................................................................................18
L/K Frame Axial Piston Motors.................................................................................................................................................. 19
PLUS+1TM Controllers...................................................................................................................................................................21
Temperature Sensors....................................................................................................................................................................22
Models.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
PLUS+1 TM Compliance.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
System Design Parameters
Sizing Equations............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
System Design Data Form...........................................................................................................................................................26
Engine details.............................................................................................................................................................................26
Power steering...........................................................................................................................................................................26
Fan information.........................................................................................................................................................................27
Control preference...................................................................................................................................................................27
Reservoir...................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Installation Guidelines
Pumps................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Pump Drives............................................................................................................................................................................... 29
SGM2YN and SGM3YN Fan Drive Motors.........................................................................................................................29
D Series Fan Drive Motors......................................................................................................................................................29
L and K Variable Motors..........................................................................................................................................................30
Reverse Displacement Motors............................................................................................................................................. 30
Series 40 Fixed Displacement Motors............................................................................................................................... 30
Series 90 Fixed Displacement Motors............................................................................................................................... 30
Controls............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Pump Inlet..............................................................................................................................................................................29
Pump Outlet..........................................................................................................................................................................29
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
PLUS+1TM controller................................................................................................................................................................31
Series 45 Fan Drive Controls.................................................................................................................................................31
H1 Pump with Fan Drive Control........................................................................................................................................31
Operating Temperatures....................................................................................................................................................... 32
Installation Drawings
D Series Pumps............................................................................................................................................................................... 34
D Series Gear Motor...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
SGM2YN Gear Motor ....................................................................................................................................................................39
PRV10-IS2 Valve for SGM2Y........................................................................................................................................................48
PRV12-IS2 Valve for SGM3Y........................................................................................................................................................49
Reverse Displacement Motors (RDM).....................................................................................................................................50
Cartridge Motor.........................................................................................................................................................................50
Port locations and gauge installation............................................................................................................................... 51
L and K Frame Variable Motor................................................................................................................................................... 52
Motor Rotation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Schematics ................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Series 40 Fixed Motors................................................................................................................................................................. 53
M35/M44 MF: mounting flange...........................................................................................................................................54
M35/M44 MF: axial ports, twin ports, loop flushing, speed sensor........................................................................ 54
Series 90 Fixed Motors................................................................................................................................................................. 55
90K55 Fixed Motor Cartridge Mount.................................................................................................................................56
Fan Drive Control Schematic..................................................................................................................................................... 58
Fan Drive System Schematics....................................................................................................................................................59
Fan Drive System Related Literature
Overview........................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Gear Pumps.................................................................................................................................................................................60
Open Circuit Piston Pumps................................................................................................................................................... 60
Closed Circuit Piston Pumps.................................................................................................................................................60
Gear Motors................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
Open Circuit Piston Motors...................................................................................................................................................60
System Guidelines....................................................................................................................................................................60
4 | © Danfoss | Sept 2018 520L0824 | BC00000115en-000403
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems

General Information

Market Leading Experience

Over a number of years, Danfoss has built up a wealth of experience with fan drive applications for vehicles and machines operating on and off the highway. This knowledge has been gained by providing system solutions which integrate our market leading hydraulic pumps, motors, valves and electro­hydraulic controllers.
Danfoss Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems Provide:
On-Off and fully modulating controls Increased engine reliability Decreased fan noise Flexible cooling pack positioning Vehicle fuel savings Design flexibility with multiple inputs for the electro-hydraulic controllers plus CAN bus per SAEJ
1939 Integrated systems
Lower operating costs Ability to downsize the engine while maintaining system productivity Ability to provide engine anti-stall and overspeed protection

Typical Applications

Due to the versatility, flexibility and reliability of Danfoss fan drive systems, they may be applied in numerous applications, including the following.
Agriculture Machinery
On-Off and fully modulating controls
Increased engine reliability
Automatic or On-demand reversing
Construction Machinery
Backhoe loaders
Crawler dozer - Crawler loader
Wheel loaders
Dump trucks - Haulers
Skid steer loaders
Material Handling Vehicles
Fork lift trucks
Rough terrain trucks
Road Building Vehicles
Road rollers
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Engine speed
P101 274E
d f
Power savings!
Fan sized to meet this condition
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
General Information
Forestry Machinery
On Highway Vehicles
High Power Specialty Vehicles

Reduced Power Consumption

Danfoss hydraulic fan drive systems allow cooling fan power consumption to be tailored to cooling requirements. Our systems provide a precise, modulated cooling flow for a given set of monitored conditions.
The power to drive a cooling fan rises as a cubic function of fan speed (doubling the fan speed requires an eight-fold increase of input power). However, engine power and cooling demand decrease at higher speeds. Because of this inverse relationship, a direct drive cooling fan must be sized to meet cooling requirement at a relatively low engine speed and is therefore significantly oversized for cooling requirements at higher speeds. Hydraulic fan drive systems allow fan speed to be trimmed so the fan can be properly sized at low engine speeds without drawing excessive power at high speeds.
Power vs Engine Speed Curve
Feller bunchers Forwarders Harvesters Log skidders
Buses RV motorhomes Garbage trucks Sweepers
Marine Oil and Gas drilling/Fracking Mining
Fan systems are sized to provide required air flow at all engine speeds and operating conditions. Direct­drive fans consume a great deal of power at higher engine speeds, without any advantage.
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an speed
Fan standby speed
Trim at mid-range cooling demand
Set poin t
Trimmed fan speed
Engine speed
P101 275E
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
General Information

Trimmed and Standby Fan Speed

Under full cooling demand, maximum fan speed increases with engine speed, up to the set point of the fan drive system (the point where further increase in speed yields no further gain). Beyond this point fan speed does not increase, allowing greatly reduced power consumption compared to an untrimmed fan.
Under minimum cooling demand, standby fan speed can be set to provide very low, or minimal air flow.
Fan Speed vs Engine Speed

Flexible Mounting

Wide Range of Components

Basic Operation

Intelligent Control

The upper curves represent maximum cooling conditions; maximum fan speed is trimmed at the set point. The lowest curve represents the standby condition; fan speed is maintained at a minimum value.
Hydraulic fan drives make it is possible to mount the radiator and fan just about anywhere on the vehicle. This is advantageous in space conscious designs.
A fan drive system is sized to provide the required fan torque and speed. Danfoss has a wide range of pumps, motors, controls, and sensors to meet your unique fan drive system needs.
In simplest terms, fan speed is controlled by regulating the amount of hydraulic oil passing through the fan motor. The greater the flow, the greater the fan speed. The amount of flow is regulated based on one or more inputs from the power system. Typically, engine coolant temperature is the main controlling factor. Other system inputs may include hydraulic fluid temperature, charge air temperature and various signals or switches. As inputs indicate a change in cooling demand, the system adjusts flow to the motor.
At the core of the Danfoss Fan Drive System is a controller that monitors relevant cooling parameters and adjusts fan speed accordingly.
Fan Drive Controller
The Danfoss fan drive control system monitors cooling parameter inputs and provides an electronic signal to a proportional hydraulic valve. The proportional valve relays a hydraulic signal either to the
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170(F) 175 180 185 190 195 200
an speed (rpm)
Engine temperatur e
9580(C) 85 90
P101 276E
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
General Information
bypass valve on the motor or the displacement control of a variable displacement pump. Possible inputs to the fan drive control system include engine coolant temperature, charge air temperature, engine or transmission oil temperature, compartment temperature, ambient temperature, and various other signals and switches. Also, many engine control systems provide a fan controlling signal or CAN message which can serve as a cooling parameter input.

Balanced Fan Speed and Heat Generation

When an input, such as engine coolant temperature, rises above a predetermined level, signalling an increase in cooling demand; fan speed is gradually increased. Coolant temperature and fan speed continue to rise until heat generation and cooling are balanced. Under most conditions, this balance occurs at a level below the maximum capability of the system.
Maximum fan speed is reached only under simultaneous conditions of maximum ambient temperature and maximum engine load. These parameters are set as part of the cooling system design criteria.
Fan Speed Vs. Engine Temperature
Fan speed is increased as monitored temperature increases until balance is reached.
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Microcontroller (PLUS+1TM)
Temperature sensors
Gear pump (SNP or D)
Fan drive gear motor (D or SGMY)
P107 983E
Engine Control Module
Engine Cooling Command
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems

Fan Drive Systems

Modulating Fan Drive Systems

Monitoring various cooling system parameters enables the Danfoss modulating fan drive systems to increase fan speed as required. As a modulating system, it ramps fan speed only to the level required, providing only as much air flow as needed to maintain balance between heat generation and cooling.

Gear Pump with Gear Motor and PLUS+1TM Fan Drive Controller

The pump receives oil directly from the reservoir through the inlet line. The output of the pump is directed to a gear motor with an integral proportional relief valve.
The setting of the valve determines the maximum pressure in the system by bypassing oil (around the motor’s gear set) directly to the return port of the motor. The proportional valve is normally closed and requires the application of a PWM signal to reduce the bypass pressure. In a hydraulic fan drive system, the pre-determined maximum pressure setting determines the maximum pressure to the motor, and the maximum trim speed of the fan.
Applying a PWM signal to the valve allows the fan to run at speeds below its maximum trim speed, regardless of the flow supplied by the pump.
Oil exiting the motor is directed back to the reservoir through a filter and a heat exchanger. Oil returning to the reservoir must enter the reservoir well below the fluid level so air will not be entrained in the fluid. The oil is diffused as it enters the reservoir to decelerate it to an acceptable level, to mix it with the fluid in the reservoir, and to prevent the oil from flowing immediately back to the pump inlet. The return oil should remain in the reservoir long enough to allow any entrained air in the fluid to rise to the surface and dissipate back into the atmosphere. An anti-cavitation check valve prevents damage to the fan motor in case of overrun. Fan overrun can occur when fan speed exceeds the speed commanded by the system due to the fan windmilling in the vehicle’s air stream.

Gear Pump with PLUS+1TM Controller

PLUS+1TM System Illustration
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Temperature sensors
Gear motor
Microcontroller (PLUS+1TM)
Variable pump (Series 45)
P107 984E
Variable pump (Series 45)
Selector switch
Signal lamp
Gear motor
Microcontroller (PLUS+1TM)
Temperature sensors
Cartridge valve
P107 985E
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
Fan Drive Systems

Variable Displacement Pump with Fan Drive Control

The variable displacement pump sends flow to the fan motor. Based on sensor and other inputs, the microcontroller adjusts the proportional relief valve to regulate the pressure in the pilot port of the pump’s load sensing control. Higher pressure in the pilot line results in increased flow to the fan motor. The control has a pressure compensator feature which can be used to limit the fan’s trim speed. Trim speed can also be set by software in the microcontroller.
Fan Drive Control System Illustration

Variable Displacement Pump and HIC Cartridge Valve

The system shown below is the same as the previous system with the addition of an electronically controlled HIC cartridge valve between the pump and motor.
The HIC cartridge valve reverses the hydraulic flow to the motor, thus reversing the rotation of the fan. This feature is commonly used to clean out the radiator if it becomes clogged with debris.
Variable Pump with HIC Cartridge Valve
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Temperature sensors
Fixed displacement
piston motor
(S40 or S90)
Microcontroller (PLUS+1TM)
Piston pump
(H1 w/fan drive control)
P107 983E
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
Fan Drive Systems

Closed Circuit System with Microcontroller

The variable displacement axial piston pump sends flow to the fixed displacement piston fan motor. Based on temperature sensor and other inputs, the microcontroller regulates the displacement of the axial piston pump. Higher coolant temperature results in increased flow to the fan motor. The pumps displacement control has a pressure compensator feature which can be used to limit the maximum fan trim speed in either direction. Trim speed can also be set by software in the microcontroller. The nature of the closed-loop system prevents fan overrun. Zero fan speed is available on demand.
Variable Pump with Fixed Piston Motor
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems

System Components

Gear Pumps

Danfoss offers gear pumps in a variety of models, sizes, capacities, and configurations. Integral priority flow dividers are available which supply a constant flow for power assisted steering with the remainder driving the fan drive motor.

Model Sizes and Capacities

Danfoss gear pumps are available in the following models and sizes.
Aluminum construction
Cast iron construction
Group 2 4 to 25 cm3/rev [0.24 to 1.53 in3/rev] displacement
Group 3 22 to 90 cm3/rev [1.34 to 5.49 in3/rev]
Group 2.5 (D Series) 7 to 45 cm3/rev [0.43 to 2.75 in3/rev]


Single pump
Single pump with priority flow divider for power steering assist
Tandem pumps
Tandem pumps with priority flow divider for power steering assist
Multiple pumps (triple, quadruple, etc.)
Quadra-Flow pumps (digital displacement)
D Series pumps (single and tandem) are available with load sense and discrete flow options.
Group 2 aluminum gear pump
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
Group 2.5 D Series gear pump
Quadra-Flow gear pump
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components

Series 45 Variable Displacement Axial Piston Pumps

Danfoss offers a complete family of variable displacement, open circuit, axial piston pumps. The Series 45 family offers a wide range of shafts, flanges, and porting options. Through drives are also available for auxiliary pump drives. Load sensing (LS), pressure compensating (PC), remote pressure compensating (RPC) and electro-proportional fan drive controls are available.
Frame K/L
25, 30, 38 and 45 cm3/rev [1.53, 1.83, 2.32, 2.75 in3/rev]
Operating pressures up to 260 bar [3770 psi]
Speeds to 3200 min-1(rpm)
Frame J
45, 51, 60, 65 and 75 cm3/rev [2.75 3.11, 3.66, 3.97, and 4.57 in3/rev]
Operating pressures to 310 bar [4495 psi]
Speeds to 2800 min-1(rpm)
Frame F
74 and 90 cm3/rev [4.52 and 5.49 in3/rev]
Operating pressures to 310 bar [4495 psi]
Speeds to 2400 min-1(rpm)
Frame E
100, 130, and 147 cm3/rev [6.10, 7.93 and 8.97 in3/rev]
Operating pressures to 310 bar [4495 psi]
Speeds to 2450 min-1(rpm)
Frame J
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
Frame K/L

Series 45 Fan Drive Control

The Series 45 fan drive control is an electric proportional control for Series 45 pumps. It controls the pump based on various machine operating parameters. In a fan drive system, coolant temperature forms the basis for pump control.
When the solenoid is de-energized, the pump operates in the high pressure standby (pressure compensation) mode; when the solenoid is fully energized, the pump returns to the low pressure standby mode of operation. This allows the system to minimize energy loss when the cooling system does not require cooling fan operation, potentially using existing system control components (temperature sensor or micro-controller).
The control is proportional. As the current applied to the solenoid increases, the regulated system pressure gradually decreases until the full current is applied, achieving low standby pressure.
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LS adjustment
PC adjustment
LS spool
PC spool
Proportional solenoid
P106 027E
System pressure
Pilot Pressure
Servo pressure
Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components

D Series Motor

D series fan drive motors are available in displacements from 17 cm3/rev [1.04 in3/rev]to 45 cm3/rev [2.75 in3/rev].
D series fan motors are PLUS+1 compliant.
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
D Series Motor
D Series Motor Technical Data
Ratings Units 17 19 21 23 25 29 32 36 38 41 45
Displacement cm3/rev 17.0 19.0 20.5 22.5 25.4 29.0 31.8 36.1 38.0 41.0 45.0
in3/rev 1.04 1.16 1.25 1.37 1.55 1.77 1.94 2.20 2.32 2.50 2.75
Rated pressure bar 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 241 210
psi 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 3495 3045
Peak pressure bar 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 265 231
psi 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 4400 3843 3350
Speed at rated pressure maximum 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3400 3000 3000
minimum* 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Minimum shaft speed at 69 bar [1000 PSI] rpm 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Standard Weight kg 8.53 8.66 8.80 8.94 9.07 9.38 9.53 9.84 9.93 10.16 10.43
lb 18.8 19.1 19.4 19.7 20.0 20.7 21.0 21.7 21.9 22.4 23.0 Mass moment of inertia of internal rotating
Theoretical torque at rated pressure N•m 65.7 73.4 79.2 87.0 98.2 112.1 122.9 139.6 146.9 138.4 132.4
Theoretical power at rated speed kW 23.4 26.1 28.2 31.0 35.0 39.9 43.8 49.7 46.1 43.5 41.6
x10-6 kg•m² 127 138 146 156 172 191 206 228 239 255 276
lbf•ft 48.5 54.2 58.4 64.2 72.4 82.7 90.7 102.9 108.3 102.1 97.6
hp 31.2 34.9 37.6 41.3 46.6 53.2 58.4 66.3 61.1 58.0 55.5
94 102 107 115 127 141 152 168 176 188 204
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
D Series Motor Technical Data (continued)
Ratings Units 17 19 21 23 25 29 32 36 38 41 45
Case drain pressure bar 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
psi 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5 72.5
* minimum speed at maximum pressure

SGM2Y Motor

Group 2 fan drive motors are available in displacements from 8.4 cm3/rev [0.51 in3/rev]to 25 cm3/rev [1.54 in3/rev].
Configurations include European and SAE flanges; taper 1:8, 1:5, and straight shafts Ø15.875 mm [0.62 in]. Group 2 fan drive motors are PLUS+1 compliant.
SGM2Y Motor
SGM2Y technical data
Units Frame size
8.0 011 014 017 019 022 025
Displacement cm3/rev
[in3/rev] Peak pressure bar [psi] 270 [3916] 270 [3916] 270 [3916] 250 [3626] 230 [3336] 200 [2900] 180 [2610] Rated pressure 250 [3626] 250 [3626] 250 [3626] 230 [3336] 210 [3046] 180 [2610] 160 [2320] Back pressure 150 [2176] 150 [2176] 150 [2176] 150 [2176] 130 [1885] 100 [1450] 100 [1450] Maximum speed min-1 [rpm] 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 Weight kg [lb] 4.73 [10.43] 4.83 [10.65] 5.03 [11.1] 5.18 [11.42] 5.23 [11.53] 5.33 [11.75] 5.53 [12.2] Moment of inertia of
rotating components Electrical connector model Deutsch DT 04-2P connectors (Protection rate IP 69K DIN 400050)
Electrical current signal A 0 to 1.1 A @ 12VDC, with coil resistance of 7.2 ohms @ 20°C [68°F]
PWM frequency Hz from 100 to 200
x 10-6 kg•m
[x 10-6 lbf•ft2]
8.4 [0.51] 10.8 [0.66] 14.4 [0.88] 16.8 [1.03] 19.2 [1.17] 22.8 [1.39] 25.2 [1.54]
32.4 [796] 38.4 [911] 47.3 [1122] 53.3 [1265] 59.2 [1405] 68.1 [1616] 74.1 [1758]
0 to 0.55 A @ 24VDC, with coil resistance of 28.8 ohms @ 20°C [68°F]

SGM3Y Motor

Group 3 fan drive motor available in displacements from 22.1 cm3/rev [1.34 in3/rev]to 44.1 cm3/rev [2.69 in3/rev].
Group 3 fan drive motors are PLUS+1 compliant.
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
SGM3Y Motor
SGM3Y technical data
Displacement cm3/rev
Peak pressure bar [psi] 210 [3046] 210 [3046] 210 [3046] 210 [3046] 210 [3046] Rated pressure 190 [2756] 190 [2756] 190 [2756] 190 [2756] 190 [2756]
Maximum speed min
Weight kg [lb] 9.12 [20.11] 9.22 [20.33] 9.32 [20.55] 9.38 [20.68] 9.52 [21.0] Moment of inertia
of rotating components
Electrical connector model Deutsch DT 04-2P connectors (Protection rate IP 69K DIN 400050) Electrical current
PWM frequency Hz from 100 to 200
Units Frame size
022 026 033 038 044
22.1 [1.34] 26.2 [1.60] 33.1 [2.02] 37.9 [2.31] 44.1 [2.69]
Back pressure 120 [1740] 120 [1740] 120 [1740] 120 [1740] 120 [1740]
x 10
[x 10 lbf•ft2]
A 0 to 1.1 A @ 12VDC, with coil resistance of 7.2 ohms @ 20°C [68°F]
3500 2500 2500 2500 2500
198 [4699] 216 [5126] 246 [5838] 267.2 [6341] 294.2 [6981]
0 to 0.55 A @ 24VDC, with coil resistance of 28.8 ohms @ 20°C [68°F]

L/K Frame Axial Piston Motors

For higher power applications, Danfoss offers the L and K frame two position, axial piston motor. The KV and LV motors can operate at two different displacements. Minimum displacement can be used when high fan speed is required at low engine speed and maximum displacement can be used at high engine speed. The K and L frame motors can also be used as single displacement motors.
This short, compact motor is configured ideally for installations requiring compact packaging and optimized plumbing. All hydraulic ports are on one face of the motor. Axial or radial configurations are available.
SAE B-2 bolt and Danfoss cartridge
SAE 0.875 diameter cylindrical and 1:8 taper keyed shafts
System Ports
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Technical Information
Hydraulic Fan Drive Systems
System Components
LV Motor
SAE O-ring boss, axial or twin radial locations
25, 30, 38 and 45 cm3/rev [1.52, 1.83, 2.14, 2.32 and 2.75 in3/rev] maximum displacements Operating pressure up to 415 bar [6000 psi] Speeds up to 5500 min-1(rpm)
Direct acting single line hydraulic displacement control 10 to 241 bar [150 to 3500 psi] shift pressure Reverse Displacement Control (electric or hydraulic)
Speed sensor Maximum displacement limiter Integral over-pressure and anti-cavitation protection
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