Danfoss DST P92S User guide

Safety guide
Pressure transmitter SIL-2
Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
Table of contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2
2. General information.................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Contact........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Used symbols and format........................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Reference....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Qualication test........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Compliance information......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Electromagnetic and electrical tests................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Environmental qualication................................................................................................................... 12
4. System information................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Functional safety classication............................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Technical data............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Technical drawings..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Pin congurations...................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 Wiring diagram............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.6 Safety functions.......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.7 Diagnosis....................................................................................................................................................... 18
5. Safety requirements.................................................................................................................................. 18
5.1 Known issues............................................................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Instructions and constraints................................................................................................................... 19
5.3 Safe state....................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4 System............................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.5 Pressure.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.6 Outputs.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.7 Decommissioning and disposal............................................................................................................ 24
5.8 Security.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
6. Transport and storage............................................................................................................................... 24
7. Maintenance................................................................................................................................................. 24
8. Mounting....................................................................................................................................................... 24
9. Dismounting................................................................................................................................................. 25
1. Introduction This document includes system information and safety requirements for the pressure transmitter DST P92S, which have to be considered and fullled within the overall safety application.
It shall be used as input for the:
development of the overall safety
overall installation and commissioning
overall safety validation planning.
overall operation, maintenance and repair
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Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
2. General information
2.1 Contact
Danfoss A/S Industrial Automation DK-6430 Nordborg Denmark www.ia.danfoss.com E-mail: technical support_IA@danfoss.com
2.2 Used symbols and formats
REQIREMENT: Requirement which shall be adhered to maintain safe system operations.
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation on how to handle certain aspects of requirements.
WARNING: Warning of faults and errors during the application development.
NOTE: A note provides additional and important information of the system behavior.
2.3 Reference
No. Description
International standard IEC 61508:2010
Functional safety of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety-related systems
Safety standard EN ISO 13849-1:2015
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems
/3/ Siemens standard SN 29500: Failure rates of components
EMC standard EN 61000-4-5:2005
Electromagnetic Compatibility; testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
Safety standard ISO 25119:2010 / EN 16590:2014
Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Safety-related parts of constrol system
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Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
2.4 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AgPL Agricultural Performance Level: Safety classication according to ISO 25119 / EN 16590
CCF Common Cause Failure
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DC Diagnostic Coverage
DFB Digital Feedback
DTI Diagnostic Test Interval
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
FRT Fault Reaction Time
FTT Fault Tolerance Time
FS Full Scale
GND Ground
HW Hardware
I/O Input / Output
MDT Mean Downtime
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTFd Mean Time To dangerous Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Restoration
PFH Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour
PL Performance Level: Safety classication according to EN ISO 13849
PST Process Safety Time
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
SFF Safe Failure Fraction
SIL Safety Integrity Level: Safety classication according to IEC 61508
SMM Shadow Memory Module (if existing)
SN Siemens Standard
SRL Software Requirement Level
SW Software
TBD To be determined / to be dened
VCC Positive voltage supply connection
VFB Voltage Feedback
VSRC Valid Safety Relevant Conguration
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Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
3. Qualication tests
3.1 Compliance information
Standard Description Parameter
Conformity See EU Dclaration of conformity
Certication Requirement in accordance to the EC type-approval of
the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt KBA (Kraftfahrt­Bundesamt)
See also Functional Safety Classication on page 9
(KBA) - Fedral Motor tTransport
All vehicle types with a 12 V
respectively 24 V - electrical
wiring and battery(-) at the
According UN ECE Regulation No. 10
3.2 Electromagnetic and electrical tests
Electrical Safety
Standard Test description Test parameter
Danfoss reference Supply voltage Current variant:
Operation with U and U
= 9V DC for a duration of
= 32V DC
60 min. each.
Current variant
x x
Ratiometric voltage variant
Ratiometric voltage variant: Operation withg U and U
= 4.5V DC for a duration
= 5.5 V DC
of 50 min. each
Danfoss reference Starting prole
switch-on hysteresis
Overvoltage and hysteresis: U
t = U
t = 5 min.
Undervoltage and hysteresis: U
= U
ΔU = 0.1V U
= U
Danfoss reference Broken cable
supply lines
t at U
Interruption of supply lines: Current variant: U
= 32V
= 9V
= 5 min.
Ratiometric voltage variant: U
= 5.5V
= 4.5V
t = 60 sec.
Danfoss reference Short circuits Output signals to VCC or GND in
each case
t = 60 sec.
Danfoss reference ISO 16750-2: 2012-11
Polarity Protection
Change supply polarity: t = 5 min. Curent variant: No current limitation of supply necessary
x x
x x
x x
x x
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Ratiometric voltage variant: Current limiting of supply to 2A
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Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
Standard Test description Test parameter
Danfoss reference Current
Supply current consumption without load: Current variant: I
≤ 50 mA
Ratiometric voltage variant: I
≤ 20 mA
Danfoss reference Load test 48 hours at minimum
temperature: 12 hours without operating, 36 hours with operating U
and l
48 hours at maximum
Danfoss reference ISO 16750-2: 2012-11
Insulation Resistance
temperature with operation U and I
Unpowered; 500V DC; 60 sec.; 50% rh; 35 °C; between Connector pins and electric
conductive housing without galvanic contact.
Insulation resistance > 10 MΩ
CE Conformity (EMC)
Standard Test Description Test Parameter Current
DIN EN 61000-6-3 DIN EN 61326 DIN 61326-2-3
DIN EN 610000-4-2:2009-12 DIN EN 61326-1
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Conducted emission: 150 kHz to 30 MHz
Radiated emission: 30 MHz to 1 GHz
Direct discharge: Contact discharge: ±2 kV, ±4 kV
Air discharge: ±2 kV, ±4 kV, ±8 k
Current variant
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
Ratiometric voltage variant
Ratiometric voltage variant
DIN EN 61000-4-2: 2009-12 DIN EN 61326-1 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
DIN EN 61000-4-2: 2009-12 DIN EN 61326-1 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
DIN EN 61000-4-3: 2011-04 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN EN 61326-2-3
DIN EN 61000-4-4: 2013-04 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN EN 61326-2-3
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10 discarges per test point
Indirect discharge: (horizontal coupling-plate)
Contact discharge: ±2 kV; ±4 kV
15 discharges per test point
Indirect discharge: (vertical coupling-plate)
Contact discharge: ±2 kV; ±4 kV
15 discharges per test point
Immunity radio frequency: 80 MHz to 1 GHz (10 V/m)
1.4 GHz to 2.0 GHz (3 V/m)
2.0 GHz to 2.7 GHz (1 V/m)
3 m, horizontal and vertical
Test voltage: Supply lines: ± 2 kV Data lines: ±1 kV Duration: 5 min. Pulse form: 5/50 ns Frequency: 5 kHz Polarity: positive and negative
x x
x x
x x
x x
IC.PS.P21.2A.02 | 520B7782
Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
Standard Test Description Test Parameter Current
Symmetrical coupling (L-N): Supply lines: ±0.5 kV; ±1 kV Coupling: 2 Ω / 18 µF
DIN EN 61000-4-5: 2007-06 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN 61326-2-3
DIN EN 610000-4-6: 2014 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN EN 61326-2-3
DIN EN 61000-4-8 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN EN 61326-2-3
DIN EN 61000-4-8 DIN EN 61326-3-1 DIN EN 61326-1 DIN EN 61326-2-3
Power Frequency Magnetic Fields
Power Frequency Magnetic Fields
Unsymmetrical coupling (L-PE, N-PE, LN-PE): Supply lines: ±0.5 kV; ±1 kV, ±2 kV Signal lines: not required, cable length <30 m
Coupling: 12 Ω / 9 µF
Number of repeats: 5
Conducted disturbances
0.15 mHz – 80 MHz, 3 V, 80% AM sine wave 1 kHz
50 Hz / 60 Hz 30 A/m 60 sec. for each axis
50 Hz / 60 Hz 30 A/m 60 sec. for each axis
EMC (Automotive)
Standard Test Description Test Parameter Current
Articial network (AN): 150 kHz to 108 MHz, 1 m, 120 kHz bandwidth class 3
Ratiometric voltage variant
x -
x x
x x
x x
Ratiometric voltage variant
x x
CISPR 25/ECE R10 Emission
ISO 11452-2: 2004-11 Immunity
ISO 11452-4: 2011-12 Immunity
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09 Emission
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09 Emission
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Antenna measurement (RE): 160 kHz to 30 MHz, 1 m, 9 kHz bandwidth class 4 30MHz to 1 GHz, 1 m, 120 kHz bandwidth class 3 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz, 1 m, 120 kHz bandwidth class 5
Absorber lined chamber: 200 MHz to 2 GHz, 200 V/m CW, AM (1 kHz/80%), PM (577 us duration, 217 Hz repetition rate)
BCI: 20 MHz to 400 MHz, 200 mA, AM, (1 kHz, 80%)
Transient emissions on supply cables (12 V system) Severity level:III: +75 V, -100 V
Transient emissions on supply cables (24 V system) Severity level III: +150 V, -450 V
Pulse 1 (12 V system): -150 V, 5000 pulses Severity level: IV
Pulse 1 (24 V system): -600 V, 5000 pulses Severity level: IV
Pulse 2a (12 V system): +50 V, 5000 pulses Severity level: IV
x x
x x
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
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Safety guide | DST P92S Pressure transmitter
Standard Test Description Test Parameter Current
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-2: 2004-09
ISO 7637-3: 2007-07 Immunity
and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Road vehicles, electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling (data, signal), test level 4 Test level 4 for 12 V and 24V systems
Pulse 2a (24 V system): +50 V, 5000 pulses Severity level: IV
Pulse 2b (12 V system): +10 V, 10 pulses Severity level: IV
Pulse 2b (24 V system): +20 V, 10 pulses Severity level: IV
Pulse 3a (12 V system): -150 V, 1 hour Severity level: IV
Pulse 3a (24 V system): -200 V, 1 hour Severity level: IV
Pulse 3b (12V system):+100 V, 1 hour Severity level: IV
Pulse 3b (24 V system):+200 V, 1 hour Severity level: IV
Pulse 4 (12V system):-7 V, 1 pulse Severity level: IV
Pulse 4 (24V system):-16 V, 1 pulse Severity level: IV
Capacitive coupling (CCC) 12 V system test level: IV (-110 V) Test ime: 10 min.
24 V system Test level: IV (-150 V) test time: 10 min.
Ratiometric voltage variant
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
x -
x x
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