DANFOSS DS-224/824
Hydronic Snow Melt Controllers/Sensors
Advanced, Low Voltage and Intuitive
The DS Controllers are primarily designed for
hydronic snow melting applications. The
DS224 has built in moisture and temperature
sensor while the DS824 has a built in
temperature sensor and a remote mount
moisture sensor (10ft. lead). The units can be
powered from a 24VAC/VDC source.
The DS Controllers feature a new Trigger
Sensitivity Adjustment. The sensitivity
adjustment allows setting the number of
seconds the precipitation grid must see
continuous rain or snow before the sensor is
triggered and ranges from 3 seconds to 4
minutes. A higher sensitivity setting assures
quick detection no matter the conditions. A
lower sensitivity setting will allow a few stray
drops of rain or flakes of snow to be ignored
but a heavier downfall will trigger the system.
Designed for Low Voltage Hydronic and
Battery Powered Systems
Automatic Activation = Lower Deicing Costs
Reliable Rain and Snow Detection
24VAC/VDC Operation, Only 20 VA Required
Replaceable Precipitation Sensor
Easy Installation, Full Access to Electronics
8 Different Functions
Adjustable Temperature Trigger Point
Adjustable Delay Off Cycle, Selectable 30-90
Mins or 2-6 Hrs
Selectable Low Temperature Cutoff
Smart "Manual On" Operates for One Delay
Off Cycle
Toll Free: 866-375-HVAC (4822)

4¾"(120) x 7"(178) x 2¾"(70)
-40°F to +185°F (-40°C to +85°C)
22-28VAC/VDC 15VA maximum, 5VA typical
34°F-44°F (1.1°C-6.6°C) Field Selectable
30-90 Minutes/2-6 Hours Field Selectable
30A @ 24 VAC/100,000 operations minimum at full load
Remote Control and
Monitor Contact Capacity
24 VDC/VAC 400mA 10W total
DS-224/824 Specifications
Snow and ice alert, Sensor for external deice/snow melt controller (unlimited heat)
Sensor for external deice/snow melt controller (limited heat)
Stand-alone controller for electric/hydronic snow melting
Stand-alone controller for electric/hydronic snow melting
DS-224 Hydronic Snow Melt Controller
DS-824 Hydronic Snow Melt Controller with 10 ft. sensor cable*
Typical Wiring
Technical data
The DS Controllers can be powered from a 24VAC/VDC source. An environmentally sealed control switch is provided. The "Manual
Peak power consumption is 15 VA at startup, 8.5 VA steady On" function activates the controlled equipment for testing and
state triggered, 5 VA steady state untriggered. Power input is special operational conditions. The "Automatic" position allows the
polarity protected for a DC supply. The unit provides a single DS Controllers to handle all detections and control. The
24VAC/30A or 24VDC/20A normally open dry contact. This "Standby/Reset" position disables triggering and can also be used
contact is paralleled with a low power contact set to provide to clear the delay off timer (see below) from true or test activation.
remote control and activation monitoring. Operational If the switch is placed in "Manual On" for less than 2 seconds, then
temperature range is -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to +85°C). switched back to "Automatic" the controller will execute one delay
off cycle. This allows a controlled manual activation of the snow
Trigger Temperature (TT) is adjustable from 34°F to -44°F melt system without the fear of forgetting and leaving the system
(1°C to -42°C) using an on-board control. When ambient air in "Manual On" for an extended and potentially very expensive
temperature (AT) is below this trigger point precipitation is period of time. "Standby/Reset" can still be used to clear this delay
assumed to be snow or freezing rain. When above the trigger off cycle.
point, precipitation is assumed to be rain.
The Low Temperature Cutoff (LTC) option is typically used on
"Delay Off" refers to the internal drying cycle timer of the deicing or snow melting systems with limited output capacity. If
DS Controller. The timer is used to allow the DS Controllers to selected, the sensor will not trigger if precipitation is detected
dry the heated surface through evaporation once below 15°F (-9.5°C). However, if the deicing system has been
precipitation has stopped. The drying cycle reduces the activated, precipitation continues, and the ambient temperature
chance that moisture left behind by the melting process will drops below 15°F (-9.5°C), LTC will be ignored. This assures that
re-freeze into ice. This timer is restarted by each precipitation water left behind on the surface during the heating cycle will not
detection. Therefore, the DS Controllers will continue to immediately re-freeze into ice as a result of deactivating the
operate as long as precipitation and trigger temperature is deicing system.
detected, then for the "Delay Off" time once rain or snow
stops. It is assumed that, when operating as a sensor, the The DS Controllers feature a new innovation, a Trigger Sensitivity
controller is supplying an activation signal to an external Adjustment (TSA). The sensitivity adjustment allows setting the
control system. All "sensor" modes provide a minimum 2 number of seconds the precipitation grid must see continuous rain
minute closure, reducing cycling of the external controller. The or snow before the sensor is triggered and ranges from 3 seconds
Delay Off cycle has been extended for hydronic applications to 4 minutes. A higher sensitivity setting assures quick detection
and is determined by the Long Delay (LD) switch setting, DEL no matter the conditions. A lower sensitivity setting will allow a
switch setting and the DEL adjustment. Delay Off is 30-90 few stray drops of rain or flakes of snow to be ignored but a
minutes in non-LD "controller" mode and 2-6 hours in LD heavier downfall will trigger the system.
"controller" mode.
Ordering Information
Toll Free: 866-375-HVAC (4822)
Phone: 905-285-2050
Fax: 905-285-2055
Copyright 2010 Danfoss
*Can be extended up to 30 feet with four-conductor #18 AWG shielded cable
Toll Free: 866-375-HVAC (4822)
Phone: 443-512-0266
Fax: 443-512-0270