Operation guide
Pressure transmitter
Operation guide | DST P92C Pressure transmitter CAN SAE J1939
Table of contents
1. General Information
1. General information................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Contact........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 General............................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 CAN Interface................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Specifications............................................................................................................................................... 3
3. J1939 communication.............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Supported PGN’s and SPN’s.................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 PGN of Danfoss........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Definitions..................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 PGN.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4.2 SPN.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.5 Overview of the slot for pressure sensors......................................................................................... 11
3.6 Additionally, Danfoss specific ............................................................................................................... 12
3.7 References.................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.1 Contact
Danfoss A/S
Industrial Automation
DK-6430 Nordborg
E-mail: technical support_IA@danfoss.com
1.2 General
The pressure transmitter DST P92C measures the
physical quantity pressure. The range depends on
the sensor which is used in the transmitter and
is 25–800 bar. The measured value is transmitted
on the CAN-Bus with the J1939 protocol. The
transmitter takes 1000 samples per second, does
filtering and converts the raw value into the
output format.
The CAN 2.0B interface is able to run up to
a speed of 1 Mbit/sec with 11-bit and 29-bit
1.3 CAN Interface
The device includes a Full CAN controller
specified to CAN 2.0B. The physical layer of the
2-wire interface is specified according to ISO
11898. The wires are protected against shortcircuit. By adjusting the rise and fall times of the
CAN signals, the noise emission is minimized.
The bus termination resistor is not included in
the device.
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Operation guide | DST P92C Pressure transmitter CAN SAE J1939
2. Specifications
Electrical specifications
Supply voltage 9 – 36 V DC protected against reverse polarity
Current consumption at U
= 24 V DC I < 50 mA typical, IMAX < 100 mA
CAN Interface
Physical layer
2-wire interface, 5 V level according to ISO 11898
Protected against short-circuit
Bit rate 250 kBit/s
Signal rise time
Bit rate < 125 kbit/s 12 V/µs (without bus)
Bit rate ≥ 125 kbit/s > 24 V/µs (without bus)
Bus termination External
Protokoll SAE J1939
EN 61000-6-2
EN 61000-6-4
Operating temperature -40 – 125 °C
Media temperature -40 – 150 °C
M12 connector Pin Assignment (CiA DR303-1)
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
CAN shield, PE
, +24 V DC
GND, 0 V
3. J1939 Communication
3.1 Introduction
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
developed the 1939 standard to be the
preferred CAN for equipment used in industries
ranging from agriculture, construction, and fire/
rescue to forestry, materials handling as well as
on and off-highway vehicles. It is a high-level
protocol that defines how communication
between nodes (modules) occurs on the bus.
The 1939 network is a specific communication
system, supporting specific sets of applications
and a specific industry, rather than being
Any electronic control unit (ECU) using J1939
is permitted to transmit a message on the
network when the bus is idle. Every message
includes a 29-bit identifier, which defines the
message priority, what data is contained within
the 8-byte data array that follows the identifier,
and which ECU sent the message.
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Operation guide | DST P92C Pressure transmitter CAN SAE J1939
3.2 Supported PGN’s and SPN’s
PGN’s of SAE J1939
61448 1762 50 1-2 SAEpr08 Hydraulic Pressure
61448 6707 50 4-5 SAEpr20 Hydraulik Intake Pressure
61448 6708 50 6-7 SAEpr08 Hydraulic Discharge Pressure Set Point
61475 4334 50 6 SAEpr13 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Doser 1 Absolute Pressure
61478 4387 50 6 SAEpr13 Aftertreatment 2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Doser 1 Absolute Pressure
61538 6583 10 1-2 SAEpr22 Tranmission Hydrostatic Loop 1 Pressure
61538 6584 10 3-4 SAEpr22 Tranmission Hydrostatic Loop 2 Pressure
64557 6787 500 1-2 SAEpr03 LNG Tank 1 Vapor Pressure
64557 6788 500 3-4 SAEpr03 LNG Tank 2 Vapor Pressure
64559 7350 1000 4 SAEpr13 Fire Suppression Compressed Air Foam System Air Pressure
64563 7100 500 1-2 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 Desired Pressure
64563 7101 500 3-4 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Desired Pressure
64564 7096 500 1-2 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure 1 (Extended Range)
64564 7097 500 3-4 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure 2 (Extended Range)
64564 7098 500 5-6 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure 1 (Extended Range)
64564 7099 500 7-8 SAEpr12 Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure 2 (Extended Range)
64569 7067 500 1-2 SAEpr06 Plant Gaseous Fuel Supply Outlet Pressure
64569 7068 500 3-4 SAEpr06 Plant Inert Gas Supply Outlet Pressure
64570 7063 500 1-2 SAEpr06 Engine Gaseous Fuel Supply Pressure 2
64570 7064 500 3-4 SAEpr06 Gaseous Fuel Supply Unit Intake Pressure
64570 7065 500 5-6 SAEpr06 Gaseous Fuel Supply Shutoff Valve 1 Intake Pressure
64570 7066 500 7-8 SAEpr06 Gaseous Fuel Supply Shutoff Valve 2 Intake Pressure
64576 7019 500 4-5 SAEpr08 Engine Fuel 2 Pump Hydraulic Pressure
64577 7021 500 1-2 SAEpr08 Engine Fuel 2 Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure
64577 7022 500 3-4 SAEpr08 Engine Fuel 2 Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure
64577 7513 500 7-8 SAEpr08 Engine Fuel 2 Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure 2
64578 6988 10000 2-3 SAEpr22 Time Pressure (Extended Range)
64578 6989 10000 4-5 SAEpr22 Required Tire Pressure
64579 6980 on request 2-3 SAEpr22 Cold Inflation Pressure
64589 6876 500 1 SAEpr10 Aftertreatment 2 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Pressure
64590 6875 500 1 SAEpr10 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Pressure
64590 7459 500 2 SAEpr13 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Doser 2 Absolute Pressure
64595 6837 500 4 SAEpr10 Gas Leakage Detection 1 Pressure
64595 6838 500 5 SAEpr10 Gas Leakage Detection 2 Pressure
64595 6839 500 6 SAEpr10 Gas Leakage Detection 3 Pressure
64600 6811 1000 1 SAEpr10 Engine Turbocharger 2 Lube Oil Pressure
64600 6812 1000 2 SAEpr10 Engine Turbocharger 3 Lube Oil Pressure
64600 6813 1000 3 SAEpr10 Engine Turbocharger 4 Lube Oil Pressure
64655 6646 100 1 SAEpr09 Engine Gaseous Fuel Supply Pressure (Extended Range)
64656 6589 500 1-2 SAEpr09 Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure 1
64656 6590 500 3-4 SAEpr09 Engine Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure 2
64656 6591 500 5-6 SAEpr09 Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure 1
64656 6592 500 7-8 SAEpr09 Engine Injector Metering Rail 2 Pressure 2
Slot SPN Name
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