Danfoss ECL 2000 User Manual

User’s Guide
ECL 2000
11-99 EY.65.H4.02
User’s Guide ECL 2000
Danfoss A/S EY.65.H4.02
ECL 2000
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss re­serves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such al­terations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
This manual replaces the ECL 2000 User’s Guide of April 1999.
Danfoss A/S ID: EY.65.H4.02 DK-6430 Nordborg Date: November 1999 Denmark Phone: +45 74 88 22 22
Copyright 1999 Danfoss A/S. All Rights Reserved
1.1 What Is In This Guide? 1
1.2 Getting Started With the ECL 2000 1
2.1 What is the ECL 2000? 3
2.2 Operating Modes 3
2.3 Circuit Functions 4
2.4 Time Programming 4
2.5 Other Functions 4
3.1 The Front Panel 5
3.2 Front Panel Push-buttons 6
3.3 Display Icons 7
4.1 About This Chapter 9
4.2 System Overview 10
4.3 Selecting a Circuit. Viewing Circuit Status 12
4.4 Changing Comfort and Night Setback Temperature Settings 14
4.5 Changing the Operating Mode 15
5.1 Extending the Comfort or Night Setback Period 16
5.2 Setting the 7-Day Plan 17
5.3 Setting the Holiday Plan 18
7.1 Adjusting the Flow Temperature Curve 22
7.2 Adjusting the Return Temperature Curve 23
8.1 Starting the ECL 2000 for the First Time 25
8.2 ECL 2000 Types 25
8.3 Selecting an Application 26
8.4 Configuring Inputs and Outputs 27
8.4.1 Operating Configuration Pictures 27
8.4.2 Sensor Inputs 30
8.4.3 LON Inputs 32
8.4.4 Relay Output 33
8.5 Overview of ECL 2000 Applications 34
10.1 Operating Service Menus 39
10.2 Heat Circuit Functions 41
10.2.1 Building Settings 41 Optimizer 42
10.2.2 Pump/Valve Settings 45
10.2.3 PI Constant Settings 47
10.2.4 Limiter 48
10.3 Hot-water Circuit Functions 51
10.3.1 Hot Water Settings 52
10.3.2 Pump/Valve Settings 56
10.3.3 PI Constant Settings 58
10.3.4 Limiter 59
10.4 Common Functions 62
10.4.1 Set Clock 64
10.4.2 Alarm Status 65
10.4.3 Alarm Setup 66
10.4.4 Log Today, Log Yesterday 67
10.4.5 Override 68
10.4.6 Communication 70
10.4.7 Sensors 71
10.4.8 Degree Days 72
10.4.9 Access Code 72
10.4.10 Energy Consumption 73
10.4.11 Language 74
10.4.12 Version 74
A.1 Setting the Operating Mode 75 A.2 System Overview. Selecting a Circuit. Viewing Circuit Status 76 A.3 Time Programming 77 A.4 Weather Compensation Curves 78 A.5 Configuring the ECL 2000 79 A.6 Manual Override 80
B.1 Heat Circuit Menus 81 B.2 Hot-Water Service Menus 82 B.3 Common Function Menus 83
1.1 What Is In This Guide?
This Guide is for the ECL 2000 district heating temperature controller. The purpose of the Guide is to describe the functionality of the ECL 2000 and to enable users to operate the controller from the front panel.
Chapter 2-7 provide information regarding the day-to-day usage of the controller. Chapter 8-10 provide information intended for project and service engineers, for example about configuring the ECL 2000 and using service menus to modify the setup of the controller. Appendix A contains a number of charts providing an overview of
the ECL 2000’s display pictures. Appendix B provides a similar listing of the ECL 2000’s service menus. Appendix C provides a list of the data displayed in the ECL 2000’s Log pictures. At the end of the Guide, you find a glossary, a list of references and an index.
1.2 Getting Started With the ECL 2000
Instructions for installing the ECL 2000 are provided in the ECL 2000 Installation Guide (ref. [2]). After the controller has been installed, it must be configured. This step consists of selecting an application (i.e. a system type) and, if the selected application allows this, configuring inputs and outputs. Instructions for this start on page 25 of this Guide.
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Introducing the ECL 2000
2.1 What is the ECL 2000?
The ECL 2000 is a micro-processor based controller used for temperature control and regulation in district heating systems and for mixing control in boiler systems.
The controller can be used for weather compensation and control in the following types of systems:
Two parallel district heating circuits
Two heat circuits and one hot-water circuit
Two separate weather compensated heat circuits
Two heat circuits combined with hot-water tank control.
Two types of ECL 2000 are available with different input/output configurations. ECL 2000 Type 1 is supplied with 14 pre-programmed applications (i.e. 14 standard
system setups). Type 2 has 17 pre-programmed applications. The ECL 2000’s built-in applications cover a wide variety of commonly used central heating configurations.
See page 25 for further information.
2.2 Operating Modes
The controller can operate in 4 different modes:
Night setback
In Automatic mode, the controller alternates between two temperature setpoints: com­fort and night setback. The flow temperature of a heat circuit and the hot-water tem­perature are kept at either comfort or night setback temperature, according to a user­defined 7-day plan.
In Comfort mode, flow and hot-water temperatures are maintained at daytime level.
In Night setback mode, the plant is maintained at night setback temperature, which is normally lower than the comfort temperature.
The controller can be in night setback mode even during the daytime, for example over the week-end.
In Stand-by mode, heating is off, but the plant is frost-protected at 6 °C.
Introducing the ECL 2000
2.3 Circuit Functions
Heat circuit functionality includes weather compensation of flow temperature ac­cording to outdoor temperature, sun intensity and wind velocity, outdoor temperature dependant return temperature limiting, PI control of valve motors, as well as an optimizer facility that will save energy by calculating optimum pre-heat and cooling times for the plant. If a room temperature sensor is fitted, the optimizer is adaptive.
Hot-water circuit facilities include PI control of valve motors, return temperature lim­iting and an anti-bacteria function.
The ECL 2000 has a built-in timer function with a year clock, which can be used to switch on and off an external device according to a 7-day, 24-hour program.
2.4 Time Programming
The ECL 2000’s time programming facility lets you set up an individual 7-day, 24­hour program for each of the circuits being controlled.
The ‘party function’ allows the ECL 2000 to override the 24-hour program and keep one or more circuits at comfort temperature for a prolonged period of time, for exam­ple until later in the evening than normally. The economy function lets the ECL 2000 keep the plant at night setback temperature longer than normally.
You can also pre-program a holiday period during which the controller will follow a different 24-hour schedule than under normal conditions.
2.5 Other Functions
The controller includes a Manual Override facility that disables all automatic control, allowing for manual control of circuit components (pumps and valve motors).
The controller’s alarm system lets you define conditions that will cause an alarm. You can monitor the alarm status by displaying the controller’s alarm log and one relay output can be defined as an alarm output.
The ECL 2000 also includes facilities for logging measured data and displaying this graphically, as well as for calculating degree days.
LON (Local Operating Network) communication is available as an option. This facil­ity enables the ECL 2000 to communicate via LON with other ECL 2000 controllers and devices such as heatmeters.
Operating the ECL 2000
A few basic principles determine the way the ECL 2000 is operated – these principles apply to all ECL 2000 functions. This section gives a brief introduction to these prin­ciples.
Detailed descriptions of the various ECL 2000 functions are given from page 9. For an overview of navigating through ECL 2000 pictures, see the charts in Appendix A, page 75.
3.1 The Front Panel
Select circuit 7-day plan and holiday
Weather compensation curves
Service settings
LCD display
Operating mode
Go to next picture/ Move cursor
Change setting
Manual override Application
Figure 1. ECL 2000 front panel push buttons
Operating the ECL 2000
3.2 Front Panel Push-buttons
The following push-buttons operate independently of all other functions:
Push-button Function
Selects a circuit, that is, a heat circuit, a hot-water circuit or a timer. When you press the push-button, the display switches from the System
Overview picture to the picture of the first circuit, to the next circuit, etc. and finally back to the System Overview again.
See page 12.
Changes the operating mode of the controller. The ECL 2000 can oper­ate in 4 different modes: Automatic, Comfort, Night setback and Stand­by.
See page 15.
The function buttons activate 5 main functions: Setting time programs, adjusting weather compensation curves, changing service settings, operating the plant manually and selecting an application. These are:
Push-button Function
7-day plan and holiday plan
Lets you modify the controller’s 7-day plan, set up a holiday period and a 24-hour program to follow during the holiday period.
See page 17.
Weather compensation curves
Allows you to modify the weather compensation curves used by the ECL 2000 to control flow and return temperatures in a heat circuit.
See page 21.
Service settings
Activates the ECL 2000’s service menus. The service menus allow you to change settings for the circuits controlled by the ECL 2000 and to monitor actual values of plant variables.
See page 38.
Manual override
Enables manual operation of individual components in the plant. See page 36.
Lets you select an application, which is a standard system setup See page 26.
Operating the ECL 2000
Exit The general principle of the ECL 2000 is as follows: Once you have pressed one of
these push-buttons and activated the corresponding function, you exit the function by
pressing the same button once more. There are minor exceptions to this rule – these are indicated in the appropriate sections of this User’s Guide. When you exit a func­tion, any modifications you have performed are saved.
The remaining front panel buttons perform the functions outlined in the table below:
Push-button Function
Change the display to the next/previous picture in a series, for example in the System Overview or the Circuit Status.
Move the cursor within a picture.
Increases the value of a setting, for example a temperature setpoint. Reduces the value of a setting.
Before being allowed to modify a setting, you may be prompted to enter an access code. See page 20 for instructions.
3.3 Display Icons
The ECL 2000’s displays are provided with a number of icons to help you navigate through the pictures. The following icons appear in the upper left corner of the display:
Icon Indicates
Data for heat circuit no. 1 is being displayed.
Data for heat circuit no. 2 is being displayed.
Data for the hot-water circuit is being displayed.
Data for the timer function is being displayed.
Settings concerning al l circuits: Common Functions in service menus.
Operating the ECL 2000
Icons displayed on the right-hand side of the display:
Icon Indicates
Time programming is active – was pressed.
Curve adjusting is active – was pressed.
Service menus are active – was pressed.
Manual operation is active – was pressed.
System setup is active – was pressed.
Press to access next picture. Press to access previous picture. Picture no. 2 of 5 is currently displayed. Press and to access
other pictures. Press to display more settings. Press to display more settings.
Day-to-Day Operation
4.1 About This Chapter
This chapter is intended for the daily user of the ECL 2000. It describes the functions which are used during normal day-to-day operation of the ECL 2000. Instructions are provided for:
Getting an overview of the plant and looking at individual circuits in the system
Setting the ECL 2000’s operating mode
Viewing status information
Changing temperature setpoints.
Day-to-Day Operation
4.2 System Overview
The System Overview is the ECL 2000’s main picture. When the ECL 2000 is powered on, the System Overview appears in the display after the self-test has been completed
. During normal operation, whenever no front panel push-button is operated for a 10 minute period, the ECL 2000 automatically reverts to the System Overview.
System Overview
Actual outdoor tempera­ture
Actual hot-water temperature Room temperature. If the plant has more than one heat
circuit, the room temperature is displayed individually for each heat circuit.
24-hour program for all circuits. This 24-hour program indicates that heat circuit 1 should be maintained at comfort temperature from 06:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 23:00. Outside these periods, the circuit is maintained at night setback temperature. The hot water is kept at comfort temperature constantly.
The System Overview shows the total setup of the plant. This means that the picture looks slightly different, according to the application that was selected when the controller was configured.
The heating system in this example consists of one heat circuit and one hot-water circuit. In addition to these, the system also includes a timer, which you can see from third line of the 24-hour program. When this function is enabled, a set of outputs on the controller is used to switch on and off some external device, that is, the ECL 2000 is used as a timer to control this other device. See also page 33.
Display contrast
If the temperature in the room where the ECL 2000 is installed is very high, this may affect the contrast of the controller’s LCD display.
1. In the System Overview picture, use
and to adjust the display
See page 25 for information on what to do when powering on the ECL 2000 for the first time.
Day-to-Day Operation
System status
To view status information for the entire plant:
1. From the System Overview, use
to display further information.
See illustration below.
Depending on the selected application and the sensors connected to the system, the following status information can be available:
Day temperature
This picture displays the highest and lowest outdoor temperature measured since midnight. The
symbol indicates that the actual temperature is rising. A indicates
that the temperature is falling.
Degree days
The number of degree days calculated since the first day of the current month and the number of degree days calculated since the change of season.
The following status information is only available when the appropriate sensors are connected to the ECL 2000:
Sun intensity
Actual value of sun intensity.
Wind velocity
Actual wind velocity.
Water Flow
Actual value of water flow.
Actual value of energy consumption.
Actual reading from a user-defined sensor connected to the control­ler.
See page 27 for information on configuring the ECL 2000’s sensor inputs and LON inputs
By default, the season for degree day calculation starts on 1. June
Sensor S8 and S9
Sensor S10 and S11 (ECL 2000 Type 2 only)
Sensor L1 and L2 (LON option installed)
Sensor L3 and L4 (LON option installed)
Day-to-Day Operation
4.3 Selecting a Circuit. Viewing Circuit Status
This section tells you how to select an individual circuit in the plant and display status data for this circuit.
In the System Overview picture or in one of the System Status pictures (see page 10-11):
1. Press
to display the next circuit in the plant.
Comfort temperature setpoint Night setback temperature setpoint Operating mode of the circuit: Automatic, Comfort,
Night setback or Stand-by. See page 3 24-hour program
Comfort temperature setpoint Night setback temperature setpoint Operating mode of the circuit: Automatic, Comfort,
Night setback or Stand-by 24-hour program
Current status of timer
Operating mode of the timer 24-hour program
To return to the System Overview:
2. Press
Whenever you wish to change the setup or view data for one circuit separately, you
start by selecting the circuit. This function is active in most of the ECL 2000’s pic­tures. For example, while setting the operating mode for one circuit, you can switch
to the next circuit by pressing
Several of the ECL 2000’s built-in applications include two heat circuits. When a second heat circuit is part of the application, this circuit has a picture associated with it that is very similar to the picture for Heat circuit 1.
Day-to-Day Operation
View Status
To view status information for one circuit:
1. In the System Overview picture, press
until you see the picture of the
appropriate circuit.
2. Press
to display status information for the circuit, once more to display
today’s log, and again to display yesterday’s log.
The status of individual components of the se­lected circuit. The sym­bols used in the picture are explained below.
Today’s log. The fully drawn curve shows varia­tions in flow temperature. The dotted curve indicates the return temperature.
Yesterday’s log. The fully drawn curve shows the flow temperature, the dotted curve shows the return temperature.
Temperature readings
The following temperature information is available in Status pictures, depending on the selected application and the type of circuit:
Actual (49 °C) and reference flow temperature (calcu­lated, 48 °C), return temperature (24 °C) for a radiator heating system.
Primary return temperature and secondary flow tem­perature for a circuit that includes a heat exchanger.
Charging (50 °C) and return temperature (23 °C), upper tank temperature (48 °C) and lower tank temperature (23 °C) for a circuit that includes a hot-water storage tank.
Flow temperature (50/40 °C) measured by two sensors in a circuit that includes a hot-water storage tank.
Pump and valve status
The following pump and valve information can be available in Status pictures, de­pending on the application and the type of circuit.
Pump status: Pump no. 2 is currently off while pump no. 3 is operating.
Valve status: Valve 24 % open.
Valve motor status: Valve moving in the open-
ing/closing direction, respectively. Valve motor status: Valve is not moving.
See Appendix C, page 87 for a complete list of the data displayed in Log pictures
A blank reading indicates that the sensor is not connected or that there is a sensor error
Day-to-Day Operation
4.4 Changing Comfort and Night Setback Temperature Settings
This page tells you how to change the comfort and night setback temperature settings for a heat circuit or a hot-water service.
1. In the System Overview picture, press to dis-
play the picture of the desired circuit.
In the Circuit picture in this example, the comfort tem­perature is highlighted, indicating that this setting is selected.
2. Use and to select the temperature setting
that should be changed – the comfort temperature or the night setback temperature.
3. Use and to change the temperature setting.
Day-to-Day Operation
4.5 Changing the Operating Mode
Changing the operating mode for all circuits
The ECL 2000 can operate in 4 modes. Use the Mode push-button on the front panel
to change the controller’s operating mode. Above the Mode push-button, there are 4 LED symbols:
, ,
. When you select an operating mode, the symbol corresponding to the selected mode lights up.
The controller switches between comfort and night set­back temperature as specified in the 7-day plan.
Page 17 tells you how to modify the plan.
The controller maintains comfort temperature for all circuits.
Night setback
The controller maintains night setback temperature con­stantly in all circuits.
Temperature control is stopped but the system is frost­protected at 6 °C.
By pressing the Mode button once more, all three circuits are set in Automatic mode.
Changing the operating mode for one circuit
Alternatively, you can change the operating mode for each of the system’s circuits individually:
1. In the System Overview, press
to select the circuit you wish to work
2. Use the Mode push-button to select the desired operating mode.
If the system includes a timer circuit, this circuit will be set in Night Setback mode when Stand-by is selected, that is, the timer output will be constantly off.
Time Programming
5.1 Extending the Comfort or Night Setback Period
The ECL 2000 offers two functions allowing you to override the controller’s 24-hour program. The party function extends the comfort temperature period while the economy function extends the night setback period.
You can extend the comfort or night setback period for the whole plant or separately for one circuit. To change the setting for the whole plant:
1. Start in the System Overview picture.
2. To extend the comfort period, press the Mode
push-button until the
symbol lights up.
3. To extend the night setback period, press Mode
until the
symbol lights up.
The example on this page illustrates how the comfort period is extended.
4. Press to set the stopping time and date, i.e. the
time when the controller will revert to the normal 24-hour program.
5. Use
and to adjust the stopping time in 30-
minute steps.
The stopping date is adjusted automatically if the stop­ping time exceeds midnight.
When you use this function to extend the comfort or night setback period, the
stays lit, while the is flashing to indicate that the controller will automatically
revert to its normal 24-hour program at the specified stopping time.
When the party function is active, the controller maintains comfort temperature from the current time until the specified stopping time. Any night setback periods pro­grammed in this interval are disregarded. Likewise, the economy function keeps the system at night setback temperature constantly until the specified stopping time.
To extend the comfort or night setback period for a single circuit:
1. Select the circuit by pressing
, and proceed from step 2. above.
Time Programming
5.2 Setting the 7-Day Plan
The ECL 2000’s 7-day plan is active when the controller is in Automatic mode (see page 15). The 7-day plan determines when comfort temperature will be maintained in the system, and when night setback temperature will be maintained.
1. In the System Overview picture, press to
display the picture of the circuit.
2. Press
to display the current 7-day plan for the
selected circuit.
In the 7-day plan, the numbers 1-7 indicate the days from Monday to Sunday. A thin time line indicates when night setback temperature should be maintained, and a thick line indicates when comfort temperature should be maintained.
Now select a day or group of days for which the 24-hour program will be changed:
3. Press until the name of the first day appears
(Monday in this example). Note that the day’s number is replaced by a cursor (
4. If you wish to select a group of days (for example
Monday through Friday), use
to add the cur-
rently selected day to the group. Use
to remove
the selected day from the group.
When a group of days is selected, the numbers of the days are highlighted while the currently selected day is indicated by the
Now set the 24-hour program for the selected day or group of days:
5. Press . A cursor appears in the time line that represents the 24-
hour program for the selected day(s). The time of day corresponding to the cursor position is displayed.
6. Use
and to move the cursor to the time of
day at which you wish to modify the plan.
If the plan includes changes from comfort to night setback temperature and vice versa, the
push-button moves the cursor forward to the next change of mode.
always moves the cursor backwards in 15-minute steps.
7. Press
to select comfort temperature for the currently selected 15-
minute time interval. Press
to select night setback temperature.
To exit the 7-day plan:
1. Press
Time Programming
5.3 Setting the Holiday Plan
The ECL 2000’s Holiday Plan enables you to set up a special 24-hour program which will be active for a limited number of days (the holiday period) which you select from a calendar.
You set up the holiday plan for one circuit at a time:
, ,
1. In the System Overview picture, press until the
appropriate circuit picture appears.
2. Press
to display the 7-day plan. Details of this
picture are given on page 17.
3. Press
to display the Holiday picture.
The first thing to do is to set up the holiday period. First select the month:
4. Press to highlight the name of the month, and
then use
and to change the holiday month.
The year changes automatically when the month changes from Dec to Jan.
Now proceed to select the days of the holiday period:
5. Press or to move the cursor to the first day
of the selected month. The date is replaced by a cursor (
6. Use
, , and to move the cursor to the
first day to be included in the holiday period.
7. Press to add the currently selected day to the
holiday period. The selected days are highlighted. By pressing
, you remove the selected day from
the highlighted period.
The next step is to set up a 24-hour program for the holiday period. But first, you must exit this part of the Holiday Plan facility:
8. Use
and/or to move the cursor back to the first date of the month.
9. Press
to move the cursor back to the name of the month.
10. Press
once more to display the symbol at the top right corner of the dis-
See next page for further instructions.
Time Programming
After setting up the holiday period, you are now ready to enter the 24-hour program that the controller should follow during this period:
11. In the Holiday picture, press .
The ECL 2000 displays this picture, which allows you to select an operating mode for the holiday. The X indi­cates the currently selected mode (Stand-by in the ex­ample).
12. Use
to move the cursor between Stand-
by and Automatic.
13. Use and to select or deselect an operating
mode (see page 3 for information about ECL
2000’s operating modes).
When you select Automatic, a time line appears at the bottom of the display.
14. Press to move the cursor to the time line.
The time of day corresponding to the cursor position is displayed.
Now you can set the 24-hour program for the holiday period in the same way as you set a 24-hour program for
the normal 7-day plan:
and move the cursor,
selects comfort temperature (thick time line) and selects night setback temperature (thin line). See page 17 for more detailed instructions.
To exit the holiday plan facility:
1. Press
until the symbol appears at the top right corner.
2. Press
Entering the Access Code
The ECL 2000 always allows the user to display any parameter or setting. However, the controller can be set up to prompt the user to enter an access code before he or she is allowed to modify a setting. The controller has 2 levels of access codes:
The service level code gives authorization to modify all settings of the ECL 2000.
This code is required to select a different application (see page 26), to configure inputs and outputs (see page 27) and to modify the controller’s service settings
(see chapter 10, page 38).
By entering the user level code, you are authorized to modify all settings that do
not require the service level code. These settings are the ones that may need changing during normal day-to-day operation, for example a temperature setpoint or the 7-day plan.
See page 72 for instructions on activating and modifying the access code.
When you attempt to modify a setting, a pop-up similar to the one shown below ap­pears:
1. Use and to move the cursor from one digit
to another.
2. Use
and to change the digits.
3. When you have entered the access code, press
The Access Code pop-up disappears. If you entered the correct access code, you can now complete the opera­tion you were about to perform.
When no front panel push-button has been operated for a 10 minute period, you must enter the access code again before being allowed to modify any settings.
Weather Compens at i on Curves
Weather compensation means that the ECL 2000 regulates the heat circuit tempera­ture in accordance with the outdoor temperature.
Weather compensation is controlled by two user-definable curves:
A flow temperature curve
A return temperature curve.
Flow temperature curve
Outdoor temperature
The flow temperature curve shows the reference flow temperature in the heat circuit as a function of the out­door temperature. By modifying this curve, you deter­mine what the flow temperature should be for various values of the outdoor temperature.
At low outdoor temperatures, you will normally want a higher flow temperature, as shown in the curve to the left.
You can set up maximum and minimum values for the reference flow temperature. This is explained on page 22.
Return temperature curve
Outdoor temperature
The return temperature curve controls return tempera­ture limiting in accordance with the outdoor tempera­ture. The curve shows the acceptable return temperature as a function of the outdoor temperature.
Normally, a low outdoor temperature means that a higher return temperature will be allowed. This is also the case with the curve shown to the left.
For further information on return temperature limiting, see page 47 and 48 (heat circuit) and page 58 and 59 (hot-water circuit).
The following pages provide instructions for setting up the curves.
The setting of the flow and return temperature curve is essential for the functioning of
the ECL 2000. Therefore, it is important to check that the resulting curve is reason­able in relation to the controlled system.
Reference flow temperature
Return tem­perature limit
Weather Compens at i on Curves
7.1 Adjusting the Flow Temperature Curve
The weather compensation curve for the flow temperature can be modified by setting: A maximum and minimum value, 2 curve endpoints and, in addition to these, 3 break points. Together, these parameters define the shape of the curve.
1. Press to select the desired heat circuit.
2. Press
to display the flow temperature curve.
If you press
while a hot-water circuit is selected, the ECL 2000 displays a pop-up
informing you that this facility is not available for hot-water circuits.
Moving curve points
3. Press to display the currently defined curve
4. Use
and to move the cursor to the point you
wish to modify.
The flow temperature (y co-ordinate) of the selected point is highlighted to indicate that it can be modified.
5. Use
and to select either the flow tempera­ture (y co-ordinate) or the outdoor temperature (x co-ordinate) of the point.
6. Use
and to adjust the selected value.
If two curve points are placed in the same position, one point is automatically re­moved.
Setting maximum and minimum val­ues
7. Ensure that the outdoor temperature of a point is
selected (x co-ordinate value highlighted), and press to display maximum and minimum val-
8. Use
and to select either the maximum or minimum setting.
9. Use
and to adjust the selected setting.
Adding and re­moving curve points
10. Ensure that the curve’s minimum value is selected,
and press
to display break points.
The checked box indicates the number of break points that are currently active (in this example, 1 break point is active – in addition to the two curve endpoints).
11. Use
to add a breakpoint or to remove one.
Weather Compens at i on Curves
7.2 Adjusting the Return Temperature Curve
You modify the return temperature curve in the same way as when adjusting the flow temperature curve (see page 22). However, for the return temperature curve, you can only set two curve points. The curve can have no further break points.
To display the return temperature curve:
1. In the Flow Temperature Curve picture, press
Moving curve points
2. Press to display the curve points.
3. Use
and to move the cursor to the point you
wish to modify.
The y co-ordinate value (the return temperature) of the selected point is highlighted to indicate that it can be modified.
4. Use
and to select either the y or x co-
ordinate (outdoor temperature) of the point.
5. Use
and to adjust the selected value.
Setting maximum and minimum val­ues
6. Ensure that the x co-ordinate of a point is selected
(x co-ordinate value highlighted), and press
display maximum and minimum values.
7. Use
and to select either the maximum or
minimum setting.
8. Use
and to adjust the selected setting.
To exit temperature curve editing:
1. Press
Weather Compens at i on Curves
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