Danfoss BCP1H, BCP4H, BCP5H, BCP3H, BCP2H Installation Manual

17 - 888.20
17 - 904.30
Installation guide
© Danfoss | DCS (az) | 2017.11 IC.PI.P10.K8.53 / 520B8307 1
Mounting accessories
min. 20 mm
permissible torque
50/60 Ncm
2 IC.PI.P10.K8.53 / 520B8307 © Danfoss | DCS (az) | 2017.11
Technical data
BCP pressure controller with auto reset (fig.1) BCP pressure limiter with manual reset (fig.2)
Typ e Range
Max. work ing
Controller Min. limiter Max. limiter
BCP 01 0.03 – 0.3 0.4
BCP1 0.1 – 1.1 6 BCP2 BCP2L BCP2H 0 – 2. 5 10 BCP3 BCP3L BCP3H 0 – 6.0 16 BCP4 BCP4L BCP4H 1 – 10 25 BCP5 BCP5L BCP5H 2 – 16 32
5 – 25 40
10 – 40 63
Max. test pressure: 1.1 × MWP Min. test pressure: 1 bar Media: steam, water, air Max. allowable vacuum: 0.5 bar (BCP1 type only) Max. media temperature: max. 120 °C Ambient temperature: -20 − 70 °C
Enclosure: IP65 Pressure connection: G ½A Action type according to EN 60730: Type BCP 2B Type BCPL/ BCPH 2BD
If the sy stem pressure e xceeds MWP then ac curacy of the sw itch
setti ng can be lost.
Pressure switches with double bellows
For BCP01 type: -10 – 70 °C
In order to prevent malfunction of the pressure switch, the installation must be carried out acc. to the below description. The cover of BCP should never be dismounted. This is not necessary neither for installation nor for use of the switch. The plug should be mounted after installation of the pressure switch. Mount the pressure switch directly on the pipe. Always use a wrench. (fig.3). Damp strong pressure pulsations. A damping loop will often be sufficient. Insert a water filled loop as a temperature barrier - for example a 10 mm copper tube - if there is a risk of the pressure connection to the switch becoming heated to more than 120 °C.
Steam boilers:
Connecting pipes for the limiter should be connected to the steam space of the boiler and if necessary, the limiter shall be protected against the steam temperature by a water seal. If isolating valve is fitted on the connection pipe, the valve must be fitted with a position locking device.
Fully flooded hot water generators:
The limiter should be connected to the supply pipe before the first shut-off valve. The limiter body should be installed vertically so that dirt does not enter the limiter. If there is the possibility of sludge build-up in the connection pipe it should be possible to purge the pipe. Such purging must not remove the water seal or introduce dirt into the water seal. In addidition, the connection pipe and its boiler connection must be designed for cleaning and inspection and have a clear bore of at least:
1. Where pipe supplies only the limiter: ø8 mm - if pipe is less than 1m long ø15 mm - if pipe is more than 1 m long
2. Where pipe supplies the limiter in addition to other limiters: ø20 mm - for all lengths of pipes.
Functional testing of the limiter
Since the pressure limiter has no internal possibility for functional testing, there has to be a provision made for functional testing of the device at the boiler site. The result of the test must be clearly visible to the boiler operator. The test function should not decrease the boiler safety or lead the pressure limiter to become inoperable e.g. by possible permanent override.
Electrical connection: Plug DIN 43650, Pg 11 (fig. 4)
Contact load
Type A contact s gold plate d silver
Type B contact s silver-cadium oxide
When used a s gold contacts: Min. 1 mA, 5 V Max. 100 mA , 30 V
When used a s silver contact s
Max: AC-1: 6 A, 2 50 V
AC-15: 1 A, 250 V
DC 13 10 W, 250 V
Min. 500 mA , 250 V Max: AC-1: 10 A, 250 V
AC-15: 2 A, 250 V
DC 13 50 W, 250 V
If used with current higher than 100 mA and voltage higher than 30 V the gold
layer will be burned away and the unit can not be use d as gold again.
AC-1 Ohmic load, cosφ 1.
AC-15 induc tive load like coil
and contac tors with cosφ 0.3.
DC 13 Direct current load.
Using the appliance in other than described AC-1, AC-3, AC-15 or DC-13 modes, may not be as a limiter.
Short circuit protection
The BCP contact system and any co-operated external contactors or relays should, against the effects of short circuits, be over­current protected with 0.6 safety factor. It means that the nominal current of the device, as stated by the manufacturer, is to be multiplied by a safety factor of 0.6.
Rated load for AC-15 is 2A. Safety factor is 0,6 in consequence: fuse = 2A x 0,6 = 1,2A or less.
Expected electrical life time:
Min. 250.000 cycles under full contact load.
- Do not adjust pointers beyond the highest or lowest indicator marks on the scale plate, as this may cause inaccurate switch operation.
- Do not apply torque greater than 50 Ncm as it can damage the pointers.
- The scale plate is only for reference and for more precise setting a pressure gauge should be used.
- Low Switching Point must be above absolute vacuum! If the differential is set too high on the controller then it will not switch.
Pressure controller
Scale plate directly indicates High Switching Point (HSP) and Differential.
1. Set High Switching Point (HSP) by adjusting range screw (fig. 7)
2. Then set Differential by adjusting differential screw (fig. 8)
3. Low Switching Point (LSP) is equal to High Switching Point (HSP) less Differential: LOW = HIGH − DIFFERENTIAL
© Danfoss | DCS (az) | 2017.11 IC.PI.P10.K8.53 / 520B8307 3
Low pressure limiter
Scale plate directly indicates Low Switching Point. There is no pointer for Differential. Differential value is fixed and printed on the scale plate.
1. Set Low Switching Point by adjusting range screw (fig. 7)
2. High Switching Point is equal to Low Switching Point plus Differential:
High pressure limiter
Scale plate directly indicates High Switching Point. There is no pointer for Differential. Differential value is fixed and printed on the scale plate.
1. Set High Switching Point by adjusting range screw (fig. 7)
2. Low Switching Point is equal to High Switching Point less Differential:
Protection for settings
The protective cap on adjustment screws may be used to lock and seal the settings (fig. 6)
Manual reset
For resetting use the screwdriver (Fig. 5) Manual reset is possible to operate only after return of pressure to cut-in level. Before releasing the reset, the cause of the shutdown must be found and eliminated.
BCP pressure controller with auto reset as a limiting device
Since the pressure controller BCP has no lockout with manual resetting, this function must be realized externally as a part of a safety logic e.g. by external contactors and/or relays which then are to be used according to the requirements of prEN50156-1 standard for safety relevant hardware.
External closure must not be interlocked, while loss of auxiliary energy must lead to a closure. Resetting must not be automated; it has to be performed manually. Resetting on fault must lead to a repeated closure. When BCP limits, for rising or falling application, the external safety logic must change to the fail safe position.
Endurance of any external contactors and relays must be according to EN12952-11, which means 250000 switching cycles under conditions similar to operating conditions and be capable of a mechanical life time of 2 000 000 switching cycles. Conditions similar to operating conditions include chemical and climatic influences as well as electrical and mechanical stresses. In addition, contactors must fulfil EN60947 and relays must fulfil EN60255.
BCP with double bellows
BCP6, BCP6H, BCP7, and BCP7H have a double bellows; an outer bellows and a regulating (inner) bellows. When system pressure exceeds the set value, the BCP will automatically stop the plant. The double bellows system prevents loss of media in the event of bellows rupture. A rupture in the inner bellows will cause the switch cut-out pressure to fall about 3 times less the set value, thus the system will stop. A rupture in the outer bellows will cause the switch cut-out pressure to fall to about 3 bar under the set value, thus providing a fail-safe function.
Safety requirements
• Internal rules and legislation current in the country concerned with respect to health and safety at work must be observed
• For safety reasons, the installation of pressure switches must be carried out only by qualified staff, trained in all technical aspects of their operation,
• Before installation the pipes must be depressurised and purged (empty of its fluid) in order to avoid any danger to the operator,
• It is essential to isolate the power supply before wiring connections are made to avoid possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Never touch live parts with your fingers or with any tool,
• DIN plug supplied by Danfoss and cable approved for the application must be used. The cable must be connected with adequate stress relief in order to prevent that pulling forces can be carried through the cable to the plug.
Before putting pressure switch into operation, check that:
• The working conditions are compatible with the details given in the product label and this instruction notice,
• All electrical connections have been properly made,
• Installation is tight after assembly.
• This notice must be available on site where pressure switches are installed,
• Internal rules and legislation current in the country concerned with respect to health and safety at work must be observed
• Personnel carrying out any intervention on the pressure switch must be qualified for the task,
• The pressure switch should be checked regularly to see if it operates properly,
• The BCP cover must not be removed under any circumstances
• Any overload of the pressure switch must be prevented. Overloaded or damaged switch must be exchanged.
• It is essential to disconnect the plug before dismounting the switch from the system,
• All operations must be performed using suitable tools
• It is the responsibility of the user to check that there is no leakage after a faulty operation or on a periodic basis under normal conditions,
• Only pressure switches designed, constructed and released by Danfoss must be used for the applicaiton concerned. Danfoss can accept no responsibility in case of alterations made on the pressure switches or the use of them against the instructions of Danfoss,
• Danfoss is not responsible for any damage which may be caused by the use of parts, accessories or switches which are not original Danfoss parts.
4 IC.PI.P10.K8.53 / 520B8307 © Danfoss | DCS (az) | 2017.11
Tekniske data
BCP Pressostat med automatisk reset (fig.1) BCP Trykbegrænser med manuel reset (fig.2)
Typ e Område
BCP 01 0.03 til 0.3 0.4
BCP1 0.1 t il 1.1 6 BCP2 BCP2L BCP2H 0 til 2.5 10 BCP3 BCP3L BCP3H 0 til 6.0 16 BCP4 BCP4L BCP4H 1 til 10 25 BCP5 BCP5L BCP5H 2 til 16 32
5 til 25 40
10 til 40 63
Maks. prøvetryk: 1.1 × MWP Min. prøvetryk: 1 bar Medie: damp, vand, luft Maks. tilladte vakuum: 0,5 bar (BCP1 type kun) Maks. medietemperatur: maks. 120 °C Omgivelsestemperatur: -20 til 70 °C
Kapsling: IP 65 Tryktilslutning: G ½A Handlingstype i.h.t. EN 60730: Type BCP 2B Type BCPL/ BCPH 2BD
Hvis systemtrykket overstiger MWP, kan kontrolindstillingens
nøjagtighed gå tabt.
Pressostat med dobbeltbælg
Til BCP01 typ e: -10 – 70 °C
Installationen skal udføres i overensstemmelse med nedenstående beskrivelse for at forhindre funktionsfejl på pressostaten. BCPs beskyttelseshætte må aldrig afmonteres. Dette er ikke nødvendigt. Hverken ved installation eller ved anvendelse af pressostaten. Stikket skal monteres efter installation af pressostaten. Monter pressostaten direkte på røret. Anvend altid en skruenøgle. (fig.3). Dæmp stærke trykpulsationer. En dæmpesløjfe vil ofte være til-trækkelig. Indsæt en vandfyldt rør søjle som en temperaturbarriere - f.eks. et 10 mm kobberrør - hvis der er risiko for, at tryktilslutningen til pressostaten kan blive varmere end 120 °C.
Tilslutningsrørene til begrænseren bør tilsluttes damprummet i kedlen og, hvis det er nødvendigt, skal pressostaten beskyttes mod damptemperaturen med en vandlås. Hvis der monteres en ventil på forbindelsesrøret, skal den monteres med en positionslå­seanordning.
Oversvømmet varmtvandsgenerator:
Begrænseren skal tilsluttes forsyningsrøret før den første afspær­ringsventil. Pressostaten skal monteres lodret, så der ikke kommer snavs ind i denne. Hvis der kan opstå slamophobning i tilslutning­srøret, skal det være muligt at rense røret. Ved rensning skal det sikres at vandlåsen bevares og at der ikke kommer snavs i denne.
Desuden skal tilslutningsrøret og den tilhørende kedeltilslutning være udviklet til rensning og eftersyn og have en klar lysning på mindst:
1. Hvor røret kun forsyner pressostaten: ø8 mm - hvis røret er kortere end 1 m ø15 mm - hvis røret er længere end 1 m
2. Hvor røret forsyner pressostaten såvel som andre pressostater ø20 mm - for alle rørlængder
Funktionstest af pressostaten
Da trykbegrænseren ikke har nogen indbygget mulighed for funktionstest, skal der laves en mulighed for funktionstest af enheden ved kedlen. Testresultatet skal være tydeligt synligt for kedelbrugeren, testfunktionen bør ikke reducere kedelsikkerheden eller forårsage, at trykbegrænseren bliver ikke-funktionel f.eks., ved mulig permanent tilsidesættelse.
Elektrisk tilslutning: Stik DIN 43650, Pg 11 (fig. 4)
Type A kontak ter Au belagte A g
Type B kontak ter Sølv (AgCdO)
Anvendt som guldkon­takter Min. 1 mA, 5 V Maks. 100 m A, 30 V
Anvendt som sølvkon­takter
Maks: AC-1: 6 A, 2 50 V
AC-15: 1 A, 250 V
DC 13 10 W, 250 V
Min. 500 mA , 250 V Maks: AC-1: 10 A, 250 V
AC-15: 2 A, 250 V
DC 13 50 W, 250 V
Ved anvendelse under strøm højere end 100 mA og en spænding over 30 V,
forsvin der guldet og enheden kan ikke længere anvendes.
AC-1 ohmsk belastning, cosφ 1.
AC-15 induk tiv last som spoler og kontakter me d cosφ 0.3.
DC 13 Jævnstrømslast.
Hvis apparatet anvendes på en anden måde end de beskrevne AC-1, AC-3, AC-15 eller DC-13 tilstande, må det ikke være i egenskab af en begrænser.
BCP kontaktsystemet og alle samarbejdende eksterne kontaktorer eller relæer skal være overstrømsbeskyttet mod kortslutninger med en sikkerhedsfaktor på 0.6. Det betyder, at apparatets normale strømstyrke, som angivet af producenten, skal ganges med en sikkerhedsfaktor på 0.6.
Den nominelle belastning for AC15 er 2A. Sikkerhedsfaktor er 0.6, hvilket betyder: sikring = 2A x 0.6 = 1.2A eller mindre.
Forvendet elektrisk levetid
MIN. 250.000 koblinger ved fuld kontaktbelastning.
- Juster ikke visere ud over de højeste eller laveste indikatormar­ keringer på skalapladen, da dette kan resultere i upræcise styrefunktioner.
- Anvend ikke et moment højere end 50 Ncm, da dette kan skade viserne.
- Skalapladen er kun til reference. Der bør anvendes et mano­ meter for at opnå præcis indstilling.
- Lavt omskiftepunkt skal være over absolut vakuum! Hvis forskellen er indstillet for højt på pressostaten, vil den ikke omkoble.
Skalapladen angiver direkte det høje omskiftepunkt (HSP=High Switching Point) og differens:
1. Indstil det høje omkoblingspunkt (HSP=High Switching Point) ved at justere indstillingsskrue (fig. 7).
2. Indstil derefter differensen ved at justere på differensskruen. (fig. 8).
3. Det lave omskiftningspunkt (LSP=Low Switching Point) er lig med det høje omskiftningspunkt minus den indstillede differens.
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