Fact sheet
AB-QM f low checker DN 40-250 and AB-QM 4.0 DN 15-20
Verifying the flow on AB-QM valves
Flow verif ication
in an installation
Fig. 1
To verify that an installation functions according
to the design specif ications checking only the
most critical valve in the installation is needed
(see f igure 1).
The AB-QM maintains a constant differential
pressure over the valve and any excess pressure
will automatically be throttled. If there is not
enough differential pressure the valve cannot
reach the set f low.
The valve that is furthest away from the pump or
the valve in the circuit with the highest resistance
has the lowest available differential pressure, so
if this critical valve has enough pressure it means
the other valves will also function properly.
To get a useful measurement the installation
should run on full load, so all actuators in
the installation should be opened fully. This
ensures that you are measuring under the most
unfavorable circumstances. The AB-QM’s will
have more differential pressure available when
the installation is working on partial load.
To get useful measurement the commisioning
zone should run on full load, so all actuators in
the installation should be opened fully. Please
check if coincidence factor was taken into
Method of verif ication
AB-QM DN40-250
Method of measurement
AB-QM DN40-250
AB-QM 4.0 DN15-20
Measure the differential pressure across the
whole valve.
The test plugs are placed in such a way that
differential pressure p1−p3 (Δp) over the valve is
measured (see f igure 2).
If the measured value is below 30 kPa then there
is not enough differential pressure available for
the AB-QM to function properly. If the measured
value is above 30 kPa then the AB-QM has
enough differential pressure available and the
f low is according to the setting (see f igure 3).
Measure the differential pressure across the
control valve.
The test plugs are placed in such a way that
p1−p2 is measured (see f igure 2).
Therefore the measured differential pressure
can be used to calculate the f low directly. It’s
necessary to use the table that was derived from
statistical measurements
Since the measurements across the measuring
points are inf luenced by the dynamic pressure,
turbulences, f low patterns, internal tolerances,
setting accuracy and accuracy of the measuring
Setting the f low
DN 40-100: 1 turn=10 %
DN 125-250: 1 turn=5.0 %
Note: for more infor mation about setting p rocedure please refer
to instructio ns
equipment we believe that the total accuracy of
the measurement is lower than performance of
the valve.
Therefore we recommend not to adjust the
setting when the results are within 10 % of the
expected f low.
Calculating the f low
ΔpCv = p1−p2
For kvCv values see tables in figure 4 and 7
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Fact sheet AB-QM f low checker DN 40-250 and AB-QM 4.0 DN15-20
AB-QM 4.0 DN 15-20
DN 15-20
Fig. 2
s (%)
10 0 .0 411 0.145 0.2588 0.18 0 0.4152
12. 5 0.0531 0 .180 0.34 0.240 0.5346
15 0.0 659 0.215 0.4085 0.300 0.6472
17. 5 0.0779 0.250 0.4754 0.360 0.7515
20 0.0890 0.285 0 .5426 0.420 0. 8558
22.5 0.1000 0.320 0.6095 0.490 0.9602
25 0. 1111 0.355 0 .6767 0.560 1.0645
27. 5 0.1221 0.390 0.7502 0.630 1.168 8
30 0.13 32 0.425 0.8237 0.70 0 1. 2815
32.5 0 .1442 0.460 0.8969 0.770 1. 3951
35 0.1570 0.495 0.9705 0.840 1.5023
37. 5 0 .1686 0.530 1.0407 0 .910 1.59 81
40 0.1796 0. 574 1.1076 0.980 1. 6939
42.5 0.1907 0 .618 1.174 8 1.050 1.7896
45 0.2018 0.662 1.2416 1.120 1.8854
47. 5 0 .2129 0.706 1.3165 1.19 0 1.98 12
50 0.2245 0.750 1. 3887 1.260 2.0770
52.5 0.2360 0.798 1.4579 1. 330 2.1728
55 0.2476 0 .847 1. 5274 1.400 2.2247
57. 5 0. 2592 0.895 1.59 66 1.470 2.2582
60 0.2707 0.943 1.6 657 1. 540 2. 2916
62.5 0.2823 0.992 1.7 342 1. 610 2 .3251
65 0.2939 1.04 0 1.79 1.665 2.3587
67. 5 0.3054 1.08 8 1.846 1. 720 2.3972
70 0. 3172 1.135 1.902 1.775 2.4356
72.5 0.3293 1.183 1.958 1.8 29 2. 4741
75 0. 3414 1.230 2 .0139 1.884 2 .5126
77. 5 0. 3535 1.278 2.0835 1.939 2 .5619
80 0.3655 1.325 2 .1364 1.99 6 2.6122
82.5 0.3765 1.373 2 .1756 2.054 2.6626
85 0.3876 1.420 2.217 2 2. 111 2.7245
87. 5 0.3986 1. 455 2.2722 2 .169 2.7897
90 0.4097 1. 490 2.3343 2 .2 11 3.1346
92.5 0.4226 1. 525 2.398 2.249 3.4703
95 0.4367 1.560 2.4778 2.288 3.554 4
97. 5 0.4509 1. 595 2. 5298 2.326 3.6422
100 0.4650 1.6 30 2.6 2.365 3.7300
Fig. 4 The f low is according to set ting if the calculated f low is in the range of ±10 % of the set flow.
DN 15 LF DN 15 NF DN 15 HF DN 20 NF DN 20 HF
Fig. 3
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