Data sheet
HRU – Heat Recovery Unit
General description
and application
Danfoss Heat Recovery Unit provide the link
between a CO₂ refrigeration systems and the
heating installation. It is developed and designed
for recovery of waste heat from refrigeration
installations, where CO₂ is used as medium, to
heat supermarkets (hot tap water, heating, air
handling units) and enables selling surplus heat
back to the district heating network. Danfoss
HRU can be used in installations with different
external heat supply, such as District energy,
boiler or other heat source.
• Heating demand: 22-540 kW
• Maximum recovered heat from C0₂ pack up
to 50-400kW
Two different solutions based on store size:
1. one- tank solution - for small stores up to 1500 m
2. two-tanks solution - for medium and large stores
Standard layout in 6 versions:
• indirect connection (type A2,A6) or directly
connection (type A4,A7).
• indirect connection (type A1) or connection
to DHU (type A3), designed for areas where it is
possible to sell heat to DHU network.
Maximum operating
Maximum permissible supply temperature, primary* 90 °C
Maximum permissible operating pressure, primary 10 bar
Rated pressure, primary PN 10
Maximum permissible flow primary
Secondary heating
Maximum permissible temperature, secondary* 90 °C
Maximum permissible operating pressure, secondary (A1, A2) – 6 bar, (A3, A4, A6, A7) – 10 bar
Minimum required pressure (static), water supply 1,0 bar
Maximum permissible flow secondary
CO heat supply
Maximum permissible temperature secondary 90 °C
Maximum permissible operating pressure, secondary (A1, A2) – 6 bar, (A3, A4, A6, A7) – 10 bar
Minimum required pressure (static), water supply 1,0 bar
* For higher te mperatures – contac t Danfoss
Pipes, fittings, flanges, valves (Primary side) P235GH, EN-GJL-250 (GG25), CuZn36Pb2As
Pipes, fittings, flanges, valves (Heating side) P235GH, EN-GJL-250 (GG25), CuSn5Pb5Zn5-C (RG-5)
Heat exchanger 1.4404 with Cu solder
Insulation Elstomeric Foam (Nitrile Rubber) – λ = 0.035 W/mK (piping)
PU foam – λ = 0.029 W/mK (heat exchanger)
15 m³/h for v= 1,2 m/s ( A1, A2, A3, A4)
3 m³/h for v= 1,2 m/s ( A6,A7)
15 m³/h for v= 1,2 m/s ( A1, A2, A3, A4)
3 m³/h for v= 1,2 m/s ( A6,A7)
© Danfoss | 2018.08
VD.MG.D2.02 | 1
Data sheet HRU – Heat Recovery Unit
Circuit diagram A1 Indirect connection to DHU network with possibility of transfer heat outside heating system
Twotanks solution
1 DH supply
2 DH return
3 Heating supply
4 Heating return
5 Supply from
cooling unit
Return to
cooling unit
7 DH supply
DH return
* Connections DH⁄HE: up to 216 KWDN 40 up to 337 kWDN50 up to 540 kWDN65
A1 selection list
CO2 output [kW] (sales demand)
up to
up to
up to 22 146B9108 146B9109
up to 54 146B9120 146B9121 146B9122 146B9123
up to 85 146B9126 146B9127 146B9128 146B9129
up to 135 146B9132 146B9133 14 6B9134 146B9135
up to 216 146B9138 146B9139 146B9140 146B9141
up to 337 146B9144 146B9145 146B9146 146B9147
Heating demand
up to 540 14 6B9150 146B9151 14 6B9152 14 6B9153
Function Waste heat from CO system is transferred via
CO heat exchanger * using water as medium,
into supply storage tanks T2 and T1.
The temperature sensor (S6) check the
temperature in tank (T2) and send a signal to
a 3-way valve (M1), which will open and heat
accumulated in tanks will be transferred into the
heating circuit.
Lower demand for heat will cause closing of the
controlling valve (M2) and reduce or cut the need
for energy from the external heat source. The
temperature sensor (S8) control the pump (P3)
and when the temperature reaches the desired
level and no more heat can be accumulated.
Secondary heat meters (F1 and F2) are measuring
flow and heat meter F3 on the charging circuit
calculates the recovered energy.
up to
up to
The primary function is to recover as much
energy as possible and secondary as high
temperature as possible
We always prioritize usage of heat
recovered from cooling unit before
supplying from external heat source
A1 version offers returning heat back into
the DHU network or other external network
via heat exchanger HEX2
If the recovered energy is more than the
stores can reuse the pump P4 is activated
so this energy can be sold to the district
2 | © Danfoss | 2018.08
* CO₂ HEX is not included in the d elivery of HRU, but is part of the coolin g unit
Data sheet HRU – Heat Recovery Unit
Circuit diagram A2 Indirect connection to DHU network
Twotanks solution
DN40* DN40*
1 DH supply
2 DH return
3 Heating supply
4 Heating return
5 Supply from
cooling unit
Return to
cooling unit
* Connections DH⁄HE: up to 216 KWDN 40 up to 337 kWDN50 up to 540 kWDN65
A2 selection list
CO2 output [kW]
up to 100 up to 150 up to 300 up to 400
up to 135 146B9164 146B9165
up to 216 146B9168 146B9169 146B9170
up to 337 14 6B9173 146B9174 146B9175 146B9176
up to 540 146B9179 146B9180 146B9181 146B9182
demand [kW]
Function Waste heat from CO₂ system is transferred via
CO₂ heat exchanger * using water as medium,
into supply storage tanks T2 and T1.
The temperature sensor (S6) check the
temperature in tank (T2) and send a signal to
a 3-way valve (M1), which will open and heat
accumulated in tanks will be transferred into the
heating circuit. Lower demand for heat will cause
closing of the controlling valve (M2) and reduce
or cut the need for energy from the external heat
The temperature sensor (S8) controls the pump
with PWM signal (P3) and when the temperature
reaches the desired level and no more heat can
be accumulated.
In two-tanks solution application, secondary
heat meters (F1 and F2) are measuring flow and
heat meter F3 on the charging circuit calculates
the recovered energy.
* CO₂ HEX is not inclu ded in the delivery of H RU, but is part of the cooling uni t)
The primary function is to recover as much
energy as possible, and secondary as high
temperature as possible.
We always prioritize usage of heat recovered
from cooling unit, before supplying from
external heat source.
© Danfoss | 2018.08 |PL