6. Frost protection of pipes
Data Sheet
• Frost protection inside water pipes
• Approved for drinking water
• GDV certificate
• Readymade with cold tail
• Wide range up to 417 m
• ¾” and 1” pipe fitting
• Power supply 230 & 400 V
• Safe and robust
• Long life-time
Standard compliance:
• IEC 60800:2009
DEVIaqua™ 9T - 230 V, DEVIaqua™ 9T - 400 V,
DEVIaqua™ Special Order
The DEVIaqua™ 9T is a light blue, high-quality, round, series resistive, full screened, twin
conductor heating cable with a tough outer sheath and with a special ¾” and 1” pipe fitting. It is approved for use in contact with drinking water up to 23 °C.
The DEVIaqua™ 9T is a heating cable developed for being installed inside drinking water
pipes with the purpose to prevent frozen pipes (not for keeping water hot in pipes).
The heating cable is supplied in readymade lengths with a ¾” and 1” fitting to establish a water
tight entrance for the heating cable into the drinking water pipe. It is equipped with a UV stable cold lead with solid conductors ensuring fast installation with a clearly visible connection.
Note! DEVIaqua™ 9T is only for use when installed in a pipe and only when fully covered by water.
DEVIaqua™ 9T is only intended for being used for drinking water with max. temperature 23 °C.
Type Value
Nominal voltage 230 or 400 V~
Round, series resistive, twin conductor with 360°
• Ready made
• Special order, max
Max. water pressure 10 Bar
Max. water temperature 23 °C
Cable dimensions Ø 7 mm
Deformation strength >1500 N
Pulling strength >650 N
Conductor insulation XLPE
Outer sheath Light blue, MDPE
Cold lead 2,3 m, 3G 1,5mm², DTCL, UV-resistant
Min. installation temperature -5 °C
Bending Ø, min. 6 x cable diameter
IP Class IPX7
screen, with stainless steel fitting ¾” and 1” pipe
fitting, one cold lead
9 W/m
15 W/m
Alu-foil 100% coverage +
0,5 mm² tinned copper drain wire
Type: DEVIaqua™ 9T - 230 V
Item no. Cable length Output @ 230 V~ Resistance Cold lead EAN no.
140F0000 3 m 25 W 2116,0 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201534
140F0001 5 m 45 W 1175,6 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201541
140F0002 7 m 65 W 813,8 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201558
140F0003 10 m 90 W 587,8 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201565
140F0004 12 m 110 W 480,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201572
140F0005 15 m 135 W 391,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201589
140F0006 20 m 180 W 293,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201596
140F0007 25 m 225 W 235,1 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201602
140F0008 30 m 270 W 195,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201619
140F0009 35 m 315 W 167,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201626
140F0010 40 m 360 W 146,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201633
140F0011 50 m 450 W 117,6 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201640
140F0012 60 m 540 W 98,0 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201657
140F0013 70 m 630 W 84,0 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201664
140F0014 80 m 720 W 73,5 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201671
140F0015 90 m 810 W 65,3 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201688
140F0016 100 m 900 W 58,7 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201695
140F0017 110 m 990 W 53,4 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201701
140F0018 120 m 1080 W 49,0 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201718
140F0019 130 m 1170 W 45,2 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201725
140F0020 140 m 1260 W 42,0 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201732
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Item no. Cable length Output @ 230 V~ Resistance Cold lead EAN no.
140F0021 150 m 1350 W 39,2 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466201749
140F0022 157 m 1405 W 37,7 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249345
140F0023 167 m 1510 W 35,1 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249352
140F0024 187 m 1695 W 31,2 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249369
140F0025 210 m 1895 W 27,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249376
140F0026 219 m 1965 W 26,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249383
140F0027 240 m 2160 W 24,5 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249390
Type: DEVIaqua™ 9T - 400 V
Item no. Cable length Output @ 400 V~ Resistance Cold lead EAN no.
140F0030 272 m 2450 W 65,3 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249406
140F0031 290 m 2625 W 60,9 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249413
140F0032 326 m 2940 W 54,4 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249420
140F0033 366 m 3285 W 48,7 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249437
140F0034 380 m 3425 W 46,7 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249444
140F0035 417 m 3760 W 42,5 Ω 3 x 1,5 mm² 5703466249451
Type: DEVIaqua™ Special Order
Item no. Output Cable length Resistance EAN no.
140F9997 max 15 W/m 5703466212820
When making DEVIaqua™ Special Order, 3 points from the table below should be considered: 230 V or 400 V, W/m and Length.
Possible cable lengths for Special Order with output from 10 W/m to 15 W/m
230 V 400 V
W/m W/m
10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15
Calculated length, m* Calculated length, m*
2,7 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,2 4,8 4,5 4,3 4,2 4,0 3,9 140F0000 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 3 m 705
4,7 4,5 4,3 4,2 4,0 3,9 8,3 7,9 7,5 7,2 7,0 6,7 140F0001 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 5 m 235
6,8 6,4 6,2 5,9 5,7 5,5 11,7 11,2 10,7 10,3 9,9 9,6 140F0002 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 7 m 116
9,5 9,0 8,7 8,3 8,0 7,7 16,5 15,7 15,1 14,5 13,9 13,5 140F0003 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 10 m 58,8
11,5 11,0 10,5 10,1 9,7 9,4 20,0 19,1 18,3 17,5 16,9 16,3 140F0004 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 12 m 40,0
14,2 13,6 13,0 12,5 12,0 11,6 25 24 23 22 21 20 140F0005 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 15 m 26,1
19,0 18,1 17,3 16,6 16,0 15,5 33 31 30 29 28 27 140F0006 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 20 m 14,7
24 23 22 21 20 19 41 39 38 36 35 34 140F0007 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 25 m 9,40
29 27 26 25 24 23 50 47 45 44 42 41 140F0008 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 30 m 6,50
33 32 30 29 28 27 58 55 53 51 49 47 140F0009 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 35 m 4,80
38 36 35 33 32 31 66 63 60 58 56 54 140F0010 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 40 m 3,67
47 45 43 42 40 39 83 79 75 72 70 67 140F0011 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 50 m 2,35
57 54 52 50 48 47 99 94 90 87 84 81 140F0012 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 60 m 1,63
66 63 61 58 56 54 115 110 105 101 98 94 140F0013 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 70 m 1,20
76 72 69 67 64 62 132 126 121 116 112 108 140F0014 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 80 m 0,918
85 81 78 75 72 70 149 142 136 130 126 121 140F0015 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 90 m 0,725
95 90 87 83 80 77 165 157 151 145 139 135 140F0016 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 100 m 0,588
104 100 95 92 88 85 182 173 166 159 154 148 140F0017 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 110 m 0,485
114 109 104 100 96 93 198 189 181 174 167 162 140F0018 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 120 m 0,408
123 118 113 108 104 101 214 204 196 188 181 175 140F0019 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 130 m 0,348
133 127 121 116 112 108 231 220 211 203 195 189 140F0020 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 140 m 0,300
142 136 130 125 120 116 248 236 226 217 209 202 140F0021 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 150 m 0,261
148 142 136 130 125 121 258 246 236 226 218 211 140F0022 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 157 m 0,240
159 151 145 139 134 130 276 263 252 242 233 225 140F0023 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 167 m 0,210
178 170 162 156 150 145 310 295 283 271 262 253 140F0024 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 187 m 0,167
199 190 182 175 169 163 347 331 317 304 293 283 140F0025 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 210 m 0,133
207 198 189 182 175 169 361 344 329 316 305 294 140F0026 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 219 m 0,123
228 217 208 200 192 186 396 378 362 347 335 323 140F0027 DEVIaqua™ 9T, 230 V, 240 m 0,102
*Notice: Some cables have high output and correct size of power cold lead should be chosen according to local norms and regulations.
Normally do not allowed more than 10 A for a 1,5 mm² cold lead, and more than 16 A for a 2,5 mm² cold lead.
Produced by Danfoss ©
Reference data for Special Order
Item. no. Description Ohm/m