Data Sheet
Service kit
Type B0 - B62
Thermostat for refrigerators and freezers.
Electromechanical thermostat 077B is used to
control the temperature in refrigerators,
upright and chest freezers, liquid coolers, bottle
coolers and small commercial refrigeration
appliances. The thermostat can be used as an
evaporator thermostat or a room thermostat.
The thermostats are available with normal
function, xed cut-in and cut-out temperature,
constant or variable cut-in temperature for
automatic defrost, and with a push button for
semi-automatic defrost.
All thermostats have NC (Normally closed) main
contacts; i.e. they cut out the compressor
current circuit on decreasing temperature.
077B thermostats are available as a standard
thermostat range, as a service kit range and as
customer specied versions adapted to specic
Service kit thermostats are created with
specications and accessories that allow
universal application in the aftermarket, for
thermostat servicing on all types of
refrigeration and freezing appliances.
Service kit thermostats have a wider regulating
range than standard thermostats, and have
dierentials that ensure sucient standstill to
protect the compressor. They enable servicing
on all refrigerating and freezing appliances
independent of the make of thermostats, and
are contained in practical boxes complete with
electrical diagram and drawings of contents.

See Ordering for individual code no.
In range from ~-30 – 15 °C in steps of 0.1 °C
See Ordering for individual code no.
In range from ~-23 – 20 °C in steps of 0.1 °C
See Ordering for individual code no.
In range from ~-40 – 39 °C in steps of 0.1 °C
See Ordering for individual code no.
In range from ~-33 – 12 °C in steps of 0.1 °C
0.6 m
0.9 m
1.0 m
1.2 m
1.3 m
1.6 m
2.0 m
2.3 m
4.8 x 0.8 mm All
6.3 – 4.8 x 0.8 Mix
6.3 x 0.8 mm All
4.8 x 0.8 mm All
6.3 – 4.8 x 0.8 Mix
6.3 x 0.8 mm All
Terminal 4 single
Barometric pressure setting
Includes mounting accessories
Individually packed with instructions
Service kit, type B0 - B62
• Product identication data laser printed on product
⁃ Easy and lasting product identication.
• NC (Normally Closed) main contacts.
⁃ Cut-out of compressor on falling temperatures.
• Terminals with spade connectors 6.3 x 0.8 mm, 4.8 x 0.8 mm or combinations.
⁃ Fits into the majority of household and light commercial refrigerators and freezers.
• Electrical loads of 6/36 A or 8/40 A (FLA/LRA), designed for a minimum of 300.000 cycles at full load.
⁃ Reliable and lasting switching function.
• Service thermostat code no. delivered in Multipack
⁃ Service thermostats include relevant accessories and installation guides.
The complete 077B portfolio is very large, but the majority of 077B products are produced to order, as specied by
manufacturers of refrigeration appliances. This data sheet covers the aftermarket version of the 077B thermostats,
i.e. thermostats designed to replace made to order versions in an appliance service situation.
The primary dierences between made to order versions and service thermostats can be summarized as follows.
Table 1: 077B portfolio summary
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Middle Cold
Warm Middle Cold
Service kit, type B0 - B62
Thermostat function
The thermostat regulates by cutting o or cutting in current to the compressor. Depending on the temperature
registered by the thermostat sensor, the thermostat controls the compressor by powering it (cut-in) or depowering
it (cut-o). The thermostat can be used either as an evaporator thermostat or a room thermostat.
All normal function thermostats have a cut-out temperature range and a cut-in temperature range. The dierential
is dened as the dierence between cut-in and cut-out temperatures. However, the temperature settings of xed
function thermostats are non-adjustable.
Figure 1: Cut-in, cut-out and dierential for normal
On thermostats with constant cut-in temperature, B6 type, the terms “dierential” and “cut-in temperature range”
do not apply. The only relevant terms are “cut-out temperature range” and “temperature interval”.
Figure 2: Cut-out and temperature interval for
thermostats with constant cut-in temperature
Function and operation mode
The description covers the 077B types used as Service thermostats. Function and operation modes for the entire
portfolio are described in the data sheet "Thermostats for refrigerators and freezers, 077B"
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Warm Middle Cold
Without extra functionality
With auxiliary contact
Cant be used in combination with Low
torque cam.
Warm Middle Cold
With signal contact that cuts in on rising
With signal contact, cutting out on rising
Service kit, type B0 - B62
Table 2: Function and operation mode B0 and B02 versions
Table 3: Function and operation mode B20 and B3 versions
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