Danfoss Coolselector 2 User guide

User guide for Coolselector®2. Not for use as a design guide. Always remember that selection software is only as good as the person using it.
2019-06-04 | Version 1.03
1 Installing Coolselector®2 ............................................................................................................... 3
2 Check for latest version................................................................................................................. 3
3 Country and language settings ..................................................................................................... 4
4 How to find out what is new in Coolselector®2 ............................................................................ 5
5 Basic component selection ........................................................................................................... 6
6 Changing the refrigerant ............................................................................................................... 8
7 Description of operating conditions ............................................................................................. 9
8 Different screen segments .......................................................................................................... 10
9 Check the calculations details ..................................................................................................... 11
10 Adding a new tab ...................................................................................................................... 12
11 Saving your project ................................................................................................................... 13
12 Loading a saved project ............................................................................................................ 13
13 Selection of components in series ............................................................................................ 14
14 Compressor selection................................................................................................................ 18
15 Understanding superheat ......................................................................................................... 20
16 Electronic controller selection .................................................................................................. 21
17 Creating a report ....................................................................................................................... 22
18 Selecting a code number ........................................................................................................... 25
19 Bill of materials ......................................................................................................................... 27
20 Customization – units and conversions .................................................................................... 29
21 Customization – change application ......................................................................................... 30
22 Customization – columns in selection table ............................................................................. 31
23 Customization – user interface ................................................................................................. 32
24 Customization - preferences ..................................................................................................... 35
25 Advanced settings – calculation and selection criteria ............................................................. 38
26 Advanced settings – custom unit system.................................................................................. 40
1 Installing Coolselector®2
In order to get Coolselector®2 up and running, if you have not done so already, you can download and install Coolselector®2 from http://coolselector.danfoss.com.
Coolselector®2 is free to use and runs on all Windows PCs. If you are running a mac or other non-Windows PC, you can access Coolselector®2 online from
2 Check for latest version
Before you start using the standard PC version of Coolselector®2, please make sure you have the latest version, by going to the “About | Updates” menu:
Once you see the Updates screen, click on the “Check for new version” button:
Note that, if you cannot update automatically (i.e. due to your company policies), it is possible to subscribe to an email service which will notify you whenever a new version is released.
Once you have clicked the button, Coolselector®2 will notify you if there is a newer version available. If that is the case, you can install the new version directly from the prompt.
3 Country and language settings
Before first use, please also ensure you have set the country and language based on your preferences.
You can set the preferences for country and language in “Options | User, Language, Country” menu:
As an example, you can change your country to ‘USA’ as in the following example; From the drop down, set your country to ‘United States’ and click OK:
When you change your country to USA, you will see that the available components in “Valves
and Line Components” have changed. You will no longer be able to select “Safety relief valves” – the reason being that Danfoss does not sell safety valves for the US market (this might change in the future).
The important thing to note here is that Coolselector®2 will use your country setting to display as relevant as possible information to you (this is even more pronounced for condensing units, where each unit has a specific sales region).
On the next page, you will find some examples of this:
1. Country = Denmark (or any other EU country as an example):
2. Country = United States:
Do not forget to change the settings back to your preferred ones (i.e. your own country).
4 How to find out what is new in Coolselector®2
To see the latest changes in Coolselector®2, go to the “About | About Coolselector2” menu and click the <Changelog> button:
Also, check out the “About | News” menu item for new product releases.
5 Basic component selection
In the following part of this user guide, we will go through creating a project in which we try selection and calculation for a few components in a very simplified refrigeration cycle as it can be seen in the following graph and properties snippet. We will also discuss how to customize the project with your own name, how to get bill of materials and how to generate a report for this project. Make sure your preferences choice is set to “’all applications in “Options | Preferences | All applications” (refer to chapter 21 if in doubt how you do this).
System Properties 1
Speed 12±3 m/s
Refrigerant R404A
Copper DIN-EN 10 m
Speed 0,9±0,2 m/s
Copper DIN-EN 1 m
Speed 15±3 m/s
Load 80%
Cycle Diagram 1
For the following explanations on basic component selection, we will use the information in System Properties 1 and Cycle Diagram 1 above.
First, and to give you an overview of the Valves and Line Components part of Coolselector®2, we will start by selecting a DCA-DA burnout filter for the suction line in a dry system with the default operating conditions.
To do this, open Coolselector®2. Upon doing so, you will find that the program starts on the tab
for ‘Valves and Line Components’. From this screen, among the different component
functionalities, we will choose “Burnout filters”.
Coolselector®2 creates a dry system by default, and we then select the suction line and then click on the DCR-DA in the product families. You will see the list of valid products and the best
one matching the selection criteria as depicted in the snippet below:
Here you can also see the other parameters for the filter in the table, such as acid capacity, as well as the pressure-drop as a function of changing the cooling capacity and keeping the other parameters constant.
6 Changing the refrigerant
Coolselector®2 also allows you to change the refrigerant during product selection.
In our previous example we selected a DCR-DA using the standard settings (the default refrigerant for DCR-DA is R134a). Now, let us try to change this to R404A.
Change the refrigerant by choosing R404A in the drop down ‘Refrigerant’ on the left-hand side:
You may notice, that when you change the refrigerant, Coolselector®2 asks for a confirmation, as this change means you are creating a new selection procedure.
By clicking Yes, a new selection will be made.
Please note that the ‘evaporation temperature’ and ‘condenser temperature’ are now changed to ‘dew point temperature’. This is due to the fact that R404A is a glide-refrigerant and hence
there is reference required for the evaporator and condenser temperatures.
The current suggestion from Coolselector®2 for a best match to the operating conditions is “DCR
0967-DA”, which is different from the suggestion made by the exact same properties in the system running with R134a; this is of course due to the different properties of the two refrigerants.
7 Description of operating conditions
Using our examples with selection of a DCR-DA using the standard Coolselector®2 settings, but with refrigerant R404A, we now try to adjust the cooling capacity, and dew point temperatures for evaporation and condensation, respectively.
Increasing the capacity would increase the mass flow in line and hence the speed in the component which results in a larger component. Decreasing the evaporation temperature increases the mass flow-rate as the cycle COP would be lower. Decreasing the condensation temperature has the opposite effect, which is the cause of the changes in the suggestion.
Changing the system properties as shown in the snippet above, means that Coolselector®2 now suggests the “DCR 0489-DA” as the best match instead of the previous “DCR 0967-DA”.
These are merely some examples to show you that the Coolselector®2 suggestion can change and is easily affected by even small changes to the system properties.
8 Different screen segments
In the calculation and selection interface of Coolselector®2, you will find that the screen is separated in to five different segments:
1. Segment “1” is dedicated to the application criteria for your selection. These criteria
include, but are not exclusive to, system type, line, refrigerant, connection type, and product family.
2. Segment “2” is where you insert your system operating conditions, such as cooling
capacity, evaporation and condensation temperature, and useful superheat. These operating conditions have significant impact on the calculations and a lack of due care when filling them in might lead to inapplicable results. Whereas great care has been taken to set meaningful default conditions, there is no guarantee that these will mirror the operating conditions for your system design.
3. Segment “3” is dedicated to the product selection criteria for the suggestion to be made
in the next segment based on your inputs in functionality criteria and operating conditions segments.
4. In segment “4” you will find the selection table. In this area you will see the options
matching the functionality criteria and operating conditions that you specified in the selected family. For each calculation, Coolselector®2 has a ‘suggestion’ which remains highlighted in green based on your input in the product selection criteria input. The selection table also includes some of the most relevant information for the product.
5. In segment “5”, you will find the performance details and information about the chosen
product from the previous segment. This information updates as you choose other products from the list.
9 Check the calculations details
After making any calculation and/or selection within Coolselector®2, you can click on the
“performance details” tab, and check the system diagram calculations, system details and the
performance of the selected product from the list in the corresponding tabs.
System diagram and different points calculations:
System calculation details:
+ 30 hidden pages