Data sheet
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger
For increased heat pump business
H62-E Heat Pump Evaporator
charge compared with
a traditional BPHE. The
ideal solution to meet
the world`s climate
and energy spirations.
H62-E Heat Pump Evaporator
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger
Key features
Q4 Q1
Q4 Q1
Q3 Q2
Q3 Q2
The H62-E is an evaporator optimised for R407C for use in high-eciency ground source (brine/water) heat pumps with capacities of 3-30 kW.
The heat exchanger features innovative Micro Plate technology that improves heat transfer and reduces the amount of material used.
To meet demands for higher COPs in heat pumps, the H62-E is designed to work eciently with close temperature approaches, while a low
pressure drop on the brine side reduces the pump power and keeps the overall COP high.
The low hold-up volume reduces the refrigerant charge and oers valuable savings.
• Minimal hold up volume: Less refrigerant charge
• Reduced pressure drop: For a more ecient heat pump
• Smaller footprint: Enabling more compact heat pumps
• Reduced CO2 footprint: Environmentally friendly with high heat transfer and minimal refrigerant charge.
11.5+1.72 x n
H1 H4
H1 H4
H2 H3
H2 H3
Technical data
n = number of plates
Third part
– stud bolts
DKQB.PD.300.B4.02 © Copyright Danfoss RC-MDP | sw | 08 2014
Min. working temperature: -196 °C
Max. working temperature: 200 °C
Max. working pressure: 30 bar
Hold up volume Q1-Q2/ Q3-Q4 (l): 0.081×n/2 / 0.081×(n-2)/2
Weight (kg): 2.92+0.145n
Cover plates: AISI 304L
Connections: AISI 304L
Other matieral combinations can be provided upon request. Contact Danfoss sales representative for more information.
The standard connections below are optimised for this product in evaporator duties in heat pump systems. For other connections, please contact
your Danfoss representative.
Q3 (Refrigerant inlet): soldering 1/2” or 5/8”
Q4 (Refrigerant outlet): soldering 3/4” or 7/8” or 1 3/8”
Q1-Q2 (Brine side): external threaded G 1 1/4”
Europe: Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). America: Underwriters Laboratory Inc (UL). The third party approvals stated are standard for all our
products. For details of other existing approvals or to discuss how we can meet your local needs, please contact your Danfoss representative.
Stud bolts on front and/or back plates for mounting support are available upon request. Contact Danfoss sales representative for further
A corresponding MPHE for condenser duties (H62-C) is also available, fully tested and ready for heat pump applications.Corresponding
Plates: AISI 316L
Brazing ller: Pure copper