Installation Guide
Connecting Danfoss Composite Pipes to FHF Manifold
1 Connecting Danfoss Composite Pipes to FHF Manifold
Fig. 1: Before connecting the heating circuit to manifold cleanly
cut off FH composite pipe in the correct length.
Fig. 3: Slip compression fitting nut over FH composite pipe and
push down fitting insert (Eurocone) until it meets end stops.
Fig. 2: Centre pipe and bevel with bevelling tool - 2 mm all
round bevel on inner pipe.
Fig. 4: Tighten compression fitting nut with a 30 mm open
ended spanner.
Fig. 5: Shut off main supply and return ball valves. Heating
circuits are individually flushed via fill and drain valves
mounted on respectively supply and return manifold.
Danfoss Heating Solutions VICSG202
Fig. 6: Label the individual heating circuits. Carry out pressure
test in accordance with the pressure test protocol.

Installation Guide Connecting Danfoss Composite Pipes to FHF Manifold
Fig. 7: Open ball valves and all flow meters completely. Fig. 8: Preset manifold valve for each heating circuit according
to calculations and manifold data sheet.
Fig. 9: Fix actuator to valve with a 2 mm Allen key and connect
actuator and room thermostats via wiring centre or master
Danfoss A/S
Heating Solutions
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8600 Silkeborg
Phone:+45 7488 8000
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Email: ComfortControlsInternet@danfoss.com
Fig. 10: Finally, fit cabinet door.
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VICSG202 Produced by Danfoss Heating Solutions © 11/2010