Data Sheet
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger
Type H30
For more ecient Cooling & Heating systems
The H30 are condensers optimized for R410A in
high eciency residential heat pumps and
semi plug-in systems with capacities between
2-25 kW.
The H30-C is the ideal choice in heat pump
designs where space is limited, and high
eciency is required.
The H30-CW is the ideal solution for semi plugin systems where extrimly low hold up volume
is required.
The H30 family are designed to work eciently
with close temperature approaches to meet
emands for higher COPs systems . The low
hold-up volume reduces the refrigerant charge
and oers valuable savings.
• Minimal refrigerant hold-up volume: Less
refrigerant charge
• High heat transfer: For a more ecient water
loop systems and heat pumps
• Smaller footprint: Enabling more compact
heat pumps
• Reduced CO2 footprint: Environmentally
friendly with high heat transfer and minimal
refrigerant charge
C: chiller
H: heat pump
HDW: heat pump double wall
Specic duty
E= evaporator
C= condenser
Plate design
L: L-type
M: M-type
H: H-type
W: W-type
X: Asymmetric
Z: Z ow
Omit: single
D: Dual circuit
U: Mixing chamber
Distributor version
Plate stacking sequence
Omit: a-b-a…
R: b-a-b…
Platform* 22,30,55,62,118…
*heat exchanging surface per plate 1/1000 m²
Pressure Service
Omit: 30bar
L: 45/49bar
Number of plates**
-Single: even number
-Dual: even number not multiple of 4
Micro plate heat exchanger, type H30
Portfolio overview
H30L-C: High eciency condenser optimized for R410A, and other high-density refrigerants
H30-C: High eciency condenser for medium density refrigerants
H30-CW: High eciency condenser with extremely low hold up volume
Table 1: Designation
The H30 is a family of condensers applicable in dierent application like heat pump and semi plug-in systems. The
H30 can operate also in evaporating mode and or de-frost mode, so it can be applicable in Air to water heat pump.
Having an extremely low hold up volume, the H30 is the ideal solution for system operating with ammable gasses
like propane.
R410A, R452B, R454B, R32, R407C, R290
For other refrigerants please contact your Danfoss Sales representative.
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